Download Ch. 2 Part #1 - Harrison High School

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Neuromuscular Fundamentals
Ch. 2
Muscle nomenclature:
- shape
- size
- number of divisions
- direction of fibers
- location
- points of attachment
- action
- action and shape
- action and size
- shape and location
Shape of muscles and fiber arrangement:
 this plays a key role in the ability to exert force
 cross sectional diameter
 ability to move a joint through a wider range is its
ability to shorten
 longer muscles can shorten through a greater range
and are more effective in moving joints through
large ranges of motion
 all muscles are either parallel or pinnate
 parallel muscles produce greater ROM
o flat – thin and broad ( rectus abdominus )
o fusiform – spindle-shaped ( brachialis )
o strap muscles - uniform in diameter ( sartorius
o radiate – both flat and fusiform ( trapezius )
o sphincter – circular ( orbicularis oris )
pennate muscles – like a feather, increased cross –
sectional area, more powerful; tire quickly
unipennate – fibers run obliquely from one side
bipennate – fibers run obliquely from both sides
multipennate – have several tendons with fibers
running diagonally ( deltoid )