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Chapter 4: The Chemical Basis of Life
4-2: Chemical Compounds in Living Things
Chemical Compounds in Living Things
 Although the earth’s crust contains ___________ naturally occurring
chemical elements, ____________________________________________
 Another ___________ are found in _______________________________
 Just _______________________________ – ______________________,
_________________________, ____________________, and
________________________ – make up _________________ of the total
weight of the ________________________________
 In varying combinations, the elements carbon, hydrogen,
oxygen, and nitrogen make up practically all the chemical
compounds in living things
 Divided into _________ groups
o _______________________________________ – contain
o _______________________________________ – do not
contain carbon
Inorganic Compounds
 The natural world is dominated by inorganic compounds
 Primarily those compounds that do not contain carbon
 ____________________ is inorganic, as are the minerals that make up
most of the ______________, ______________, and _______________
of the Earth’s landmasses
Organic Compounds
 Contain carbon
 Carbon is a unique element because of its remarkable ability to
form ______________________________ that are strong and
 Carbon can form __________ single covalent bonds
 Carbon can also form ___________________ or ___________________
of almost unlimited length by bonding to other carbon atoms
o __________________________________________________
 Many carbon-based compounds are formed by a chemical process known
as __________________________________, in which large
compounds are constructed by joining together smaller compounds
 The smaller compounds, or _________________________, are
joined together by chemical bonds to form _____________________
 Many polymers are so large that they are called