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1. Introduction
 Bytecode, JVM, Platform independency, JDK & JRE
 Installing JDK, setting up the PATH environmental variable
2. Keywords, Literals & Identifiers
 Valid & invalid identifiers
 Keywords
3. Primitive Data types & Type casting
 Integer (byte, short, int, long)
 Float (float & double)
 Character
 Boolean
 Type Casting
4. Conditional and Looping statements
 If, if-else, switch
 For, while, do-while
 Break, continue
5. Methods
 Method declaration, definition
 Arguments, return types
 Method overloading
6. Arrays
 Single dimensional & Multidimensional
7. String basics
8. Classes & objects
 public classes with member functions & data members
 creating objects
 passing objects in methods as arguments and returning objects from methods
 instance members & static members
9. Access modifiers (public & private)
 public classes
 public and private members of a class
10. Packages
 Intro to packages
 Use of CLASSPATH environmental variable
 Creating own packages
 Importing a package
 Java.lang package
11. Inheritance, method overriding
 Inheritance using extends keyword
 Method overriding
 Object class
 Class class
12. Final keyword
 final class
 final methods & variables
13. Access Modifiers (protected & default)
 default class
 protected & default members of class
 sum up all 4 access types i.e. default, public, private & protected
 taking access specifiers in consideration while overriding methods
14. Abstract classes & interfaces
 Abstract methods & classes
 Interfaces (methods & data members of interface)
15. Polymorphism
 Reference variables & objects
 Class casting
16. Exception handling
 try & catch
 throw, throws & finally
17. Database connectivity using ODBC
 Statement, PreparedStatement
 Select, insert, update, delete
 Transaction Management (setAutoCommit(false))
18. Collections
 ArrayList
 Iterator
19. Inner Classes
 Introduction to Inner classes
 Regular Inner Class
 Method –Local Inner Class
 Anonymous Inner Class
 Static Nested Class
20. Multithreading
 Difference between Thread and Process
 The Thread class and Runnable interface.
 Daemon and User Threads
 Creating your own threads
 The synchronized method and block
 wait, notify(), notifyAll()
 Deadlocks
 Avoiding dead locks
21. Singleton Pattern
22. Introduction to web development
 basic working of web application
 web server & application server
 parts of URL
23. Servlet
 Servlet lifecycle
 init(), ServletConfig, service(), destroy()
 web.xml
 doGet(), doPost(), PrintWriter
 AJAX example
24. Java Server Page(JSP)
 JSP tags , directives (<% @>), <%= >
 jsp:useBean, jsp:include
25. Forward & Redirect
26. Scopes
 Request
 Session
 Application
 Page
27. Database connectivity using connection pooling
28. Apache Struts MVC Framework
 struts-config.xml
 Action form, action class, forward
 Validation in form class STRUTS
 Introduction to Struts framework
 MVC architecture using struts.
 Components of struts
 Struts Extensions SPRING
 Spring Fundamentals
 MVC Architecture
 Processing Pipeline
 Controller Menagerie
 View Layer
 Supported View Types
 Validation
 Testing Spring MVC Applications
 Introduction to web flow in springSDLC Module
1:Introduction to SDLC Module
2: Introduction to Rational Unified Process Module
3: Introduction to Agile RSA
Module 1: Principal of Visual Modeling
Module 2: Concepts of Object Orientation
Module 3: OOAD Process
Module 4: Getting Started with RSA
Module 1: JAVA EE Web Component Introduction
Module 2: Java EE Container Services Overview
Module 3: Servlets Overview and API
Module 4: JSP Specification and Syntax
Module5: Supporting Perspectives for Developing Java EE Applications
Module 6: Course registration system case study flow
Module 7: Page Designer in Application Developer for JSP Development
Module 8: Web Application Debugging
Module 9: Servlet API
Module 10:Web Archive Deployment Descriptor
Module 11: JDBCAPI using RAD
Module 12: Session state storage issues
Module 13:HTTP Session
Module 14: Best Practices for session management
Module 15: Web Application Security
Module 1: Introduction to DB2 Environment
Module 2: Simple SQL Queries
Module 3: Functions- Scalar and Column
Module 4: Using Subqueries
Module 5: Maintaining Data
Module 6: Integrating XML contents with DB2
 Courseware will be provided by IBM
 Project will be provided by IBM
 Project completion certificate will be from IBM