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Ways of Knowing in a Clinical Case
Karen Fugate
University of Central Florida
Ways of Knowing in a Clinical Case
Carper’s Ways of Knowing encompass four patterns of knowing in nursing: empirical
knowledge, esthetic knowledge, personal knowledge, and ethical knowledge. According to
McEwen and Wills (2011), all are essential to the “whole” of nursing (p. 17). They form the
body of knowledge which is the foundation for nursing practice. Nursing care of the infant with
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) can pose many challenges. The following case
presentation describes clinical practice problems related to the care of an infant with Neonatal
Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) and the multiple ways of knowing employed to resolve the
problems. The names are fictitious to protect the privacy of the infant and mother.
Clinical Practice Problem
Katy, a full term female infant, was transferred to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
(NICU) from normal newborn on day of life two for management of NAS. Katy had a Finnegan
score of twelve upon transfer. The Finnegan score is an objective measurement tool used to
quantify the severity of withdrawal symptoms in the neonate (Hudak & Tan, 2012). The
Finnegan score is comprised of scoring sections for central nervous system,
metabolic/respiratory, and gastrointestinal symptoms (Sublett, 2013). Katy’s elevated score was
primarily attributed to central nervous system symptomology including irritability, tremors,
increased muscle tone, excessive sucking, poor feeding, interrupted sleep-wake cycle, and
exaggerated Moro reflex.
Katy’s mother, Missy, was a twenty-eight year old first-time mother with a history of
oxycodone addiction. Missy sought treatment for her addiction when she found out she was
pregnant because she did not “want to harm her baby”. Missy was prescribed methadone to
replace oxycodone to avoid detoxification during her pregnancy which is associated with fetal
distress and increased fetal loss (Hudak & Tan, 2012). Missy was compliant with her treatment
plan. Her urine drug screen was negative at delivery with the exception of methadone. Missy was
distraught during her visits and would frequently cry and leave the room when she could not
console her baby. She voiced she thought her baby would be “fine” because she switched to
methadone during her pregnancy. Social work had been consulted and had cleared Katy for
discharge to her mother when medically cleared.
Katy’s care involved administering methadone by mouth as pharmacologic treatment for
her withdrawal and Finnegan scoring to determine therapeutic response. Non-pharmacologic
treatment included swaddling, decreased environmental stimuli and handling, pacifier use, and
gentle rocking. Non-pharmacologic interventions were based on Katy’s cues as no one or
combination of interventions seemed to work consistently. Katy was difficult to feed and
required swaddling, frequent rest periods, and decreased environmental stimuli during feeds to
be able to consume sufficient volume for growth. Katy was fed “on-demand” so it was critical to
be able to discern between excessive sucking associated with withdrawal and genuine hunger
Although Katy was the patient, nursing care also had to be provided for Missy so she
would be able to assume the role of primary caregiver at discharge. Missy was educated on
recognition and management of Katy’s withdrawal symptoms to include feeding and soothing
techniques and parental coping strategies. She was encouraged to spend time with her daughter
so she would feel confident in her parenting ability. Missy was treated as a parent first and not a
person with a substance abuse problem. Communication with Katy was facilitated by providing a
non-judgmental environment where she was comfortable asking questions and voicing her
worries, fears, and concerns.
Application of Ways of Knowing in the Solution
Empirical Knowledge
Carper (1978) describes empirical knowledge as the science of nursing where knowledge
describes, explains, and predicts “phenomena of special concern to the discipline of nursing” (p.
14). White (1995) updates the original model by adding the dimension of what is learned from
facts, theories, and models described in books and professional journals. Examples of use of
empirical knowledge in the nursing care provided in this case scenario are many. I safely
administered methadone and scored the Finnegan tool correctly based on very specific guidelines
providing a reliable assessment of reaction to interventions (Hudak & Tan, 2012). I
experimented with various non-pharmacologic care measures known to be effective in
ameliorating withdrawal symptoms including modification of the environment, rocking, pacifier
use, and small, frequent feeds (Sublett, 2013). I encouraged maternal involvement in care which
has also been found to be beneficial in this patient population. A meta-analysis conducted by
Suchman, Pajulo, DeCoste and Mayes (2006) found that the only interventions associated with
successful parenting in drug-dependent mothers focused on attachment behaviors, strong
relationships between nurse and mother, and encouraging mothers to recognize behavioral cues
of their infant.
Esthetic Knowledge
Carper (1978) describes esthetic knowledge as the “art of nursing” and the ability of the
nurse to perceive the “need that is actually being expressed by the behavior” (p. 17). White
(1995) describes this as intuition. The ability to perceive (or intuit) the needs of patients requires
the nurse to be empathetic; the more skilled the nurse becomes at empathizing, the more
understanding will be gained from the interaction and the nurse will be able to design effective
care (Carper, 1978). White also noted that context-specific experience is important to esthetic
practice. Empathy and perception were utilized to determine that Missy was distraught. I
attempted to create a therapeutic, non-judgmental relationship in which Missy felt comfortable
voicing her fears, concerns, and worries. Many years of experience as a neonatal intensive care
nurse and specific experience with NAS infants and their families was beneficial in developing
effective communication strategies to facilitate this relationship. The relevance of esthetic
knowledge when caring for neonates cannot be overstated; neonates are non-verbal so
interventions are founded on observed behavior and nurse perceptions based on experience and
intuition. Extensive experience caring for the infant with NAS allowed me accurately interpret
Katy’s behavioral cues in response to various interventions contributing to a developmentally
appropriate, individualized approach to care.
Personal Knowledge
Carper (1978) describes personal knowledge as the ability of the nurse to incorporate
“therapeutic use of self” to develop an authentic patient-client relationship whereby the patient is
accepted as a unique individual. White (1995) further illuminates personal knowledge as the
humanity or openness of the patient-client relationship without which “nursing is only technical
assistance, not involved care” (p. 80). I accepted Missy as a unique individual and approached
her in a non-judgmental manner. It is so easy to judge the drug-dependent mother and I have
seen the detrimental results of this approach many times. If I had judged Missy, the therapeutic
relationship would have been compromised and Missy would not have been receptive to teaching
and learning the skills necessary to care for Katy.
Ethical Knowledge
Ethical knowledge, per Carper (1975), is the moral code which guides the ethical conduct
of nurses and is focused on the “obligation of what ought to be done” (p. 20). The National
Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN) Code of Ethics states: “The worth, integrity, dignity,
uniqueness and human rights of patients, employers, colleagues, students, employees, parents
and families of the infant will be respected regardless of ethnicity, gender, social/economic status
or physical or mental challenges” (National Association of Neonatal Nurses website, n.d.).
Therefore, treating the drug-dependent mother with dignity and respect is ethically “what ought
to be done”. I was able to maintain my moral integrity despite being faced with the moral
conflict of providing guidance and support for a mother whose lifestyle choices had caused such
suffering in her infant. I couldn’t help but wonder if Missy would be able to parent Katy after
discharge with twenty-four hour a day responsibility. Would Missy be able to handle the
stressors of everyday life, her addiction, and a demanding baby? Would Katy be abused or
neglected? As a nurse, I wanted to protect Katy but realized Missy was the one who would be
taking her home. After all, Missy was Katy’s parent. By recognizing my feelings, I was able to
make a conscious effort to develop a meaningful, therapeutic relationship with Missy giving her
the best chance to be a successful parent which in turn would positively affect Katy’s outcomes.
Sociopolitical Knowledge
Sociopolitical knowing, per White (1995) addresses the “wherein” of nursing or
the “broader context in which nursing and healthcare take place” (p. 83). Drug dependence,
according to White, is a political problem as well as a personal problem. In this case, it is
important to understand that drug dependence is many times a human response to the stressors of
society. Many substance abusing mothers have histories of sexual abuse, domestic violence, and
underlying mental illness and they are self-medicating as a coping mechanism (Catlin, 2012).
Fortunately, for Missy and Katy’s sake, the Tampa area has opioid dependency treatment centers
specifically designed to care for pregnant women. Mothers receive medication treatment,
counselling, and parenting classes. Healthy Start also offers intensive services to this population
both during pregnancy and after discharge. It is imperative that nursing be aware of these
services so that they are able to make referrals. Nursing is advocating for this vulnerable
population on a national level as well. The American Nurses Association published a position
paper titled “Non-Punitive Alcohol and Drug Treatment for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women
and Their Exposed Children” advocating that nurses care equally for the infant and the mother
and connect them with needed services (Catlin, 2012). NANN is advocating for this population
also, calling to “extend our knowledge and advocacy to a population that needs us” (Catlin,
2012, p. 287); the “population” they refer to is the mother, not the infant.
Summary and Conclusions
Katy was discharged to her mother after a three week stay in the NICU. To my
knowledge, Katy was not readmitted so I can only hope that all went well. I hope I was able to
influence Missy in some small way. Caring for an infant with NAS and the substance-abusing
parent, although not technically challenging, poses one of the most difficult, demanding clinical
situations. The nurse must care for both the infant and the parent; each presenting the nurse with
a unique set of clinical problems. I was able to utilize all the “ways of knowing” to provide
comprehensive, therapeutic care for this dyad.
Carper, B. (1978). Fundamental patterns of knowing in nursing. Advances in Nursing Science,
1(1), 13-23.
Catlin, A. (2012). Call for improved care for the substance-positive mother. Advances in
Neonatal Care, 12(5), 286-287. doi:10.1097/ANC.0b013e318267bb41
Hudak, M., & Tan, R. (2012). Neonatal drug withdrawal. Pediatrics, 129(2), e540-e560.
McEwen, M., & Wills, E. M. (2011). Theoretical basis for nursing (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
National Association of Neonatal Nurses website. (n.d.).
Nelson, M. (2013). Neonatal abstinence syndrome: the nurse’s role. International Journal of
Childbirth Education, 28(1), 38-42.
Sublett, J. (2013). Neontal abstinence syndrome: Therapeutic interventions. The American
Journal of Maternal Child Nursing, 38(2), 102-109.
Suchman, N., Pajulo, M., DeCoste, C., & Mayes, L. (2006). Parenting interventions for drug
dependent mothers and their young children: The case for an attachment-based approach.
Family Relations, 55, 211-226. doi:10.1111/j.1741-3729.2006.00371.x
White, J. (1995). Patterns of knowing: Review, critique and update. Advances In Nursing
Science, 14(4), 73-86.