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Hypertension: Elderly
Reference # 242
Hypertension: Elderly
Key Highlights from the Recommended Guideline
Age is no barrier to the benefits of blood pressure control.
Scope: Health professionals involved in the care of seniors
What aspects of hypertension management apply specifically to older
Treat hypertension even among patients over 80 years old. [Level of Evidence: M, RA]
Set treatment targets according to systolic blood pressure, not diastolic or pulse pressure
since most older patients have isolated systolic hypertension. [Level of Evidence: M,
PR, X]
Use the same treatment algorithms, although initial dosages may be smaller. [Level of
Evidence: Not stated] [See GAC Summary Hypertension: Pharmacologic Management]
Recommend weight loss and reduction of daily sodium intake to 80 mmol (2.0 g) as these
are very beneficial in the elderly. [Level of Evidence: RA]
Titrate medications slowly for patients with wide variations in blood pressure or orthostatic
hypotension. [Level of Evidence: Not stated]
Consider the diagnosis of pseudohypertension (due to stiffened or calcified arteries) if the
patient does not respond to treatment. [Level of Evidence: C]
Levels of Evidence
The levels of evidence used to grade the recommendations in this guideline are as follows:
Level M
Level RA
Level RE
Level F
Level X
Level PR
Level C
Meta-analysis; use of statistical methods to combine the results from clinical trials
Randomized controlled trials; also known as experimental studies
Retrospective analyses; also known as case-control studies
Prospective study; also known as cohort studies, including historical or prospective
follow-up studies
Cross-sectional surveys; also known as prevalence studies
Previous review or position statements
Clinical interventions (nonrandomized)
ension: Elderly
Reference # 242
The above recommendations were derived from the following GAC endorsed
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2003, May). The seventh report of the Joint National
Committee on prevention, detection, evaluation and treatment of high blood pressure: The
complete report. Retrieved November 20, 2007 from:
Rating (out of 4):
Endorsed Date: September 2005
Planned Review Date: September 2008
Ontario Guidelines Advisory Committee
500 University Ave., Suite 650,
Toronto, ON M5G 1V7
Telephone: 1-888-512-8173
Fax: 416-971-2462
Email: [email protected]