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Fire Marshals
The University has in place a Fire Marshal Scheme where staff members,
nominated as Fire Marshals will act, in an emergency evacuation
condition, to assist University Security staff to ensure that the evacuation
proceeds effectively and safely. The operation of the scheme and duties
associated with the Fire Marshal role are highlighted below.
Persons nominated as Fire Marshals will respond to an activation of the
Fire Alarm in their designated area and carry out their duties as outlined
The Procedures indicate 3 main duties:
1. Direct staff, students and visitors to nearest exit and assembly
o Provide assistance to any disabled persons as appropriate
o Once out of the building, instruct persons leaving to move to
the assembly points well away from the building and do not
allow anybody to return until directed
2. Conduct a sweep of the area of responsibility while directing all
persons to leave the area of immediate risk immediately
3. Report status of area of responsibility
Fire Marshals are to report the following information to the
Incident Control Point
o area clear or details of persons remaining including
disabled persons who may be waiting for assistance in
refuge areas
o number, location and type of casualties
o requirement for first aid or emergency services
Appendix 6.1
Emergency Evacuation Procedures for Security Personnel
and Fire Marshals.
On becoming aware of a fire or the likelihood of a fire the following
procedures should be followed:
Confirm the existence of fire
Security Staff
Immediate Action by Security Staff on
Notification of an Incident
Proceed immediately to the scene
Assess the situation.
If necessary consult with the Service
Coordinator on action to be taken.
Inform Security control of situation and
Evacuate if fire is confirmed by setting
off the fire alarm if not already
Fight the fire only if safe and trained to
do so
Incident Control
Security Control Room
(Security Staff)
Sound all necessary, additional alarms
Ensure that outside telephone
lines/emergency lines are immediately
available to the exclusion of all other
Call Emergency services and FSM
Receive calls from disabled occupants
requiring assistance
Keep an accurate record of all actions
and times
Monitor evacuation and re-entry using
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Person discovering
fire/Security Staff
Incident Management
Ensure that Emergency Services are
Establish an Incident Control Point
dependant on the location of the
incident. The Incident Control Point
will be located at the Fire Assembly
point for the area being evacuated
Ensure FSM is informed if not already
Assess the extent of the problem and
the degree of evacuation necessary.
Direct such evacuation, making full
use of available Security, Portering
Staff and Fire Marshals
Ensure that resources are directed to
assist in the evacuation of disabled
people if required
(may include sufficiently trained
Security, Portering Staff, Fire Marshals
and other staff designated to assist in
evacuation of specific persons with
Ensure that all medical resources
(ambulance/first aid) are alerted and
deployed as necessary
If the emergency is in the residences
ensure that Residential Services are
informed immediately
If appropriate, consideration should be
given to traffic control. Use contract
car parking staff if necessary
Keep an accurate record of all actions
and times to enable a detailed report
to be completed as soon after the
event as is practicable
If the situation requires, the Major
Incident Plan may need to be initiated
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Services Manager
Arrival and Liaison with Emergency
Ensure guide(s) are positioned at
entrance(s) to direct the emergency
(Use available Security or portering
Ensure following information is
Location of incident
Status of evacuation including
actions taken to evacuate
disabled people if present.
Number and location of casualties
Dangerous substances or
processes if present.
Assist the Emergency services as
directed by them
On Completion of the Incident
Confirm with all emergency services
incident complete and re-entry is
Prior to re-entry ensure access is
denied to any areas as directed by the
emergency services
(Use available Security/Portering staff)
Re-entry Into Buildings
Service Coordinator/
Facilities Services
Organise and manage re-entry into
those areas permissible
Notify completion of incident to all
assembly points
Utilise Security, Porters and Fire
Marshalls to ensure a phased safe reentry into evacuated areas
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Service Coordinator/
Facilities Services
Service Coordinator/
Facilities Services
Persons nominated as Fire Marshals will respond to an activation of the
Fire Alarm in their designated area and carry out their duties as outlined
in this procedure
Conduct a sweep of the area of
Fire Marshals
responsibility while directing all
persons to leave the area of immediate
risk immediately
Direct staff, students and visitors to
nearest exit and assembly point(s)
Provide assistance to any disabled
persons as appropriate
(Fire Marshals may require training if
indicated by Fire risk assessment)
Once out of the building, instruct
persons leaving to move to the
assembly points well away from the
building and do not allow anybody to
return until directed
Report status of area of responsibility
Fire Marshals
Fire Marshals
Fire Marshalls are to report the following
information to the Incident Control Point
area clear or details of persons
remaining including disabled persons
who may be waiting for assistance in
refuge areas
number, location and type of
requirement for first aid or emergency
A debriefing for all Ulster staff involved in
managing and controlling the incident will
be held will be held as soon after the
event as is possible
 The debriefing will be greatly
enhanced if all participants commit to
writing at the earliest opportunity their
recollections of the sequence and
timings of events
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H & S Services
Appendix 6.2 – Duties of Fire Marshals
The purpose of the following paragraphs is to expand on the duties of Fire
Marshals so that persons who take on the role of Fire Marshal know what to
do in the event of an emergency evacuation.
1 Direct staff, students and visitors to nearest exit and assembly point(s)
When the Fire Alarm sounds you will ensure that everyone in the area for
which you have been given responsibility, responds by leaving the building.
If necessary, inform people that they must leave and direct everyone to leave
using the nearest available exit route following the emergency exit signs.
Provide assistance to any disabled persons as appropriate
The type of assistance you will be able to give to a person with a disability
which prevents him or her from completing evacuation unaided, will depend
on the type of disability and the availability of an evacuation lift if the disability
is such that the person cannot use the stairs i.e. If the person is confined to a
wheelchair. This will not be an issue if the person requiring evacuation is
located on the ground floor when evacuation to the outside will possible with
minimal assistance.
Evacuation Lift is Available;
in this case the disabled person should be
accompanied to the nearest available evacuation lift. University Security must
be informed that someone requires to use the evacuation lift. Use mobile
phone if fixed communication point is not available.
If you are required to operate the evacuation lift you should explain to the
disabled person that you will bring the lift to the appropriate floor and take
them to the ground floor in the lift. The lift will already be waiting at the ground
floor on activation of the fire alarm and you should go to that floor using the
stairs and take control of the lift according to the evacuation lift procedures
which are posted at ground floor level and inside the lift car.
The procedures for the operation of the Evacuation Lift are as follows:
When the building fire alarms sound the lift automatically returns to the
designated fire floor (normally the ground floor level) and sits with the lift doors
1. Break glass in the Key Guard holder at ground floor and remove key.
2. Use key to open access flap marked FB and switch ON the switch
3. Lift will now go into Fire Mode.
4. To use the lift enter lift and press the floor button you wish to go to
DOORS CLOSE) failure to keep constant pressure on the button will
result in the doors reopening.
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5. The lift will now travel to the floor and sit with the doors closed, to open
the lift doors press the door open button (KEEP CONSTANT
FULLY) failure to keep constant pressure on the button will result in the
lift doors reclosing.
6. To travel within the lift to other floors repeat steps 8&9 the landing call
buttons are disabled at all times throughout this procedure.
7. To use the evacuation intercom use the Up & Down arrows to scroll to
the floor you wish to communicate with.
8. When the read out reads the floor you wish to communicate with press
the button below CALL on the display. This enables communication
with the floor on the readout.
9. To end communication press the button below END on the display, this
will end communication with the floor displayed on the read out.
10. To communicate with other floors repeat steps 4-6.
To return the lift to normal service take the lift to the ground floor, and return
switch behind the FB access flap to the OFF position when the fire alarm is
reset the lift will return to normal service.
Using the above procedures will enable you to assist the disabled person to
the ground floor and then to the outside.
Evacuation Lift not available:
In this case the disabled should be accompanied to the nearest appropriate
Refuge Area. Disabled students or staff who have a Personal Emergency
Evacuation Plan (P.E.E.P) will be aware of the location of refuge areas in their
area. Disabled visitors and others will require guidance to the nearest
appropriate refuge from the fire marshal. University Security must be
informed that someone is in a refuge area and may require assistance. Use
mobile phone if fixed communication point is not available.
The information from Security about the status of the incident will determine if
it as safe to remain in the refuge area or that it is necessary to evacuate.
If the information received is that there is no sign of fire then it will be sufficient
to remain in the refuge with the disabled person until further information is
received that it is safe to return to normal activities. If the information is that
the refuge is in an area which is or might become involved in fire, then action
to evacuate the disabled person requires to be taken. This action will vary
according to the level of disability but may require that the disabled person is
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carried down stairs to a final exit from the building. In this case the fire
marshal will require assistance which will be requested through Security.
Only those staff who have received appropriate training in carrying techniques
should attempt to carry a disabled person.
Once out of the building, instruct persons leaving to move to the assembly
points well away from the building and do not allow anybody to return until
It is important for safety and emergency services access purposes that once
outside, persons are not permitted to congregate too close to the building.
Fire marshals should instruct all those who have evacuated to move away
from the building and wait at one of the designated fire assembly points.
Fire marshals should wait for confirmation from security control that the
incident is completed and that it is safe to return to the building before
allowing anyone to return. They should ensure an orderly return based on
any advice from security control.
2 Conduct a sweep of the area of responsibility while directing all
persons to leave the area of immediate risk immediately
During an alarm/evacuation situation, fire marshals are not expected to put
themselves at risk. Their role is to ensure the evacuation proceeds smoothly
and safely, that all persons are responding to the alarm and that the spread of
fire is reduced by closed fire doors.
Specifically, they should: ensure all people are evacuating from the areas for which they are
 urge people to leave their rooms, checking rooms, toilets and places
where people work alone
 keep people moving and clear corridors as quickly as possible and
encourage them to take the quickest and nearest route out of the
 report any known casualties to the fire co-ordinator or emergency
services immediately.
Fire Marshals are NOT expected to –
 carry out a rescue in a fire zone
 stay and tackle the fire.
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3 Report status of area of responsibility
Fire Marshals are to report the following information to the Incident
Control Point
o area clear or details of persons remaining including disabled
persons who may be waiting for assistance in refuge areas
o number, location and type of casualties
o requirement for first aid or emergency services
It is important that accurate information is given to the incident controllers so
that an appropriate response in the form of further actions or resources is
given to a developing situation.
Fire marshals will play an important part in this process and will need to be
aware that they must report any information as quickly as practical.
Once any such information has been reported fire marshals should proceed to
the nearest appropriate assembly point and wait for further instructions from
security control.
When it is decided by security control that it is safe to return to the building,
fire marshals should ensure that the return is controlled and safe.
Fire marshals may be requested to attend a debrief session of an incident. It
would be prudent therefore if they would make a short note of any
occurrences after an incident.
October 2011