* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Assembly Language Programming Assembly Language Programming is a method of creating instructions that are the symbolic equivalent of machine code. Thus, an assembler is a program that accepts the source code (.s19) as an input file and produces the 1s and 0s that are to be placed in the memory of the computer - this is called the machine code. There is a one to one correspondence between the assembly instructions and the machine code in memory. Wide View An assembly language program is divided into four sections that contain the main program components: Assembler directives: o These instructions are provided by the user. o They define data and symbols, allocate data storage locations, specify output format o Assembler directives do not produce machine code Assembly language instructions: The 68HC11 instructions Comments: Explain a line code or a group of lines END directive: Last statement – ignored also in assembler Assembly Source Code Fields: Each line of the 68HC11 (in general) comprises of four distinct fields- some of the fields may be empty. The order of the fields is: 1- Label Field a. symbols or identifiers b. optional c. when used provides symbolic memory reference such as a branch instruction address d. labels are also used to define constants e. Rules: (USUALLY) i. start with an alphabetic character or period or underscore in the FIRST Column ii. may contain digits and other characters like the “_” , “.” , ”$” iii. limitations on the number of characters (1 to 15) iv. case sensitive v. may end up with a “:” Example: Label: _TEST _Test $TEST NO TEST$ TEST$DATA Test_Data 1_TEST Test_DATA NO TEST DATA NO NO 2- Operation Filed a. The op-code field contains mnemonics for the operation or an assembler directive. b. It must be proceeded by at least one white space from the left margin or a label c. The assembler is INSENSITIVE to the cases of the mnemonics 3- Operand Filed a. The operand field (if present) follows the operation field by at least one space. b. The operand field may contain operands for instructions or arguments for assembler directives. Examples: Operation Operand Field Field ADDA #$10 ABC EQU 0 LOOP: BNE HERE 4- Comment Filed a. The comment field is added for documentation and is ignored by the assembler b. * at start (first column) c. ; as an in-line comment ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ Before we continue, let us put it all together in a simple example: Main ( ) { int i,j,k i=10; j=20; k=i+j; } /* these are 8-bit inter variables Write the equivalent assembly code: * Declare the data storage ORG $0200 i RMB 1 ; variable i j RMB 1 ;variable j k RMB 1 ;variable k 1 2 3 4 5 * Program section start ORG $2000 LDAA #10 STAA i LDAA #20 STAA j ADDA i STAA k END 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ;starting address of the program ;initialize i to 10 ;====== ;initialize j to 20 ;= = = = = = = = ;i+j ;store value in k location Before continuing further, let us do the following 1- Write the above program in Motpad and save it as .asm file (example1.asm) 2- generate program listing .l file cas11 –l example1.asm (note it is –L not –ONE) Here is the generated program listing CalU 68HC11 Cross Assembler, ver. 2.04 3/04/2007 16:35:12 Page 1 1 0200 2 0200 (0001) 0201 (0001) 0202 (0001) 2000 2000 2002 2005 2007 200A 200D 2010 86 B7 86 B7 BB B7 0A 02 14 02 02 02 00 01 00 02 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 -----------15 Lines 0 Errors 0 Warnings DISCUSS the above program. * Declare the data storage ORG $0200 i j k RMB RMB RMB 1 1 1 ; variable i ;variable j ;variable k * Program section start ORG $2000 ;start add. of the prog. LDAA #10 ;initialize i to 10 STAA i ; = = = = = = LDAA #20 ;initialize j to 20 STAA j ;= = = = = = = = ADDA i ;i+j STAA k ;store value in k location END Now, let us discuss some directives: Directives: Assembler directives are important part of an assembler program. They can define the program’s location in memory, they allow us to define symbols and contents of memory locations. Let us visit some of the directives: ORG sets the value of the location counter and thus it tells the assembler where to put the next byte it generates after the ORG directive. The syntax is as follows: ORG < expression> Example: ORG $2000 LDAB #$EE Will place the opcode byte for the instruction LDAB #$EE at location $2000. RMB (Reserve Memory Byte) reserves a block of memory whose size is specified by the number that follows the directive. The syntax is: <label> RMB <expression> Example: BUFFER RMB 80 allocates 80 decimal bytes for some data. The programmer can refer to it using the label BUFFER. Example: Suppose we want to load the first byte in BUFFER into accumulator A we do: LDAA BUFFER To load the 8th byte we do: LDAA BUFFER + 7 Also, we can use the directive ORG to specify where the block of memory be reserved: ORG $100 BUFFER RMB 80 this will cause a block of 80 bytes be reserved at the starting address of $100. EQU (Equate a symbol to a value) Examples: zero TRUE EQU 0 EQU 1 syntax: <label> EQU <expression> A EQU 2 B EQU 4*A - BSZ (Block Storage of zeros) causes the assembler to allocate a block of bytes and assign each a value of zero. The number of bytes is specified in the expression. Syntax: <label> BSZ <expression> Example: ABC EQU 60 BUFFER BSZ ABC allocates and sets to zero a storage buffer of 60 - FCB (Form Constant Byte) this directive will put a byte in memory for each argument of the directive. The syntax is: <label> FCB <expression1>,<expression2>, …. Example: ORG $1000 XYZ FCB $10,$18,$25,$40 This will initialize the contents of memory locations $1000, $1001, $1002, and $1003 to the values: $10, $18, $25, and $40. - LETTERS Form Constant Character: FCC o will generate the code bytes for the letters in the argument of the directives, using ASCII code. ALL letters to be coded and stored are enclosed in double quotes. The format is: o <label> FCC “<string>” ; comments o Example: FCC “DEF” ; this is an example This will generate the following values in memory: $44, $45, $ 46 Also, it will let the assembler know that the label LETTERS refers to the address of the first letter. - SPACE Define Constant Block Directive DCB o will reserve an area of memory and initializes each byte to the same constant value o The format of this directive is: o <label> DCB <length>,<value> o Example: DCB 80,$20 A line of 80 space characters is generated. The label SPACE refers to the first space character. The value $20, is the ASCII code to the space character. Sometimes, DCB is not supported by most freeware (ours does not support it) Let us write some programs: Challenge -1 (Due Date to be announced) Write a program that will multiply 16 bit numbers stored at locations {M, M+1} and {N, N+1} and store the product at memory locations { P, P+1, P+2, P+3} Where P is the highest memory byte (H) and P+3 is the lowest memory byte (L). Here is a graphical illustration of the process: 8-bit + Address Upper Byte P MSB 8-bit Upper Byte Upper Byte Lower Byte P+1 8-bit Upper Byte Lower Byte Lower Byte 8-bit Lower Byte partial product: MLNL Partial Product: MHNL Partial Product: ML NH Partial Product: MHNH P+2 P+3 LSB Final Product: M N Test your solution for the given case: M: = $24A1 at location $200, $201 N = $41B7 at location $202, $203 P, the result should be at locations: $20A, $20B, $20C, $20D use assembly, Sim11 and MotPad.