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4. “Beating the flu virus”(22:00)
 What causes immunity to the flu?
Essential Question: How does the body fight against invading organisms that may
disrupt homeostasis?
An Inside Look: The Flu
Directions: Follow Holly, a “victim” of influenza B. Witness how she is
exposed to the virus & see how her immune system responds this invader!
Link: Also on Mrs. Netland’s teacher page. mms://gtm-
Video Segment:
1. “Transmission of a Virus”(4:56)
 What happens immediately after viruses and
bacteria enter the body?
How could the flu virus fight back?
How does a virus take advantage of the way human
cells work? (5:02)
2. “Influenza B invasion” (8:56)
 What is happening in Holly’s body to cause her to
loose throat cells?? ? (What role do the Natural
Killer Cells play in the response??)
3. ”Battle against the flu”(17:15)
 How does a T cell become activated, and what
happens immediately after it’s been called into duty?
Why does the entire body rather than just the
throat experience flu symptoms? What are
macrophages? Interlukens?
What are antibodies, and what is their role in
fighting the flu? (How are they different from Tcells?)