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B. Tech. + M. Tech. Integrated -Batch 2012-17 & 2013-18
BIO 101
3 - - 3
Introduction Orientation to BIO C111; characteristics of life; classification of life – kingdoms of life
(including plants) and examples; viruses
Organic chemistry of living things Building blocks; carbohydrates; nucleic acids; lipids; proteins;
enzymes and energy
Cell Structure and Function Cell theory; prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; cell membrane and
membrane-bound organelles; non-membranous organelles; membrane transport mechanisms
Biochemical Pathways Cellular respiration – three stages of generating ATPs; process of
Photosynthesis Basics of Photosynthesis; light reactions; Calvin cycle; autotrophs and heterotrophs
DNA and RNA – The Molecular Basis of Heredity DNA structure and replication; RNA and
protein synthesis – transcription, translation and their control; mutations
Cell Division – Proliferation and Reproduction Cell cycle and Mitosis; stages of mitosis; cancer
and cell cycle; Meiosis – stages and generation of genetic diversity; chromosomal abnormalities
Patterns of Inheritance Mendelian genetics – laws of heredity; extensions to Mendel’s laws;
linkage; other influences on phenotype
Techniques and Applications of Biotechnology DNA Fingerprinting; HGP; GM organisms; stem
cells and cloning; biotechnology ethics
Diversity within species and Natural selection Biological species concept; genetic diversity;
Darwin’s theory of evolution and natural selection
Ecosystems and Environmental Sciences Energy flow through ecosystems; human use of
Human Physiology: Material exchange in the body Human circulatory and excretory systems
Body’s control mechanisms Human nervous and endocrine systems
Body’s protection mechanism Human immune system
Human Reproduction, Sex and Sexuality; Human development Human sexuality and
determinants; gametogenesis; male and female reproductive systems – hormonal controls; pregnancy
and early human development
Text Book:
Enger, E.D., Ross, F.C. and David B. Bailey.Concepts in Biology (13th edition, BITS-Pilani Custom
edition). New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2010.
Reference Book:
RB1: Campbell, N.A., et. al. Essential Biology with Physiology (2nd edition). New Delhi: Pearson
Education Inc., 2009.
RB2: Starr, Cecie. Biology: Concepts and Applications (6th edition). India: Thomson Brooks/Cole,
MATH 106
3 1 - 3
Understand and describe sample spaces and events for random experiments with graphs, lists, tree
diagrams, etc., Probability Sample space, Events and Counting
Use probabilities of outcomes to calculate probabilities of events Calculate the probabilities of joint
events such as unions and intersections from the probabilities of individual events. Probability
Axioms of probability Extension of Theorem 3.6 to n events
Calculate conditional probabilities of events: Determine the independence of events and use
independence to calculate probabilities Use Bayes' theorem to calculate conditional
probabilities Conditional Probability: Independent events Bayes' theorem Mathematical expectation
Determine probabilities from probability mass functions and cumulative distribution functions
Probability Distributions: Random variables Binomial distribution Hyper geometric distribution,
Means and variances for the discrete random variables Mean &Variance of a probability distribution
Chebychev's theorem
Select an appropriate discrete probability distribution to calculate probabilities in specific
applications Poisson approximation to Binomial distribution Poisson processes Geometric
distribution Multinomial distribution
Determine probabilities from probability density functions & cumulative distribution functions
Probability Densities Continuous random variables Normal distribution The normal approximation to
binomial distribution
Select an appropriate continuous probability distribution to calculate probabilities in specific
applications. Uniform distribution Lognormal distribution Gamma distribution Beta distribution
Use joint probability mass functions and joint probability density functions to calculate probabilities
Calculate marginal and conditional distributions from joint probability distribution Joint distributions
& densities; marginal and conditional distributions and densities; Properties of expectations
Understand the role of the central limit theorem and the role of t, X2 and F as sampling distributions
Sampling Distributions Population & random samples Sampling distribution of mean( ~
known)Sampling distribution of mean( ~ unknown)t-distribution
Sampling distribution of variance:X2 and F distributions
Understand the general concepts of estimating the parameters of a population, properties of point
estimation Construct confidence intervals on the mean of a probability distribution Point estimation
Interval estimation of proportions
Formulate the decision-making problems as hypothesis tests and test hypothesis on the mean of a
population Tests of hypotheses Null hypotheses and alternative hypotheses concerning one mean
Understand how the method of least squares is used to estimate the parameters in a linear regression
model Curve fitting Method of Least Squares Inferences based on Least Squares Estimators
Text Book:
Miller & Freund's Probability & Statistics for Engineers: Johnson Richard A., Eastern Economy
Edition, PHI, 7th Edition, 2006.
Reference Book:
Introduction to Probability Theory & Applications: Feller, W. John Wiley, 3rd Edition, 2000.
Mathematical Statistics: Freund, J.E.: Prentice Hall, 6th Edition,2002.
Modern Probability Theory & Applications: Parzen E. John Wiley. J.C., Brothers, 5thEdition, 2000.
Introductory Probability and Statistical Applications: Meyer.P.L, Oxford &IBH, 1970.
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers: Douglas C. Montgomery, &George C. Runger, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 3rd Edition, 2004.
ME 103
2 - 4 4
Intro to AutoCAD Basic commands
Orthographic Projections Theory, techniques, first and third angle projections, Multi view drawing
from pictorial views.
Isometric Drawing Theory of isometric drawing, construction of isometric from orthographic.
Spatial geometry Projection of points; lines, true lengths, inclinations, shortest distance; planes
Geometrical solids and sections Construction of solids; section planes and sectional view.
Development of surfaces Radial line, parallel line
Interpenetration of Solids Vertical interpenetration, horizontal interpenetration drawing of profile at
entry and exit
Text Book:
D.M. Kulkarni, A.P. Rastogi and A. K. Sarkar., Engineering Graphics with Auto CAD,PHI Learning
Private Limited, New Delhi.
Reference Book:
Dhananjay A. Jolhe, Engineering Drawing with an Introduction to AutoCAD, Tata McGraw-Hill
Education Private Limited, New Delhi
ME 104
2 - 4 4
Fitting Fitting tools and equipment, basic fitting operations, fabrication of a metal job using fitting
Welding Welding tools and equipment, common types of welding, welding techniques, fabrication
of joints using arc welding and gas welding
Smithy Smithy tools and equipments, smithy operations, preparation of a simple job using hot
forging skills
Sheet metal Sheet metal tools, sheet metal operations, development and fabrication of a job using
sheet metal operations
Carpentry Carpentry tools and equipments, preparation of a wooden job using various joints
Machining on lathe Main parts of a centre lathe, work holding devices, cutting operations on a
centre lathe, machining of a metal job using a centre lathe
Machining on shaper Main parts of a shaper, work holding devices, machining of a simple metal
job using a shaper
Machining on milling and planer Main parts of milling and planner, milling cutters, practice of a
simple metal job on a milling machine
Grinding Types of grinding machines and their main parts, demonstration of simple grinding on
centre less, surface, cylindrical, and tool & cutter grinder
CNC machining CNC fundamentals, demonstrations on CNC turning and milling centers
Metrology Common measuring instruments used in workshop, experiments to find the angle of a
dovetail, angle of a taper and the radius of a circular surface
Foundry Common foundry tools and equipment, preparation of a green sand mould
Rolling Objective of rolling, rolling process, practical on two high rolling mill
Electroplating Electro plating a given job
Text Book:
Sangwan K S ,Rao C R and Daiya K G, Practical Manual for Workshop Practice, EDD, BITS Pilani.
B S Nagendra Parashar and R K Mittal, Elements of Manufacturing Processes, Prentice Hall of India,
2006, 4th print.
Reference Book:
Campbell J.S., Principles of Manufacturing Materials and Processes, Tata Mc-Graw-Hill, New
Delhi, 23rd reprint 2006.
ME 105
3 1 - 3
Some concepts & definitions Introduction, thermodynamic systems, properties & state, process &
cycle, force, energy, pressure, specific volume, zeroth law.
Properties of pure substances Phase equilibrium, independent properties, and equations of state,
compressibility factor.
Properties of pure substances Tables of thermodynamic properties & their use.
Work and heat Definition of work and its identification, work done at the moving boundary Concept
of heat, comparison of heat and work, Engineering Applications
First law for control mass First law for a cycle as well as for a change of state; internal energy &
enthalpy Specific heats; internal energy, enthalpy & specific heat of ideal gases; first law as a rate
equation; problem analysis & solution technique, Engineering Applications
First law for control volume Conservation of mass in control volume; first law for control volume;
SS process; examples of SS processes Transient processes; examples, Engineering Applications
Second Law of Thermodynamics Limitations of first law & need for the second law; Reversible
process; heat engine, heat pump, refrigerator; Carnot cycle; Two prepositions regarding efficiency of
Carnot cycle; energy‐conversion efficiency and COP, Kelvin‐Planck & Clausius statements, The
ideal gas Carnot Cycle, Engineering Applications
Entropy Concept of entropy; the Need of entropy definition of entropy; entropy of a pure substance;
entropy change of a reversible & irreversible processes; principle of increase of entropy,
thermodynamic property relation; problem analysis & solution technique
Second law for control volume Second law for control volume; SS & Transient processes; SSSF
process; principle of increase of entropy Understanding efficiency and related problems; problem
analysis & solution technique, Engineering Applications
Irreversibility and availability Available energy, reversible work & irreversibility for control mass
and control volume processes; second law efficiency, Engineering Applications
Thermodynamic relations Clapeyron equation, Maxwell relations, Thermodynamic relation for
enthalpy, internal energy, and entropy, expansively and compressibility factor, equation of state,
generalized chart for enthalpy and entropy change, developing tables of property from experimental
Text Book:
Sonntag R.E. and Claus B., “Fundamentals of Thermodynamics”, John Wiley & Sons, 2009, 7th ed.
Reference Book:
Booklet on Thermodynamic Tables, Figures & Charts.
CHEM 107
3 1 - 3
Quantum Theory Origins of Quantum Mechanics, Black body radiation, Wave function,
Schrodinger Equation, Uncertainty, Simple Applications.
Atomic Structure and Spectra Hydrogenic Atom: Energy Levels and Wave functions, Orbitals,
Spectral Transitions, Many-electron Atoms: Pauli Principle, Orbital Approximation, Aufbau
Principle, Term symbols, Spin-orbit Coupling.
Chemical Bonding: Valence Bond and Molecular Orbital Theories
VB Theory: Electron Pair Bond, Hybridization, Resonance. MO Theory: LCAO, Bonding and
Antibonding Orbitals, Diatomic Molecules
Vibrational and Electronic
Spectroscopy General Features Vibrational Energy Levels and Spectra and applications; Electronic
Spectra: Franck-Condon Principle, Types of Transitions.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Principles, Chemical Shift, Fine Structure, Spin Relaxation
Thermodynamics: The First, second and third laws Thermodynamic Systems, State Functions,
Thermal Equilibrium and Temperature, Work, Internal Energy and Heat Transfer, Heat Capacity,
Entropy and thermochemistry
Sponteniety and equilibrium Applications of entropy, Gibbs' energy in chemical reactions
Chemical Kinetics: Experimental Methods, Reaction Rates, Temperature Dependence
Rate Laws, Order, Rate Constants, Arrhenius Equation, Rate-determining step, Steady-state
Conformations Rotation around sigma bonds, conformational analysis of butane, cyclohexane, and
substituted cyclohexanes.
Stereochemistry Isomerism, chirality, origin of optical activity, stereochemistry of cyclic
compounds, resolution.
Substitution reactions Nucleophilic substitution reactions (both SN1 and SN2) of alkyl halides.
Elimination reactions Elimination reaction of alkyl halides; Hoffmann and Cope Elimination.
Addition reactions Addition reactions to >C=C< bond
Aromaticity and aromatic compounds Structure and reactivity of benzene and other aromatic
Some Concepts in Inorganic Chemistry & Introduction to Coordination compounds Latimer
and Frost diagrams; Double salts and coordination compounds. Werner’s work; Identification of
structure by isomer counting. Effective Atomic No. concept.
VB theory and Crystal field theory for octahedral complexes Explanation for the stability of
complexes according to crystal field theory
Jahn-Teller distortions; Square planar and Tetrahedral complexes How do geometrical
distortions stabilize the system? Stability in other geometries
Chelates & Isomerism Different types of ligands and stabilization due to entropy factors and
electron delocalization in the rings.
Text Book:
P.W. Atkins and Julio de Paula, Elements of Physical Chemistry: 5th Edition, Oxford University
Press, Oxford 200
T. W. Graham Solomons and Craig B. Fryhle, Organic Chemistry, 8th Edition, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc.New York, 2004.
J. D. Lee, Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 5th Edition, Blackwell Science, Oxford, 1999
MATH 109
3 1 - 3
The curvilinear coordinate systems like polar coordinates can be more natural than Cartesian
coordinates many a times. Polar coordinates, graphing, polar equations of conic sections, Integration
using polar coordinates.
Review of real valued functions of one variable. Properties of limits, infinity as a limit, continuity
Study of vector valued functions of one variable, motion and its path in space. Limit continuity &
differentiability of vector function, arc length, velocity unit tangent vector.
The relation between the dynamics and geometry of motion. Curvature, normal vector, torsion and
TNB frame, tangential and normal components of velocity and acceleration
Motions in other coordinate systems. Polar and cylindrical coordinates
Limits and continuity of functions of several variables is more intricate. Functions of several
variables, level curves, limits, continuity.
Difference between derivative and partial derivative. Partial derivatives, differentiability, chain rule.
Generalizations of partial derivatives and their applications. Directional derivatives, gradient vectors,
tangent planes & normal lines, linearization
How to optimize (maximize or minimize) functions of several variables locally as well as globally.
Maximum, minimum & saddle points of functions of two or three variables, Lagrange multipliers
Evaluation of area of planar regions and volumes using iterated integrals. Double integrals, area,
change of integrals to polar coordinates
Volumes of solids in space using suitable curvilinear coordinate system. Triple integrals, integral in
cylindrical and spherical coordinates, substitution in integrals.
Different integrals of vector fields on objects in space; applications to flow, flux, work etc.; their
mutual relationship via Green’s theorem generalizing the fundamental theorem of integral calculus.
Line integrals, work, circulation, flux, path independence, potential function, conservative field,
Green’s theorem in plane
Divergence theorem and Stokes’ theorem further generalize Green’s theorem.
surface integral, Gauss’ divergence
Surface area &
Differentiate clearly between three types of series convergence with examples & counter examples.
Convergence of sequences and series of real numbers, different tests of convergence, series of non
negative terms, absolute & conditional convergence, alternating series
Approximating functions with polynomials. Power series, Maclaurin series, Taylor series of
Text Book:
M. D. Weir, J. Hass and F. R. Giordano : Thomas’ Calculus, 11th edition, Pearson Educations, 2008.
Reference Book:
(i) E. Kreyszig : Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th Edition John Wiley and sons 1999.
(ii) T. M. Apostol : Calculus Vols I and II, 2nd Edition, John Wiley and sons, 1967 and 1969.
PHY 111
3 1 - 3
Foundations of Newtonian mechanics Applications of Newton’s laws, everyday forces of Physics
Momentum Dynamics of a system of particles, conservation of momentum
Momentum Impulse and restatement of the momentum relation, flow of mass, momentum transport
Work and energy Eqn. Of motion in 1-dimension and several dimensions, work energy theorem and
Work and energy Potential energy, force, small oscillations in bound system, non-conservative
forces, power, conservation laws and particle collisions
Angular momentum Angular momentum, torque, fixed axis rotation
Angular momentum Dynamics of pure rotation, physical pendulum, motion involving both
translation and rotation
Non inertial systems Galilean transformations, uniformly accelerated systems, principle of
Non inertial systems Physics in a rotating frame, the corriolis force.
Simple harmonic motion (SHM) The basic mass-spring system, solving SHM equation using
complex exponentials, examples of simple harmonic motions, the decay of free vibrations
Forced oscillator Un damped oscillator with harmonic forcing, forced oscillator with damping
Forced oscillator (contd.) Power absorbed by a driven oscillator ,resonance
Coupled Oscillations Two coupled oscillators, normal modes, normal frequencies, forced vibration
for coupled oscillators
Coupled Oscillations Many coupled oscillators, normal modes of N coupled oscillators
Vibrations of Continuous system The free vibrations of stretched strings, normal modes of a stretched
string, forced vibration of a stretched string
Progressive waves Progressive waves in one dimension, superposition, wave pulses
Text Book:
An introduction to mechanics, by Kleppner and Kolenkow, Tata McGraw-Hill Indian edition1999.
Vibrations and waves, by A.P. French, CBS Publishers and Distributors, Inc., first Indian
Reference Book:
R1: Physics, Vol.1, by Halliday, Resnick, &Krane, 5th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002
R2: The Physics of Waves and Oscillations by N K Bajaj, Tata McGraw-Hill 1984.
COMP 102
3 1 - 3
To understand the basic structure of the computer What is computer, generation of computer,
Classification of computers and computer languages. Basic building block of the computer (Memory,
Control, Processor, I/O)
Numeric data representation Number Systems, Number representations, Conversions and
Arithmetic & Logic operations on bits.
Digital logic structure Logic Gates and Combinational Logic. Demorgan’s Law
Problem solving using computers: Introduction to Algorithms Concept of an algorithm and its
design using Flow charts, Programming Paradigms. Top design
Introduction to C History of C, importance of C, basic structure of C program and C Keywords.
Representing and Manipulating Data Constants, Variable and Data Types.
Operators and expressions Types of Operators, expressions and their evaluation.
Managing input and output operations Reading and writing a character, formatted and
unformatted input output
Decision making and branching IF, IF ELSE, nesting of IF ELSE statements, ELSE IF, SWITCH
statements and GOTO statement.
Decision making and Looping WHILE, DO-WHILE and FOR loop and jumps in LOOPS.
Arrays One and two dimensional array, initialization and declaration
Character arrays and string Introduction, declaring and initializing string variables, reading and
writing strings and string handling functions.
User defined functions Introduction, need declaration and definition of a function, recursion.
User defined Data types Structures and Unions
Introduction to pointers Understanding pointers, Accessing the address of a variable, Declaration
and Initialization of Pointer Variables.
File Handling Introduction. Defining and Opening a File, Closing a File. Input/ Output Operations
on file.
The Preprocessor Macros and File Inclusion.
Text Books
(T1)E. Balagurusamy: Programming in ANSI C
(T2)Anita Goel: Computer Fundamentals, Pearson Education
Reference Book:
(R 1) Fundamentals of computers, V Rajaraman PHI, 4th Edition, 2004
(R 2) Introduction to Computing Systems (From bits and gates to C and beyond), Yale N Patt and
Sanjay J Patel McGraw Hills International, 3rd Edition, 2004
(R 3) Yashwant Kanetkar - Let us C, BPB Publication.
(R 4) How to solve it by computer, R G Dromey PHI, 3rd edition, 2004.
ME 103
2 - 4 4
Intro to AutoCAD Basic commands
Orthographic Projections Theory, techniques, first and third angle projections, Multi view drawing
from pictorial views.
Isometric Drawing Theory of isometric drawing, construction of isometric from orthographic.
Spatial geometry Projection of points; lines, true lengths, inclinations, shortest distance; planes
Geometrical solids and sections Construction of solids; section planes and sectional view.
Development of surfaces Radial line, parallel line
Interpenetration of Solids Vertical interpenetration, horizontal interpenetration drawing of profile at
entry and exit
Text Book:
D.M. Kulkarni, A.P. Rastogi and A. K. Sarkar., Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD,PHI Learning
Private Limited, New Delhi.
Reference Book:
Dhananjay A. Jolhe, Engineering Drawing with an Introduction to AutoCAD, Tata McGraw-Hill
Education Private Limited, New Delhi
ME 104
2 - 4 4
Fitting Fitting tools and equipment, basic fitting operations, fabrication of a metal job using fitting
Welding Welding tools and equipment, common types of welding, welding techniques, fabrication
of joints using arc welding and gas welding
Smithy Smithy tools and equipments, smithy operations, preparation of a simple job using hot
forging skills
Sheet metal Sheet metal tools, sheet metal operations, development and fabrication of a job using
sheet metal operations
Carpentry Carpentry tools and equipments, preparation of a wooden job using various joints
Machining on lathe Main parts of a centre lathe, work holding devices, cutting operations on a
centre lathe, machining of a metal job using a centre lathe
Machining on shaper Main parts of a shaper, work holding devices, machining of a simple metal
job using a shaper
Machining on milling and planer Main parts of milling and planner, milling cutters, practice of a
simple metal job on a milling machine
Grinding Types of grinding machines and their main parts, demonstration of simple grinding on
centre less, surface, cylindrical, and tool & cutter grinder
CNC machining CNC fundamentals, demonstrations on CNC turning and milling centers
Metrology Common measuring instruments used in workshop, experiments to find the angle of a
dovetail, angle of a taper and the radius of a circular surface
Foundry Common foundry tools and equipments, preparation of a green sand mould
Rolling Objective of rolling, rolling process, practical on two high rolling mill
Electroplating Electro plating a given job
Text Book:
Sangwan K S ,Rao C R and Daiya K G, Practical Manual for Workshop Practice, EDD, BITS Pilani.
B S Nagendra Parashar and R K Mittal, Elements of Manufacturing Processes, Prentice Hall of India,
2006, 4th print.
Reference Book:
Campbell J.S., Principles of Manufacturing Materials and Processes, Tata Mc-Graw-Hill, New
Delhi, 23rd reprint 2006.
BIO 101
3 - - 3
Introduction Orientation to BIO C111; characteristics of life; classification of life – kingdoms of life
(including plants) and examples; viruses
Organic chemistry of living things Building blocks; carbohydrates; nucleic acids; lipids; proteins;
enzymes and energy
Cell Structure and Function Cell theory; prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; cell membrane and
membrane-bound organelles; non-membranous organelles; membrane transport mechanisms
Biochemical Pathways Cellular respiration – three stages of generating ATPs; process of
Photosynthesis Basics of Photosynthesis; light reactions; Calvin cycle; autotrophs and heterotrophs
DNA and RNA – The Molecular Basis of Heredity DNA structure and replication; RNA and
protein synthesis – transcription, translation and their control; mutations
Cell Division – Proliferation and Reproduction Cell cycle and Mitosis; stages of mitosis; cancer
and cell cycle; Meiosis – stages and generation of genetic diversity; chromosomal abnormalities
Patterns of Inheritance Mendelian genetics – laws of heredity; extensions to Mendel’s laws;
linkage; other influences on phenotype
Techniques and Applications of Biotechnology DNA Fingerprinting; HGP; GM organisms; stem
cells and cloning; biotechnology ethics
Diversity within species and Natural selection Biological species concept; genetic diversity;
Darwin’s theory of evolution and natural selection
Ecosystems and Environmental Sciences Energy flow through ecosystems; human use of
Human Physiology: Material exchange in the body Human circulatory and excretory systems
Body’s control mechanisms Human nervous and endocrine systems
Body’s protection mechanism Human immune system
Human Reproduction, Sex and Sexuality; Human development Human sexuality and
determinants; gametogenesis; male and female reproductive systems – hormonal controls; pregnancy
and early human development
Text Book:
Enger, E.D., Ross, F.C. and David B. Bailey.Concepts in Biology (13th edition, BITS-Pilani Custom
edition). New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2010.
Reference Book:
RB1: Campbell, N.A., et. al. Essential Biology with Physiology (2nd edition). New Delhi: Pearson
Education Inc., 2009.
RB2: Starr, Cecie. Biology: Concepts and Applications (6th edition). India: Thomson Brooks/Cole,
MATH 106
3 1 - 3
Understand and describe sample spaces and events for random experiments with graphs, lists, tree
diagrams, etc., Probability Sample space, Events and Counting
Use probabilities of outcomes to calculate probabilities of events Calculate the probabilities of joint
events such as unions and intersections from the probabilities of individual events. Probability
Axioms of probability Extension of Theorem 3.6 to n events
Calculate conditional probabilities of events: Determine the independence of events and use
independence to calculate probabilities Use Bayes' theorem to calculate conditional
probabilities Conditional Probability: Independent events Bayes' theorem Mathematical expectation
Determine probabilities from probability mass functions and cumulative distribution functions
Probability Distributions: Random variables Binomial distribution Hyper geometric distribution,
Means and variances for the discrete random variables Mean &Variance of a probability distribution
Chebychev's theorem
Select an appropriate discrete probability distribution to calculate probabilities in specific
applications Poisson approximation to Binomial distribution Poisson processes Geometric
distribution Multinomial distribution
Determine probabilities from probability density functions & cumulative distribution functions
Probability Densities Continuous random variables Normal distribution The normal approximation to
binomial distribution
Select an appropriate continuous probability distribution to calculate probabilities in specific
applications. Uniform distribution Lognormal distribution Gamma distribution Beta distribution
Use joint probability mass functions and joint probability density functions to calculate probabilities
Calculate marginal and conditional distributions from joint probability distribution Joint distributions
& densities; marginal and conditional distributions and densities; Properties of expectations
Understand the role of the central limit theorem and the role of t, X2 and F as sampling distributions
Sampling Distributions Population & random samples Sampling distribution of mean( ~
known)Sampling distribution of mean( ~ unknown)t-distribution
Sampling distribution of variance:X2 and F distributions
Understand the general concepts of estimating the parameters of a population, properties of point
estimation Construct confidence intervals on the mean of a probability distribution Point estimation
Interval estimation of proportions
Formulate the decision-making problems as hypothesis tests and test hypothesis on the mean of a
population Tests of hypotheses Null hypotheses and alternative hypotheses concerning one mean
Understand how the method of least squares is used to estimate the parameters in a linear regression
model Curve fitting Method of Least Squares Inferences based on Least Squares Estimators
Text Book:
Miller & Freund's Probability & Statistics for Engineers: Johnson Richard A., Eastern Economy
Edition, PHI, 7th Edition, 2006.
Reference Book:
Introduction to Probability Theory & Applications: Feller, W. John Wiley, 3rd Edition, 2000.
Mathematical Statistics: Freund, J.E.: Prentice Hall, 6th Edition,2002.
Modern Probability Theory & Applications: Parzen E. John Wiley. J.C., Brothers, 5thEdition, 2000.
Introductory Probability and Statistical Applications: Meyer.P.L, Oxford &IBH, 1970.
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers: Douglas C. Montgomery, &George C. Runger, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 3rd Edition, 2004.
3 1 - 3
Free radical reactions involving homolytic bond dissociation.
Nucleophilic addition reactions of carbonyl compounds. Nucleophilic addition to carbon –oxygen
double bond, Relative reactivity: aldehyde Vs. ketones, Formation of Hemiacetals and Cyanohydrins.
Reactions involving Enols and Enolate ions Keto and EnolTautomerism ,The Haloform reaction,
The Aldol reaction.
Nucleophilic addition-elimination at acyl carbon Nucleophilic addition-elimination at acyl carbon,
Relative reactivity of acyl compounds. Nucleophilic acyl substitution Synthesis of Acyl chloride,
Acid anhydride, Esters, Amides.
Molecular orbital and orbital symmetry Molecular orbital picture of conjugated system and DielAlder reaction
Spectroscopic identification of organic compounds-I Infra Red (IR) Spectroscopy. Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy.
General properties of the elements Size of atoms and ions, Ionisation energies, Electron affinity,
Group 13 elements General properties, Inert-pair effect, Size of atoms and ions, Electro positive
Borohydrides; halides of boron; Structure of boranes Formation, structure and properties of these
Group 14 elements-I Allotropy, Carbon dating, physical properties, Graphite Compounds.
Group 14 elements-II Metal carbonyls, Organosilicon compounds, Silicones, Internal  bonding
using d-orbitals.
The Noble gases Name of group and their electronic Structure, Uses of the elements, Clathate
compounds, Structure and bonding in Xenon compounds
Text Books:
T. W. Graham Solomons and Craig B. Fryhle, “Organic Chemistry”, 8th Edition, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc. New York, 2004
.J. D. Lee, ‘Concise Inorganic Chemistry’, 5th Edition, Blackwell Science, Oxford, 1999.
Reference Books:
R1. L. G. Wade, Jr. and Maya Shankar Singh ‘Organic Chemistry’, 6th Edition, Pearson Education,
R2. R. T. Morrison and R. Boyd, ‘Organic Chemistry’, 6th Edition, PHI, New Delhi, 1992.
R3. Alan G. Sharpe, ‘Inorganic Chemistry’, 3rd Edition, Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.,
Harlow England, 1992.
- - 2 1
As per BU Chemistry Lab Manual
MATH 110
3 1 - 3
Solving system of linear equations. Introduction to abstract vector spaces, finite and infinite dimension
vector spaces and related concepts. Vector
spaces, subspaces, linear independence, b a s i s
d i m e n s i o n . Rank and inverse of a matrix and applications. Coordinates and change of basis.
Introduction to linear transformation Definition and examples, kernel range of linear transformation,
Understanding the link between linear transformations and matrices. The matrix of a linear
transformation Acquiring more knowledge of linear transformations. Composite
linear transformations Computing Eigen values and Eigen vectors. Eigen values and eigenvectors.
Revising the knowledge of complex numbers. Evaluation of limit of functions of complex variables at
a point. Testing continuity of such Functions of a complex variable. Limit and continuity functions.
Introduction to analytic functions. Finding out singular point of a function. Derivative, CR-equations,
analytic functions. Study of elementary functions. These functions occur frequently all through the
complex variable theory. Understanding Multiple Valued Function, branch cut branch point
Exponential, trigonometric and hyper boric functions. Logarithmic functions, complex exponents,
inverse functions. Integrating along a curve in complex plane. Contour integrals, anti-derivatives.
Learning techniques to find integrals over particular contour so different functions. Cauchy-Goursat
Theorem, Cauchy Integral Formula, Morera’s Theorem. To study application of complex variable
theory to Fundamental algebra. Liouville’s Theorem, The Orem of Algebra. Series expansion of a
function analyticinanannular domain. To study different types of singular points. Laurent series.
Calculating resides at isolated singular points. Residues, Residue Theorem. To study application of
complex integration to improper real Improper real integrals.
Text Books:
Introductory Linear Algebra with Applications by B. Kolmanand D.R.Hill,7 Edition,2003, Pearson
Education, Inc. Complex Variables and applications by R.V. Churchill and J.W.Brown,7
edition,2004, McGraw-Hill.
Reference Books:
Linear Algebra and its Applications: D.C. Lay, Pearson Education, In 3 Ed. Linear Algebraandits
Applications: Gilbert Strang,Thomson,4
Ed. A
First Course in
Complex Analysis with
Applications: Dennis G. Zill, Patrick Shanahan.
Complex Variables Introduction and Applications: MJ Ablowitz & A Fokas, CambridgeTexts,2 Ed.
Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering: JH Mathews & RW Howell,Narosa,5 Ed.
PHY 112T
3 1 - 3
Vector Calculus Gradient, divergence and curl Line, surface and volume integrals, Curvilinear coordinates, Dirac Delta Function
Electrostatics Divergence and curl of electrostatic fields Electric potential, work and energy in
electro statics
Conductors Induced charges, Capacitors
To learn some special techniques Laplace’s equation, Uniqueness the orems, Method of images,
multi-poleex pansion
Electric fields in matter Polarization, bound charges, electric displacement, Linear Dielectrics
Magneto statics Lorentzforce law, Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s
law, Magnetic Vector potential
Magnetic fields in Matter Magnetization, the
field magnetized object, Ampere’s law in
magnetized materials, Magnetic susceptibility and permeability
permeability, Ferromagnetism
Electrodynamics Electromotive force, Ohm’s law, Faraday’s law of electro magnetic induction, self
& mutual inductance
Maxwell’s Equations Maxwell’s
equations, Boundary conditions
Text Book:
Introduction to Electrodynamics”, David J. Griffiths, Third Edition, Pearson Education Inc.,
Reference Book:
PHYSICS Vol. 2, David Halliday ,Robert Resnick and Kenneth S. Krane, Fifth edition, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002.
PHYSICS-II Practical
PHY 112P
- - 2 1
As per BU Physic Lab Manual
IME 201
3 1 - 3
Electrostatics and Capacitors: Law of electrostatics, Absolute and Relative permittivity, Electric
field, electric flux, field strength, electrical intensity, capacitor and its types.
Magnetic Circuits: Magnetic field strength, Absolute and relative permeability of medium, law of
magnetic force, magnetic flux intensity (H), magnetic flux density (B), BH curve, Comparison
between Magnetic and Electric circuits, Electromagnetic Induction, Magnetic Effects of Electric
Current, Current carrying conductor in Magnetic field, Law of Electromagnetic Induction, Self
Inductance, Mutual Inductance, Coupling Coefficient between two magnetically coupled Circuits,
inductance in series and parallel, faraday law of electrolysis. Magneto motive force, reluctance, laws
of magnetic circuits, determination of ampere-turns for series and parallel magnetic circuits,
magnetic leakage and fringing, hysteresis and eddy current losses. Faraday's laws, Lenz's law,
statically and dynamically induced E.M.F., Energy stored in magnetic field.
AC Circuits: Generation of Alternating emf, Concept of 3-phase EMF Generation, Root Mean
square or Effective Value, Average value of AC, form factor, Phasor representation of Alternating
quantities, Analysis of AC Circuit Representation of Alternating Quantities in Rectangular and polar
forms, R-L Series Circuits, R-C Series Circuits, R-L-C Series Circuits, Power factor, Admittance and
its components, Resonance in Series and Parallel, Analysis of simple three phase system, star delta
connections and conversion, Kirchhoff’s law, mesh and nodal analysis, Superposition theorem,
Millmans, Max Power theorem, Norton, AC bridges, harmonics, fundamental wave harmonics, effect
of harmonics.
Poly phase circuits: Generation of poly phase voltage, phase sequence, interconnection, star and
delta connections, conversion, power factor improvement, parallel loads, measurement in 3 phase
circuit, 3 & 2 wattmeter methods, balanced and unbalanced loads.
1. Basic electrical and electronics and computer engg. by R muthusubramanian, S Salivahanan,
2. A Textbook of Electrical B.L Theraja.& A.K Theraja,S Chand.
3. Fundamentals of Electrical Vincent DELTORO,Prentice Hall.
4. Electrical Technology, Edward Hughes.
5. Basic Electrical Engineering by H.M Rai and S.Marwaha, SatyaPrakashan, Delhi.
Electrical Sciences-I Lab
Course Description:
1 To find voltage, current relationship and power factor of a given R-L circuit.
2. To find out the line voltage, phase voltage relationship in case of star and delta connected 3phase balanced load.
3. To find out the line current and phase current relationship in case of star and delta connected
3- phase balanced load.
4. To study the R-L Series Circuits.
5. To study the R-C Series Circuits
6. To study the R-L-C Series Circuits.
7. To perform study on different theorems.
8. To correction of power factor by different methods.
IME 203
3 1 - 3
Simple stresses and strains : Concept of stress and strain; St. Vernants principle, stress and strain
diagram, Hooke’s law, Young’s modulus, Poisson ratio, stress at a point, stress and strains in bars
subjected to axial loading. Modulus of elasticity, stress produced in compound bars subject to axial
loading. Temperature stress and strain calculations due to applications of axial loads and variation of
temperature in single and compound bars. Compound stress and strains, the two dimensional system;
stress at a point on a plane, principal stresses and principal planes; Mohr’s circle of stress; ellipse of
stress and their applications. Generalized Hook's Law, principal stresses related to principal strains
Bending moment and shear force diagrams: S.F and B.M definitions. BM and SF diagrams for
cantilevers, simply supported beams with or without overhangs and calculation of maximum BM and
SF and the point of contra flexure under the following loads:
a) Concentrated loads
b) Uniformity distributed loads over the whole span or part of span
c) Combination of concentrated loads (two or three) and uniformly distributed loads d) Uniformity
varying loads
e) Application of moments
f) Relation between rate of loading, shear force and bending moment
Theory of bending stresses in beams due to bending: assumptions in the simple bending theory,
derivation of formula: its application to beams of rectangular, circular and channel, I & T- sections,:
Combined direct and bending stresses in aforementioned sections, composite / flitched beams.
Torsion : Derivation of torsion equation and its assumptions. Applications of the equation to the
hollow and solid circular shafts, torsional rigidity, combined torsion and bending of circular shafts
principal stress and maximum shear stresses under combined loading of bending and torsion, analysis
of close-coiled-helical springs.
Thin cylinders and spheres : Derivation of formulae and calculation of hoop stress, longitudinal
stress in a cylinder, effects of joints, change in diameter, length and internal volume; principal
stresses in sphere and change in diameter and internal volume
Columns and struts : Columns and failure of columns: Euler’s formuls; Rankine-Gordon’s formula,
Johnson’s empirical formula for axially loaded columns and their applications.
Slope and deflection : Relationship between moment, slope and deflection, Moment area method;
method of integration; Macaulay’s method: Use of all these methods to calculate slope and deflection
for the following :
a) Cantilevers
b) Simply supported beams with or without overhang
c) Under concentrated loads, uniformly distributed loads or combination of concentrated and
uniformly distributed loads
Text Book:
RK Rajput, Strength of Materials, S. Chand Publications.
Reference Book:
E.P. Popov, Mechanics of Materials-(SI Version), Prentice Hall India
Mechanics of Materials; F. P. Beer, E. R. Johnston and J. T. DeWolf, Third Edition, 2002, McGrawHill International Edition.
Mechanics of Solids, AN INTRODUCTION, T. J. Lardner, R R Archer, International Edition, 1994,
Introduction to Solid Mechanics by I. H. Shames, 2nd Edition, 1980, Prentice Hall of India Private
Ltd. New Delhi.
Mechanics of Materials, MadhukarVable, 2002, Oxford University,
S. H. Crandall et al., An Introduction to Mechanics of Solids, McGraw-Hill International editions.,
IME 205
3 1 - 3
Matrices Linear dependence of vectors and rank of matrices, Elementary transformation, GaussJordan method to find inverse of a matrix, reduction to normal form, Consistency and solution of
algebraic equations, linear transformations, Orthogonal transformations, Eigen values, Eigen vectors,
cayley Hamilton theorem, Reduction to diagonal form, Bilinear and quadratic form, Orthogonal
unitary, Hermitian and similar matrices.
Ordinary differential equations Exact differential equations, equations reducible to exact form by
integrating factors, equations of the first order and higher degree, clairaut’s equation.
Linear differential equations Leibniz’s linear and Bernoulli’s equation, methods of finding
complementary functions and particular integrals, special methods for finding particular integrals (i)
method of variation of parameters, (ii) methods of underdetermined coefficients, Cauchy’s
homogeneous and Legendre’s linear equation, Simultaneous linear equations with coefficients,
Application of differential equations, application to electric/electronic L-R-C circuits, deflection of
beam, simple harmonic motion, oscillation of a spring.
Statistics Recapitulation of statistics and probability, discrete and continuous probability
distributions, binomial, poisson and normal distribution, application, curve fitting.
Sampling and test of hypotheses sampling methods, student’s t-test, chi-square test, F-test and
fisher’s z-test.
Text book:
Jain R.K. and IyengarS.R.K.,Advanced Engineering mathematics, Narosa Publishing house, New
Grewal B.S. Higher Engineering mathematics, Khanna publishers, Delhi
Ref. Books:
Zill, DG and Cullen MR, Advanced Engineering mathematics, CBS publishers
O’Nell PV, Advanced Engineering mathematics, Brooks/Cole publishers
IME 207
3 1 2 4
Basic Properties of Fluids
Concepts and Definitions: Characteristics of fluids, dimensions, dimensional homogeneity, and units,
measures of fluid mass and weight, ideal gas law, viscosity, compressibility of fluids, vapor pressure,
surface tension.
Fluid at Rest-Pressure and its Effect
Fluid Statics: Pressure at a point, basic equation for pressure field, pressure variation in a fluid at rest,
standard atmosphere, measurement of pressure, manometry, hydrostatic force on a plane surface,
buoyancy, flotation, and stability, pressure variation in a fluid with rigid body motion.
Study of fundamentals of fluid flow and Kinematics of Fluid Motion
Description of a Fluid in Motion: Study of various flow pattern, Stream line, path line, streak line,
Stream function, velocity potential, Flow net The velocity field, the acceleration field, control volume
and system representations, the Reynolds transport theorem
Flow Analysis using Control Volumes
Conservation of mass-the continuity equation, Newton’s second law-the linear momentum and
moment of momentum equations, first law of thermodynamics – the energy equation
Fluids in Motion –The Bernoulli Equation
Newton’s second law, static, stagnation, dynamic, and total pressure, Bernoulli equation, then energy
line and the hydraulic grade line, restriction on use of the Bernoulli equation.
Flow Analysis using Differential Methods
Fluid element kinematics, conservation of mass, conservation of linear momentum, inviscid flow,
viscous flow: stress-deformation relationships, the Navier-Stokes equations
Dimensional Analysis, modeling, and similitude
Dimensional analysis, Buckingham Pi theorem, determine of Pi terms ,common dimensionless
groups in fluid mechanics, modeling and similitude
Study of flow pattern through orifices and mouthpieces
Various types of orifices and mouthpieces
Study of flow pattern over notches and weirs
Various types of notches and weirs
Study of flow pattern through pipes
Flow in Closed Conduits General characteristics of pipe flow, fully developed laminar and turbulent
flow , Darcy-Weisbach equation, pipes in series, parallel, Branching of pipes, etc.
Text Book:
TB1. Welty J., C. E. Wicks, R. E. Wilson, G. L. Rorrer, Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat andMass
transfer, John Wiley and Sons, 4th edition, 2009
Reference Books:
RB1. Munson B.R., D.F. Young, T.H. Okiishi, Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, John Wileyand
Sons (Asia) Pte. Ltd., Sixth Edition, 2009
RB2 Fox, R.W. and McDonald, A.T., Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, John Wiley and SonsInc.,
Singapore, Fifth Edition, 2001.
RB3. Shames, I. H., Mechanics of Fluids, McGraw-Hill Company, Second Edition, 1982
RB4. Modi, P.N. and Seth, S.M., Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Standard Book House, New
Delhi, 2009.
IME 209
- - 6 3
Introduction- Principles of Drawing, Requirements of production drawing, Sectioning and
conventional representation, Dimensioning, symbols of standard tolerances, Machining Symbols,
introduction and Familiarization of Code ISO codes.
Fasteners- Various types of screw threads, types of nuts and bolts, screwed fasteners, welding joints
and riveted joints
Keys, Cotter Joints & Pin Joints- Sketch of taper- keys, sunk taper- keys, saddle keys, Round or pin
key, Gib head, parallel, or feather keys, spline shafts, woodruff key, Drawing of cotter and outer joint,
knuckle joint.
Shaft Couplings- Drawing of muff coupling flanged coupling, pin type f1exible coupling
Assembly of Machine Parts
(a) Plumber block, foot step bearing
(b) Steam stop valve.
(c) I.C.Engine connecting rod
(d) Lathe tail stock.
(e) Bench / Machine Vice
Surface finish, fits and tolerances to be indicated on working drawings as per-BIS conventions.
Practical assignments on modeling of machine components using software.
Recommended Books
1. Machine Drawing N.D.Bhatt
2. Machine Drawing Narayana, Kannaiah, Reddy
3. Machine Drawing P.S.Gill
4. Machine Drawing R.K.Dhawan
IME 211
3 - - 3
To give an insight into the communication process, business communication and barriers,
Communication Process, Barriers
To make them cognizant of the nuances of non-verbal communication and its importance in face-toface communication Nonverbal Communication
To make them aware of various aspects of oral presentations; to provide guidelines for effective
presentations Oral Presentation
To provide information about group discussion; how to participate in a group discussion Group
To define technical reports and tell about their characteristic features Technical Reports
To introduce various types of reports; to give practice to prepare routine reports Types of Reports
To discuss various steps involved in report writing; planning and preparation: from data collection to
outline making Preparatory Steps
To discuss various sources for data collection. Sources of Data
To familiarize them with all the methods of data collection Methods of Data Collection
To provide guidelines for preparing mail questionnaire; to give adequate practice in preparing a
questionnaire Mail Questionnaire
To introduce the elements of effective writing, what constitutes a good writing style and how can it
be attained Elements of Effective Writing
To give practical hints to make one’s writing more effective: choice of words, phrases, and sentences
Effective Writing- Choice of Words and Phrases
To make them conscious of various aspects of writing: sentence construction, sentence length and
word order Effective Writing-n Sentence Construction and Length
To provide practice in effective writing Practice
To introduce various steps of précis writing and give them practice to achieve clarity and precision in
précis writing Art of Condensation
To give an understanding of various structural elements of a report; to provide rigorous practice
Report Structure
To give insight into data analysis with the help of illustrations Data Analysis & Illustrations
To provide an understanding of shorter reports (Memo report and Letter report); when and how to
use them Memo Report & Letter Report
To provide information about principles of letter writing, structure and layout; to give practice in
writing claim, adjustment and sales letters Business Letters-Sales, Claim &
Adjustment Letters
To inform about notice and the required details to make it a complete document Notices
To familiarize students with techniques of description; to help them describe processes, machines and
mechanisms Instruction Manuals and Technical Description
To give them the experience of participating in a group discussion Group Discussion
Text Book:
Sharma, R.C. and K. Mohan. 2011. Business Correspondence and Report Writing. Fourth Edition.
New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
Reference Book:
R1.Comfort, Jeremy et. al. 1984.Business Reports in English. Cambridge: University Press.
R2. Lesikar, Raymond V. and Marie E. Flatley. 2003. Basic Business Communication. Ninth Edition.
New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
R3. Raman, Meenakshi and Sangeeta Sharma. 2004. Technical Communication: Principles and
Practice. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
R4. Taylor, Shirley. 1998. Model Business Letters. Fifth Edition. London: Financial Times & Pitman
R5. Gerson, Sharon J. and Stephen M. Gerson. Technical Writing: Process and Product. Fifth
Edition. New Delhi: Pearson Education.
R6. Sharma, Sangeeta and Binod Mishra. 2009. Communication Skills for Engineers and Scientists.
New Delhi: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Chapter I
IME 202
3 1 - 3
Manufacturing processes, Engineering properties and their measurement, Ferrous and
non-ferrous materials, Heat treatment of metals, Material removal processes and variety of machine
tools, Tolerance, limits and fits, Linear & angular thread measurement, Surface texture and gauges
and its design, Nature of plastic deformation, Rolling, Forging, Extrusion, Wire drawing, Rod and
tube drawing, Swaging and tube making.
Chapter II
Press tool operations, Shearing actions, operation and die designing, Drawing,
Spinning, Bending, Stretch forming, Embossing and coining.
Chapter III
Fabrication methods, Gas welding, Gas cutting, Electric arc welding, Arc cutting,
Resistance welding & design, Thermit welding, Electro slab welding, Electron beam welding, laser
beam welding, Forge welding, Friction welding, Diffusion welding, Explosion welding, Brazing,
Braze welding and soldering.
Non- Conventional Machining IV- Electro discharge machining, Electro chemical machining,
Ultrasonic machining, Chemical machining, laser beam machining and abrasive water jet
Manufacturing Technology" Volume 1, Foundry, Forming and Welding , P.N. Rao, Tata
McGraw-Hill 3rd Edition.
Manufacturing Technology" Volume 2, Metal Cutting and Machine Tools, PN. Rao, Tata
McGraw-Hill 2rd Edition
Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid, "Manufactuirng Engineering and Technology,"
Pearson Education (Low Cost Indian Edition), 4/e, 2001, New Delhi.
Amitabha Ghosh and Asok Kumar Mallik, "Manufacturing Science", Affiliated East -West
Press, New Delhi, 1985.
G. E. Dieter, "Mechanical Metallurgy," McGraw-Hill, Singapore, 1985.
G. Boothroyd and K. Knight, "Metal Cutting Machine Tools," Chapman and Hall, 1990.
Applied Thermodynamics & Refrigeration
IME 204
4 1 - 4
Efficiency of Rankine and regenerative Rankine cycles and second law analysis for combined cycles.
The Carnot vapor cycle, Rankine cycle, The ideal cycle for vapor power cycles, Deviation of actual power
cycles from idealized ones, How can we increase the efficiency of Rankine cycle, The ideal reheat Rankine
cycle, The ideal regenerative Rankine cycle, second law analysis of vapor power cycles, combined gas vapor
power cycles. Numerical problems
COP of vapor compression and vapor absorption refrigeration systems. Refrigerators and heat pumps,
The reversed Carnot cycle, The ideal vapor compression refrigeration cycle, Actual vapor compression,
Refrigeration cycle, selecting the right refrigerant, heat pump systems. Gas refrigeration cycles, Absorption
refrigeration systems. Numerical problems
Thermodynamic property relations for ideal and real gases A little math- partial derivatives and
associated relations, The Maxwell relation, relations, The clapeyron equation, The joule-Thomson
coefficient, The h, u and s of real gases.
Properties of Gas Mixtures Composition of gas mixture, P-V-T behavior of gas mixtures, properties
of gas mixture. Numerical problems
Properties of Gas-Vapor mixtures and Air-Conditioning processes. Dry and atmospheric air, specific
and relative humidity of air, humidity of air, dew point temperature, adiabatic saturation and wet bulb
temperature, the psychrometric chart, human comfort and air conditioning, and air conditioning
processes.Numerical problems
Laws of thermodynamics for combustion and its formation. Chemical reactions, Fuels and combustion,
theoretical and actual combustion processes , Enthaly of formation and enthalpy of combustion, First law
analysis of reacting systems, Adiabatic flame temperature, Entropy change of reacting systems Numerical
Chemical and phase equilibrium for ideal gas mixtures Criteria for chemical equilibrium Criteria for
chemical equilibrium.
Properties of one dimensional compressible flow. Stagnation properties, speed of sounded mach number,
one dimensional isentropic flow.
Numerical problems
T1 Thermodynamics, An Engineering Approach Yunus A. Cengel and Michael A Boles. Tata Mc Graw
Hill Publishing Company limited, New Delhi, 5th Edition, 2006.3.
Reference book:
R1 Thermodynamics, P.K.Nag, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company limited, New Delhi, 3rd Edition,
R2 Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics, Michael J Moran and Howard N Shapiro, John Wiley,
5th Edition, 2004.
R3 Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Van Wylen, G.J&R E Sonntag, John Wiley,6th Edition, 2003.
IME 206
3 1 - 3
Introduction to kinematics- Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines, Mechanisms, Pairs, Inversions
of slider crank chains, Degrees of freedom and Numerical problems.
Velocity and Acceleration- Basic concepts of machines, link, Mechanism, Kinematic chain, relative
motion of parts of mechanism, displacement, velocity, acceleration diagrams of all basic mechanisms
including quick return motion mechanism. Advance problems on velocity diagrams (relative velocity
method, instantaneous center method). Acceleration diagram. Coriolis component, advanced
problems involving their application.
CAMS and follower systems- Type of cams and followers, definition-basic circle & least radius,
angle of ascent. Dwell, descent & action. Displacement, velocity and acceleration diagrams for the
followers with uniform velocity motion, simple harmonic motion, uniform acceleration and
retardation, determination of maximum velocity, acceleration and retardation. Analysis of follower
motion for pre-specified cam profiles (tangent cams and convex cams).
Friction- Efficiency of inclined plane, Friction in v-threads, screw-jack, pivots and collars plate and
cone-clutches, power lost in friction, friction circle and friction axis of a link.
Power Transmission- Flat belts and the kinematic design of pulleys, V-belts, length
of belts, transmission of power by belts, condition for maximum power transmissions, initial
Brakes & Dynamometers- Types of brakes, band, block, band and block, internal expanding shoe
brake, determination of pressure and torque on internal expanding shoe brakes,Dynamometers, types
: absorption and transmission dynamometers, prony brake
dynamometer, rope brake dynamometer, belt transmission dynamometer, torsion.
Flywheel & Turning Moment Diagrams- Turning moment and crank effort diagrams for steam and
I.C. Engine, dynamics of simple horizontal and vertical engine. Fluctuation of speed, co-efficient of
fluctuation of speed and energy, Punching press. Simple problems on turning moment diagrams and
the determination of a flywheel taking centrifugal stresses into consideration.
Books Recommended:
1. Theory of Machines J Lal
2. Theory of Machines by Shigley, Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.
3. Theory of Machines P.L.Ballaney
4. Theory of Machines V.P.Singh
5. Theory of Machines S. S. Rattan
6. Mechanism & Machine Theory Rao & Dukkipati
7. Theory of Machines Mallib
8. Theory of Machines Abdulta Sharif
IME 208
3 1 - 3
General understanding of materials science, Bonding forces and their types Introduction, Atomic
bonding in solids, Crystal structures and systems, crystallographic directions and planes Metallic
Defects and dislocations Imperfections in solids Diffusion mechanisms Diffusion
Deformation mechanisms Dislocation Stress - strain relations
Mechanical properties of solids, Mechanical test behavior of ceramics, Structure and properties of
ceramics, Types and application of ceramics, Applications and processing of ceramics
Glasses - Glass forming – properties, Fabrication and processing of glasses
Molecular size, shape & structure of polymers, Polymer structures, Important Characteristics of
Mechanical behavior, and Crystallization Phases, microstructures, phase equilibrium
Phase diagrams Fe-Fe3C phase diagram, development of Iron carbon systems micro-structure in FeC
alloys Avarami rate equation Kinetics of phase transformations Isothermal transformation diagrams
continuous cooling diagrams
Correlation of properties to microstructures-Mechanical behavior of Fe-C alloys tempered martensite,
Mechanical behavior of Fe-C alloys Thermal properties of materials Thermal properties Energy band
in semiconductors etc.,
Electronic properties Super conductivity Magnetic properties Nanotechnology
T1 Materials Science & Engineering: An Introduction, Willam D. Callister, Jr John Wiley& Sons,
6th edition, 2003.
Reference book(s)
R1 Engineering Materials: Properties and Selection, K.G. Budinski and M. K. Budinski, Prentice
Hall of India, 7th edition, 2004.
R2 The Science and Engineering of Materials, Donald R. Askeland and Pradeep P. Phule, 4th edition,
Thomson book Company, 2003.
R3 Principles of Materials Science and Engineering, William F. Smith, , McGraw-Hill 3rd edition
IME 210
3 1 2 4
Transformer: Introduction, Principle of working, construction of single phase transformer, EMF
equation, phasor diagram on no load, leakage reactance, transformer on load, equivalent circuit,
voltage regulation, power and energy efficiency, open circuit and short circuit tests, Parallel
operation of single phase transformer, Auto transformer: Principle of operation, comparison with two
winding transformers.
D.C. Machines: Working, principle, construction, types, Armature windings, E.M.F. and torque
equations, interaction of fields produced by excitation circuit and armature, effect of brush shift,
compensating winding, commutation, D.C. motors: characteristics, starting of shunt and series motor,
starters, speed control methods-field and armature control.
Polyphase Induction Machines: Constructional features, operation, equivalent circuit, phasor
diagram, leakage reactance, effect of rotor circuit resistance, starting torque, cage motors, double
cage and deep bar motor. Generator action, methods of excitation, Starting methods, speed control:
(i) control of speed of rotating field, (ii) control of slip speed.
Synchronous Machines: Construction & working principle, Excitation systems, production of
sinusoidal E.M.F., flux & mmf phasors in syn. machines; cylindrical & salient pole rotors.
Alternators: Construction, Phasor diagram of cylindrical rotor alternator, ratings, nature of armature
reaction, determination of synchronous reactance; open circuit characteristics, short ckt
Supply System: Introduction to Transmission and Distribution systems, Comparison between DC
and AC systems for Transmission and Distribution.
1. Electrical Machinery by P.S. Bhimbhra
2. Electric machinery A.E. Fitzgerald and C. Kingsley (Mc Graw Hill)
3. Theory of A.C. machines A.S. Langsdorf.
4. Electric machinery and transformer M.Kosow. (PHI)
5. Electrical machines Nagrath & Kothari (TMH)
6. Electrical Energy System Theory - An introduction O.L. Elgerd (TMH)
7. Elements of Power System Analysis W.D. Stevenson Jr.(TMH)
8. Course in Electrical Power C.L. Wadhwa, New Age Int.(P)Ltd.
9. Power System Analysis Nagrath and Kothari (TMH)
10. Power System Analysis & Design B.R. Gupta, Wheeler Publishing.
11. Transformer Engineering---- L.F. Blume
Electrical Sciences-II- Lab
List of Experiments:
1. To perform open- circuit and short circuit test on a transformer and determine the following (a)
the transformation ratio (b) the transformer efficiency.
2. To connect, start and reverse the direction of rotation of a 3- phase induction motor.
3. To study the speed control characteristic of D.C. Motor.
4. To perform parallel operation of two single phase transformers.
5. To study d.c. motor starters.
6. To perform no-load & blocked –rotor tests on 3 ph. Induction motor
7. To study the speed control of 3 ph. Induction motor.
8. To study star- delta starters physically and (a) to draw electrical connection diagram (b) to start
the 3 ph. Induction motor using it.
9. To start a 3 phase slip –ring induction motor by inserting different levels of resistance in the rotor
10. To measure negative sequence & zero sequence reactance of Syn. Machines.
Study of flow pattern through pipes
Flow in Closed Conduits General characteristics of pipe flow, fully developed laminar and turbulent
flow , Darcy-Weisbach equation, pipes in series, parallel, Branching of pipes, etc.
Text Book:
TB1. Welty J., C. E. Wicks, R. E. Wilson, G. L. Rorrer, Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat andMass
transfer, John Wiley and Sons, 4th edition, 2009
Reference Books:
RB1. Munson B.R., D.F. Young, T.H. Okiishi, Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, John Wileyand
Sons (Asia) Pte. Ltd., Sixth Edition, 2009
RB2 Fox, R.W. and McDonald, A.T., Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, John Wiley and SonsInc.,
Singapore, Fifth Edition, 2001.
RB3. Shames, I. H., Mechanics of Fluids, McGraw-Hill Company, Second Edition, 1982
RB4. Modi, P.N. and Seth, S.M., Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Standard Book House, New
Delhi, 2009.
IME 212
3 - - 3
Human Resource Management: Introduction to Human Resource Management and its definition,
Functions of Human Resource Management & its relation to other managerial, Importance of Human
Resource in Industry.Procurement And Placement: Need for Human Resource Planning process of
Human Resource Planning, Method of Recruitment, Psychological tests and interviewing, Meaning
and Importance of placement and Induction.
Training & Development: Difference between Training and Development, Principles of Training,
Employee Development, Promotion merit V/S seniority performance appraisal,Job Satisfaction : Job
satisfaction and its importance, Motivation Factor affecting motivation
Introduction of motivation Theory, workers participation, Quality of working like. Integration &
Maintenance: Introduction to Integration and Maintenance.
1. Drawin B. Flippo Principles of personnel Management (MC Graw Hill)
2. Michael J. Jucius Personnel Management (Richard D. Inwin, Homewood)
3. R.C.Saxena Labour Problems and Social Welfare (K. Math & Co. Meerut)
4. T.N. Bhagooiwal Economics of Labour and Industrial Relations (Sahitya Bhawan Agra)
1. A. Minappa and Personnel Managements M.S. Saiyada (Tata Mc Graw Hill)
2. C.B. Mamoria Personnel Management (Himalaya publishing house Bombay)
IME 214
3 1 - 3
Strain energy- energy of dilation and distortion, resilience stress due to suddenly
applied loads, Castigliano’s theorem, Maxwell’s theorem of reciprocal deflection.
Leaf spring- deflection and bending stresses; open coiled helical springs; derivation of formula and
application for deflection and rotation of free end under the action of axial load and/or axial couple;
flat spiral springs – derivation of formula for strain energy, maximum stress and rotation.
Thick Cylinders & Spheres- Derivation of Lame’s equations, calculation of radial longitudinal
and hoop stresses and strains due to internal pressure in thick cylinders, compound cylinders, hub
shrunk on solid shafts.
Shear stresses in beams- Shear stress distribution in rectangular, circular, I, T and channel section;
built up beams. Shear centre and its importance
Theories of failure- Maximum principal stress theory, maximum shear stress theory, maximum
principal strain theory, total strain energy theory, shear strain energy theory. Graphical
representation and derivation of equation for these theories and their application to problems related
to two dimensional stress systems.
Bending of curved beams - Calculation of stresses in crane or chain hooks, rings
of circular section and trapezoidal section and chain links with straight sided.
Rotational discs- Stresses in rotating discs and rims of uniform thickness; disc of uniform strength.
Books Recommended1. D.S. Bedi, Strength of materials, Khanna book publishing company.
2. G.H. Ryder, Strength of materials, Macmillan India Ltd.
3. R.S Lehri and A.S. Lehri, Strength of materials, vol. 2, S. K. Kataria and Sons
4. S.S.Rattan, Strength of materials, Tata McGraw Hills.
5. Timoshenko and Gere, Mechanics of materials, CBS publishers
4 1 - 4
Meaning of design with special reference to machine design. Definition and understanding of various
types of design, Elaborated Design process
Design and creativity ; Systematic design conceptualization, product design definition, underlying
principles of design in Aesthetics and ergonomics, free body diagram for components design
General Design Considerations:
a) Concept of tearing, bearing, shearing, crushing, bending etc.
b) Selection of materials, Basic criteria of selection of material, their designation, mechanical
properties of those materials in brief.
c) Study of Stress concentration, factor of safety under different loading conditions
Basic Design:
Design for static loading, design for variable loading for both limited and unlimited life, concept of
fatigue and endurance strength.
Design of fasteners:
a) RIVETS: Design of rivets for boiler joints, lozenge joints (uniform strength joint), eccentrically
loaded riveted joints
b) BOLTS: Understanding the various stresses/ failure in bolted joints, design of cylindrical covers,
basic and eccentrically loaded bolts
c) WELDS: Design for various loading conditions in torsion, shear or direct load, eccentrically
loaded welded joints.
d) MISCELLENEOUS: Design of spigot and socket cotter joint, Gib and Cotter joint and knuckle
Design of Transmission Shaft
Design of both solid and hollow shafts for transmission of torque, bending moments and axial forces,
Design of shaft for critically speed, Design of shaft for rigidity and Design of stepped shafts for
Design of Keys and Couplings:
Design of sunk keys under crushing and shearing, design of splines, design of sleeve and solid muff
coupling, clamp or compression coupling, rigid and flexible flange coupling, design of universal joint
Lever design:
Basic lever design, design of foot and hand lever, cranked lever, bell crank lever, safety valve lever
and shoe brake lever
Design of Pipe Joints:
Stresses in pipe joints, design of circular flange pipe joint, oval flanged pipe joints, square flange pipe
1. Design of Flat belt, V-belt and rope (steel wire), Design of the pulley for the same
2. Selection of Chain Drive
3. Design of spur, helical, straight bevel gears, worm and worm wheel
4. Bearing Selection, Design of sliding and rolling type of bearings, Detailed of bearing housing
5. Design of Flywheel for different operation
6. Design of Close-coil, Helical and Leaf springs
7. Design of Contact clutches i.e. Plate and cone types, Band, Block, Band and block brakes
8. Design of Lubrication in transmission system
9. Computers in Design: Basic Theory of CAD Software, structure of CAD software,
Design Philosophy, Structure of CAD Softwares, Designing a CAD Software
1. Machine Design by Shigley Tata McGraw hill
2. Machine Design by Juvinal, John-Wiley Publishers
3. Machine Design by Spots, Prentice hall
4. Machine Design by Norton, Prentice Hall
5. Machine Design by Sharma, Aggarwal, Kataria Publishers
6. Machine Design by Goyal and Bahl, Standard Publishers
7. Design Data Book Compiled by PSG College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore
8. Machine Design Data Book by V.K.Jadon (IK International Publications)
Note: Design data book by “ design Data Book compiled by PSG Coimbatore
Text Books:
1. Design of Machine Elements by V.B.Bhandari, TMH Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi
2.. Machine design , an integrated approach by R.L.Norton, 2nd edition, Pearson Education
Machine Design An Integrated Approach: Robert L.Norton, Second Edition – Addison Wesley
Machine Design : S.G.Kulkarini – Tata McGraw Hill.
3 1 2 4
Chapter I
Centre lathe, Special purpose lathes, Shapers, Planers, Slotters, Milling and different
operation performed on them, Grinding wheel designation and selection, Type of grinding machines,
Grinding process and parameters, Electro discharge machining, Electro chemical machining,
Ultrasonic machining, Chemical machining, laser beam machining and abrasive water jet machining.
Chapter II
Metal casting; Patterns, moulding material cores, Gating systems design and risering
design, Melting practice, Casting cleaning, casting defects, Product design for sand casting, Shell
mouldings, Precision investment casting, permanent mould casting, Die casting, Vacuum die casting,
low pressure die casting, Centrifugal casting, Continuous casting, Squeeze casting.
Chapter III Plastics materials, Extrusion of plastics, Injection molding, Blow molding,
Thermoforming, Thermosetting materials, Plastic product design, Classification of machine tools,
generating and forming, methods of generating surfaces, accuracy & finish achievable, basics
elements of machine tools.
Chapter IV Chip formation, shear zone, orthogonal cutting, shear angle & its relevance, cutting tool
materials, thermal aspects, tool wear and tool life, surface finish, cutting fluids, empirical and
analytical determination of cutting process and economics.
Manufacturing Technology" Volume 1, Foundry, Forming and Welding , P.N. Rao, Tata
McGraw-Hill 3rd Edition.
Manufacturing Technology" Volume 2, Metal Cutting and Machine Tools, PN. Rao, Tata
McGraw-Hill 2rd Edition
Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid, "Manufactuirng Engineering and Technology,"
Pearson Education (Low Cost Indian Edition), 4/e, 2001, New Delhi.
Amitabha Ghosh and Asok Kumar Mallik, "Manufacturing Science", Affiliated East -West
Press, New Delhi, 1985.
G. E. Dieter, "Mechanical Metallurgy," McGraw-Hill, Singapore, 1985.
G. Boothroyd and K. Knight, "Metal Cutting Machine Tools," Chapman and Hall, 1990.
IME -305
3 1 - 3
Lower Pairs- Universal joint- single and double, calculation of maximum torque. Oldham’s
Coupling, steering mechanism including Ackermann’s and Davis steering mechanism. Mechanism
with lower pairs, pantograph, exact and approximate straight line motion, engine indicator, elliptical
Governors- Functions, types and characteristics of governors, Watt, porter and proell governors.
Hartnell and Wilson-Hartnell spring loaded governors. Simple numerical problems on these
governors. Sensitivity, stability, isochronism and hunting of governors, governor effort and power,
controlling force curve, effect of sleeve friction.
Gears Terminology- Toothed gears and their uses, types of toothed gears (spur gears, internal spur
gears, spur & rack, bevel gears, helical gears, double helical gears, spiral gears, worm gears),
definitions, pitch circle diameter, pitch surface, pitch point, circular pitch, diametric pitch, module
pitch, addendum, dedendum, clearance, addendum circle, outside diameter, internal diameter,
dedendum circle, root diameter, base.Base circle diameter, face and flank of tooth, angle of obliquity
or pressure angle, path contact, arc of contact, arc of approach, condition ;for correct gearing, forms
of teeth, cycloid and its variants, epicycloids and hypocycloid, involute methods of drawing an
involute and cycloidal curves, interference in involute gears and methods of its removal, comparison
of involute and cycloidal gear systems.
Gear train- Types of gear trains, single and compound, epicyclic gear trains. Problems involving
their applications, estimation of velocity ratio of worm and worm wheel, helical and spiral gears
(determination of No. of teeth, spiral angle and efficiency).
Balancing- Classifications, need for balancing, balancing of single and multiple rotating masses,
static and dynamic balancing, primary and secondary balancing for reciprocating masses, partial
balancing of locomotives, swaying couple, hammer blow, variation in tractive effort, balancing of Vengine, concept of direct and reverse crank, balancing of machines, rotors, reversible rotors.
Gyroscopic motion and gyroscopic couples- Effect on supporting and holding structures of
machines, Effect on 2 and 4 wheeled vehicles.
Books Recommended:
1. Theory of Machines J Lal
2. Theory of Machines by Shigley, Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.
3. Theory of Machines P.L.Ballaney
4. Theory of Machines V.P.Singh
5. Theory of Machines S. S. Rattan
6. Mechanism & Machine Theory Rao & Dukkipati
7. Theory of Machines Mallib
8. Theory of Machines Abdulta Sharif
9. Theory of Machines R.K.Bansal
IME 307
3 1 2 4
Introduction-Otto, Diesel, dual and Stirling cycle, Comparison of cycles, Actual Cycles and their
analysis, Classification of IC Engine, two stroke and four stroke cycle Engines, Difference between
C.I. and S.I. engines, Engine Design and operating parameters
Combustion of S.I. Engines-Combustion in S.I. Engines, Flame front propagation, Flame speed,
Ignition delay, abnormal combustion, Combustion chambers for S.I. engines.
Combustion of C.I. Engines- Combustion in C.I. Engines, Ignition delay, Combustion knock,
combustion chamber for C.I. engines, fuel injection testing.
Testing & Performance- Parameters, Engine power, Engine efficiencies, Type
of tests and characteristic curves, Variables affecting performance characteristics, Methods of
improving engine performance.
Carburetion, Lubrication, Cooling & Ignition System- Simple and
Complete carburetors, Gasoline Injection, combustion design for S.I. Engines, Friction and
Lubrication, Types of lubrication systems, Engine cooling Ignition systems, Magneto and Battery
ignition systems, Ignition timing.
Emission- Engine economy, Air pollution due to IC engines, Engine emissions, Particulates,
Emission control methods, EGR (Exhaust gas recirculation).
Fuels- Fuels and their properties, Stoichiometric and actual air requirements, Flue gas analysis,
Alternate fuels
Modelling of IC Engine System- Classification of models, governing equations for open
thermodynamic system.
Modern Developments.
Books Recommended
1. Internal combustion Engine Sharma & Mathur
2. Internal combustion Engine V.Ganeshan
3 I.C.Engine Rogowsky
4. I.C.Engine Analysis and Practice E.F.Obert
5. I.C. Engines and Air Pollution R. Yadav
6. I.C. Engines Fundamentals J. B. Heywood
IME – 309
3 1 2 4
Classification of Fluid Machines & Devices, Application of momentum and momentum equation to
flow through hydraulic machinery, Euler’s fundamental equation.
Impact of jet: Introduction to hydrodynamic thrust of jet on a fixed and moving surface (flat &
Effect of inclination of jet with the surface.
Hydraulic Turbines: Classification of turbines, Impulse turbines, Constructional details, Velocity
Power and efficiency calculations, Governing of Pelton wheel.
Reaction Turbines: Francis and Kaplan turbines, Constructional details, Velocity triangles, Power
efficiency calculations, Degree of reaction, Draft tube, Cavitation in turbines, Principles of similarity,
Unit and specific speed, Performance characteristics, Selection of water turbines.
Centrifugal Pumps: Classifications of centrifugal pumps, Vector diagram, Work done by impellor,
Efficiencies of centrifugal pumps, Specific speed, Model testing, Cavitation & separation and their
control, Performance characteristics.
Positive Displacement Pumps: Reciprocating pump theory, Slip and coefficient of discharges,
diagram, Effect and acceleration, Work saved by fitting air vessels, Comparison of
centrifugal and reciprocating pumps, Positive rotary pumps, Gear and Vane pumps, Performance
Other Machines: Hydraulic accumulator, Special duty pumps, Intensifier, Hydraulic press, Lift and
Theory of hydraulic coupling and torque converters, Performance characteristics.
Water Lifting Devices : Hydraulic ram, Jet pumps, Air lift pumps.
Hydraulic Machines by Jagdish Lal, Metropolitan book co. pvt ltd.
Hydraulic Machines: Theory & Design, V.P.Vasandhani, Khanna Pub.
Applied Hydraulics by Addison
Hydraulic Machines by R K Rajput, S.Chand & co Ltd.
Hydraulic Machines by D S Kumar
IME 311
3 1 - 3
Overview of the Operations Research Modelling Approach Formulating a Mathematical Model
Introduction to Linear Programming Prototype Example The Linear Programming Model
Solving L.P.P - The Simplex Method The Essence of the Simplex Method Setting Up the Simplex Method The
Algebra of the Simplex Method The Simplex Method in Tabular Form
Tie Breaking in the Simplex Method Adapting to Other Model Forms
The Theory of Simplex Method Foundations of the Simplex Method The Revised Simplex Method
Duality Theory and Sensitivity Analysis The Essence of Duality Theory Primal-Dual Relationships Adapting
to Other Primal Forms
The Role of Duality Theory in Sensitivity Analysis The Essence of Sensitivity Analysis Applying Sensitivity
Other Algorithms for Linear Programming. The Dual Simplex Method
The Transportation and Assignment Problems The Transportation Problem A Streamlined Simplex Method for
the Transportation Problem The Assignment Problem A Special Algorithm for the Assignment Problem
Game Theory The Formulation of Two-Person, Zero-Sum Games Solving Simple Games - A Prototype
Games with Mixed Strategies Graphical Solution Procedure
Dynamic Programming A Prototype Example for Dynamic Programming, Characteristics of Dynamic
Programming roblems
Deterministic Dynamic Programming
Integer Programming Prototype Example The Branch-and-Bound Technique and Its Application to BIP A
Branch-and- Bound Algorithm for Mixed Integer Programming
Non Linear Programming Graphical Illustration of Nonlinear Programming Problems Types of Nonlinear
Programming Problems The KKT Conditions for Constrained Optimization
T1Introduction to Operations Research: Concepts and Cases, Hillier F.S. and Lieberman
G.J., Tata Mc Graw Hill, 8th Ed., (Indian Adapted Edition), 2005.
Reference book(s)
R1Operations Research: An Introduction, Taha. H. A, Pearson Education, 7th ed., 2003.
R2Optimization in Operations Research. Pearson Education, Ronald L. Rardin, First
Indian Reprint 2002.
R3Introduction to Optimization: Operations Research, Pant.J.C., Jain Brothers, 5th Ed.,
R4Operations Research, Sharma. S. D., Kedarnath Ramnath & Co., 15th Edition, 2006
3 - - 3
Unit I
Fundamentals : Information Technology, Introduction to Computers, Number systems& Logic
Computer Architecture: Various units, Instruction Format, Instruction Set, Speed.
Computer Software: Categories, system s/w, Application s/w, Working of Input & Output Devices,
Computer Program & Computer Languages, Data communication & Computer Networks,
Classification of Data Networks, LAN, MAN, WAN, Communication Protocols.
Unit II
Primary storage: Types of RAM, ROM, Cache Memory, Flash & Auxiliary memory.
Secondary storage: Classifications of secondary storage Devices, Magnetic disk, Magnetic tape
Optical Disk, Magneto-optical Disk)
Operating systems: Evolution Types, Functions
Database Fundamentals: Logical & physical concept, Architecture, Data Models Database
Introduction to Windows: Working with Windows operations, Microsoft office. (12 Hrs)
Unit III
Internet: Internet Connectivity, Working with Internet Protocols, WWW, Internet and WWW,
Internet Addressing (IP address, domain name, domain address), URLs, Web pages, Web Browsers,
Searching the Web – web Index, search engines, meta search engines, Electronic Mail–mailing
basics, mailing list, news groups, bulletin boards.(12 Hrs)
Unit IV
Applications of IT: Business through Computer, Computer for Education, Scientific use, Medicine
&Health care, Engineering, Manufacturing & Computer for Home, Theater, Film & Television,
Legal practice & Law Enforcement.
Social impacts of Information Technology: Introduction, Privacy, Security and Integrity of
Information, Disaster Recovery, Intellectual property rights, career opportunities in the field of IT.
Security Issues: Firewalls and proxy application gateways public and private key encryption, digital
signatures. (13 Hrs)
Recommended books:
Title Author(s) Publisher
Fundamental of Computers V. Raja Raman PHI
Fundamentals of Computer Yadav BPB
Programming and Information Technology
Internet Complete Reference Harley Hahy McGrawHill
Fundamental of IT AxexB Leoh LeonTech World
3 - 2 4
Introduction- Requirement and Importance of Measurement, Static and Dynamic
Characteristics, Generalized Measurements System and its Components, Classification of
Instruments, Indicating & Recording Devices, Direct and Indirect Measurements. Classification of
Errors, Selection of an Instrument, Sensor and Transducer.
Metrology- Basics, Interchangeability, Comparators, Gauges, Sine Bars, Surface Finish
Measurement, Limit Gauges, Autocollimator, Angle dekkor, Alignment telescope, Laser Metrology,
Tool Makers Microscope, Profile Projector, Coordinate Measuring
Tolerances- Tolerances, Interchangeability, Indian standards, Terminology, Guidelines for selection
of Fits, The Newall and British standards systems, American standards association Tolerance system,
ISO system of Limits and Fits, Plain Gauges, Gauge Design, Gauges for tapers, Plug and ring Gauges
for self holing tapers, Tolerances and Geometry.characteristics, use, advantages, and limitations,
Classification of comparators: mechanical, pneumatic, electrical and electronics, Straightness: testing
by spirit level, and auto collimator, flatness testing, Alignment testing by LASER instrument,
Angular Measuring Instruments: Vernier and Optical bevel protector, divided circles, optical divided
head, angle Gauges.
Measurement of Pressure- Elastic Pressure Transducers – Bourdon, Diaphragm and Bellows
Gauges, Low Pressure Gauges – Mcleod, Measurement of very high pressure, Thermal Conductivity
and Ionization Gauges, CRO – Varying Pressure Measurement, Calibration and Installation of
Pressure Gauges.
Measurement of Temperature- Classification of Temperature Measuring Instruments, Liquid in
Glass Thermometer, Bimetallic Thermometer; Filled System Thermometer, Thermocouples – Laws
of Thermocouples, Types of Thermocouples; Resistance Thermometer and Thermisters; Total
Radiation and Optical Pyrometers; Errors and Precautions in Temperature Measurement, Calibration
of Temperature Sensors.
Strain Gauges & Strain Measurement- Strain Measuring Techniques; Requirement of A Strain
Gauge; Resistance Strain Gauge; Strain Gauge Alloys & Materials; Metal Resistance Strain Gauges –
Unbonded & Bonded Strain Gauges, Strain Gauge Calibration, Temperature Compensation in Strain
Force, Torque & Power Measurement- Force Measurement Scales and Balances, Elastic Force
Meters, Load Cells; Torque Measurement – Mechanical Torsion Meter, Electrical Torsion Meter &
Strain Gauge Torsion Meter; Shaft Power Measurement – Mechanical Brakes, Hydraulic
Dynamometer, Eddy Current Dynamometer, Strain Gauge Transmission Dynamometer.
Hydraulic & Pneumatic Control Systems- Hydraulic Control Systems – Hydraulic Pumps;
Hydraulic Control Valves, Desirable Characteristics of Hydraulic Fluids; Advantages & Limitations,
Pneumatic Control Systems – Pneumatic Nozzle Flapper; Advantages & Limitations.
Errors in Measurement- Sources of errors, systematic and random errors; statistical analysis of testdata, probable error and probability tables, rejection of test data, error propagation; Design and
planning of experiments and report writing.
Books Recommended:
Engineering Metrology by R. K. Jain
Engineering Metrology by D. S. Kumar
E.O Doebelin, Measurement System: Application and Design, McGraw Hill
J.P Holman, Experimental Methods for Engineers, McGraw Hill
Engineering Materials & Metrology Lab
1. Preparation of models/charts related to atomic/crystal structure of metals.
2. Annealing the steel specimen and study the effect of annealing time and temperature on hardness
of steel.
3. Hardening the steel specimen and study the effect of quenching medium on hardness of steel.
4. Practice of specimen preparation (cutting, mounting, polishing ,etching) of mild steel, aluminium
and hardened steel specimens.
5. Study of the microstructure of prepared specimens of mild steel, Aluminium and hardened steel.
6. Identification of ferrite and pearlite constituents in given specimen of mild steel.
7. Determination of hardenabilty of steel by Jominy End Quench Test
8.Measurement of an angle with the help of sine bar
9. Measurement of surface roughness of a machined Plate, Rod and Pipe
10. Measurement of gear elements using profile projector
11. Measurement of effective diameter of external threads using Three wire method
12. Measurement of thread element by Tool makers microscope
13. Calibration of a pressure guage with the help of a dead weight guage tester
14. Use of stroboscope for measurement of speed of shaft
15. Use of pitot tube to plot velocity profile of a fluid through a circular duct
16. Preparation of a thermocouple, its calibration and application for temperature
Introduction on conduction, convection and radiation heat transfers
3 1 2 4
Steady state conduction- one dimension, state heat conduction plane wall, radial system, overall heat transfer
coefficient. Numerical problems
Steady state conduction- multiple dimensions, mathematical analysis of two dimensional heat conduction,
conduction shape factor, numerical methods.
Unsteady state conduction, lumped heat capacity system, transient heat flow in a semi infinite solid, Biot and
Fourier numbers, multi dimensional systems, Numerical problems
Principles of Convection , viscous flow, inviscid flow, laminar boundary layer on a flat plate, energy equation
of the boundary layer, the thermal boundary layer, numerical problems
Principles of Convection, the relation between fluid friction and heat transfer, thermal boundary layer heat
transfer, turbulent boundary layer thickness, heat transfer in laminar tube flow, numerical problems
Forced convection heat transfer, forced convection empirical relations for pipe and tube flow, numerical
Natural convection systems, free convection heat transfer on a vertical flat plate, empirical relations for free
convection, free convection from horizontal cylinders, plates and inclined surfaces. Numerical problems
Radiation heat transfer, radiation properties, shape factor, heat exchange black bodies. between non black
Radiation heat transfer, radiation network for an absorbing and transmitting medium, formulation for numerical
solution Numerical problems
Condensation and Boiling heat transfer, heat transfer phenomena, the condensation number, film condensation
inside horizontal tubes, boiling heat transfer, simplified relations.
Heat Exchangers, the overall heat transfer coefficient, fouling factors, types, LMTD, NTU and effectiveness
Compact heat exchangers, analysis of variable properties, heat exchanger design considerations Numerical
Mass Transfer, Fick's law of diffusion, diffusion in gases, diffusion in liquids and solids, the mass transfer
coefficient. Numerical problems
Text Book:
Holman, J. P., Heat Transfer, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill book Company, New York, 1989
Kothadaraman, C. P., Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 4th Edition, New Age
International (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 1998
Reference Book(s):
Franker, P. and David, P., Introduction to Heat Transfer, 4th edition, John Wiley, New York,
Nag, P.K., Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, New Delhi,
Ozisik. M., Heat Transfer, McGraw Hill book Company, New York, 1998
Thermal Conductivity of a specimen by guarded hot plate apparatus
Heat transfer from pin fin by natural convection / forced convection
Heat transfer through lagged pipe and composite lagged pipe
Heat transfer by natural and forced convection
Analysis of Parallel flow / Counter flow Heat exchanger
Determination of emissivity and Stefan - Boltzman's constant
Heat transfer through a composite wall
Performance analysis on a Refrigeration Test Rig
Performance analysis on an Air conditioning Test Rig
IME 306
3 1 2 4
Introduction; Basic concepts, Methods of vibration analysis, Types of vibration, Periodic
&Harmonic vibrations.
Undamped free vibrations, damped free vibrations and damped force vibrations of single
degree of freedom system, vibration isolation transmissibility. vibration measuring
Two degrees of Freedom systems:
a) principal modes of vibrations, natural frequencies, amplitude ratio, forced harmonic
vibration .combined rectilinear & angular modes.
b) Application; Vibration absorber - principle, centrifugal pendulum vibration absorber,
torsional vibration damper, untuned viscous damper, dry friction dampers, torsional vibration
of two rotor systems.
Multi-degree of freedom systems: undamped free vibrations, influence coefficients,
generalised coordinates, orthogonality principal, matrix alteration methods,: Rayleigh and
Dunkerley, Holzer's , stodola method,Eigen values & eigen vector
1. Mechanical Vibrations by GK Grover, Hem chand and Bros, Roorkee
2. Mechancial Vibrations by KK Purjara, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Delhi
3. Mechanical Vibrations by V.P.Singh,.
1. Theory of Machines by PL Ballaney
2. Theory of Machines by Hams Crone and Roggers
3. Theory of Machines by Shigley, Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi
4. Theory of Machines by Dr. Jagdish Lal
5. Theory of Machines by SS Rattan,Tata Mc. Graw Hill, New Delhi
6. Theory of Mechanisms and Machines by Ghosh and Mallick, Affiliated East West Pvt.Ltd
IME 308
3 1 2 4
Computer Arithmetic and Errors
Interval halving, Linear interpolation methods, Newton's method, Muller's method, Fixed point iteration: x
= g(x) method, Multiple roots, Theoretical matters.
The Elimination method, The Gaussian Elimination and Gauss -Jordan methods, Other direct methods,
Pathology in linear systems – singular matrices, determinants and matrix inversion, Norms, Condition
numbers and errors in solutions, Iterative methods, The relaxation method, Systems of nonlinear equations,
Theoretical matters.
An interpolation problem, Lagrangian polynomials, divided differences.
Derivatives from difference tables, Higher order derivatives, Newton Cotes integration formulas, The
trapezoidal rule - a composite formula, Simpson's rules, Other ways to derive integration formulas, Gaussian
The Taylor Series method, Euler and Modified Euler's method, Runge-Kutta methods, Multistep methods,
Milne's method, The Adams-Moulton method, System of equations and higher order equations
1. Applied Numerical Analysis: Curtis F. Gerald and Patrick
G. Wheatley-Pearson, Education Ltd.
2. Numerical Method: E. Balagurusamy T.M.H.
1. Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engg. Computations: M.K. Jain, S.R.K. Iyenger and R.K.
Jain-Wiley Eastern Ltd.
2. Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis S.S. Sastry,P.H.I.
3. Numerical Methods in Engg. & Science: B.S. Grewal.
Numerical Analysis Lab (Programming, C/C++/ FORTRAN)
Solving Newton’s Method using programming
Solving Muller’s method using programming
Using programming for Gauss Elimination Method
Using programming for Gauss Jordan Method
Using programming for Simpson’s Rule
Solving Taylor Series Method using programming
Solving Runge-Kutta Method using programming
IME 310
3 - - 3
Selection of plant location, factors, dimensional analysis, Brown and Gibsons method, multi plant
location analysis, Transportation and p-center model; Layout and line balancing, RPWT technique,
problems, design of layout for repetitive, functional and cellular processes, computerized relative
allocation of facilities technique (CRAFT),production flow analysis;
Work study, method study, charting techniques, diagrams, exercises;
Work measurement; work sampling, time study, Rating, Allowances;
Network Analysis, PERT & CPM, Resource leveling;
Value Engineering, definition, implementation and methodology, matrix systems, examples;
Decision making theory, types of decision making environment, methods and tools, examples;
Job evaluation and merit rating, computer aided analysis of scheduling and inventory models,
Basic Concepts : definitions, elements and principles, difference between traditional approach &
TQM approach. Process control: Machine and process capability analysis. Use of control charts and
process engineering techniques for implementing the quality plan. Considerations in Quality
Assurance & Design : Quality assurance concept, system, planning, Vendor approval, support,
qualification, certification and supplier system (ASQC).
Planning Process for TQM Implementation : planning, leadership & commitment, infrastructure,
measurement, education & training, resources, supplier and customer alignment. Emerging concepts
of quality management: Taguchi's concept of off-line quality control and Ishikawa's cause and effect
1. S.N.Chary, Production and Operations Management , Tata McGraw Hill
2. Total Quality Management – Dr. K.C. Arora, S.K. Kataria & Sons, 2006.
3. Joseph .S. Martinich, Production and Operations Management , John Wiley and Sons.
ILO, Work Study
4. Barry Render and Ralph.M.Stain.Jr. , Quantitative Analysis for Management
5. P.Gopalkrishnan and M.Sundaram, Material management, an integrated approach
6. M. Mohajan, Industrial Engineering and production management
Operations Research
IME 312
3 1 - 3
Introduction: Basics of Operations Research, Linear Programming.
Introduction & Scope, Problem formulation, Graphical Method, Simplex methods, primal & dual
problem sensitivity analysis.
Transportation & Assignment problems, Deterministic Dynamic Programming,
Multistage decision problems & solution, Principle of optimality.
Decision theory Decision under various conditions. Game Theory, Two Person Zero sum game,
Solution with / without Saddle point, Dominance Rule, Different Methods like Algebraic, Graphical,
Liner Programming, Sequencing, Basic assumption, n Jobs through two / three machines, 2 Jobs on
m machines.
Stochastic inventory models, Single & multi period models with continuous & discrete demands,
Service level & reorder policy, Simulations, Use, advantages& limitations, Monte-carlo simulation,
Application to queuing, inventory & other problems.
Queuing models, Characteristics of Queuing Model, M/M/1 & M/M/S system, cost consideration
Project Management, Basic concept, Rules for drawing the network diagram, Applications of CPM
and PERT techniques in Project planning and control; crashing of operations; resource allocation.
Text Books
Operations Research by : Wangner
Operations Research by : Taha
Introduction to Management Science by: Hiller & Hiller
Operations Research by : Wayne L. Winston
IME 401
3 1 - 3
Introduction to the control system and servomechanisms; examples
Differential equations of physical systems ; mechanical systems and electrical analogies Concept of Transfer
Function, and derivation for d.c. servomotor Block diagrams and reduction methods Construction of Signal
flow graphs; Mason's Gain formula and its applications
Feedback systems and effect of feedback on sensitivity and system dynamics Effect of feedback on control
systems with disturbance signals; regenerative feedback Temperature feedback control system
D.C and A.C servomotors, potentiometers and synchros
Test signals and time domain response of first order system Response of second order system; time domain
Steady state errors and error constants for various types of systems
Stability of control systems and effect of root locations Routh Hurwitz stability criterion
Concept of root locus and magnitude and angle criteria
Root locus construction rules; examples
Introduction to Frequency Response and correlation with time response, Polar plots Bode plots
Experimental determination of transfer function using Bode plot
Principle of argument and introduction to Nyquist stability criterion
Nyquist stability analysis: examples
Introduction to control systems design Concept of state variable model
Representation of continuous system using state variable method
T1 Control systems Engineering, Nagrath I.J. and M.Gopal, New Age International., 4th edition, 2005
Reference book(s)
R1 Control Systems, A. Nagoor Kani, RBA Publications, 1998
R2 Automatic Control Systems, B.C.Kuo, Prentice Hall of India, 7th Edition, 2003
R3 Control Systems: Principles and design, M.Gopal , Tata - Mc Graw Hill,2003.
IME 403
3 - - 3
FLEXIBILITY AND AUTOMATION Flexibility and automation, different types of flexibilities in
manufacturing,. volume variety relationships for understanding manufacturing systems, different
types of FMS, building blocks of flexible manufacturing systems; work stations, storage-retrieved
systems, material handling systems and computer control system. Machining of FMS; Horizontal &
vertical matching centers. Automatic storage and retrieved systems, FMS Control Systems.
Selection of classifications and Coding Systems, production flow analysis, Cellular Manufacturing
,Computer aided process planning.
LAYOUT: Layout consideration for flexible manufacturing, scheduling of flexible
manufacturing systems.
FMS SIMULATION: Future developments in FMS, case studies on FMS.
1 Systems Approach to Computer Integrated Design and Manufacturing Automation,
Production Systems – Nanua Singh
2 Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing – M.P.Groover
3 Flexible Manufacturing Systems – R.A. Maleki
4 Hand Book of Flexibile Manufacturing Systems – Nand K. Jha
IME 405
3 - - 3
Production Planning and Control: Introduction-Definition-Functions of PPC- ObjectivesTerminology- Types of Production-Production Control Department in Relation to Types of
Forecasting: Introduction- Statistical forecasting techniques- Moving average-Exponential
smoothing technique-Errors in forecasting and evaluation of fore casting techniques.
Process Planning, Computer aided Process Planning: production Control Procedures-Order, Flow
,Load and Block types of Control-Production control Organization-Place and Significance of
Production control Department in an Industry.
Inventory Management: Introduction-Definition - Types of Inventory - EOQ and EBQ Models with
and without shortages - Buffer stock, Re-order Level- Inventory control techniques - Make or buy
decision - Material requirement planning- MRP-II- JIT.
Planning: Engineering aspects-Aggregate Planning- Master Processing instructions- Identification
Systems- Production inventory programs- work design and job design-Routing-Steps in routingRout sheet.
Scheduling: Forward and Backward Scheduling- Master Scheduling- Evaluation of Job Shop
Schedules with reference to Priority Scheduling rules, Sequencing, Assignment techniques in
Production Scheduling.
Dispatching and Expediting: Centralized and Decentralized Dispatching- Functions in DispatchingDispatching policies- Progress reports- Gantt Load Charts and Schedule Charts- Use of components
for production control other information processing systems- Computers in PPC
Text Books:
1. Joseph and Mork - Operations Management.
2. Everette. Adam, Jr. and Ronald J. Ebert- Production and Operation Management
References Books
1. Production Planning and Inventory Control, Narasimhan, Mc Leavy, Billington, PHI(1999)
2. Operation Management- Strategy and Analysis, Lee Krajewski and Larry P. Ritzman, AddisonWeslely (2000).
3. Operations Management : Theory and Problems by Monk, J.G., McGraw Hill, NY, 1985.
4. Computer Aided Production Management, P. B. Mohapatra, PHI (2001)
5. Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems by Vollmann, Thomas, E. and Others, Richard D.
Irwin, Illinois, 1984.
6. Service Operations Management by Fitzsimmons, J.A. and Sullivan, R.S., McGraw Hill, NY,
7. Materials Management by Ammer, Dean, S., Richard D. Irwin, Illinois, 1962
IME 407
3 1 2 4
Fundamental Concepts- Introduction, Historical background, stresses and equilibrium, boundary
conditions, strain-displacement relations, stress-strain relations, temperature effects, Rayleigh-Ritz
Method, Galerkin's Method, Saint Venant's Principle, Matrix algebra, Gaussian Elimination.
Finite Element Meshes- Choice of mesh, mesh data in numerical form, generation of mexh data,
mesh modification.
One -Dimensional Problems- Introduction, Finite element Modeling, Co-ordinates and Shape
Functions, Potential energy approach, The Galerkin Approach, Assembly of Global stiffness matrix
and load vector, Finite element equations; Treatment of boundary conditions, quadratic shape
functions, Temperature effects.
Trusses Introduction, plane trusses, three dimensional trusses, assembly of global stiffness matrix for
the banded and skyline solution.
Two- Dimensional Problem Introduction, finite element modeling, constant strain triangle (CST),
Problem modeling and boundary conditions.
Axisymmetric Solids Subjected To Axisymmetric Loading -Introduction, Axisymmetric
formulation, finite element modeling: Triangular elements, Problem modeling and boundary
RECOMMENDED BOOKS1. Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering Tirupathi, R. ,Chandrupatle Ashoka D.Belegundu
2. An Introduction to Finite Element Method J.N. Reddy
3. Finite Element Analysis -Theory and Programming C.S. Krishnamurthy
4. The Finite Element Method in Engineering S.S. Rao
5. Finite Element Methods for Engineers Roger T.Fennee
6. Finite Element Analysis in Engg. Design Rajoebaron
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Discretization- Introduction to finite differences, difference equations, explicit and implicit
approaches: definition and contrasts, errors and analysis of stability.
Classification Of Partial Differential Equations- Explicit and Implicit methods, solution of select
model equations; Laplace heat and wave equation, laminar boundary layer solution.
CFD Techniques- The lax -wendroff technique, Mac Cormack's technique, Relaxation technique and
its use with low speed in viscid flows, aspects of numerical dissipation and dispersion; artificial
viscosity, Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) technique, pressure correction technique with
application to incompressible viscous flow.
Initial And Boundary Value Problems- free falling of a spherical body, two dimensional motions of a
body through a fluid radial flow.
Steady State Conduction In Rectangular & Cylindrical Geometry- transient conduction finite
difference applications in convective heat transfer, thermally developing flow inside a circular pipe.
1. Computational fluid flow and heat transfer D.A. Anderson et .al
2. Computational Fluid Dynamics -John D. Anderson Jr.
3. Introduction to Computational fluid Mechanics -Chuen –Yen Chow.
4. Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer -K.Muralidhar and T.Sunderrajan, Narosa Publishing
IME 409
Work System in Industry, Work content & its estimation. Concept of work science. Review of Method Study
and Work Measurement techniques, Critical appraisal of Stop Watch Time Study and Work Sampling, Standard
Data and PMT Systems of work measurement, Principles of work design, Job analysis and job design, Design
of job incentive plans.
Ergonomics: scope and importance in industry. Anthropometry, Posture & body mechanics, Contribution of
ergonomics to work system design, Man-machine system concept, Types and modeling, Types and ergonomic
principles of design of displays, Controls, Human metabolism and energy expenditure in various activities.
Environmental factors in design and work envelop, Introduction to bio-mechanics. Computer applications in
ergonomics solutions, Physiology, Product design consideration for operation to safety, MSD’s(Musclo-skeletal
disorders) and their recognition and system design to eliminate MSDs, Principles of ergonomics and their use
for various environmental and physiology of human operation.
Recommended Books:
Sanders and McCormic, Human Factors in Engineering and Design, McGraw Hill (1993).
Bridger, R. S., Introduction to Ergonomics, McGraw Hill (2008).
Barnes, R.M., Motion and Time Study: Design & Measurement of Work, John Wiley and Sons (1980).
Wentz, C., Safety, Health & Environment Protection, McGraw Hill (1997).
Helander, M., Guide to Ergonomics of Manufacturing, East West Press (1997).
Benjamin, N., Methods, Standards and Work Design, McGraw Hill (2000).
IME 411
Introduction: Types of production systems and their automation. CAD/CAM integration. Concept of
Elements of a General CIM System: Types of CIM systems. CAD-CAM link for CIMS. Benefits of
CAM, FMS and CIMS. Automated material handling systems, equipment and their functions.
Integration of Robots in CIMS, Automatic Storage and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS), Carousel.
Palletization and
CIMS configurations: DNC based factory management and control, Integrated CAD/CAM system
and shared database.
Introduction to Rapid Prototyping, and Rapid Tooling, Reverse Engineering. Concept of
concurrent engineering. Product life cycle management.
Group Technology: Concept and terminology, Part family formation, Classification and coding
systems for components, Group Technology machine cells
Computer Aided Process Planning: CAPP and route sheet development, CAPP system, Computer
aided plant layout.
Computer Aided Production Planning and Control: Inventory control and MRP. Computer aided
shop floor control, process monitoring. Computer aided Inspection & Quality Control. Shop floor data
collection systems, Shop floor control, Sensors used, Tool management system, automatic
identification systems, Barcode system.
Introduction to fundamentals of computer communications: Networking, Computer-machinepersonnel communication links. Network architectures & techniques. Information flow in networks,
Network standards.
CIM Database and Database Management Systems: Types, Management Information System,
Manufacturing data preparation.
Laboratory Work:
Study of CIMS/FMS systems & using VRCIM software, Study & use of 3D scanner for reverse
engineering and QC, Surface modeling and manipulation for reverse engineering using standard CAD
package, Die design and manufacturing from CAD model for reverse engineering. Use of QUEST
software to demonstrate production planning and scheduling by simulation.
Recommended Books:
1. Groover, M. P. and Zimmers, E. W., CAD/ CAM, Pearson Education Asia (2008).
2. Groover, M. P., Automation, Production systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing,
Pearson Education Asia (2009).
3. Vajpayee, S. K., Principles of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Prentice Hall (1999).
4. Rao, P. N., Tewari, N. K. and Kundra, T. K., Computer Integrated Manufacturing, McGraw Hill
5. Mitchell, H., CIM Systems -An Introduction to Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Prentice Hall
6. Rehg, J. A. and Kraebber, H. W., Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Pearson Education Asia
Introduction: Concepts of Management, Information and Systems, History of Information
Systems, Philosophies Governing the development of Information Systems, Role of Information
Systems in Organizations: Local and Global context. Additional perspectives as benefits from
Technical Trends and innovations, Special characteristics and enigmas of information.
Information System and Business Processes: Analyzing information system from a business
perspective using work centered analysis of systems.
Information System Taxonomies: Transaction Processing system, Management Information
Systems, Decision support system, Executive Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Expert
Systems and Office Automation Systems.
System Analysis And Design: Information System Planning, Introduction challenges, Strategic
issues, Selecting systems, Project management issues, Methodology and implications of system
analysis and design, SDLC, Prototyping, End user Development, Off the shelf software,
Outsourcing and application software.
Tools for Information System Development: Structural tools for analysis and design, Tools to
represent system data and process, Tools for structured programming, Tools to convert programs
specification into code.
Database Design and Management: Components of DBMS, Database models, Principles of
DBMS. Strategic Information Systems: Characteristics and Plan, Business Information Systems,
MARIS, Information systems for Manufacturing, Human Resource, Finance and Accounts and
ERP: Introduction, Concepts, Applications, Advantages and disadvantages.
Recommended Books:
Alter, S., Information System of Management, Benjamin Curmmings (1995).
Laudon and Laudon, MIS: A Managerial Perspective, Pearson Education (2005).
Perspective, GalgotiaPublishers (1996).
Davis and Olson, Management Information System, McGraw Hill (1985).
Brien, J. O., Management Information System, McGraw Hill (1998).
Ross, M. and Claggett, Information Systems for Modern Management, Prentice Hall of India
Leon, A., ERP – Demystified, McGraw Hill (1999).
IME 413
3 1 - 3
Thermal power plants: General layout of modern power plant. Site selection, material requirement of
supper thermal power plant, Coal handling, storage and feeding system, Ash handling and dust
controlling, Cooling ponds and cooling towers, Feed water treatment.
Gas turbine power plant: Selection of plant – closed, open or other system, plant layout and site
Nuclear power plant: Selection of plant - Fusion or Fission principle, Location of Nuclear power
plant, Nuclear materials and waste disposal, Effect of nuclear radiation and safety aspects.
Hydraulic power plant: Location of plant, selection of turbine, Layout of the plant with reference to
water reservoir and disposal of water, treatment of water if required. Economics of power generation.
Text Books:
1. Power Station Engineering and Economy by Benhaedt G.A.Skrotzki, William A. Vopat,
Book , Inc.
2. Heat Engineering, I.T. Shvets et al, MIR Pub Moscow.
Solar Power Engineering by B.S. Magal, TMGH Pub Co..
Solar Energy by S.P. Sukhatme, T MGH pub. Co.
Modern Power Plant Engineering by Joel Weisman, Roy Eckart, PHI.
A text book of Power Plant Engineering by P.C. Sharma, S.K. Kataria & Sons, ND
IME 402
3 - - 3
Basics and need of NC/CNC/DNC, applications and advantages of CNC machines and its role in
FMS, classifications of CNC machines.
Machine structure, slide ways, motion transmission elements, swarf removal and safety
considerations, automatic tool changer, multiple pallet systems, feedback devices, machine control
unit, and interpolators.
Introduction to Part Programming, Axis identification and coordinate systems, structure of CNC part
program, programming formats, Radius and Length Compensation Schemes, Advanced
Programming Features & Canned Cycles, Computer Aided CNC part programming using APT
Tooling requirements of CNC machines, work and tool holding devices in CNC machines.
Adaptive control with Optimization, Adaptive control with Constraints, ACC System for Turning.
Basic types of measuring machines, Operating modes, Programming soft-wares, Measurement and
inspection capabilities, Flexible inspection systems, Inspection probes.
Verification of Technical Specifications, Verification of Functional Aspects, Verification During Idle
Running, Verification of Machine Tool Accuracy and Work piece Accuracy. Metal Removal
Capacity Test.
HMT, Mechatronics, Tata McGraw-Hill.
1. Koren Y, Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems, McGraw-Hill, 1986.
2. T K Kundra, P N Rao, N K Tewari, Numerical Control and Computer Aided Manufacturing,
Tata McGraw-Hill
3. Groover, M P, Automation, Production Systems, and Computer Integrated Manufacturing,
Prentice-hall Int.
4. Madison J, CNC Machining Handbook, Industrial Press Inc., 1996
IME 404
3 - - 3
Introduction: Energy sources and availability, New energy techniques, Renewable energy sources
Solar Energy: Solar constant, Radiation geometry, Solar energy collectors, Concentrated and flat
plate, Energy balance and collector efficiency, Solar energy storage, Application to space heating,
distillation, cooking and green house effect, Wind Energy; Basic principle, site selection,
Aerodynamic analysis of blades, Bio-energy; Biomass conversion technology, photosynthesis,
Biogas plant, thermal Gasification
Geothermal Energy: Sources, hydrothermal sources, hot dry rock resources, geothermal fossil
system, prime movers for geothermal energy
Energy from ocean: Ocean thermal electric conversion, energy from tides, small scale hydroelectric
Hydrogen energy sources: Production, storage, utilization, magneto hydrodynamic power, thermo
ionic generation, Nuclear fusion energy, Energy storage. Energy conservation.
Non-Conventional Energy Resources by Sukhatme
IME 406
3 1 - 3
The process of product design, Design by evolution, Limitations of evolutionary method in modern
design situation, Structure of design process, Morphology of design, Standards of performance,
Environmental factors, Creativity techniques in design problem, Strategies for search of design
concepts, Physical realizability, Economic and financial feasibility, Designing for function, Iterative
value engineering, Designing for production, Tolerance analysis, Use, Maintenance, Designing for
handling and installing, Economics of design, Human factors in design, Optimization of design,
Reverse engineering of ergonomic shape designs.
Use of CAD / CAM /CAE software for Concurrent Engineering design. Case studies in Design of
products for manufacture, Aesthetics, Surface styling and shaping tools in modern CAD software.
Exercises in Design, Design optimization using automated CAE software, Analysis, Reverse
engineering a product using CAD, CAM, CAE, 3D scanner, Reverse Engineering and Surface design
and review software.
Laboratory/ Tutorial Work:
Exercises to practice the concepts taught in theory using hardware and software tools available in the
laboratory on CAD/CAM/CAE.
Recommended Books:
Gupta, V. and Murthy, P.N., Introduction to Engineering Design Method, McGraw Hill (1980).
Chitale and Gupta, Product Design and Manufacturing, Prentice Hall of India (2005).
Lab Manuals of software.
IME 408
3 - - 3
Interaction between economic theory and production; concept of firm, industry and economy.
Consumer behavior, utility, indifference curves and maps; consumers' supply, demand function.
Production function, effect of technology, short and long ranges cost functions, monopoly and
competition, determination of price, price discrimination, pricing of products.
Function of financial management and financial executive; nature of risk, interrelationship between
risk and return; effect of tax on return.
Analysis and interpretation of standard financial statements.
Concept of operating cycle and working capital management.
Planning of profit and leverage (operating and financial).
Project evaluation indices like NPV, IRR.
Definition and scope of cost accountancy and costing methods; Elements of cost identifications;
Recording, ascertainment of direct material and labour cost; Overhead classification, distribution and
absorption; Process costing, uniform, marginal and standard costing methods; Case studies showing
application of financial management and costing methods.
1. Engineering Economics by E.Paul Degermo.
2. Engineering Economics by James L. Riggs.
IME 410
3 - - 3
Introduction: Concepts of Management, Information and Systems, History of Information
Systems, Philosophies Governing the development of Information Systems, Role of Information
Systems in Organizations: Local and Global context. Additional perspectives as benefits from
Technical Trends and innovations, Special characteristics and enigmas of information.
Information System and Business Processes: Analyzing information system from a business
perspective using work centered analysis of systems.
Information System Taxonomies: Transaction Processing system, Management Information
Systems, Decision support system, Executive Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Expert
Systems and Office Automation Systems.
System Analysis And Design: Information System Planning, Introduction challenges, Strategic
issues, Selecting systems, Project management issues, Methodology and implications of system
analysis and design, SDLC, Prototyping, End user Development, Off the shelf software,
Outsourcing and application software.
Tools for Information System Development: Structural tools for analysis and design, Tools to
represent system data and process, Tools for structured programming, Tools to convert programs
specification into code.
Database Design and Management: Components of DBMS, Database models, Principles of
DBMS. Strategic Information Systems: Characteristics and Plan, Business Information Systems,
MARIS, Information systems for Manufacturing, Human Resource, Finance and Accounts and
ERP: Introduction, Concepts, Applications, Advantages and disadvantages.
Recommended Books:
1. Alter, S., Information System of Management, Benjamin Curmmings (1995).
2. Laudon and Laudon, MIS: A Managerial Perspective, Pearson Education (2005).
3. Gupta,
Perspective, GalgotiaPublishers (1996).
4. Davis and Olson, Management Information System, McGraw Hill (1985).
5. Brien, J. O., Management Information System, McGraw Hill (1998).
6. Ross, M. and Claggett, Information Systems for Modern Management, Prentice Hall of India
7. Leon, A., ERP – Demystified, McGraw Hill (1999).
IME 412
3 - - 3
Planning Personnel Function:
Human recourse development systems, Personnel management
environment in India, Functions and operations of a personnel office, Manpower planning
Employee Selection, Development and Growth: Recruitment, Selection and induction, Staff
training and Development, Career Planning.
Motivation, Job Design and appraisal:
Motivation and Productivity, Job description, Analysis
and Evaluation, Employee Motivation and Job enrichment, Performance, monitoring and Appraisal.
Compensation Planning: Economic Background and employee compensation, Laws and Rules
Governing Employee Benefits & welfare, Compensation & Safety Administration
Managing Industrial relations:
Regulatory Mechanisms Guiding Industrial relations, Employee
Discipline, Suspension, Retrenchment and Dismissal, Employee Grievance Handling.
Unions and management: Trade Unionism, Employer’s Associations, Collective Bargaining,
Industrial Conflict Resolution, Industrial Democracy and Workers participation in management.
Study material will be provided by the Instructor
IME 414
- - - 4
IME 501
3 - - 3
Introduction to Factory Automation and Integration: Basic Concepts, Types of
automation, Automation strategies.
Introduction to Hydraulics/Pneumatics Electro-pneumatic controls and devices: Basic
elements Hydraulics/Pneumatics Electro-pneumatic systems. Fluid Power Control
elements and standard graphical symbols for them, Construction and performance of fluid
power generators, Hydraulic & pneumatic cylinders - construction, design and mounting,
Hydraulic & pneumatic valves for pressure, Flow & direction control, Servo valves and
simple servo systems with mechanical feedback, Solenoid, Different sensors for electropneumatic system hydraulic and pneumatic & Electro-pneumatic circuits.
Design of pneumatic logic circuits for a given time displacement diagram or sequence
of operation. Pneumatic safety and remote control circuits and their applications to
clamping, Traversing and releasing operations. Automatic Transfer Systems: Automatic
transfer, Feeding and orientation devices.
Automatic transfer machines: Classifications, Analysis of automated transfer lines,
Without and with buffer storage, Group technology and flexible manufacturing system.
Assembly automation: Types of assembly systems, Assembly line balancing,
Performance and economics of assembly system.
Laboratory Work:
Practice of the concepts covered in Lectures. Design and simulation of
Hydraulic/Pneumatic circuits on software. Exercise on basic Pneumatic circuits, Control
of single acting & double acting cylinders, Speed control of Pneumatic cylinders- inlet
pressure & exhaust control, Air-bleed control, Designing of combinational/ sequential
pneumatic logic circuits.
Recommended Books:
1. Groover, M. P., Automation, Production System & Computer Integrated
Manufacturing, Pearson Education Asia (2004).
2. Nakra, B. C., Automatic Control, New Age International (2005).
3. Morriss, S. B., Automataed Manufacturing Systems, McGraw Hill (2006).
4. Majumdar, S. R., Pneumatic Systems, McGraw Hill (2005).
IME 503
- - - 8
IME 505
3 - - 3
Research: Research and its types, Research process and steps in it. Essential constituents of
Literature Review.
Design of Experiments: Objectives & strategies of research, completely randomized, Randomized
block, Latin Square, Factorial experimental design, response surfaces.
Methods of Data Collection: Types of data collection and classification, designing questionnaires
and schedules.
Sampling Methods: Probability sampling, random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified
sampling, cluster sampling and multistage sampling. Non-probability sampling: convenience
sampling, judgement sampling, quota sampling.
Analysis of Data: Statistical measures and their significance: Central tendencies, variation,
skewness, Kurtosis, time series analysis, correlation and regression, Testing of
Hypotheses: Parametric (t, z and F) Chi Square, ANOVA.
Multivariate Analysis: Multiple Regression, Factor Analysis, Discriminant Analysis, Cluster
Analysis, multidimensional scaling.
Design of Simulation Experiments: Simulation Modelling, Verification and validation of model,
Length of simulation run, Replication and batches, Elimination of Initial bias, Validation of input /
output data, Variance reduction techniques.
Report writing:
Pre writing considerations, Thesis writing, Format of report writing, Format of
publications in research journals.
Note: Application and use of various software for case studies should be essential.
1. Montgomery, Douglas C. (2007), 5/e, Design and Analysis of Experiments, (Wiley India)
2. Montgomery, Douglas C. & Runger, George C. (2007), 3/e, Applied Statistics &
Probability for Engineers (Wiley India)
3. Kothari C.K. (2004), 2/e, Research Methodology‐ Methods and Techniques (New Age
International, New Delhi)
4. Krishnaswamy, K.N., Sivakumar, Appa Iyer and Mathiranjan M. (2006), Management
Research Methodology; Integration of Principles, Methods and Techniques (Pearson
Education, New Delhi)
5. Hira, D.S. System Simulation, S. Chand of Co., New Dehli
IME 507
3 - - 3
Introduction: Definition, scope and importance: Concept of a neat clean environment, Ecology and
Environment, Concept of an ecosystem, Its components and their interrelationships, autotrophs and
heterotrophs, food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids, energy flow in the ecosystem,
biogeochemical cycles, Brief study of, forest ecosystem, grassland ecosystem, desert ecosystem and
aquatic ecosystems, The concept of biosphere, ecosystem diversity and biodiversity, Global and
national concerns, threats to biodiversity and conservation efforts.
Unit –II
Sustainable development: The apparent conflict between economic development and sanctity of the
environment, Judicious use of resources for their long term viability; forest resources, water
resources, mineral resources; food resources, energy resources and land resources, Renewable
sources, the practice of 3Rs, Human population growth and its impact on natural resources.
Unit –III
Environmental pollution: Air pollution, attributes of air environment; major pollutants, their natural
and anthropogenic sources, effects and mitigation measures
Water pollution: attributes of water environment, major categories of pollutants; effects and
mitigation measures.
Land pollution: Urban and industrial solid wastes and their management.
Noise pollution: Measurement, effects and control of noise pollution.
Unit –IV
Sociopolitical issues: Global concerns, international endeavors and intergovernmental efforts:
climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, international bodies and protocols,
Environmental laws and regulations in India, Environment Protection Act, Air (Prevention and
Control of Pollution) Act, Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, Wildlife Protection Act,
Forest Conservation Act.
Environmental Regulations and Standards: Study of different Govt. regulations, Acts and
specified emission standards, Constitution and working of Pollution Control Boards, International
Odum, E.P.
Fundamentals of Ecology
W.B. Saunders
McGraw Hill
Text Books