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Case 401: MCQs in vascular surgery - 2
Authors and Affiliations
Peter Devitt
Department of Surgery
University of Adelaide
Case Overview
These questions contain suitable study material for those working towards end-of-year examinations.
Learning Objectives
Question 1 : SC
Question Information:
A 67-year-old man presents with two episodes of weakness of his left hand. He had been unable to use
the fingers of his left hand for several hours and then the power slowly returned. At the same time he
had experienced blurring of vision in his right eye. He is now symptom-free.
Which one of the following abnormalities is most likely to be present?
Choice 1: A bruit over the left carotid birfurcation Score : 0
Choice Feedback:
Choice 2: A bruit over the right carotid birfucation Score : 1
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Choice 3: An irregularly irregular pulse rate Score : 0
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Choice 4: A pan systolic murmur over the precordium Score : 0
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Choice 5: A mid diastolic murmur over the precordium Score : 0
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Question 2 : SC
Question Information:
A 67-year-old man is being investigated for suspected atherosclerotic disease affecting the right carotid
With which one of the following symptoms did he most likely present?
Choice 1: Right amaurosis fugax or transient right handed weakness Score : 0
Choice Feedback:
Choice 2: Recurrent episodes right handed weakness Score : 0
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Choice 3: Transient weakness of the left hand Score : 1
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Choice 4: Transient left eye blindness Score : 0
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Choice 5: Drop attacks Score : 0
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Question 3 : SC
Question Information:
A 63-year-old man presents with symptoms suggestive of transient cerebral ischaemia. He also gets
intermittent claudication at 200 metres. He has a forty-pack year smoking history and is being treated
for hypertension. On examination his blood pressure is 140/95 mm Hg and pulse 90/min. He has a soft
systolic bruit over the right carotid bifurcation. A duplex study shows an 80% stenosis at the origin of the
internal carotid artery.
Which one of the following would be the most likely underlying cause of his symptoms?
Choice 1: A reduction of the cerebral blood flow due to the arterial stenosis Score : 0
Choice Feedback:
Choice 2: Thrombosis of the stenosed carotid artery followed by the formation of an adequate collateral
circulation Score : 0
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Choice 3: Microembolisation from the atheromatous plaque Score : 1
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Choice 4: Transient obstruction of the carotid artery Score : 0
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Choice 5: Transient reduction in cardiac output Score : 0
Choice Feedback:
Question 4 : SC
Question Information:
A 72-year-old man presents with a painless ulcer under his right first metatarsal head. He is not sure
how long the lesion has been present. He has a history of type II diabetes and intermittent claudication
affecting his right leg. He also has varicose veins with evidence of subcutaneous haemosiderin
deposition in both legs.
Which one of the following is the most likely underlying cause of the ulcer?
Choice 1: Chronic venous hypertension Score : 0
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Choice 2: Arterial insufficiency Score : 0
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Choice 3: Peripheral neuropathy Score : 1
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Choice 4: Foreign body reaction Score : 0
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Choice 5: Osteomyelitis Score : 0
Choice Feedback:
Question 5 : SC
Question Information:
A 60-year-old man complains that after walking 80 metres he has to stop because of pain in both
buttocks, thighs and calves. The pain is relieved after three minute's rest. At the time of consultation, all
pulses in both lower limbs are readily palpable.
Which one of the following is the most likely explanation for his symptoms?
Choice 1: Venous claudication Score : 0
Choice Feedback:
Choice 2: Spinal canal stenosis Score : 0
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Choice 3: Femoral artery occlusion Score : 0
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Choice 4: Degenerative disease of the hips Score : 0
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Choice 5: Aortic insufficiency Score : 1
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Question 6 : SC
Question Information:
A 67-year-old man presents to his general medical practitioner with pain in his left leg.
Which one of the following set of symptoms would be most suggestive of a diagnosis of vascular
occlusive disease?
Choice 1: Sudden onset of pain in the calf Score : 0
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Choice 2: Gradual onset of paralysis in the calf and foot Score : 0
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Choice 3: Pain in the buttocks brought on by walking Score : 0
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Choice 4: Shooting pain down the posterior aspect of the thigh and leg Score : 0
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Choice 5: Nocturnal rest pain partly relieved by leg dependency Score : 1
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Question 7 : SC
Question Information:
A 64-year-old man presents with a two month history a cramp-like pain in his buttocks. This pain only
appears when he is walking and comes on after several minutes. The pain radiates down the right thigh
and disappears when he rests.
Which one of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Choice 1: Stenosis of the right common iliac artery Score : 1
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Choice 2: Spinal canal stenosis Score : 0
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Choice 3: L4,5 disc compression Score : 0
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Choice 4: Stenosis of the right superficial femoral artery Score : 0
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Choice 5: Osteoarthritis of the right hip Score : 0
Choice Feedback:
Question 8 : SC
Question Information:
A 63-year-old year old diabetic patient presents with a deep painless ulcer on the plantar surface of the
head of the third metatarsal. The patient is a non-smoker and is not on any medications, apart from oral
hypoglycaemic agents.
Which one of the following is the most likely cause of the ulcer?
Choice 1: Microvascular disease Score : 0
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Choice 2: Atherosclerosis Score : 0
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Choice 3: Infection Score : 0
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Choice 4: Neuropathy Score : 1
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Choice 5: Foreign body Score : 0
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Question 9 : SC
Question Information:
A 55-year-old man presents with pain in his right calf when he walks more than 100 metres. The pain
ceases when he rests. He is overweight and has a 30 pack-year smoking history. On examination his
blood pressure is 150/100 mm Hg and his pulse rate is 90 bpm. Both lower limbs and feet are warm
and well perfused. The right femoral pulse is diminished in volume and the right pedal pulse cannot be
Which one of the following is the most appropriate initial treatment?
Choice 1: Prescribe a course of a beta blocker Score : 0
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Choice 2: Encourage the patient to persist with his walking Score : 1
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Choice 3: Start on an oral vasodilator Score : 0
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Choice 4: Refer the patient for consideration of reconstructive surgery Score : 0
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Choice 5: Refer the patient for a chemical lumbar sympathectomy Score : 0
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Question 10 : SC
Question Information:
A 40-year-old shop assistant presents with aching in the legs which she attributes to her varicose veins.
Her symptoms are worse towards the end of the day and are getting worse. On examination she has
bilateral varicosities which appear to be secondary to incompetance of the long saphenous vein at the
sapheno-femoral junction.
Which one of the following is the most appropriate advice?
Choice 1: She should wear graded compression stockings when standing for any length of time Score : 0
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Choice 2: Venography should be peformed to outline the incompetent veins Score : 0
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Choice 3: Bilateral duplex ultrasound should be done to define the extent of the problem Score : 1
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Choice 4: The ankle-brachial ratios should be measured Score : 0
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Choice 5: She should take a job that does not require long periods of standing still Score : 0
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