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Study Guide—Test #2
CHAPTER 5: Ancient Greece
For the Greeks, “_____________ was the “measure of all things.”
What form did the Greeks give to their gods?
List two characteristics of typical vase decoration from the Geometric period:
Describe the black-figure technique of pottery decoration.
Describe the red-figure technique of pottery decoration.
Monumental freestanding sculpture first appeared in Greece around ______________ in
the__________________ period.
What characteristics do kouros figures share with Egyptians statues? How do they differ?
What is the major significance of the Kritos Boy?
On what parts of a Greek temple was sculptural decoration used?
What are the main compositional problems of pediment sculpture? How are they solved
in the Temple of Aphaia?
What technique was used in the making of the Riace Bronzes?
The Discobolos was created by the sculptor ___________________ in about ___________ B.C.
What are its “transitional” features?
The sculptures of the west pediment of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia represent what
mythological subject:
Who was Pericles?
What are two ionic elements used in the Parthenon? What was the main purpose of this
building? Who were its architects? Who designed its sculptural program?
What do the metopes of the Parthenon depict?
What is represented in the Parthenon’s frieze?
Why is the Erechtheion an unusal building?
How is the subject of the frieze of the Temple ofAthena Nike unique and significant?
Describe typical Greek theater design.
What is the “Canon of Polykleitos?”
The use of the white-ground technique was most popular on what type of vases? What
were the disadvantages?
Who was Plato and Aristotle? What were their philosophies?
How did sculpture change in the “Late Classicial Period?” Point out those changes in
Hermes and Dionysos?
What innovations did Lysippos make in figural sculpture?
The main advantage of a Corinthian over an Ionic capital was?
Write 3 major concerns of Hellenistic artists that set them apart from earlier Greek artists?
In what year did the Romans sack the Greek city of Corinth, thereby completing the
absorbtion of the Greek city-states into the Roman empire?
Compare the Minoan Octopus Jar with the Greek Geometric krater from the Dipylon
Cemetery. How does the decoration of each relate to the shape of the vase, and what
does the subject matter of each tell us about the people who made them?
What are the primary changes you see in the treatment of the human figure when you
compare the New York Kouros with the bronze Warrior from Riace and the figure of
Hermes in Hermes and Dionoysis.
Select 3 figures that you think best demonstrate the development of the female figure in
Greek sculpture: each from the Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic periods. How does
each illustrate the stylistic characteristics of her period?
Know and be able to label architectural vocabulary such as… shaft, volute, capital,
entablature, abacus, architrave, cornice, frieze, pediment, triglyph ,metope, stylobate,
order, etc.
Study Guide—Test #2
CHAPTER 6: The Etruscans
Be able to define or identify the following terms:
Fibula, Granulation, Necropolis, Tumulus,,Chimera
List four architectural characteristics of Etruscan temples that distinguish them from Greek
List three stylistic characteristics of the Apula (Apollo) from Veii that distinguish it as
Where was it originally placed?
What were the favorite materials of Etruscan sculptors?
Why is the Etruscan Capitoline Wolf so famous?
How might the subject on the reliefs relate to the political situation of the Etruscans in the
2nd c BCE?
List two features of the magnificent bronze figure of Aule Matele that show the influence
of the Romans.
Compare the Apulu (Apollo) from Veii with the Riace Warrior. Explain how the typical
Etruscan features of the former contrast with the typical Greek features of the latter.
Compare the Etruscan sarcophagus with the reclining couple and the fresco with the
Egyptian funerary monument from Gizeh and the Greek funerary stele. What do these
monuments say about relationships between people in these societies as well as about
their ideas toward death?
Do you think that Etruscan landscape paintings are closer to Egyptian or Minoan
paintings? Why?
What do art images tell us about the relative positions of Greek and Etruscan women?
Select two examples from each culture to illustrate your argument.
Describe Etruscan necropolis and their location.
CHAPTER 7: The Roman Empire
Study Guide—Test #2
List 4 forms of architecture the Romans could have learned from the Etruscans?
List the structural device credited to the Romans but believed to have been made
respectable by the Etruscans.
What 3 words best describe the Roman ideal?
The 2 cultures whose art strongly influenced that of Rome were _____________ and
What is meant by the term “Greco-Roman”?
Which of the visual arts did the Roman artist make innovative contributions? What was
the term given to this style?
List 4 non-Greek features of the Temple of Foruna Virilis.
What enabled the Romans to create an “architecture of space rather than sheer
The 2 ancient cities that were buried when Mt. Vesuvius erupted in 79 CE were __________
and ___________.
Briefly describe the plan of a Roman atrium house:
Describe the French term “Trompe L’Oeil.”
Name 3 pictoral devices used by Roman painters to suggest recession and depth:
Define the following: Insula, Pax Romana, Tempera, Barrel Vault, Groin Vault, Coffering,
Tetrarch 
While the core of the Colosseum is concrete and cut stone, its exterior is constructed of:
What is the sequence, from the ground up, were the Greek architectural orders used in
Roman multistoried buildings?
What was the function of the Roman Basilica?
What revolutionary concept finds its fullest expression in the Roman Pantheon?
The center of its dome is pierced by a circular opening called the ____________________.
What functions, other than sanitary ones, did the Roman baths fill?
What was the media of choice for bathhouse wall and floor decoration?
How do the reliefs on the Column of Trajan differ from those on the Arch of Titus?
In what
respects do they forecast the art of the Middle Ages?
Roman portrait sculpture shows a fluctuation between 2 opposite artistic tendencies.
What are they?
One of the very few equestrian portraits of a Roman emperor to survive the Middle
is that of _____________________________________________. It appears to owe its
survival to:
Name 2 factors that contributed to the decline of the Roman imperial power in the 3rd c.
List 3 characteristics of 4th c. Roman sculpture that are illustrated by the Tetrarchs:
Why do authors feel that the Arch of Constantine is a monument to the decline of the
Roman creative power? 
What is meant by the term “illusionism?” 
If the Greek genius expressed itself in art, science, and philosophy, in what fields did the
more practical Romans excel? How are these differing concerns reflected in the surviving
monuments of the two cultures? 
Analyze the stylistic differences between the reliefs from the Arch of Constantine, the
Arch of Titus, and the Parthenon. In what ways do the style and subject matter of these
reliefs reflect the social, religious, and political concerns of the society for which they
were made?