Download Selenium Tutorial Day 7-2

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Portnov Computer School
Test Automation For Web-Based Applications
Ellie Skobel
Day 7
Python Modules
and Functions
Keyword def introduces a function definition
Function name must start with a letter or _
and it's followed by the parenthesized list of
formal parameters.
Body of the function start at the next line, and
must be indented.
def function_name(param1, param2):
sum = int(param1) + int(param2)
if sum % 2:
print sum, ' is an even number'
return sum
To use the function in your code:
function_name(3, 5)
sum is an even number
function_name(2, 3)
nothing printed
Possible to define functions with a variable
number of parameters (a.k.a arguments)
 Default Argument Values
◦ function can be called with fewer arguments than it
is defined to accept
Keyword Arguments
◦ functions can be called using form kwarg=value
Arbitrary Argument Lists
◦ function can be called with an any (infinite) number
of arguments
name argument
is required
age argument
is optional
False is a
default value
def register(name, age=None, married=False):
print "Welcome", name.title()
if age and int(age) > 20:
print "You don't look a day over", int(age)–2
if married:
print "Your spouse is very lucky!"
register("Jane", 21)
register("Amy", married=True)
register("Bob", 55, True)
register("Ken", age=12,
married = False)
name argument
is required
argument form:
key = value
infinite number of
optional arguments
def register(name, **kwargs):
print "Welcome", name.title()
for key in kwargs.keys():
print key, ":", kwargs[key]
register("Jane", age=21)
register("Amy", married=True, gender="female")
register("Jeff", height="6'1", weight=175, children=None)
name argument
is required
age argument
is optional
infinite number of
optional arguments
def register(name, age=18, *args):
If more that 1
print "Welcome", name.title()
argument given, 2nd
if age < 18:
one will always be
print "You are underage"
assigned to age
for num, arg in enumerate(args):
print "Argument #{0} is {1}".format(num, arg)
register("Jeff", 21, None)
register("Amy", 20, 30, 40, 50, 60)
register("Steve", None, 42, "Hello")
A module is a file containing Python
definitions and statements
The file name is the module name with the
suffix .py appended
Module name is:
Python statement
Python function
Packages are directories which contain python files
Packages are a way of structuring modules
The files are required to make Python
treat the directories as packages
python package
named: functions
contains file:
regular directory,
NOT a package