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CS 412 Final Exam Study Guide
There will be true/false and essay questions.
You need to be familiar with the class assignments.
 Remote Method Invocation
 Major steps in creating a distributed system with RMI
 Defining and implementing the remote interface
 Defining and implementing the client
 Compile, code placement and execution
 Problems that we may face while trying to compile and execute a RMI based
program. Including the problems we faced (or I explained) in the lab and how we
solve them.
 You may be ask to write a small program to show how RMI works
 Java Database Connectivity
 SQL basic syntax
 Basics of Relational database model including operations such as join and
 Using SQL to merge data from multiple tables
 How to connect to databases, query, and display results
 What are the drivers used for Oracle and Access connection
 Be able to write a simple program to connect to a Oracle or Access database and
do some queries
 Servlets
 What are the server side and the client side tools provided by Java?
 What protocol is used for servlets?
 How does servlet work? Overall view of the mechanism
 Servlet Interface
 What are the 2 major abstract classes that implement Servlet interface? What
are the major methods and what do they do?
 What is the main responsibility of “service” method?
 How do doGet and doPost methods are called? What are Get and Post
 Know the main capabilities (methods) of HttpServletRequest and
 What are the main steps we take for the deployment of our servlets?
 What are the available tools for session tracking?
 How do Session and Cookies work?
 What are the possible problems we may face in running servlets and cookies?
 What are Multitier applications? Describe a three tier application that uses servlet
and JDBC technologies? What are the possible problems that we may face
running such tree tier application?
 JSP & Beans
 Describe JSP architecture
 What are the steps required for a JSP request?
 Why use JSP? And compare JSP to Servlet
 What are the main tags of JSP (five different types of tags)? Describe each one
 What are the main types of directive tags? You need to know “page” and
“include” directives
 How do you set up an errorPage?
 What are the action tags and how does Dynamic JSP Include work?
 Write a “counter” JSP program similar to the example in the slides.
 What are some of the important implicit objects available for JSP?
 What is the logic behind using JavaBeans? Know the basics of bean