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Stars have Unique Properties
Note the different colors of stars in this portion of a Hubble
Space Telescope photo above. What do these colors mean? What
about their brightness? Does their image size mean anything?
How do astronomers known their distance? There’s more than
meets the eye!
The Magnitude Scale
This is the first step in determining what properties
stars have…so lets review:
The first astronomers (Greeks) developed the
magnitude system
Magnitude is proportional to size on a photograph,
or measured with a photometer
Magnitude Vs Intensity
Intensity is related to magnitude: definition of intensity is
energy/second reaching a unit area at the observer
“Solar Constant” = 1500 Watts/sq. Meter--this is the
amount of energy reaching the earth’s surface per
second, per square meter…
Magnitude vs. Intensity: nuts and bolts
Magnitude is a convenient measure of intensity!
A Magnitude difference of 5 = Intensity ratio of 100.
if MA- MB= 5 (Where M represents the magnitude of
the star) , then
IB/IA = 100 (where I represents Intensity)
Intensity = IA
Magnitude = MA
Intensity = IB
Magnitude = MB
Only about half of this power reaches the earth's
surface, meaning that a one square meter solar panel
that is 15% efficient can generate about 100 watts while
the sun is shining…that is enough to light six compact
florescent bulbs
Intensity can be measured with a solar cell--the current
coming out is directly proportional to the intensity.
Absolute Magnitude vs. apparent
apparent Magnitude is a measure of intensity, which
is determined by both distance and intrinsic
Intensity can be the same for a flashlight close up,
or a car headlight far away.
If all objects were at same distance,however,
magnitude would measure Luminosity (intrinsic
Luminosity = Total energy output of object. The
Sun’s luminosity is about 1025
watts (that is a lot of 100 watt light bulbs!)
Absolute Magnitude--Continued
Where apparent magnitude is a measure of the intensity of
light reaching the earth, Absolute magnitude is a measure of
how much light the object is putting out.
So...Absolute Magnitude is a measure of objects Luminosity
By definition, Absolute Magnitude = apparent magnitude if
object was 10 Parsecs away (32.6 light years)
Read on or see text for definition of the Parsec (by use of the
Parallax method).
The Weird Equation relating apparent and absolute magnitude
m = apparent magnitude
M = absolute Magnitude
D = distance to Star, so the weird equation is…….
M-m = -5log(d) + 5
So what good is it?
If you know both M and m, you can find distance. If you know m
and d, you can find M.
The Weird Equation…continued
I could explain how and why this works in detail, but You might
drop the class.
Try putting M = m…you get d = 10 parsecs …or take my word for
This also means that if you know the distance to a star (d), and the
apparent magnitude (which you can measure by the size of an
image on a photograph), then you can use this equation to find
Example if you are intersted. Star A has a magnitude of 5 and an
absolte magnitude of 12. Thus: 12 - 5 = -5log(d)+ 5
Solving: log(d) = 7 - 5 = 2,
d= 10^2 = 100 parsecs . Likewise, if you knew the star was 100
parsecs away, and had an aparent magnitude of 5 you would solve
for an absolute magnitude of the star = 12!
Luminosity of Nearby Stars
This chart is a plot of number of stars as a function of luminosity.
Note that most stars are less luminous than our sun But a few are
much more luminous….imagine a star Putting out 100 times the
energy of our sun…but they are out there!
So how do you find the distances to
Astronomers have a “distance Ladder”
Different distances require different methods.
Parallax method works to 300pc--beyond this, the
parallax angle is too small to measure accurately
Beyond 300 parsecs we need to use the “weird
equation”--i.e. we need to know the absolute magnitude,
and apparent magnitude. The equation then allows us
to calculate distance.
The Distance Ladder
But…how do we know the absolute magnitude for stars when
we don’t know the distance?
…hmmm…not an easy question!
Beyond 300 parsecs we use the spectroscopic parallax
method (otherwise known as the the “weird equation
This works as long as we can obtain spectra from
individual stars
Parallax Method
Parallax method works out to 300 PC
1 PC is the distance of an object with parallax angle of 1”
1pc =3.26 yr.
nearest star is 4 lyrs away, so its parallax angle is < 1’’ and
its angle is the largest of any star.
Since the parallax method uses the distance from the Earth
to Sun as a baseline, we need to know the exact size of an
astronomical unit in meters
Parallax Method--Continued
We do this by using radar imaging --bouncing radio waves off
of Venus and timing how long they take to come back
Since Venus is .7 Au from the Sun, and radio waves travel at
the speed of light, we can calculate the distance from the time.
If we know how far Venus is from us, we know how far we are
from the Sun!
Spectroscopic parallax
Since there are thousands of stars within 300 pc of the
Earth, we measure the distance and apparent magnitude for
all them via the parallax method and a photometer (or
taking a photograph and looking at the size of the image).
Using the “weird equation” we can calculate the absolute
magnitude for all these stars
Spectroscopic Parallax--continued
We can then make up a chart listing the absolute
magnitude for all these stars and everything else we know
about them, including spectral type.
spectral type
More on spectroscopic parallax...
We find that there is a direct correlation between absolute
magnitude and spectral type…in other words
Stars of the Spectral type have the same Absolute
Normal vs. “Strange” Stars
This relationship is true for “normal” or Main Sequence Stars!
You can see this by the straight line relationship on the
“Hertzsprung Russell diagram below:
For more info:
The HR Diagram
This is primary tool for astronomers
They use to find distances, temperatures, mass, and even
age of stars and star clusters
Click on the link below to see HR diagram from the:
Astronomy picture of the Day