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1IT601 Advanced Web Technology
L – T – P: 3 – 0 – 0 Credit: 3 Objectives: The objective of the course is to revisit the Java concept and go a step
ahead with learning J2EE technologies. Pre-requisite: Basic knowledge of Java Technology. Outcome: By the
end of the course, students should be able to apply Java and J2EE technology in designing web application
with better user interactions.
UNIT I Lectures: 4
Class Fundamentals, new operator, Object Creation, Reference Variable and assignments, Adding method to
Class, Returning a value, method with parameter, Constructors, Parameterized Constructors, this keyword,
Garbage collection, Arrays, length member.
UNIT II Lectures: 6
Passing Objects to methods, Returning Objects, Method Overloading, Overloading Constructor, Static
variable, static method, static class, Inheritance, Member access and inheritance, Constructors and
inheritance, using super, Multilevel hierarchy, Method Overriding, Abstract classes, using final.
UNIT III Lectures: 6
Interfaces, Creating an interface, Implementing an interface, Using an interface references, Implementing
multiple interfaces, Extend interfaces, Package, Package and member access, Importing packages, Math class
methods, Wrapper classes, String class, String methods, ArrayList class.
UNIT IV Lectures: 6
Exception, Using try and catch, Multiple catch clauses, Nested try, Using-finally, throw, throws, Creating
exception subclass, Thread class and runnable interface, Creating a thread/multiple threads, Thread priorities,
Thread communication.
UNIT V Lectures: 6
I/O: Streams, Byte Streams and Character Streams, Reading console input using character stream, File writing
and file reading, Object writing and reading.
UNIT VI Lectures: 6
Client server architecture, Remote Method Invocation, RMI stub, RMI skeleton, HTML and HTTP, Servlet,
Servlet doGet( )/doPost( ), Servlet life cycle, Servlet session.
UNIT VII Lectures: 8
Understanding of JSP, JSP life cycle, JSP declarations, JSP Scriptlets, JSP expression, JSP directive, JSP implicit
objects, JSP user defined tags.
Reference Books:
1. Java Fundamentals: Herbert Schildt, Dale Skrien, McGraw-Hill
2. Java 2: The Complete Reference by Patrick Naughton and Herbert Schildt, McGraw-Hill