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Astronomy and astrology
It is necessary to have a working idea of how the astrologers scientifically convert the
astronomical planetary positions in to astrological charts. The astrological charts are
not some kind of mystic mumbo jumbo. They are the actual planetary positions in the
space at the time of your birth. It is briefly explained below. All pictures are actual
planetary positions as on 1-1-1999, 8:00 AM at New Delhi.
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The above picture is how the planets look in the deep sky. The orbits of the planets
around the Sun and the constellations are superimposed. The picture below is how
we see the planets from the earth, as on 1-1-1999, 8:00 AM at New Delhi.
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The picture bellow is a diagrammatic representation of the Earth and the other planets
in the space with the zodiac constellations marked, again as on 1-1-1999, 8:00 AM at
New Delhi.. From the Earth if we draw an imaginary yellow lines to all the other planets
and extend those lines to the zodiac sign behind them, we will end up with the picture
below which gives the zodiac positions of the planets as we see them in space. The
pictures of the planets used here are satellite pictures.
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Vedic astrology lessons - astrology and astronomy
Follow the yellow lines drawn from the Earth through each planet and to the signs behind
each planet and you know in which constellations the various planets are placed. So,
when we talk about the planets placed in the various zodiac signs, we mean as we
see from the Earth - Saturn at the top is in the sign Aries, Moon is in Gemini, Jupiter in
Aquarius, Mercury in Scorpio, Venus in Capricorn and Mars in Virgo. Also note that it is
the 14th lunar phase in the bright half, very close to full moon, so the sun and the moon
are in opposite directions vis-à-vis the earth.
The picture bellow is how the chart of the planets in heaven would be drawn according to
Vedic astrology. The only difference is that instead of putting the pictures of the planets,
we write their names. The Ascendant or Lagna at Delhi is Sagittarius. The positions of
Rahu and ketu are hypothetically calculated.
The ephemeris, or the Panchang, give the exact degrees, minutes and seconds of the
planets and this information is normally give in your birth chart. You can learn more about
horoscope casting and the various types of charts in our lesson 3.
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Welcome to free astro-lessons. Just about fifty years ago the average Indian knew
about his correct birth date and time, his lagna, his rasi, his birth nakshatra, about the
well placed and ill placed planets in his chart, about the dashas and transit effects and
the remedial measures he must undertake. They knew the basics of astrology and
how deep and vast it is. As a result they also knew how tough the job of an astrologer
is and used to have some respect for this ancient science and for its practitioners.
With the advent of the western education, slowly our own Vedic education got
eradicated. In computer language, first the files were deleted, then the folders were
emptied and now we are on the verge of wiping out the data banks of what was once
our basic knowledge! The result is that today majority of the Indians don't know a thing
about astrology, have a lot of misconceptions and blind beliefs, and when asked about
their birth time they ring their mom and she consults the birth certificate!
In this section you can learn, step by step, the basics of Indian Vedic astrology. Once
you go through these lessons, you will know the purpose with which our ancient Rishis
gave us this great science; how accurate their knowledge was and how the system
operates; to what extent it is applicable and effective; what all are the things based on
which a chart is analysed to give predictions; the difference between the Indian and
western astrology; about the planets, signs, houses and the nakshatras; how the
houses and the nakshatras are further sub divided; how their many fold strengths and
conditions (avasthas) are analysed in the Vedic astrology to fine-tune the predictions
about the nature and events in an individuals life; about the effects of various planets
placed in various signs and houses; about the existing shastras and their translations
and the controversies. You cannot become an astrologer and start giving predictions
after going through these basic lessons. But you will have a good sound idea and
grasp about the basics of our astrology.
Free library of astrology Sashtras: After learning the basics of Vedic astrology, if you
are still interested and want to learn the predictive principles and the finer points of
astrology, you are welcome to the Sashtras library. Chapter by chapter you can read
the principles of predictive astrology, given by the great Rishi Parashara, the father of
Vedic astrology, in his famous magnum opus Brihat Parashara Hora Sashtra, plus
several other major Sashtras - total 15 of the most famous ones! My intention is to
build a full astrology reference library of all the major Sashtras, which will serve as an
authentic reference source for those interested.
Om Tat Sat
Click here to start Introduction to Indian Vedic Astrology and 10 basic lessons (1 of 2)9/18/2006 12:38:26 PM
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Indian astrology is popularly referred to as Vedic astrology. This is not because it is
there in the Vedas. There is no mention of astrology in the Vedas. However, it is one
of the Vedangas, i.e., limb or branch of Vedas, and dates back to the Vedic period.
Several of the Poojas and remedial measures prescribed in the Indian astrology are
as per the Vedic system. Hence, it is called Vedic astrology.
The Vedangas are six in number. They are: Siksha or phonetics, Kalpa or ritual,
Vyakarana or grammar, Nirukta or etymology, Chhandas or metrics and Jyotishya or
astronomy and astrology. These are mentioned in the Upanishads.
It is impossible ascertain the exact time of origin of our astrology. Even the most
famous historians differ wildly, from 1200 BC to 2500 BC while trying to fix our Vedic
period. A lot of them, especially the westerners, still study India based on the
Mahenjadaro and Harappan discoveries, which were discovered in the 1920’s!!
Several archeological discoveries of recent times date our culture to 7500 BC, making
it the ancient most civilization in the world. Our astrology has details of the horoscopes
of Lord Krishna, Lord Rama and many other ancient Indian kings and queens,
recorded thousands of years ago. The Bhishma Parva and Udyoga Parva chapters of
Mahabharata mention many astrological descriptions and omens just before the
Mahabharata war. It also describes a period of draught with several planetary
combinations. There is also a very clear reference about two eclipses, a solar eclipse
and a lunar eclipse occurring, creating a rare 13 day lunar fortnight. Available scientific
research data shows that the Mahabharata war must have occurred either in 3129 BC
or 2559 BC. According to the Hindu Panchangas, maintained from ages, Kaliyuga era
is counted from February 17/18 midnight 3102 BC. Hindu epics like Mahabharata and
Ramayana have been written off as myths by the western historians. However the
recent discovery of the submerged ancient city Dwaraka, (the site of the legendary city
of Lord Krishna, which got submerged in the sea after the death of Lord Krishna), led
by Dr. S.R. Rao of the Marine Archaeology Unit of the National Institute of
Oceanography of India lends a lot of credence to our mythology. Various texts
attribute the origin of Indian astrology to various gods and Rishis. It is futile to
ascertain who was the originator. The most popularly followed astrological classics
today are the ones written by Rishis like Parashara, Varahamihira, Garga, Jaimini and
their followers. People in those days had no satellites or telescopes and yet the
planetary positions and their motions recorded by them are as accurate as the
planetary positions and degrees recorded today using the space satellites. Our
ancient astrologers used their divine intuition to record these planetary movements
and their effects on us.
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Astrology has a twofold purpose. On one hand it is used as a tool to select the right
month the right date and the right time to start various auspicious rites and rituals so
that the results are better. On the other hand it is used as a guide to study the destiny
of an individual.
Travel Guide
Indian astrology is based on the theory of fate. The good and the bad actions of the
past life determine your fate or Karma of your present life, and the actions of your
present life determine your future Karma. According to Indian astrology a person is
born at that place, on that day and on that moment when his individual fate is in
perfect mathematical harmony with the progress of the stars in heaven. However it
does not preach total dependence on fate. Astrology lets you know what you were
born with, what your possibilities are, the limitations, your strong points and your
drawbacks. What type of life partners and professions suit you and to expect is also
indicated. It also prescribes various remedial measures to ward off the bad effects and
to enhance the good results. Astrology is your roadmap of destiny. However your fate
is in your hands. The scriptures guide us by telling us what is good and what is bad;
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what to do and what not to do; how to do and how not to do. You are given a piece of
land and the seeds to sow. How much effort to put in to it, what amount of manure and
water to add and when how to reap the produce is your job. After that it is you who
have to act using your knowledge intelligence, discrimination and experience. Fate is
like a game of cards where you cannot help the cards that have been dealt to you but
how to play them is in your hands. You may get good cards but if you play badly you
will lose and you may get bad cards and still may win if you play carefully. Don’t blame
the roadmap if you get drunk, drive badly and have an accident! In the Mahabharata
Lord Krishna gave advise to Arjuna and also to Duryodhana. One listened and the
other did not!
In the Egyptian, Greek, western and Chinese systems of astrology only the birth chart
is cast to give predictions. This is hopelessly inaccurate and insufficient. For example,
moon, the fastest moving of the nine planets, remains in one sign fro two and half
days. The ascendant, or Lagna, extends for a period of two hours. In these two hours,
according to the present birth rate, several thousand people are born in the world with
the same birth chart! All of them cannot have the same destiny. Hence their
predictions based on this and the monthly transits tends to be inaccurate. They are
somewhat accurate about the nature of signs etc., but when it comes to predicting the
events in ones life and their timing they are nowhere. You don’t really need an
astrologer to tell you that, for example if you are Scorpio sign, you tend to be jealous
and possessive! Vedic astrology has a four dimensional approach.
Firstly, we have the divisional chart system, called the Varga system. Based on the
planetary degrees at the time of birth, sixteen divisional charts are prepared, by
dividing the degrees of the planets. These divisional charts are studied to ascertain
the strength and weakness of planets and houses and also to study various aspects of
ones life. For example, one-ninth division called Navamsa to study spouse and
married life, one-tenth division to study profession, one-seventh for children and so on.
The last Varga, called Shodashamsa, is prepared by dividing the planet’s degrees in
to one-sixtieth part! Second is the dasa system. Based on ones moons degrees at
birth, we calculate the Dasas, or the ruling periods of various planets, which keeps
changing during ones life. It is not just one planets dasa but Maha dasa, or main dasa,
of a planet, Antardasa, or sub period, of another planet and so on till we arrive at a
fifth level dasa to study each day.
Third is the Gochara, or transit of planets. Planets transiting various houses produce
various results. But a planet transits a sign for quite some time. For example Saturn
transits a sign for two and half years. During this entire period its results cannot be
totally good or bad. Vedic astrology further pinpoints its good and bad periods even
during its transit in one sign. We have the Asthakavarga and Prastharasthakavarga
system, which divides a planets transit in a sign into eight parts and shows which part
is good and which part is bad.
Lastly, there is the Prasna Kundali system, or chart cast based on the time of the
query. This is studied as an add-on chart to give predictions.
The modern scientists do not accept astrology. But it is a known fact that planets do
have their effects on us. The doctors of almost all mental asylums accept the fact that
during the full moon and the new Moon periods the mental patients behave erratically.
The police record the same effects on many criminals. The modern scientists know
some of the effects of the ultraviolet rays, gamma rays and beta rays of the planets.
But unfortunately they don’t have the divine wisdom of our ancient is to know all the
effects fully.
Free lessons in Vedic Astrology
10 Preliminary Lessons to understand the basics
Lesson 1: The Division of the zodiac The purpose & the division of the Zodiac, The
12 Rasis (Zodiac signs) and their rulers, Kendras & Konas, The 9 Grahas or Planets
and what they signify.
Lesson 2 The Nakshatras or Star constellations.
Lesson 3 How a horoscope is cast and the four types of chart styles.
Lesson 3a Astronomy and astrology - the scientific basis of making charts. (2 of 3)9/18/2006 12:41:19 PM
Introduction to Indian Vedic astrology - by astrologer S.P.Tata
Lesson 4 Lagna and the twelve Bhavas or Houses from lagna and what they signify.
Lesson 5 Chandra lagna, Soorya lagna & the Divisional charts or Varga charts.
Lesson 6 Planetary Friendship and Various conditions or Avasthas of the planets.
Lesson 7 More planetary conditions - Malefic, benefic, Vakra or retrograde planets,
Dagdha or combust planets, Dristhi or aspects of planets, five sets of planetary
Avasthas, Shadbala or the six fold strength of the planets.
Lesson 8 The Ashtakavarga.
Lesson 9 The Dasa system for effects and to time the events.
Lesson 10 The Gochara or transit of planets for effects and to time the events.
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Lesson 1: The purpose & the division of the Zodiac
The ancient Hindu way of life, based on the Karma theory, looked at the progress of
the human soul based on three essential macroscopic parameters. They are: The
Karma acquired from your past life, the karma you acquire by virtue of your actions in
your present life and based on these your future life. They classified our present life
into four broad aspects. Dharma or right living, Artha or the monetary aspect, Kama or
the desires and finally Moksha or spiritual progress and liberation. They recognized
the importance of balancing these four aspects of life for the proper progress. To
understand and improve all these four aspects they gave us various Shastras. The
Veda shastras for spiritual progress, the Dharma and Nyaya shastras for the legal and
social conduct, the Artha ( finance), Ganita (mathematics), Vanijya (trade) shastras for
earning money, Sangeeta (music) Nritya (dance) Shilpa (art) Kama (sex) Paka
(cooking) shastras for pleasure. Finally the Jyotishya ( Jyoti=light+ Isha=God meaning
the light of God to remove ignorance) was given to us as a guide, to get the best
results during the most suitable times, in each of the above four areas of life. The
entire basis and theology of our astrology is based on these principles.
Poojas Introduction
The Division of the Zodiac:
About Astrology
From the astrological point of view, for the purpose of charting the planetary positions
and calculations etc, the 360 degrees of the zodiac was divided into 12 equal parts,
called Rasi or sign, of 30 degrees each. This is the 1st basic division. In the Vedic
astrology there are 9 Grahas or planets which influence our lives. Out of these seven the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn - are actual heavenly
bodies. The other two - Rahu and Ketu - are shadowy planets whose positions are
calculated mathematically. Vedic astrology ignores Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto.
These 9 planets own certain rasis, represent several things in our life, have several
inherent qualities and influence certain facets of our life. It all depends on how these
planets are placed and in which rasis they are placed. Let us understand these basics
Monthly Panchang
The names of the 12 Rasis (Zodiac signs) in their natural order and their rulers:
1. Aries or Mesha is ruled by Mars.It extends from 00:00 degrees to 30:00' in the
2. Taurus or Vrishabha is ruled by Venus. It extends from 30:00 degrees to 60:00'
3. Gemini or Mithuna is ruled by Mercury. It extends from 60:00 degrees to 90:00'
4. Cancer or Karka is ruled by the Moon. It extends from 90:00 degrees to 120:00'
5. Leo or Simha is ruled by the Sun. It extends from 120:00 degrees to 150:00'
6. Virgo or Kanya is ruled by Mercury. It extends from 150:00 degrees to 180:00'
7. Libra or Tula is ruled by Venus. It extends from 180:00 degrees to 210:00'
8. Scorpio or Vrischika is ruled by Mars. It extends from 210:00 degrees to 240:00'
9. Sagittarius or Dhanu is ruled by Jupiter. It extends from 240:00 degrees to 270:00'
10. Capricorn or Makara is ruled by Saturn. It extends from 270:00 degrees to 300:00'
11. Aquarius or Kumbha is ruled by Saturn. It extends from 300:00 degrees to 330:00'
12. Pisces or Meena is ruled by Jupiter. It extends from 330:00 degrees to 360:00'
So it is clear that the sun and the moon own one house each and all the other 5
planets own 2 houses each. Rahu and Ketu do not own any houses.
The rasis are further divided into several categories. The categories are:
The Trikona or Triangular groups. (1 of 4)9/18/2006 1:12:31 PM
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Vedic astrology lessons - the zodiac
The 1st triangle formed by Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are Agni-Tatwa or Fire signs.
They are active, aggressive, adventurous and dominating by nature and are good
leaders and administrators. These signs, and people with these signs strong, have the
Dharma aspect predominant.
The 2nd triangle formed by Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are Bhu-Tatwa or Earth
signs. They are down to earth, practical and careful by nature and have a good sense
of money. These signs, and people with these signs strong, have the Artha aspect
The 3rd triangle formed by Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are Vayu-Tatwa or Air signs.
They are intelligent, carefree, jovial and social by nature and enjoy life more than the
other signs. These signs, and people with these signs strong, have the Kama aspect
The 4th triangle formed by Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are Jala-Tatwa or Water signs.
They are emotional, sensitive, romantic, artistic, nature loving and spiritual by nature.
These signs, and people with these signs strong, have the Moksha aspect
2. The Kendra or Quadrangular groups
Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn forming the 1st quadrangle are Chara or Movable
rasis. They are active by nature, like change and direct in their approach. Normally
people with chara rasis dominating in the birth chart travel a lot.
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius forming the 2nd quadrangle are Sthira or Fixed
rasis. They take their time to act, do not like change, and have a fixed views and ways
of doing things.
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces forming the 3rd quadrangle are Dwichara or
Dual rasis. They are very intelligent and like exploring new ways and theories.
The Grahas or Planets and what they signify
Sun or Surya is a royal planet and the king in astrology. He represents the soul, will
power, father, paternal relations, the king or the high officials. Its hot and angry, colour
is red, metal is gold and gem is ruby. Sun represents the eastern direction.
The sun stays in each rasi for one month and takes one year to complete the round of
the zodiac. Its motion is quite fixed and a lot of Indian festivals are as per the suns
entry into the various signs. For example on January 14 it enters Makara and this day
is celebrated as Makara Sankranti, On April 13th/14th it enters Mesha and this day is
celebrated as Baisakhi. The change in seasons is also linked to the suns entry into
various signs and nakshatras. He is the Pitrukaraka or planet connected with father.
Moon or Chandra is also a royal planet and is the queen in astrology. He represents
the mind, emotions, sensitivity, the mother, house and domestic comforts, milk, sea
and all things connected with the sea, hotel and food industry, textiles and apparels.
Its cold and calm, Its color is white, direction north-east, metal is silver and gem is
pearl. The moon is the fastest moving of the 9 planets and takes approximately 2-1/2
days to travel a sign. When the sun and moon are in the same rasi it is called
Amavasya or new moon day or the 1st day of the dark fortnight. The lunar days or
Tithi changes with every 12 degree difference between the sun and the moon. When
the sun and the moon are in the exact opposite signs or 180 degrees apart, it is called
Poornima or the full moon day or the 1st day of the bright fortnight. He is the
Matrukaraka or planet connected with mother.
The sign in which your Moon is placed in the birth chart is called your Janma Rasi.
The star constellation in which your Moon is placed is called your Janma Nakshatra.
Mars or Mangala is the commander in astrology. He represents, energy, courage,
younger brothers & sisters, armed forces, the police forces, commanders,
administrators, men in high position, land, engineering, metals, real estate agents and
surgery. Its metal is copper and gem is coral, color is red and direction south.
Mars takes about 45 days to travel one sign. He is the Bhatrukaraka or planet
connected with brother.
Mercury or Budha is the prince in astrology. He represents speech, intelligence, (2 of 4)9/18/2006 1:12:31 PM
Vedic astrology lessons - the zodiac
maternal uncles, short journeys, medical profession, trade, computers and the web,
astrology and knowledge of the shastras, accounts, mathematics, journalism, printing
and publishing. Its metal is bronze, gem is emerald, color is green and direction north.
Mercury takes about a month to travel a rasi. It is always within 27 degree distance
from the sun from astrological point of view.
Jupiter or Guru is known as the "Devaguru" or the guru of the Gods. He represents
higher knowledge, spirituality, priests, temples, teachers, research & scientists, layers
& judges, children and knowledge of the sastras and astrology. Its color is yellow,
metal gold, gem yellow sapphire and direction north - east. Jupiter takes about one
year to travel a sign. He is the Putrakaraka or planet connected with children.
Venus or Shukra is the "Daityaguru" or the guru of the demons. He represents
spouse, sex life, kidneys and sex organ, dance, music, arts, gems and jewelers,
wines, bars, gambling places, acting, fashion, cosmetics and beauty products. Its
metal is silver, gem is diamond, direction is south-east and colour is white.
Venus takes about a month to travel a sign and completes the round of the zodiac in
12 months. From astrological point of view it is always within 48 degrees of the sun.
He is the Kalatrakaraka or planet connected with spouse.
Saturn or Shani is the servant in astrology. He represents hard work, sorrow, old
men, servants and the lower level workers, people in the iron and steel industry,
municipality and drainage works. A well placed Saturn can bestow excellent power,
prestige, name and fame and a badly placed Saturn can devastate you. Its metal is
iron, color is blue, gem is blue sapphire and direction is west.
Saturn is the slowest moving of the 9 planets and takes approximately 2-1/2 years to
transit a sign and completes the round of the zodiac in 30 years. He is the
Udyogakaraka or planet connected with profession.
Rahu or Dragons Head or North Node represents, foreigners, foreign countries,
foreign travel, engineering and the technical trades, smoke, old men, grand parents,
theft, gambling, drinking, nonconformists, the underworld and the bad elements in the
society. Its color is black, metal mixed-metal and gem is Gomedh.
Rahu takes approximately 1-1/2 years to travel a sign and hence completes the round
of the zodiac in 18 years.
Ketu or Dragons Tail or South Node represents grand parents, technical trades,
spiritual inclinations, superstitions and electronics. Its colour is brown and gem is cat's
Ketu is always in the opposite sign to Rahu, i.e., exactly 180 degrees away. Ketu also
takes approximately 1-1/2 years to travel a sign and hence completes the round of the
zodiac in 18 years.
Each of these 9 planets produce different results, and at times totally opposite results,
while placed in the 12 different rasis. Again each has some good results and some
bad results in each sign. This is an important aspect of astrology which must be
remembered. You will learn about these results later.
While placed at various specific distances from the sun, the planets Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn become retrograde or appear to move in the backward
direction. Sun and moon do not have any retrograde motion. The motion of Rahu and
Ketu is always opposite to that of the other planets.
The seven main planets rule the seven days of the week.
Sun rules Sunday.
Moon rules Monday.
Mars rules Tuesday.
Mercury rules Wednesday.
Jupiter rules Thursday.
Venus rules Friday.
Saturn rules Saturday.
Rahu and Ketu do not rule any day
Normally while referring to the qualities etc of the planets, they are referred to in this
sequence, i.e., sun to saturn in the week day sequence. Remember this important fact. (3 of 4)9/18/2006 1:12:31 PM
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The Nakshatras or Star constellations
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First the zodiac was divided into 12 main rasis, to study the effects of the planets
placed there. Then the ancient seers added another sub divisional system of breaking
down the zodiac into 27 Nakshatras or star constellations. Each nakshatra has a span
of 13 degrees and 20 minutes. After that each nakshatra was further subdivided into 4
Padas, or quarters, of 3 degrees and 20 minutes. Hence the first zodiac sign Aries,
which has 30 degrees, contains the entire 4 padas (13:20') of the 1st star constellation
Ashwini, the entire 4 padas (13:20') of the 2nd star constellation Bharani and the 1st
pada (3:20') of the third star constellation Krittika. So each rasi contains total 9 padas.
These nakshatras belong to three main groups: Deva or divine, Manusha or human
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and Rakshasa or Demonic. They have different ruling deities, owned by different
Chart Matching
planets and have divergent qualities. Hence while studying the effects of a planet
placed in Aries, it is also studied in which nakshatra it is placed and in which pada of
that nakshatra it is placed. This system of analysis exists only in Indian astrology.
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The nakshatra in which your moon is placed at the time of your birth is called your
Janma Nakshatra. This janma nakshatra has also got its influence on you.
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The following table shows the names of the 27 nakshatras in their zodiacal order.
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Arudra nakshatra (Betelgeuse) In Mithuna from 6:40 to 20:00. The presiding deity the
Rudra, the wielder of the trident. Symbol- a teardrop. The lord of Arudra is Budha, when
Surya enters Arudra the earth is said to be starting its menstrual course that is Ambobachi.
Arudra means wet or surcharged with water, that is fat. Because the earth is running her
menstrual course there are teardrops falling one after another. From Rudra comes all
suffering, persecutions and oppressions, anger, ferocity of countenance or hideousness of
noise. Rudra is another name of Siva, the Five Faced (Panchanana). In knowledge,
asceticism, renunciation, as also in enjoyment, he is the supreme consummation of all
desires. He is a blue-throated one, the wielder of the most tremendous powers, what could
not be attempted far less achieved by other Gods, when the churned Ocean at the time of
Samudra Manthan exhaled poison Siva achieved quite simply by holding the exhalation in
his throat. On one side he is the symbol of the most perfect placidity and serenity, on the
other hand he is the symbol of all that is terrible. He holds the great serpent on his head
and on his forehead crescent Chandra with his sweet-soft light. He is at the same time the
most peaceful and also the most terrible. And in all these are to be traced the intrinsic
characteristics of Arudra. Superficially, on the surface of it, Arudra stands for suffering,
hardness, cruelty, murder, prison, theft, adultery etc. The root characteristic is oppressionin order to purify. All male kidney trouble and connected urethral disease comes within the
jurisdiction of Arudra; so also uterine diseases of the female. It represents the skull of
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Those born in the Ardra star are soft, stable minded, strong, earning by sacrifice, afflicted
by sickness, fear and angry. They suffer due to hunger, hard bodied, lovable, forget the
help rendered by others, experts in trade and commerce, cruel, having many relatives, ill
advisers and hate all. Those born in Ardra are with pride, of lower levels and do jobs, which
are forbidden. They are bereft of money and corns. Such people are poets, little learned,
long lived, and little interested in things.
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The sign in which the moon is placed in a chart and the Nakshatra or star constellation
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The Ancient Rishis divided the 360 degree zodiac into 12 houses of 30 degrees each
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each. These Nakshatras are further subdivided into four quarters each called Pada.
The placement of a planet in these divisions and subdivisions was studied to fine tune
the predictions.
The nakshatra in which your moon is placed in your birth chart is called your Janma
Nakshatra. The following are some of the basic characteristics of a person born in
various Nakshatras. However these get modified based on the other planetary
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Love and compatibility of Sun signs
Before you start jumping to any conclusions, let me tell you that for marriage purpose
both the horoscopes must be thoroughly matched by an experienced astrologer. This
is done based on the planetary combinations of the ascendant or lagna, all the 9
planets, the nakshatra or birth star based koota/guna matching, mangala dosha and
also the navamsa charts matching. Marriage is a life long association and must be
taken seriously.
However to get a rough general idea you can check the matching of the Five Astrosigns - the sun sign, the rasi or moon sign, the lagna or ascendant and the nakshatra
based koota/guna matching and also the Chinese sign.
You can know all your above 5 Astro-signs by > clicking here
The zodiac signs are divided into several categories as follows:
The Trikona or Triangular groups.
The 1st triangle formed by Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are Agni-Tatwa or Fire signs.
They are active, aggressive, adventurous and dominating by nature and are good
leaders and administrators. These signs, and people with these signs strong, have the
Dharma aspect predominant.
The 2nd triangle formed by Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are Bhu-Tatwa or Earth
signs. They are down to earth, practical and careful by nature and have a good sense
of money. These signs, and people with these signs strong, have the Artha aspect
The 3rd triangle formed by Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are Vayu-Tatwa or Air signs.
They are intelligent, carefree, jovial and social by nature and enjoy life more than the
other signs. These signs, and people with these signs strong, have the Kama aspect
The 4th triangle formed by Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are Jala-Tatwa or Water signs.
They are emotional, sensitive, romantic, artistic, nature loving and spiritual by nature.
These signs, and people with these signs strong, have the Moksha aspect
2. The Kendra or Quadrangular groups
Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn forming the 1st quadrangle are Chara or Movable
rasis. They are active by nature, like change and direct in their approach. Normally
people with chara rasis dominating in the birth chart travel a lot.
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius forming the 2nd quadrangle are Sthira or Fixed
rasis. They take their time to act, do not like change, and have a fixed views and ways
of doing things.
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces forming the 3rd quadrangle are Dwichara or
Dual rasis. They are very intelligent and like exploring new ways and theories.
You are both of extreme nature. Both love freedom and adventure and are
uncompromising in your behavior. You could either be very happy together or
separate. There is no compromise with you. Being headstrong, there are bound to be (1 of 11)9/19/2006 1:01:38 PM
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Your love and marriage compatibility with sun signs - by astrologer S.P.Tata
quarrels and disputes but these will be patched up easily. You have more of
intellectual companionship than a congenial physical relationship. What would be most
important respect for each other's views will breed cordiality in this.
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This can be a strange relationship. It can work out favourably if Taurus takes charge of
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finance and household affairs. Let Aries decide on the social aspects of life. You are
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both disciplined, though Taurus tends to be more rigid and dogmatic. Aries will benefit
through the practical nature of Taurus. And will cherish the happy-go-lucky attitude of
Aries. There is bound to be a vast ideological differences between the two of you.
Aries may seek outside companionship but would confide in Taurus. Whereas Taurus
will have more secrets.
You will get along well.It could begin as a romantic association which could be lasting.
However,Gemini tends to be more social than Aries who seek solitude.Hence there
are bound to be quarrels whenever there's a party or function at home.Gemini, a
compulsory party-goer,will find Aries snobbish. Aries tend to feel insecure in this
relationship.If Gemini is not given attention there is a threat of a break-up.Aries
becomes more difficult in this relationship.Gemini,though a tolerant,can take it only up
to a certain point.
Here is an odd but lovable couple.You have mutual respect, though at times you just
tolerate each other.Cancer is a good house-keeper.Aries a charming entertainer.Aries
may at times consider Cancer a bit dull and boring, ,whereas Cancer would think Aries
is childlike and too flippant.But their differences remain under the surface and there's
rarely a showdown.Aries will always be the one to quarrel,and later apologise.But
should Cancer feel let down in any manner this could spell disaster.Cancer does not
break a relationship easily but cannot take flirting of their mate.Together, they can
make it work beautifully.
This is a love-relationship. Both will respect each other's views, likes and dislikes.
Aries is demonstrative and Leo is quiet in this set-up. Sometimes they tend to go their
own way, because they both seek freedom. Too much closeness in this relationship is
stifling to both. However, there's lot of considerateness between you two. Children's
upbringing can be a point of major difference. Even family and relatives could cause
problems. In this Leo is more disciplined and authoritarian. Aries will value family ties.
Leo may seek freedom from family responsibilities.
You come together easily, but begin to drift apart. Traditionally, Aries and Virgo do not
get along well, but should they marry, they'll manage to stay together forever. They
respect and tolerate each other. There are quite a few similarities between them, for
example, both love home, travel, good food, cleanliness and socializing. The
difference is in their nature. Virgo is too fastidious and Aries is loving. Virgo criticizes a
lot, Aries abhors criticism. Aries is more demonstrative, Virgo is more subdued.
Sometimes they may sleep on separate beds though in the same room. Aries retires
late but gets up early. Virgo likes to retire early, but like Aries, gets up early. Well, you
compliment each other by being opposite.
Astrologically this is an ideal relationship. Libra should learn to balance the extreme
nature of Aries. It is quite likely that Libra has to make more adjustment, Whereas
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Your love and marriage compatibility with sun signs - by astrologer S.P.Tata
Aries will accept total loyalty from Libra, Aries will not give up his/her freedom. Aries
idiosyncrasies can at times be exasperating, but Libra has enough tolerance. These
are two opposite signs which compliment each other. There is great understanding
and rapport. Both indulge in mild flirtation, but both have to be cautious that none gets
seriously entangled elsewhere. Romantic escapades can cause a rift in this
Here is a couple drawn together with physical attraction and strong desires. Both are
madly in love and possessive. Scorpio rarely lets Aries enjoy total freedom. Aries can,
at times, feel restrained but accepts the situation, due to family or other
considerations. Aries love Scorpio. Aries will give total freedom to Scorpio in matters
of household and family welfare. Scorpio will be more extravagant than Aries, and this
could cause problems. Scorpio does tease Aries in love-play, but both equally relish
their togetherness.
This is yet another compatible combination. They both love and respect each other.
Sagittarius could at times be misunderstood by Aries. Being a quiet person,
Sagittarius finds it difficult to express his/her inner feelings to Aries. And this is taken
for being cold and being less responsive by Aries. Sagittarius is fond of cleanliness,
and Aries is a bit more carefree in attitude. Aries likes to relax and laze around at
home on a holiday, but Sagittarius to clean and tidy up the house. There are times
when Aries deliberately stays out of the house to be away from domestic hassles.
Traditionally, this could be an ill-matched combination. The fiery Aries and a staid
Capricorn, have nothing in common. But in this relationship, Aries show a lot of
warmth and understanding. Capricorn will not have much to complain, except the
extravagance of Aries. Capricorn tends to monetary affairs and could neglect
household duties. Even Aries may not pay much attention to home and family. In this
relationship, children could suffer due to neglect. Even physically there's a lot of
disparity. There is a vast age difference between the two of you, or then you could be
poles apart.
A friendly combination. Aries gets along well with Aquarius, who simply adores Aries.
They both have similar views on life. Aquarians tend to be more philosophic and
accepts the idiosyncrasies of the Aries mate. Aries on the other hand, loves the
attention and care shown by the Aquarian. This is a compatible combination. The
sunny disposition of Aries helps Aquarius to face the vicissitudes of life. And when the
Arian, being inconsistent by nature, keeps jumping from one interest to another, it is
the stable Aquarian who restrains Aries.
These are strange bedfellows. They admire, love and sometimes, hate each other.
Piscean the dreamer, sees the fulfillment of his/her desires in an Aries-born. Pisces
will always try to calm down the fiery temperament of Aries, and will not always
succeed. Aries loves the sense of belongings towards a Piscean. Though sometimes
Aries could be rough and cruel towards their Piscean mate.
Here are the two bulls locking their horns. They have a lot of differences to sort out
before deciding to live and let live. They can get along well only after a lot of give and
take. And once they settle down in their relationship, none can part them. They make (3 of 11)9/19/2006 1:01:38 PM
Your love and marriage compatibility with sun signs - by astrologer S.P.Tata
a happy complacent couple, quite content to lead their own lives. Their problems
generally arise on money-matters.
You have really to work hard to establish a good relationship. Temperamentally you
are quite opposite. A Taurus male may be able to manage the female-Geminian but
should it be the other way round, like the male born under Gemini then the Taurean is
in trouble. Your meeting ground is interest in arts, music and creativity. The
differences are many. Gemini is to outgoing. Taurus a social Taurus is and stingy,
Geminians are spendthrifts. Well this is a stormy relationship.
You are quite compatible. In fact this could work out as one of the ideal marriagerelationship. The sensitive Cancerian, and artistic Taurean, have a lot in common. You
both love home and family. Both are fond of eating. Though the Taurean's gluttony
can be irksome for the more refined Cancerian. Taurus sometimes find the Cancerian
lazy and also pessimistic. Cancer considers Taurus as too vain and conceited. But
both believe in security.
This makes a stable couple. Both are firm and rigid, yet they manage to live together.
They demarcate each other's role with strict understanding that none should interfere
with the other's affairs. Leos are too disciplined. Taurus too casual. Leo has a sense
of justice. Taurus is overly generous. There is constant fight over sense of propriety.
But both value security and have strong loyalties.
A favourable combination. Both being practical and accommodating, they adjust to
each other very well. Virgo can be fastidious and Taurus indifferent. Virgo likes
cleanliness, and Taurus tales things lightly. Virgo can be critical about the Taurus lifestyle. But these are minor points of discord. Taurus manages family affairs very well.
Virgo feels secure in this relationship. But there can be an element of jealously
between them.
A volatile relationship. Taurus likes Libra's idealism and romantic nature, but considers
him/her too liberal. Libra loves Taurus for his/her sincerity and sense of loyalty, but
dislikes its uncouth ways. Taurus is rigid, Libra flexible. Taurus angry, Libra happy-golucky. Libra slightly flirtatious, Taurus loyal. There are constant fights, but they
manage to live together.
This could be an ideal combination. Scorpio adds spark in Taurean's life. Taurus loves
the strength and strong character of Scorpio. Scorpio sees in Taurus a steady mate. In
fact, Scorpio brings out the best traits in Taurean, who is otherwise a quiet,
unassuming person. Taurus handles finance, Scorpio takes care of entertaining.
Sometimes Scorpio is more active and positive, whereas Taurus is submissive. But
when Taurus wants to take charge of a situation, Scorpio has to give in.
You get along well. It could be a beautiful love relationship. Taurus love Capricorn's
sincerity, loyalty, sense of justice. Capricorn finds in Taurus a friend, philosopher and
guide. Both are practical and tolerant. Taurus is the romantic, but at times, Capricorn
feels that Taurus is putting on an act. Taurus is vindictive, Capricorn is forgiving by
TAURUS/SAGITTARIUS: (4 of 11)9/19/2006 1:01:38 PM
Your love and marriage compatibility with sun signs - by astrologer S.P.Tata
This could be a turbulent relationship. Taurus is too rigid for Sagittarius's liking. Taurus
considers Sagittarius to be self-centered and egotist. Sagittarius's sense of
responsibility towards parents and other relatives, irks Taurus. Taurus is forever
criticizing Sagittarius, who feels restricted in this relationship. But then both feel the
need for each other's love and affection. Monetary affairs could create problems in
their lives. They tend to drift apart due to reasons of finance or interference from family.
You have several points for discord. Taurus is too practical, and cold. Aquarius is
generally philosophical and a dreamer. Taurus likes to stay at home, Aquarius likes to
go out. Aquarius is honest, Taurus sometimes resorts to lies. Aquarians are
hypersensitive, Taurus more practical. This is a difficult combination and survives only
due to considerations for family.
A friendly association. Taurus likes the romantic Piscean. Taurus sees in Pisces a
loving, caring and sympathetic lover. Pisces likes Taurus for their charm, sincerity and
loyalty, Taurus do at times feel insecure with Pisces. Taurus loves to earn, Pisces
loves to spend. Taurus loves in the present, and Piscean dreams of tomorrow. Taurus
is quite, Piscean outgoing and demonstrative. They adjust well.
You are an old couple. There is a sincere effort from both to establish a rapport and a
happy relationship, even though you may be completely opposite in nature. Gemini is
out-going. Cancer is home-loving. Gemini-active, Cancer-lazy. Gemini-flirtatious,
Cancer loyal. If the male is Cancer things could work more favorably. If the female is
born under Cancer she will have to adjust to the life-style of her mate.
You establish an easy rapport. You respect each other views. There may be
differences over friends, entertaining, and even on house-hold affairs, but you can
manage these quite efficiently. Geminians are quite flexible. They win over the Leo by
their love, or even flattery. Leo is loyal and dependable. You enjoy a good relationship.
You are quite alike in many ways. Both are fun-loving and easy to adjust. Virgo can be
fastidious but then Gemini is unpredictable. If Gemini talks too much. Virgo is
skeptical. Virgo is hypersensitive. Gemini is carefree. Gemini can be superfluous Virgo
more methodical. But both endeavor to make life more enjoyable by accepting each
other's shortcomings.
You get along very well. You smile away your differences. You respect others view.
You are both helpful, generous, affectionate and accommodating. Libra is angry,
Gemini-forgiving, Gemini tends to neglect home. Libra doesn't complain much. Both of
you can establish an ideal relationship provided you do not let others interfere in your
You have a fiery relationship, deeply passionate and possessive. Gemini can adjust to
Scorpio habits, but Scorpio finds it difficult to accept Gemini's way of living. Scorpio is
completely involved but consider Gemini's superfluous. Scorpio does not approve the
free-mixing nature of Gemini, whereas Gemini could see Scorpio mate as suspicious
and overbearing. You could live happily only if you accept each other's shortcomings.
This could well be an ideal combination. You get attracted to each other quite (5 of 11)9/19/2006 1:01:38 PM
Your love and marriage compatibility with sun signs - by astrologer S.P.Tata
naturally. Sagittarius likes Gemini's vivacity. Gemini responds to Sagittarius's love.
You share several interests in common. You can both depend upon each other.
Gemini inspires Sagittarius who are good in planning. And Gemini can deftly execute
Sagittarius's plans. You lead a very active love life, though Gemini tends to seek
variety in approach to romance. Sagittarius prefers to play safe by restricting to their
tested method of emotional response.
You have to overcome initial hurdles in your relationship. Capricorn is too staid and
rigid for a Gemini. Whereas Gemini seems too superfluous to Capricorn, Gemini
adjusts to everything. Capricorn is secretive, Geminians are too open and frank. Your
relationship can work only if Capricornian decides to adjust.
You strike quick rapport. You have a very friendly and intimate ties. You share
common interest. Gemini is artistic, Aquarius is philosophical. You are each other's
strength. Differences could arise only over friends and entertaining. Gemini forever
seeks company and Aquarius wants solitude.
Though opposite in nature, you can establish good relationship. Both love, peace and
harmony. Both have a single goal in life, that is to have a beautiful home and loving
family. You adjust to each other well. Differences arise only due to economic
conditions. Pisces cannot face emergencies. Geminis get intolerant of Pisces at times,
yet they manage to stay together.
You share common interests. You may not get attracted to each other instantly, but
begin to like after a period of time. It could be said that you tend to grow over each
other. Both of you love home and family life. Sometimes the wife has to push her
Cancer-born husband out of the house to go to work, who would rather spend time at
home. Similarly the husband has to entice his Cancer wife to accompany him to a
party or for an outing with friends. You match so well, that over a period of time
Cancer couples begin to look alike. You lead a contented life together.
In your strong attraction, deep attachment, wounds fester. Emotional, sensitive,
clinging Cancer may suffer with proud egoistical, independent Leo - should Cancer not
make adjustments. A stability-seeking Leo, who also hopes for happiness, on the
other hand may find it with a Cancerian.
You attract each other. Cancer is gentle. Virgo understanding. Cancer loves home and
family. Virgo knows how to keep a good home. Cancer worries too much. Virgo
doesn't like that aspect. But Cancer doesn't like constant criticism from Virgo.
However, this combination can lead to a well-matched team.
If opposites attract, you are sure to come together. Cancer is loyal, Libra is gentle.
Cancer is dependable while Libra projects strength. Cancer could be lazy and Libra
over-energetic. Cancer is home-loving. Libra a socialite. Despite these differences, the
two make good companions.
You are drawn to each other. You strike an easy rapport. Cancer can win over Scorpio
through loving care and total devotion. Scorpio feels secure with Cancer. Scorpio may
be aggressive at times but Cancer knows how to handle it. Scorpio draws out Cancer (6 of 11)9/19/2006 1:01:38 PM
Your love and marriage compatibility with sun signs - by astrologer S.P.Tata
from its shell. This is a harmonious combination.
Your relationship could begin with mutual distrust and suspicion. You get drawn to
each other physically and much later, get to know each other well. Cancer is unsure of
Sagittarius love and loyalty. Sagittarius feels stifled in Cancer's company. Yet, once
initial fears are overcome, you strike a cordial note.
You are ideally matched, especially if you have similar family/financial background.
Difference in social status could only spoil the felicity of this combination. Cancer loves
the security provided by Capricorn. Cancer is flexible. Capricorn feels overly protective
towards Cancer. You make a happy couple.
You look at each other with suspicion. You are not frank. You have your own secrets.
Cancer cannot break through the intellectual barrier created by Aquarius may not like
the sentimental Cancer. If Cancer is a worrier, Aquarius is a brooder. You have to
overcome your differences or, perhaps, choose to live with them.
You make a romantic couple. Pisces has to discover the finer aspects of Cancer. And
Cancer has to hold the interest of Pisces. Then alone you will develop intimacy. There
are several differences but you adjust to each other well. Cancer wants exclusive
company of Pisces but Pisces likes a crowd. If Pisces seeks solitude, Cancer feels
You will always try to be one-up on each other. Both being strong-willed, self-reliant
and independent, it could become difficult to achieve harmony. You have to trust and
reassure each other of love for peaceful co-existence. This represents a complex
relationship but once you accept the other's role in joint living, you lead a happy life.
You get along well. The first few meetings will decide who is the boss, Leo should not
underestimate the strength of Virgo, especially if it is a female. If anyone can deflate a
Leo's ego, it is her, Virgo uses criticism to correct Leo because Virgo loves
perfectionism. That should, in fact, boost Leo's pride.
You have a friendly relationship. Libra is easy to get along with. Leo can relax in the
company of Libra. Leo is disciplined and Libra is idealist. They understand each
other's needs and work together to build a strong, lasting relationship. Libra can break
through Leo's snobbery. And Leo's strength checks the flirtatious tendencies in Libra.
You both are born under strong signs. A female Scorpio is gentle, loving and
affectionate until she is let down. Then she could be vindictive. Leo is rather
aggressive, independent, proud yet extremely sensitive, passionate and romantic.
This combination works well on mutual trust. And should there be doubts or
suspicious, both will not hesitate to snap their ties.
This is a romantic combination. Leo gets drawn to Sagittarius, who in turn helps to
strengthen the ties. Leo, the sign of ambition, sees strong positive influences in
Sagittarius. Leo loves power. Sagittarius knows hot to wield power. Leo is hesitant,
Sagittarius aggressive. Sagittarius knows how to manipulate things.
LEO/CAPRICORN: (7 of 11)9/19/2006 1:01:38 PM
Your love and marriage compatibility with sun signs - by astrologer S.P.Tata
This is an odd combination. There will be constant bickerings. Both are rigid,
fastidious, unbending. If Leo is angry, Capricorn can be rude. Leo is disciplined.
Capricorn carefree. Capricorn can hurt Leo's sensibilities and pride. Leo could
mistreat Capricorn. You have to fight it out before establishing any rapport.
You could be an ideal couple. But you have to work hard to achieve harmony. Leo
loves Aquarius philosophy and the way of life. Aquarius admires Leo's pride, honesty,
sense of discipline. (Of course, you have to make a few adjustments). Leo likes to
retire to bed early whereas Aquarius likes to read until late. Yet, you make a happy
You at times wonder how you could be together. You both are totally different though
each balances the other. Leo restrains the dreamy Pisces. Pisces adds a sense of
romance and adventure to Leo's life. Leo loves glamour and glitter while Pisces loves
solitude. Leo is a disciplined worker, Pisces takes everything leisurely. Yet, you could
manage to establish a good rapport.
This is a turbulent combination. But if both come from similar backgrounds. Then you
strike instant rapport. In the other's failings, you see your own faults. There is a lot of
give and take. Both must be flexible to make this relationship work. Once you succeed
in ironing out your differences, you live in peace and harmony.
You encounter lots of problems. Libra tends to be rigid, dogmatic and aggressive in
the company of Virgo. And Virgo is forever finding faults with Libra. Virgo dislikes
parties, Libra is a compulsive party-goer. A Libra male can adjust a Virgo males could
be intolerant. Friends play an important role in your lives. You enjoy delightful
companionship. You both love and respect each other. You also fear criticism and
censure. You always endeavor to please each other. Initially there could be lots of
constraints but gradually you begin to depend on each other. This is a relationship
built on mutual trust and respect.
You may not be naturally compatible, but somehow you begin to like and enjoy each
other's company. Your individual problems seem to vanish as soon as you talk to
each. In this combination, there is no room for secrets. Both are rather sensitive.
Should one of you feel that the other doesn't trust you, you feel hurt, and you withdraw.
You get along well. There is strong attraction between you. Capricorn feels secure in
Virgo's company. Virgo has implicit faith and trust in Capricorn's judgement. Both are
methodical, practical and ambitious. Virgo is more romantic. Capricorn down to earth.
You have a good relationship.
You like each other. Virgo will have to make all the adjustments. Aquarius is loving
generous, considerate but sometimes hyper-sensitive. Virgo cannot criticize Aquarius
without starting a fight. Aquarius is proud of his philosophy which Virgo considers
impractical. Yet, you could make this relationship work.
This could be an ideal match. Virgo's dreams come true in this association. The finer
aspects of Virgo comes out in this relationship. Only Pisces knows that Virgo can also
be sensitive, gentle and romantic. Virgo learns a lot from Pisces. And Pisces (8 of 11)9/19/2006 1:01:38 PM
Your love and marriage compatibility with sun signs - by astrologer S.P.Tata
rediscovers himself in this relationship.
Now, this is the most difficult combination. You could get imbalanced. You suffer from
strange fears there is a lot of uncertainty and a feelings of insecurity in this
association. If you give freedom to each other and do not interfere, you can live
together. You have really a hard struggle to maintain your relationship.
This could be a strong, passionate liaison. You are drawn to each other. How long this
association lasts depends upon several factors. The most important is personal
involvement. For both, your relationship comes first to all else in your lives. If one of
you shows a lack of interest, the other will walk out.
A friendly association. You establish easy rapport. In this relationship, both seek
freedom and, occasionally, like to have time away from each other. Constant
togetherness of Libra and Sagittarius can lead to boredom. Libra seeks artistic and
creative stimuli, and Sagittarius need to devote more time to the pursuit of personal
You have a happy relationship though with certain reservations about the other's
attitude to life. Libra is idealistic and Capricorn materialistic. Libra lazy. Capricorn
workaholic. Libra female can adjust but Capricorn female could be difficult. You could
encounter lots of problems.
This is a friendly relationship. Both have similar likes and dislikes. Being sensitive and
considerate, both endeavor always to please each other. Sometimes economic
reasons could create minor ripples in their deeply romantic bond, but they overcome
such mundane irritants. There exist between the two of you a total trust and
dependency. When Aquarius is contemplative and philosophic, Libra takes over as
practical idealist. Both balance each other's extreme proclivities. You love each other
to such extent at times, that you do not need the company of any other person.
This makes a good couple though they are dissimilar. Libra is an extrovert and Pisces
an introvert. Libra is ambitious. Pisces carefree. But there is a strong physical
attraction between the two. If they overcome their initial problems, this could prove a
romantic and lasting association.
You establish strong ties. Your relationship grows with time and you take rather long
to find common interests. Male and female Scorpios are completely opposite but both
have strong desire and deep attachments. Both suffer from inner insecurity until you
begin to trust and depend on each other. A good relationship.
You are in fear of the other. Both feel that the other loves you less. It takes time to
overcome this feeling of insecurity. Scorpio can adjust very well in this association.
Sagittarius brings out humility in Scorpio. But Sagittarius could be inconsistent. With
time and understanding, you overcome your differences.
You love and respect each other. One's strength overcomes the other's shortcomings.
If Capricorn is fastidious, Scorpio is tolerant. And when Scorpio is angry and
unreasonable, Capricorn is gentle and quite. You can establish a harmonious (9 of 11)9/19/2006 1:01:38 PM
Your love and marriage compatibility with sun signs - by astrologer S.P.Tata
relationship, even more so after you get married.
You begin the relationship gradually trying to understand each other. There are lots of
suspicions and misgivings. Scorpio considers Aquarius impractical and too simple.
Aquarius thinks that Scorpio is overhearing and authoritarian. But Scorpio can adjust
well with Aquarius.
You are made for each other. You association begins as a fiery rommance. Pisces
feels superior in winning over Scorpio, whereas, in actuality, it is Scorpio who has
captured Pisces. Both have the same ideals and dreams. Scorpio endeavors to learn
subjects with interest Pisces. Pisces showers lavish compliments on Scorpio. Both are
You have a good understanding of each other's needs. You are identical in many
ways. In certain cases you even look alike. The differences, arise over domestic
issues, children's affairs and entertainment. There are quarrels but you patch up soon.
In some cases, there is a likelihood of vast age difference between the two. You live in
peace and harmony.
There will be differences between you. Sagittarius is more optimistic, cheerfully and
carefree. Capricorn is sober, sometimes pessimistic and melancholy. Capricorn could
suffer from a strange complex in this association. The couldn't-care-less attitude of
Sagittarius makes the self-conscious Capricorn feel even more insecure.
There is a lot of give and take in this relationship. After initial differences, you establish
a perfect rapport. In fact, your association begins with strong attachment, and you
both endeavor to make it enduring and happy. You give each other total freedom to
follow personal hobbies and interest.
You get along well with each other. Both are dreamers and in love with the idea of
love. But if you are not careful, your relationship could become oppressive and boring.
Pisces may begin to feel that the Sagittarius he/she knew is not the same. And
Sagittarius may find Pisces not moving ahead with times. Pisces is forever in search
of an ideal state of living, whereas Sagittarius, though romantic is more pragmatic.
Nevertheless, you manage to bring cordiality into your relationship. Your bond with
each other is stronger due to reasons of family rather than just love.
This could be an eventful association. Both are ambitious, hardworking and
successful. Later in life, you may feel that romance is missing. Being materialistic, you
lose out on the finer things of life. It's when you see other couples happy and enjoying
life that you realize that things are not all that copy for you. Both put the blame on
each other.
You both are capable of strong likes and dislikes. Capricorn sneers at the alleged
generosity of Aquarius. Aquarius finds Capricorn cold and calculating. Capricorn hates
hypocrisy. Aquarius is sympathetic and understanding. Aquarius female can adjust but
Capricorn female could find it difficult to continue the relationship.
You could strike instant rapport. Capricorn feels relaxed in the company of Pisces. (10 of 11)9/19/2006 1:01:38 PM
Your love and marriage compatibility with sun signs - by astrologer S.P.Tata
Pisces adds romance and taughter to this relationship. Capricorn can sometimes be
sarcastic and hurting. Even Pisces could withdraw and be aloof, causing hurt to
Capricorn. But with time you begin to depend upon each other. This relationship takes
long to become happy and meaningful.
You can get drawn to each other. Both understand each other's needs. You confide
everything in the other. Sometimes there are no children in this relationship. Or, both
are too busy to pay any attention to home and family life. If one is in any trouble. Other
takes care of everything. You could make this association work and live happily.
This is a difficult association. Aquarius is brooding, pessimistic and overly dependent
upon Pisces. Whereas Pisces loves Aquarius though sometimes feels stifled in this
relationship. But you begin to like each other gradually Aquarius has to make more
adjustments. Once the relationship is established. Pisces looks after and protects
mutual interests.
You strike instant rapport, but have to work hard to maintain your relationship. In this
association the female could be jealous and too demanding. And the male tends to be
flirtatious. There are frequent quarrels. Both need to spend more time with each other.
It takes long to overcome mutual distrust and fears.
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Before learning about the other aspects of astrology, you must now learn about how a
horoscope is cast and how to read it. We are not going into the teaching of the
complicated mathematical aspects of calculating the planetary positions, lagna etc.
Now a days even the astrologers depend on the computerised software. From the
practical point of view of learning the basics, you only need to know how the birth
chart is cast and how to read and understand it.
The horoscope is the picture of the heavens at the time of ones birth. It shows in
which rasis, or signs, the 9 planets are positioned. It also shows another important
aspect of astrology called the Lagna or the Ascendant. It plays a major role in
analyzing an individuals life. The ascendant is calculated based on your place and
time of birth and varies from place to place. This is because of the difference in
latitude and longitude and the sun rise time. Lagna is called your individual 1st house.
It must be noted that the lagna may fall in any of the 12 rasis. The counting of your
individual houses is always done from the lagna. You will learn about the houses and
their importance in the next lesson.
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The position of the planets on any given day and time is calculated from the
ephemeris, called Panchang, and the horoscopes are made accordingly. It is not
some kind of a mystic charting of planetary names in a chart. To get a better
understanding of the scientific basis of this click here
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Vedic Astrology follows the Niryana or the sidereal zodiac, where as the Western
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Astrology follows the Sayana or the tropical zodiac. Its a highly complicated
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astronomical subject. Briefly the fundas are as follows.
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If you see the standard globe of the earth placed on a table, you will notice that the
north and the south poles are not exactly vertically up and down but tilting at an angle.
the north pole is shifting or tilting, fraction by fraction, to the east - towards the sun.
The shift or tilt is approximately one degree per every 72 years. This is a scientifically
proven fact. This is happening because of the spinning of the earth along its axis from
west to east. To give you a practical example it happens just the way the ball
"swerves" in games like cricket, tennis or Table Tennis when you impart a sideways
spin. This difference between the longitudes of the starting points of the sidereal and
tropical zodiacs is called Ayanamsha. The starting points of the sidereal and tropical
zodiacs coincides once in every 25,800 years approximately. According to accurate
scientific calculations, in the present shift started in the year 285 AD. The most
accurate method of calculating this ayanamsa is the Chitrapaksha ayanamsa,
popularly called Lahiri Ayanamsa. As on today, 14-4-2003, the tilt is exactly 23:53':55".
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Vedic astrology lessons - casting a horoscope
The ayanamsa calculations of the Greeks like Hippocras and Ptolemy were wrong.
The western scientists are officially "credited" with the "discovery" of the accurate
shifting of the earths equinox towards the end of the 19th century. They found it to be
50". It was actually known to the Hindu astrologers long before that. Varahamihira, the
famous astrologer in the court of Vikramaditya in the year 57BC, clearly mentioned in
his work Pancha Siddhantika, based on our ancient Siddhantas, that the ayanamsa is
50.32 seconds. This is the most accurate one.
In Vedic astrology the planetary positions are calculated after applying the ayanamsa
calculations and get the scientifically accurate bearing of the planets vis-à-vis earths
position. In western astrology this is not done. Hence all their planets, including the
much advertised "Sun signs" are about 24 degrees ahead - as per the equinox
position of 285 AD!!
The four types of charting styles.
In India the astrologers follow different methods of casting a chart. There are mainly
four methods of casting the charts. They are explained bellow.
South Indian method: In the south Indian style of casting a chart, the position of the
zodiacal signs, from Aries to Pisces always remains fixed, as shown in the picture
below left. The counting of the houses and the positioning of the planets is done
clockwise, as shown in the picture below right. This changes from individual chart to
chart. So it can be said that the south style chart follows the fixed sign method. The
sign which becomes the ascendant or lagna is marked with the words As or Asc or
Lagna. In some cases astrologers also draw two parallel lines at the top corner of the
ascendant, the way we cross a bank cheque, to mark the ascendant
The South Indian Style
The data given in the table to the right below, shows the ascendant and the 9 planets
in the 1st column, their exact degrees in the 2nd column, the rasi in which they are
placed in the third column, the nakshatra in which they are placed in the 4th column
and the nakshatra pada in the last column. The birth chart is made placing the planets
in those houses. The positioning of the planets and the ascendant is as follows.
Ascendant or Lagna: In Vrischika or Scorpio
Sun : In Vrishabha or Taurus
Moon: In Kumbha or Aquarius
Mars: In Mithuna or Gemini
Mercury: In Mesha or Aries
Jupiter: In Tula or Libra (2 of 4)9/19/2006 1:16:18 PM
Vedic astrology lessons - casting a horoscope
Venus: In Mithuna or Gemini
Saturn: In Mesha or Aries
Rahu: In Kumbha or Aquarius
Ketu: In Simha or Leo
Please note:
The sign in which the moon is placed is called Janma Rasi or moon sign. In this case
the janma rasi is Kumbha or Aquarius.
The nakshatra in which the moon is placed in the birth chart in called Janma
Nakshatra. In this case the janma nakshatra is Satabhistha 1st quarter.
As obvious in this chart the lagna is Vrischika, moon and rahu are in the 4th house
counted from lagna, Mercury and Saturn are in the 6th house from lagna, Sun is in the
7th house, Mars and Venus are in the 8th house, Ketu is in the 10th house and Jupiter
is in the 12th house.
North Indian Style
North Indian method: In the north Indian method of casting the chart, as in the above
example, the ascendant or lagna is always kept at the top center and the signs are
denoted by their zodiacal sequence number, i.e., Aries is 1, Taurus is 2, Gemini 3,
Cancer 4, Leo 5, Virgo 6, Libra 7, Scorpio 8, Sagittarius 9, Capricorn 10, Aquarius 11
and Pisces 12. Here the charting of the houses and the planets is anti-clockwise. In
the above demonstration the same chart with the same planetary positions is shown.
The lagna is Vrischika and denoted by the sign number 8 and placed at the top center.
The planets are placed in the same houses, but charted in the anti-clockwise fashion.
For example sun is in Vrishabha or Taurus which is the zodiac house number 2. So
we can say that the northern chart chart follows the fixed house method.
East Indian or Maithili method: This type of chart, which is popular in Andhra
Pradesh and parts of Orissa and Bengal, is drawn differently and follows the fixed sign
method of the south style chart, but the charting is done anti-clockwise as shown in
the picture bellow. (3 of 4)9/19/2006 1:16:18 PM
Vedic astrology lessons - casting a horoscope
East Indian chart
The circular chart: It is the same as the northern chart in every respect but drawn in
a circular fashion as shown below.
Circular chart
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The twelve Bhavas or Houses
An individuals horoscope is divided into 12 Bhavas or houses, based on the position
of ones lagna in the chart. The nature and qualities of the rasis, planets and the
nakshatras explained so far are their basic inherent qualities. Once a persons chart is
analyzed from the lagna point of view, based on the way these planets and rasis are
placed from lagna, gives them a personal touch and helps us to understand the
various aspects and events of ones life.
The sign in which your lagna or ascendant is placed becomes your 1st house. The
sign next to that (clockwise in the south chart and anticlockwise in a north chart),
becomes your 2nd house. The one next to that is your 3rd house and so on till the
12th house.
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The 1st, 5th, and 9th houses are called Trikonas or trine houses. They are the most
powerful and auspicious houses. They are also called Lakshmi sthanas as the rule all
kinds of prosperities.
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The 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses are called Kendras or quadrants. They are also
auspicious and powerful houses next to the konas.
The 3rd and the 11th houses are called Upachayas or houses of growth.
The 6th, 8th, and 12 houses are called Dusthanas or bad houses.
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1, 5, and 9 are Dharma houses.
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2, 6, and 10 are Artha houses.
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3, 7, and 11 are Kama houses.
Astro-naming a baby
4, 8, and 12 are Moksha houses.
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The 12 houses and what they signify and represent in your life.
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The First house or Lagna called Tanu sthana, represents your birth, body looks and
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soul, personality traits and inclinations, longevity, health, character and nature. It also
rules your head the head, longevity, health, character and nature of the native. It is a
kendra a trikona and Dharma bhava, and it is at the same time . It is one of the most
important and auspicious house in the horoscope.
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The Second house called Dhana sthana, represents your wealth, speech, family,
About the Yantras
face, right eye, mouth and the food you eat and charity and death.
The Third house called Bhatru sthana represents your younger brothers and sisters,
Vandana Trayee
courage, servants and subordinates, communications, talents and skills, sports,
business, short distance travels.
The Fourth bhava called Matru sthana, represents mother, home, relatives, office or
Moon & Nityadevis
factory, emotions, domestic and house related happiness, landed property and
conveyances, education mental peace and chest and lungs.
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Useful info
Vedic astrology lessons - the zodiac
The Fifth house called Putra sthana, represents children, education and intellect,
creativity, mantra, tantra and pooja.
The Sixth house called Shatru sthana, represents health, illness, injuries, loans,
sports, maternal uncle, enemies and opposition.
The Seventh house called Kalatra sthana, represents spouse, sex life, reproduction
and genital organs, partners, enjoyments and Kundalini shakti and death.
The Eight house called Ayu sthana, represents destruction, accidents, physical
pains, inheritance, legacies, death and insurance.
The Ninth house called bhagya sthana, represents luck, prosperity, guru, father,
religious and spiritual progress and knowledge of the scriptures, sadhana,
pilgrimages, foreign travel and foreign trade, grandchildren.
The Tenth house represents your profession, business, authority and power and
honours and achievements.
The Eleventh house represents gains and income, good news, money, elder
brothers and sisters, friends, long distance travels, air lines and entertainment.
The Twelfth house represents losses, waste, expenses, foreign countries,
imprisonment, death, sadhana and Moksha or final liberation.
Each of the 9 different planets, while placed in the 12 different houses, produce
different, and at times totally opposite results. Again each of them produce some good
results and some bad results. Remember this important fact.
As there are 12 houses and only 9 planets, there will always be some vacant houses.
In most horoscopes there are more than one planet in a house. The lords of the rasis
as mentioned earlier in lesson 1, i.e., Mars for Aries, Venus for Taurus etc., become
the lords of your houses falling in those rasis. Which house lord is placed in which
house is a very important factor. Again each house lord placed in the other houses
has some good results and some bad. Again because of the dual ownership rasis by
planets, a planet placed in a particular house as lord of one house may be good, but
bad as lord of the other house.
This is the third important parameter to remember.
Let us see the example horoscope to make things clear.
Remember the house counting is done from the lagna, which is the 1st house.
South Indian - Count clockwise
North Indian - Count anti-clockwise
In this horoscope:
The lagna or the 1st house falls in Vrischika rasi or Scorpio. Scorpio is owned by
Mars. So the lagna lord is mars. He is placed in Gemini, the 8th house counted from (2 of 4)9/19/2006 1:16:45 PM
Vedic astrology lessons - the zodiac
lagna.( the counting starts from lagna)
The 2nd house is Dhanu or Sagittarius, its owner is jupiter. So the 2nd lord is placed
in Libra, the 12th house from lagna.
The 3rd house is Makara or Capricorn, owned by saturn, who is placed in Aries, the
sixth house.
The 4th house is Kumbha or Aquarius, owned by saturn, who is placed in Aries, the
sixth house.
The 5th house is Meena or Pisces, owned by jupiter, who is placed in the 12th house.
The 6th house is Mesha or Aries, whose lord mars is in the 8th house. You may
interested to note that mars as the important lagna lord placed in the 8th house is bad
and inauspicious, but in the 2nd case as the owner of a bad 6th house placed in
another bad 8th house, he very good and auspicious.
The 7th house is Vrishabha or Taurus, whose lord venus is placed in the 8th house.
The 8th house is Mithuna or Gemini, whose lord is placed in the 6th house. (This is
The 9th house is Karka or Cancer, whose lord moon is in the 4th house.
The 10th house is Simha or Leo and the lord sun is in the 7th house.
The 11th house is Kanya or Virgo and the lord is in the 6th house. (This is bad)
The 12th house lord Venus placed in the 8th house.( Again note venus as the bad
12th lord in the bad 8th house is good, but as the important 7th lord in the bad 8th he
is bad)
For every lagna some planets are benific, some are malefic and some are neutral.
Again how they are placed in the chart is a very important point to be considered.
however the following are the basic thumb rules:
Lords of 1,5,9 houses are always benefics.
Lords of 4, 7, 10 houses if placed in auspicious houses produce good results.
Lords of 6, 8, 12 house if placed in 6, 8, or 12 houses produce good results but are
bad if placed in the good houses.
2nd and 11th lords are better placed in the auspicious houses.
When two or more planets are placed in a house, it is called the conjunction of
planets. The results of these conjunctions of planets will depend on whether they are
benefics or malefics from the lagna point of view. The conjunction of the Kendra lords
or the Kona lords or the Kendra or Kona lords is highly auspicious. These are called
Raja yoga combinations. The Raja yoga combinations give rise to authority, power,
position and wealth. However, if a dusthana lord. i.e., 6th, 8th or 12th lord joins them it
spoils the rajayogas.
When two planets exchange houses, i.e., let us say Mars is in Venus house and
Venus in in Mars house, it is called Parivartana Yoga or Exchange Yoga. The
Parivartana Yoga is a very powerful one. The Parivartana Yoga becomes auspicious if
the exchange is between two auspicious houses, i.e., between the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th,
7th, 9th, 10th and 11th houses. Similarly if two dusthana lords, i.e., 6th, 8th and 12th,
exchange houses then also it is auspicious. However, if a benefic house lord
exchanges houses with a malefic house lord, like 9th lord with the 12th lord, then the
exchange is inauspicious.
Similarly if exalted planets are placed in Kendras etc. it again causes Rajayogas. (3 of 4)9/19/2006 1:16:45 PM
Vedic astrology lessons - the zodiac
There are several hundred raja yoga combinations mentioned in the Shastras.
For details of houses & house lords in houses see Parashara Hora Sastra Here
For details of Rajayoga combinations see Saravali > Here
For details of planets in various signs see Saravali > Here
For details of planets in various houses see Saravali > Here
For details of planetary effects for each lagna see > Lagna-wise analysis
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The nine planets placed in the twelve zodiac signs produce various effects. The nine
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lagna produce various effects. This is a bit complicated. 9x12+9x12+12x12 = 360
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Vrischika Lagna - Scorpio Ascendant
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First House
Sun is the ruler of 10th house when posited in Ascendant indicates honour through
merits, success and high ambitions. One will be troublesome for the parents, he will
be cruel, of rash temperament and quarrelsome. Danger from fire and weapon is
indicated. In youth, one will be blessed with power and authority in Govt;, or in military.
Well respected, preferment and dignities and gain through mother.
The Moon, lord of ninth house in Ascendant is in good position. One is learned, wise,
prudent, fortunate with strangers, foreigners, wife’s relatives and voyage. Long
journeys in life are indicated. Such persons have interest in science, invention, law,
philosophy or political economy.
Mars. Lord of Lagna and 6th house in Lagna indicates powers, dignity and victory over
enemies, long fortunate life, good health, harmony, triumph over difficulties. An
intelligent, strong willed person, rash temperament and energetic. Comforts from
children and wife. Can be a military officer or renown. Danger from poison, fire or
Mercury. Lords of 8th and 11th in Lagna denotes gain from legacies and money
through deceased. Accumulation of money and will overcome his enemies and
obstacles through friends and acquaintances. Successful ambitions and hopes. Will
meet real friends and supporters. Fortunate actions.
Jupiter. Blessed with long life wealthy, respected, learned and a man of power and
authority. Many love affairs. Generous, sweet speech and propensity to pleasure
through gaming and children. Many face some troubles in last part of the life.
Venus. Secret sorrows, troubles, limitation, fond of occults and new methods of study,
disablement requiring hospitalization. Danger of imprisonment. Many love affairs,
partnership and gain from opposite sex, public enemies, unions, connection with the
process of law. In middle of his life may face troubles due to a woman. Licentious,
disrespected and extravagant.
Saturn. It is posited in enemy’s house. Wheatish complexion, rash temperament,
cruel, not good health, strained relations with brothers, loss of money, danger from
poison and enemies. Journeys and removals, fortunate inheritance, gain through land,
property and interest in domestic science.
Rahu. Blessed with long life, houses, wealth and favours through religion, education
and scientific affairs. Adds power to personality and gives opportunity for self
Ketu. A short life, troubles and tribulations, loss and scandals, endangers the face and
Second House
Sun. Gain in money by industry, trade, profession or Govt; office. One will be wealthy,
respected, honourable, gain by ancestral property and gain of other’s property. Full
comforts from children is not indicated. Loss through vile habits. Of rash temperament
and true to his words.
Moon. Gain of money through foreigners, sea, science, learnings, publications, travel,
invention or banking. Little gain from ancestral property. Gain through efforts. A
glutton, talkative. Diseases of watery nature, eyes, cough or gout are indicated.
Mars. Gain through ancestral property but will remain worried. Brave and clever.
Losses and limitations and financially strained through sickness, servants and
animais. Gain through hard work. Benefits through industrious activity.
Mercury. Gain of money by means of friends, acquaintances partners and others.
Fortunate in collecting debts. Gain through deceased, legislators, interests or through (1 of 7)9/21/2006 2:48:04 PM
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Vrischika Lagna - Scorpio Ascendant
own creations. Knowledge of many languages. Learned and intelligent. Gain through
Jupiter. Lord of Second and 5th in 2nd house and in own sign indicates wealthy and
renowned person. Gain form ancestral property. Many subordinates. Victory over
enemies. Prosperous children and comforts from them. Gain from profession. Good
power and authority. If afflicted reverse results are indicated than above.
Venus. Gain by marriage and inlaws, also secret and occult ways. Popular and
generous. Many friends, ambitions to lead a pleasurable life. Relations with opposite
sex and will do unwanted expenditure, possibility to come under debt. When afflicted,
loss through women and death of partner.
Saturn. Loss of wealth, cheat and liar, gloomy, poor, remains under debt., not well
respected, will liquidate his assets. Gain through deals in land and property and by the
estate. Short journeys, also gain through educational affairs, writings, music and art.
Rahu. Gain through ancestral property, legacies and gifts. Inflow of money through
science and learning. Increase in possession.
Ketu. Misfortunes in finance, under debt, loss and damage to property, sorrows, fear
and worries.
Third House
Sun. Much worried for his brothers and may remain upset and worried on this account.
Many journeys. Danger from ruler and Govt., respected amongst kindred and
neighbours, gain in honour and advancement through wife’s relatives. Honour through
short journeys, writings, business trips, Govt; commission and fulfilment or hopes.
Moon. Blessed with more siters. Many professions, accomplishments and progress
through research, travel, investigations, explorations, travel or writings, journeys and
removals on account of beliefs and convictions. A good pointer, musician and other
arts. Early and young are comfortable ages but in old age may face some financial
troubles and losses.
Mars. Sickness of some relatives and brothers and journeys on this account. Interest
in studies and methods of healing and in industrial economy. Devoid from comforts of
brothers. Gain through legacies. Comforts in middle age. Mental development, when
afflicted break or afflicted education, troublesome relations, journeys and writings.
Mercury. Friendship amongst relations and neighbours, friends through writings and
journeys. Strained relations with brother, unfortunate brothers and death of same.
Psychic and mysterious experiences. Many brothers. Devoid from comforts of
children. Well versed with arts and trained in hard work.
Jupiter. There will be many brothers and gain through them also from learning,
writings and short journeys. Gain through dear ones. Loss of ancestral property. The
native will have average wealth.
Venus. Many daughters. Respected and learned. Wealthy, inflow of money without
efforts. Marriage with some one of kin or neighbour, legal or religious disputes,
troubles through short journeys. Disappointments, sorrows through relations or
neighbours. Occult learnings.
Saturn. Believer in many religions, strained relations with brothers, residence in
foreign land, unhappy, promotion and good income during middle age. Successful
efforts and hopes. Gain From learning, writings and short journeys. If afflicted the
father is put to sorrows or difficulty by one of the brothers.
Rahu. Adds quality to the mentality and conduces to the interest in spiritual or
educational matters, gain from brother, journeys and neighbours, writings or
Ketu. Mental anxiety, troubles with brothers and neighbours. Unprofitable journeys.
Downfall in business or service. Worried through enemies.
Fourth House
Sun. Gain and honour through parents, land and property. Success at the close of life.
May be devoid from parents in early age. Many enemies. Not to the interest of
relations. Will have interest in reclamations, colonizations, co-operative movements,
mining, architecture and archaeology.
Moon. Intelligent. Scientific mind. Gain from relatives of wife. May enter into business.
Devoid from comforts of the parents in the early age. Blessed with property. A good
trader and businessman. Respect and gain through learnings.
Mars. Gain through lands, mines, inheritance and possessions. Success late in life.
Occult investigations, sickness of father through changes and worries, death of mother
in early age, troublesome home or domestic affairs. Trouble through servants.
Mercury. Learned, intelligent and respected. Fond of yoga and spiritual life. Voyages, (2 of 7)9/21/2006 2:48:04 PM
Vrischika Lagna - Scorpio Ascendant
journeys in mountains, gain of property through deceased, probable by the death of
parents. Inheritance through friends. Blessed with property.
Jupiter. Gain of money and property through father. Gain from children and love for
home. Wealthy and learned. Comforts from conveyance, gain from mother’s relatives.
Venus. Property by marriage, a chaste partner and happy ending to wedded life.
Litigations and loss of property. May come under debt. More journeys, and may be
voyage. Grief from untimely death of wife. Trouble through wife’s mother. Secret
sufferings, restrictions or limitations at the end of life.
Saturn. Gain from agricultural land, earnings through unfair means, not submissive to
parents, not well educated and intelligent. Blessed with immovable property and
conveyance. Gain through old people and antiquities, assistance of father. Loss
through storms and floods.
Rahu. Gain through property and in an unexpected manner. Fortunate in discovery or
findings. Long lived and trustworthy.
Ketu. Loss or confusion with land and buildings, waste of patrimony, not so much
respected, turmoils in the lives of ancestors and family discord.
Fifth House
Sun. Respected and a man of authority but even then there will be troubles and
worries. Grief through death of children. Gain through speculations, pleasures, young
people, sports of stage, drama etc. Devoid from the comforts of parents in early age,
loss of ancestral property. Litigations, and eye disease.
Moon. Intelligent, learned, creative and of liberal and unconventional ideas and
believe in free living. Journeys, take interest in science, philosophy, voyages, air
flights, sports, foreign travels, speculations or investments. Many daughters. Success
in service.
Mars. Licentious, destroyer of ancestral property and fond of occult science. Gain
through children, speculations, sickly children and illness through pursuits of sex or
over indulgence in pleasure or sports. Accumulations of wealth through unfair means.
Pleasure and gain in young age.
Mercury. Intelligent and learned. Will have children but relations with children will not
be cordial. Over sexed and secret sorrows and difficulty through love, children,
speculation and gambling. Respect and gain in old age.
Jupiter. Knowledge of law, learned and intelligent. Generous and God fearing. One will
be respected, wealthy and will lead a pious life. Gain by speculations, investment,
entertainment and through young people and children. Love affairs and prosperous
children and pleasure through them. In author’s view Jupiter in own house posited in
5th house denies children.
Venus. The native will be intelligent and well respected. His wife will be beautiful and
gain from her is indicated. Blessed with long life, voyages and residence on river or
sea side. Relations with other women, death or wife in young age is indicated. Secret
sorrows through love, children and gambling.
Saturn. Devoid of children’s comforts, non-educated, anti to parents, irreligious,
dishonest, earns by unfair means, happy in licentious deeds. In middle age may get
disrepute. Travels in life, gain and pleasure through father’s good fortune and mental
pleasures through children, brothers, reading and study.
Rahu. Saves the native from troubles, natural calamities and dangers. Long lived and
fortunate children. Fond of recreations, pleasure and sports.
Ketu. This position either denies children or there are sudden or violent abortions.
Children will be disobedient and source of adversity. Excessive or irregular pleasures.
Sixth House
Sun. Gain through law suits and legacies. Death of parents in early age. Law suits for
ancestral property. Modest worldly position, gain and honours through service,
employment and practice of healing. Employed in Navy or Army.
Moon. Many enemies, sickness through travelling and quarrels due to women. Study
of hygiene, medicine etc. Difficulty through work in foreign lands or in export business.
Wife will be sickly and may there be death of mother in early age.
Mars. The native is not lucky for maternal relations, some severe illness, gain through
humanitarianism, food and employees. Surgical operation, fond of animals, pets and
work. May be a source of trouble for relatives. Ill repute in middle age. Victory over
enemies. If Mars is well aspected then the native will have usually a good health,
success in service and with employees, poultry, medicines, healing or social work. (3 of 7)9/21/2006 2:48:04 PM
Vrischika Lagna - Scorpio Ascendant
Mercury. Dangerous sickness, little gain from education and art. Popular in public.
Wound through fall from high place, learning, scar on the body. Loss of money and
also through those in whose custody it may be. Friends among army, navy or air force
persons. Faithful servants and interest in social welfare.
Jupiter. Sickness among children. Short life, many enemies and may remain under
debt. Chest disease is indicated. Money through careful speculations or by children’s
earnings. Gain through inferiors, poultry and small animals.
Venus. Marriage below status, sickly wife and evily disposed employees. Difficulty,
trouble and loss through small animals and employees. Limitations on account of
sickness. Sex relations with other women. Syphlis disease is denoted. Fond of travel,
changeable residence and worried from opponents.
Saturn. Rheumatic pains, devoid of comforts from children, good wealth and owns
property, and victory over enemies.
Rahu. Muscular body and good health, faithful and honest employees. Gain through
service and fortunate through father. Residence in foreign land.
Ketu. Sickness due to various diseases, deceived and loss through servants. Danger
of illness through bites by insects, reptiles or animals. A worried life.
Seventh House
Sun. Gain through lawsuits and dealing with public generally. Honours and reputation
assisted by honourable marriage and partnership in responsible concerns. Authority
and power as age advances. Gain from respected and persons in position. Troubles
through enemies. Wife of wicked nature. Early life will be in law suits. Law suits for
ancestral property.
Moon. Marriage to a stranger of education or refinement taste whose relations will
oppose the native. Power and authority as age advances, possibility of two wives, first
wife may die due to illness. Gain from business. Old age will be comfortable. Beautiful
but with a scar on the face. Public enemies through religious, scientific or sea fearing
persons. Respected and wealthy.
Mars. Marital unhappiness, two marriages if afflicted. Partnership and close
association with others, quarrels of lawsuits with servants, difficulties with disreputed
women and sickness. fond of opposite sex. Loss of wealth due to enemies.
Mercury. A loving partner with desirable friendships and social connections, success
in law suits. A rich partner or one to whom money comes unexpectedly. Coward and
relations with other women. If afflicted, then death of partner and public enemies.
Danger of death by violence, suicide or accident. Indigestion and kidney troubles. May
get short life.
Jupiter. Long life, obedient to parents, wife will be faithful and of adjustable
temperament. Help from brothers, old age will be comfortable. Gain by marriage,
contracts, business and dealing with others especially with women. Pleasure, close
association or understanding with partner but discord with children. Loss by theft.
Early age will be in poverty, middle age in worries, no gain from business but will
become under debt. Worried through enemies.
Venus. Success in lawsuits. A beautiful but licentious wife. Intelligent and learned,
fond of poetry and debates. Journey in foreign lands. Old age will be troublesome.
Troubles through deceit and treachery concerning unions, partnerships, contracts and
law suits. Sickness, discord and opposition with partner. Troubles generally through
Saturn. Disturbed married life, worried and unrest in nature, more than one wife, no
comforts from first wife, abortions, a good orator. Average life, rash temperament and
loss of money. Marriage as a result of journeys, writings or to one of kin. Property by
marriage, delayed marriage, gain by land and through women.
Rahu. It lessens the number of enemies, increases profit through dealings with others.
Gain through women. It is a testimony for a wise and wealthy partner. Travel to foreign
Ketu. Many enemies or competitors, contention and difficulty with partner. Sickly wife.
Worries and troubles. Loss through business.
Eighth House
Sun. Gain and honours in handling the estate and money of others, also through law
suits, legacies, inheritance, insurance etc. of deceased persons. Death of parents in
early age. Unhappy and diseased. Loss of ancestral property. Law suit loss worried
through enemies. In middle age one will be troubled due to opponents.
Moon. Death of parents in early age, short life if afflicted, loss of money, unhappy and (4 of 7)9/21/2006 2:48:04 PM
Vrischika Lagna - Scorpio Ascendant
worried in middle age. Loss and troubles through wife. Prosecution regarding religion,
scientific or educational conviction also through publications. Gain by long journeys
concerning legacies or goods of deceased persons, psychic experiences and death of
partners, relative.
Mars. Financial rewards for faithful service. Death through irregularity, occult
experiences and dangerous illness and of muscular built. Strained relations with
relatives. Loss through enemies. A difficult death.
Mercury. An intelligent and wise doctor dealing with herbs. In early age danger of fall
from high place and may lead to loss of one body part. Death of friends. Gifts and
legacies from parents. Gain by the dead. A natural and easy demise. A comfortably
fixed partner. Interest in matters relating to future life. Spiritual experiences.
Jupiter. Long life span, anti to religion and change of that. Worried and loss through
children. They may die before the native. In middle age the native will have some
good rank, gain of ancestral property. Loss through speculation, gain by legacies or
goods of the deceased.
Venus. Money or property by marriage, death of partner, some inheritance but
difficulty over it. An unsatisfactory end, many misfortunates, death of secret enemies.
Faithful and chaste wife but trouble and grief due to her death. Danger of fall or
drowning. Loss of money. Old age will be happy due to gain of ancestral property.
Saturn. Long life, many enemies and danger from them. Early life full of difficulties,
unhappy, under debt, sickly and danger from reptiles. A happy end. Old age will be
happy and full of enjoyment. Sickness and death of brother. Journeys due to troubles
and false accusations. Danger to mother and loss of inherited property.
Rahu. Long life and good health. Gifts. Gain of the dead. Journeys and travels.
Danger from thieves.
Ketu. Sudden or violent death, loss of goods through deception and enemies.
Disrespected and ill famed. Troubles due to women.
Ninth House
Sun. Learned, intelligent and well respected. Knowledge of many languages. A man of
authority and power. Honourable voyages, professional journeys and religions.
Honour through learning, writing, publishing, research or philosophy. A religious
person or intellectual and builder of many temples and sacred places. No permanent
residence and many journeys. Devoid from comforts of parents in early age. A part of
ancestral property in wasted in early age.
Moon. Wealthy and prosperous. Gain from other’s property. Religious and learned.
Successful hopes and more happy in old age. Honour, credit and esteem through
science, literature or travel, success in foreign affairs. Voyages and pilgrimage. A
good company in life.
Mars. Long journeys, religious, or Psychic experiences, liking for surgery, science,
invention, law, philosophy and all matters connected with higher mind. Prophetic
dreams and visions, gain through partner’s relations danger through overstudy.
Sickness abroad at sea or while travelling, work with foreign affairs or universities.
Devoid from comforts of brothers and parents. A native of doubtful nature.
Mercury. Learned and intelligent. Gain and success through long journeys. Friendship
through travel and learning. Friends among educators, ministers, writers, explorers
and inventors. A religious preceptor, interest in poetry. Death in a distant land, danger
of death by drowning or while on voyage.
Jupiter. Pleasure in foreign land, dutiful children who travel and give pleasure and
learning to the native. Children may become scientists or explorers. A religious
preceptor, founder of educational institutions. Many professions, gain by books,
trading at sea, long journey, philosophy, religion and science. A native of good
conduct. Less comforts from wealth. Well versed in many trades and jobs.
Venus. Marriage with a stranger from a far and gain through that, also gain through
partner’s relatives. Learned and intelligent. Partner’s journey to foreign lands. Wealthy
and blessed with all comforts of life. Early life will be troubled and worried. Gain of
respect and rank in foreign land. Secret mission, investigation, exploration, secluded
research, Sacrifice for science or religions.
Saturn. Wealthy, gain of ancestral property, gain of other’s wealth and property and
long journeys, clear, intelligent, religious but shrewd. Gain by occupation, profession,
science, religion, and merchandising, Govt; and wife’s relation.
Rahu. Improves mental tendencies and gives success in education, legal or religious (5 of 7)9/21/2006 2:48:04 PM
Vrischika Lagna - Scorpio Ascendant
studies, favourable for voyages and foreign affairs, true dreams and prophetic intuition.
Ketu. Curious dreams, afflict the faculty of faith and portends miserable or unfortunate
voyages, unreliable premonitions, trouble and danger of imprisonment in foreign lands.
Tenth House
Sun. Gain and honours through profession, office or Govt; employees, success aided
by mother’s care training and efforts. The native will be wealthy, respected and
famous. Comforts of conveyance and property. Brave and courageous. Fond of
religious ceremonies. Journeys to mountains and association with persons in authority.
Moon. Honour, credit and esteems through science, literature and travel. Success in
foreign affairs. A native of good conduct, gain through other’s property. Changeable
Mars. Merit; honour, preferment and success, rise to high social and professional
position. Honour through service, municipal or national activities. Strained relations
with relatives. Worried and waste of property.
Mercury. Broad minded, learned and intelligent. An author, poet and associations with
learned persons. Gain through inheritance. Danger of violent death. Gain through
persons in authority and high position.
Jupiter. Learned, well respected, religious and of good deeds. Comforts to parents
through native. Gain by occupation, profession and merchandising, government or
wife’s parent. Gain from speculation, business or theatrical work. The children will be
Venus. An honourable partner beneficial to the professional career. Blessed with
property. A man of authority and power. Jolly nature and will lead a pleasurable life.
Liability to disgrace and discredit through superiors. Govt or persons in authority,
retirement or seclusion. Sorrows through parents.
Saturn. Journey by sea, disreputed, harsh temperament, low profession. Inclined to
adulterous and licentious deeds. Mental anguish through brothers, professionals and
honourable journeys and gain through them. Honours and renown, through writings.
Gain through trade, public or Govt; work or by fruits of the earth.
Rahu. The native achieves honour, credit and high position by merit of industrious
work and ability.
Ketu. Loss of position through deception, treachery and adverse public conditions
such as sudden depressions, changes of failures.
Eleventh House
Sun. Birth is a respected family, respected and friends of legislature and persons in
authority. Comforts from conveyance and property. Intelligent and blessed with power
and authority. Elder brothers will enjoy a good status. An honourable fortune,
ambitious ideals. The native is helpful to his associates.
Moon. A good mathematician, sufferings on account of religious or other convictions.
Fortunate friendship on voyages and foreigners and gain through them and in foreign
lands. Acquaintances among travellers, scientists and legislators. Elder sisters.
Mars. Comforts from brothers, over sexed, fond of opposite sex, many enemies,
disrespected due to some accusation, sickness among friends and family. Fulfilment
of hopes through friends. Interest in municipal or national activities. Large circle of
friends, much pleasure in life. Gain by success of employer.
Mercury. Gain in legacies through friends. Well defined hopes and wishes. Respected
and popular among friends. Interest in mathematics, astrology and medicines.
Wealthy and will like truth. Last part of life will be troublesome.
Jupiter. Accidental fortune. Fond of children and pain through them. Gain through
friends, speculations, or pleasure and among legislators, ambassadors and
sportsman. A wealthy and lucky native. Generous and religious, founder of religious
places. Comforts from property and conveyance. Wife will be from rich family. A
respected and pleasurable life and owner of palatial buildings.
Venus. Unfortunate undertakings, peculiar hopes, great disappointment and
obstacles. Deceitful friends and losses through the advice of friends. Friends will
become public opponents or enemies. Troubled married life. No comforts from
relations. Litigations, many enemies, death of brothers and sisters.
Saturn. Suspicious, stomach indigestion, death of child, wealthy but latter part of life
unhappy. Insincere friends and loss through them. Loss of money. Gain through
brothers. Hopes and wishes accomplished through progressive studies. Many hopes
and wishes attained in middle part of life.
Rahu. Meritorious, friendships acquaintances, assist in realisations of hopes and (6 of 7)9/21/2006 2:48:04 PM
Vrischika Lagna - Scorpio Ascendant
Ketu. Undesirable associations, loss of opportunities and frustration of hopes. Wrong
advice and false friends.
Twelfth House
Sun. Trouble in eyes, litigations, journeys, a worried and troubled life. Loss of office or
honour, dignity etc. through profession associates who become secret enemies.
Unfortunate environments and conditions. Difficulty in employment. Limitations
relieved through the study of recondite, science or metaphysics.
Moon. Voyages, eye troubles, loss from ancestral property, death of parents in early
age, loss of wealth due to being extravagant. Difficulty and sorrows through religion,
science and journeys. The writer or inventor, will not be able to get the the same
published without a hard time. In middle or latter part of his life, the native may seek
seclusion for development, occult learnings etc.
Mars. Service in Army. Loss through enemies, litigations, worried and unhappy.
Cautious for his respect. Fear of imprisonment, secret unhappiness, enmities, gain
through occult, secret missions. Success in middle life. Diseases during middle life.
Possibility of two wives. Work of secret or mysterious nature like espionage, C.I.D., C.I.
B or detector etc.
Mercury. Effective speech, many opponents and enemies. More unwanted
expenditure. Difficulty over inheritance, death of secret or private enemies. Great
sorrows, imprisonment or death through fear or anxiety.
Jupiter. Intelligent and balanced talks, wealthy, many professions. Gain by secret
affairs occult. Secret sorrows through children, speculations cause ruin. Pleasure
through investigations and research of mysterious nature. Danger of imprisonment
through gaming if afflicted.
Venus. Generous, expenditure for good causes, wealthy and relations will be strained.
Secret sorrows, jealously, sickness, loss through opponents, occult abilities,
powerless enemies, secret investigations. Limitations, afflictions and adversities prove
to be blessings in disguise due to inner growth of occult power.
Saturn. Miser, low tactics through profession for livelihood. Wealthy. Devoid from
comforts of elders, disrespected and worried and unhappy. Loss through treachery.
End of life in seclusion or devoted to occult science. Great sorrows through brother.
Danger of enmities and imprisonment while travelling.
Rahu. Gain by secret methods or in seclusion, success in occultism. Earnings through
unfair means. Long journeys.
Ketu. Loss and troubles through secret enemies. Imprisonment or restrain and
restrictions and unfavourable for health. Worried and unhappy.
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