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The 13 Planets
By: Simon Freitag
• Mercury has cracks showing that its hot core is
growing cold and the planet is shrinking.
• Mercury goes around the sun in 88 days, but
spins on its axis so slowly it takes 176 days for
the sun to rise and set!
Also, on Mercury
every day would be
your birthday
because it’s years are
shorter than a day!
That’s a lot of
The daytime side of Mercury is over 800
degrees, which could melt lead! No wonder
it’s water is dried out, and night is under 300
degrees! Making it one of the hottest and
coldest planets. Confusing, right?!
• Venus has a thick layer of 870 degree poison clouds
that store 100 million volt lightning bolts
• It is the hottest planet in the solar system and has an
atmosphere so dense it could crush a submarine! (I
think it is also the most dangerous planet).
It also has winds that can blow over an astronaut,
and it is the same size as Earth, but does not
resemble it in any way! (Because if it did we would
be on a very dangerous planet and we would not be
• Mars is a terrestrial planet sometimes
also called the red planet.
• Mars has a canyon named Valles
Marinaris that stretches the length
from New York to San Francisco!
• The planet also has a volcano 17 miles
high with ice caps and dust storms
that cover the planet for months!
The most interesting fact about
Mars is that scientists have found
that there may be water buried
under its surface, which means
there could have been life on this
planet at one time, millions of
years ago!
Mars has so much carbon dioxide in its
atmosphere, no thin liquid water can exist.
• Jupiter is the largest planet. It also has 63
• Jupiter is a gas planet, meaning there is no
solid surface to walk on.
• Jupiter has a Giant Hurricane called the Great
Big Spot, which is a HUGE hurricane with high
winds and a lot of lightning!
Jupiter's stripes are made of Ammonia Hydro
Sulfide which smells like rotten eggs, and the
clouds are made of ammonia which smells like
strong window cleaner. (I think it’s probably the
stinkiest planet). And also, Jupiter has rings too
small to be seen from earth.
• Saturn has enough density to float in water.
• It’s rings are mostly made from dust particles,
ice and boulders.
• Uranus is 8 times as big as earth, and it is
tilted 98 degrees on its side along with its
• Uranus has 42 years of night and day.
• Uranus has 27 moons.
• Neptune has 1,200 mph winds.
• The planet is -350 degrees F., But its core is
hotter than the sun’s surface.
• Neptune was discovered 160 years ago, but it
has not orbited the sun yet (So it’s really slow).
• Pluto was demoted to a dwarf planet in 2006.
• But it sometimes crosses Neptune’s orbit,
which temporarily causes it to be the ninth
planet again.
You named a
planet after
little old me?
Aw, shucks!
Thank you for watching!!!!! 
David A. Auglar, 13 Planets, National
Geographic Society, 2011