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A. Ch 9- Expanding markets and moving west
1. The market revolutiona. US markets expand-from the beginning of the 19th century, when workers and farmers produced their
own to mid 19th century were goods were produced in factories and farmers specialization1) Led to the market revolution2) Entrepreneurial spirita)
Capitalismb) Entrepreneurs3) New inventions change life and make it more comfortable
a) Charles Goodyearb) Elias Howec) Isaac Singer4) Impact on household economy-ag flourishes and farmers mechanized-mechanization lowered prices
b. The economic revolution
1) Impact on communication-Joseph Henry and Samuel FB Morse2) Impact on transportation-1807-Robert Fulton-steamboat Clermontcanal building3) Emergence of railroads-faster, anywhere and in winter
c. New markets link regions-linked transportation led to regional specialization and interdependence
1) Southern agriculture-rice, indigo, tobacco, and cotton-disliked industrialization and lacked capital2) Northeast shipping and manufacturing-investment in canals and rr, make ne the center of commerce,
also a rise in manufacturing produced more and better goods at lower prices
3) Midwest farming-due to fertile soil and transportation available for crops
a) John Deereb) Cyrus McCormick2. Manifest Destinya. The frontier draws settlers-Texas annexed in 1845 by J. Tyler and Congress
1) American mission-expansion fever in 1840’s-movement west was destined and ordained by God
2) Attitudes toward the frontier-practical reasons for moving west-economic problems (depression of
1837), abundance of cheap land, new markets and opportunities, new transportation
b. Settlers and Native Americans-some assimilationsome fought
1) The Black Hawk War-early 1830’s-Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa-Black Hawk led Sauk into rebellion-ended
in Aug 1832 when Illinois militia slaughtered over 200 Sauk and Fox-forced west of Mississippi
2) Middle Ground3) Ft Laramie treaty 1851-US and Cheyenne, Arapaho, Sioux, Crow and others-NAM control of Central
Plains in return for a pledge not to attack settlers moving west or forts-later treaties move to
c. Trails west
1) Sante Fe trail- Independence, Missouri to Sante Fe, New Mexico-traders band into wagon groups
2) Oregon trail-move west influenced by ministers Marcus and Narcissa Whitman’s letters home in 1830
Missionaries pioneered Oregon trail-Independence, MO to Portland , OR-Lewis and Clark’s trail
3) Mormon migration-started by Joseph Smith in NY, died in Nauvoo, Ill,(protests against polygamypractice of having more than 1 wife) Brigham Young travels to Great Salt Lake to settle
d. Resolving territorial disputes-with GB over Oregon, Maine and Minnesota
1) Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842 settles Maine and Minnesota borders, jt occupation of Oregon
2) 1844 election-Democrat James K. Polk called for annexation of all of Oregon-“54, 40’ or Fight”-agreed
to 49 degrees latitude extension in 1846
3. Expansion in Texas-1821 Stephen Austin led first Americans into Texas, the northernmost province of Mexico
a. Americans settle in the southwest-good ag area but friction between Native Americans and Mexicans
1) Mission system-Spanish system of Catholic missions in SW to convert Native Americans-presidios
(forts) protected the missions-declined after Mexico wins independence-lands to ranchers, NAM
return to traditional ways-forced labor brought Comanche and Apache retaliation
2) Impact of Mexican independence-trade multiplies between US and Tejanos (Mexican settlers in TX)
3) Mexico invites US settlers to protect the territory-land grants given to empresarios4) Stephen Austin the most successful empresario-land grants to 297-Texas’s Old Three Hundredreceived 177 inexpensive acres of farmland or 4428 acres fro stock grazing and 10yrs tax free-more
Americans than Tejanos and Mexico upset by JQA and AJ offer to buy Texas-hostility
b. Texas fights for independence-fights over religion, language and slaves (Mexico ends slaver in 1824)
1) “Come to Texas”-in 1830 Mexico closes borders and taxes importation of American goods, no policing
of border and Anglo population doubles in 4 years-repealed prohibition in 1834 and GTT had over
1000 Anglos arriving each month
a) New Mexican president Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna-suspended Mexican constitution and
imprisons Stephen Austin for inciting revolution, revoked local power in Texas
b) Leads to Texas Revolution2) “Remember the Alamo”- 18353) “Remember Goliad”leads Sam Houston to Ap 21, 1836-Battle of San Jacinto
4) Signed the Treaty of Velasco granting independence to Texas- Republic of Texas5) Texas joins the union-Houston invites Am to annex in 1838-refused-1844 election about expansion
leads to Polk victory and Dec 29, 1845 annexation
4. War with Mexico
a. Polk urges war-territorial aspirations
1) John Slidell sent to purchase California and New Mexico and settle the Texas border at the Rio
Grande (Santa Anna ousted as President) –officials refuse to receive him
2) Polk sends Gen Zachary Taylor to the Rio Grande
3) Sectional attitudes towards war-lots of volunteers, esp from South who saw expansion, abolitionists
& Northerners against and Wilmot Provisob. War begins-with Taylor in disputed territory and John C. Fremont exploring California, Mexico sends
troops across the Rio Grande and a skirmish broke out near Matamoros-9 Americans killed-Polk war
message and Congress agrees even with Lincoln’s Spot Resolution1) Stephen Kearny marches from Ft Leavenworth, KS to Santa Fe, NM-“long marcher”- then to CA
2) Republic of California-Am settlers led by Fremont seize Sonoma and create the Republic of California
– joined by Kearny from New Mexico and US Navy
3) War in Mexico-lots of American victories led by Robert E. Lee and U.S. Grant among others
a) Zachary Taylor heads from Matamoras to Monterrey to Buena Vista (Feb 22-23, 1837)
b) Polk helps Santa Anna sneak back into Mexico, from Cuba, he didn’t help but became president
and commanded the army-fought Taylor at Buena Vista
c) Winfield Scott-landed at Veracruz and traveled inland to capture Mexico City on Sept 14,1847
c. America gains the spoils of war-13,000 Americans died (2000 wounds rest disease), 2x that Mexicans
1) Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo-Feb 2, 1848-Rio grande border, Mexican Cession, US pays $15 millionguaranteed Mexican s in territories freedom of religion, protection of property, bilingual elections
and open borders2) In 1853-President Franklin Pierce authorizes J. Gadsden to pay $10 million for territory south of Gila
3) 1848 election-Dem Lewis Cass vs Martin Van Buren-Free Soil Party vs Whig Zachary Taylor
d. California gold rush-James Marshall discovers gold in Jan 1848 at Sutter’s mill in California
1) Rush begins-rush to gold fields, overland and sea migration to California-49ers2) Impact of gold fever-San Francisco expands due to location near gold, popul over 100,000and diverse
with Chinese, free blacks, Mexicans-1949 constitution outlaws slavery and applies for statehood
B chpt 10- The Union in Peril
1. The divisive politics of slavery
a. Differences between North and South
1) Industry and immigration in north-industrialized rapidly, railroads move goods west, immigrants from
Europe entered industrial workplace-feared the expansion of slaver
2) Agriculture and slavery in south-predominantly rural-plantations and small farms-cotton-little
industrialization or railroads or immigrants- African American slaves the majority in SC, Miss,LA
b. Slavery in the territories
1) Wilmot Proviso-not allow slavery in territory gained in Mexican War-Sen rejects
2) Statehood for California-applied in 1849-debate over no slavery-Missouri compromise line not
followed in new territories- Pres Zachary Taylor supported CA as free state-leave slavery to territories
c. Senate debates- Dec 1949-South threatens secession1) Clay’s compromise- Compromise of 1850-settle all questions about slavery
2) Terms of compromisea) Ca free,
b) Fugitive Slave lawc) New Mexico and Utah decide slavery by popular sovereigntyd) Texas gives claim to NM for 10 million dollars
e) Sale of slaves ends in Washington DC
3) Calhoun and Webster respond-Calhoun presents Southern case-blames Northern abolitionists;
Webster Calls for national unity
4) Compromise is rejected, Clay leaves to die, Stephen Douglas unbundles compromise and passes each
part, Zachary Taylor and Calhoun dies and Millard Fillmore signs
2. Protest , resistance, and violence-mostly against new Fugitive Slave Law-no jury, judges get $10 to return slave,
$5 to free, helping a fugitive leads to fine of $1000 and/or imprisonment for 6 months
a. Fugitive slaves and the Undergound Railroad
1) Vigilance committees2) Personal liberty laws passed in none Northern states-required jury trials and forbade imprisonment
3) Harriet Tubman and the Undergound Railroad-secret network of people aiding fugitive slaves in escape
4) Uncle Tom’s Cabin-by Harriet Beecher Stowe message about slavery-led protests of Fugitive Slave Law
b. Tension in Kansas and Nebraska-Stephen Douglaw
1) Popular sovereignty-Douglas proposes to divide La territory into Kansas and Nebraska, and let
territories decide slave or free-wants western railroad from Chicago to San Francisco and needs
southern help- repealing Missouri Compromise
2) Kansas-Nebraska Act Jan. 23, 1854-introduced bill-bitter debate, passed and signed by Pres Franklin
Pierce –became law May 1854
c. Violence erupts in “Bleeding Kansas”-race for possession of Kansas-settlers pour in, some sent by emigrant
aid societies –groups supplying rifles, animals, seed and equipment to antislavery migrants
1) By march 1855 enough settlers to hold election for territorial legislature-election overrun by ‘border
ruffians’- from Missouri-voting illegally and electing proslavery candidates who set up at Lecompton
and issued proslavery legislation-abolitionists organize rival govt in Topeka
2) “Sack of Lawrence”- antislavery town attacked by proslavery posse burning and looting
3) Pottawatomie Massacre-John Brown and sons kill five proslavery men, mutilate and kill them-dozens
of incidents and over 200 die in Kansas –Bleeding Kansas
4) Violence in the Senate-May 19-Mass senator Charles Sumner delivers speech “the Crime against
Kansas”-verbally attacking southern lawmakers esp Andrew Butler of SC- on May 22 Congressman
Preston Brooks (Butler’s nephew) walks into Senate and canes Sumner
3. Birth of the Republican Party-March 1855-Horace Greeley frustrated with Whig’s shifting on slaver starts new
party the Republican Party-an antislavery party
a. New Political parties emerge
1) Slavery divides the Whigs-1852- Winfield Scott the candidate for Pres (vs Fugitive Slave law) vs
Democrat Franklin Pierce (dark horse)-1854 K-N Act ends Whigs who were slplit
2) Nativism-American Party or “Know Nothing” Party in 1854-anti-immigration, anti-Catholic, anti-Irish
b. Antislavery parties form
1) Free-Soil party in 1848- opposed extension of slavery into territories and MVB presidential candidate
Many Northerners were Free-Soilers but not abolitionists, convinced conspiracy to expand slaver
2) Republican party in Feb 1854 in Ripon, Wisconsin forms antislavery Democrats, discontented Northern
Whigs and Free-Soilers form a new party, organized in Mich on July6 and opposed Kansas-Nebraska
3) 1856 presidential election- Repub John C. Fremont (Pathfinder) vs Dem James Buchanan and KnowNothing Millard Fillmore—Buchanan won
4. Slavery and secession
a. Slavery dominates politics-Buchanan does nothing
1) Dred Scott decision form S Ct in Mar 1857-Chief Justice Taney-slaves no citizen rights, Scott no free,
Missouri Compromise unconstitutional, slaves property and protected by 5th am allowed anywhere
2) Lecompton constitution-fall 1857-wrote a proslavery constitution and applied to Union-Free-Soilers
outnumber proslavery settlers reject and vote against-Buchanan endorses Lecompton constitutionStephen Douglas angry and Congress authorizes another referendum where voters reject the constit
b. Lincoln-Douglas debates-Illinois race for US Senate in 1858-Rep Lincoln vs Dem Douglas
1) Lincoln challenges Douglas-to seven open air debates on issue of slavery
2) Positions-Douglas-popular sovereignty, although he felt it a backward system, Lincoln against the
expansion of slavery and thought it immoral and wrong although not favoring social/pol equality
3) Freeport Doctrine-second debate- Lincoln asks Can settlers exclude slavery in a territory even with
Dred Scott-popular sovereignty an empty phrase Douglas replies that slavery can’t exist if not
supported if territory not want slavery then elect representatives who would not enforce slavery laws
Douglas wins the election but loses Southern support of Democratic Party and Lincoln gains attention
c. Passions ignite-1959-action
1) Harpers Ferry, VA- John Brown attempts slave uprising Oct 16, 1859-led band of 21 men , seized
arsenal, captures 60 hostages, no slaves come forward and US Marines led by Col. RELee storm the
engine house
2) J Brown’s hanging on Dec 2, 1859 for high treason-America split-murderer or martyr
d. Lincoln is elected President- 1860 election
1) Republican convention in Chicago-Seward or Lincoln-delegates reject Seward’s talk of ‘irrepressible
conflict’ between North and South and choose Lincoln on third ballot who was against expansion but
reassured Southerners he wouldn’t interfere with their slaves-South not reassured
2) Democrats split-North picks Stephen Douglas and popular sovereignty, Southern Democrats back John
C. Breckinridge, Constitutional Union Party nominates John Bell and ignores slavery issue-Lincoln wins
e. Southern secession-Lincoln’s victory convinces South they lost their voice in government-SC secedes,
followed by Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas
1) Confederacy- Feb 4, 1861-meet in Montgomery, AL to form the Confederate States of America-new
constitution protecting slavery, ‘sovereignty and independence ‘ of each state and Jefferson Davis pres
2) Calm before the storm-Buchanan says secession illegal but illegal to do anything
C-chapter 11-The Civil War
1. The Civil War begins
a. Confederates fire on Fort Sumter, SC-Confederate soldiers take over federal installation in states 2 remain
1) Lincoln’s dilemma-Major Robert Anderson of Ft Sumter is told to surrender or face attack (6weeks
food) so does Lincoln shoot way into Charleston with navy and start a war and have other states
secede or evacuate fort
2) Lincoln wouldn’t abandon or reinforce but try to send food-Jeff Davis orders attack on Ap12,1861Anderson surrenders
3) After Sumter’s fall Lincoln called for volunteers for army-Ap 17-VA secedes followed by Arkansas,
Tennessee and North Carolina-western counties of Va antislavery and secede from Va becoming WVA
4 border states, with slaves remain in Union, Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky and Missouri
b. Americans expect a short war
1) Union and confederate strategies
a) Union advantagesb) Confederate advantagesc) Union disadvantagesd) Confederate disadvantagese) Union Anaconda planf) Southern plan to wage a defensive war and attack of the opportunity arose
2) Bull Run- July21, 1861- first major battle-Union heading for Richmond (new Confed capital) led by Gen
Irvin McDowell-seesaw battle but Confederates inspired by Gen Thomas Jackson-Stonewall and North
routed back to DC
c. Union armies in the west-Lincoln calls for more men and appoints Gen George McClellan-drilled men
1) Fts Henry and Donelson- Feb 1862- US Grant captures two forts in 11 days-“Unconditional Surrender”
2) Shiloh-Ap 6-7, 1862-Grant surprised, reorganize and counterattack-lessons about scouts, trenches, and
bloody 25,000 casualties
3) Farragut on the lower Mississippi-Ap 24- seizes New Orleans then upriver to Baton Rouge and Natchez
d. A revolution in warfare
1) Ironclad ships-Mar 9, 1862 North’s Monitor and South’s Merrimack(Virginia) duel to a draw
2) New weapons- rifle and minie ball, hand grenades. Land mines, trench warfare, observation balloons
e. War for the capitals—captured Mississippi, blockaded South, but attack on Richmond fails
1) McClellan cautious, wants more men, Spring of 1862 made to move “On to Richmond”-met Confed
General Joseph Johnston who was wounded then Robert E. Lee-7 Days Battles-June 25-July1-Union
retreats to Washington
2) Antietam-Aug 29-30-Second Battle of Bull Run a confederate victory then into Maryland-found the
battle plan and McClellan attacks on Sept 17, 1862-Antietam-bloodiest day in Am battle history26,000-McClellan didn’t pursue and was fired
2. The politics of war
a. Britain remains neutral-no longer dependent on Southern cotton, need Northern wheat and corn
Trent Affair-fall 1861- Confederate diplomats James Mason and John Slidell captured on British merchant
ship the Trent by Capt Charles Wilkes of Am warship San Jacinto-GB threatens war and Lincoln frees the
prisoners claiming Wilkes acted without orders
b. Proclaiming emancipation
1) Lincoln’s view of slavery- disliked but not believe fed govt power to abolish it-decided to use
commander in chief powers
2) Jan 1, 1863- issues Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves in states in rebellion-after Antietam win
3) Reactions to the proclamation-symbolic –moral purpose to Northern fight, free blacks allowed to enlist
in Union army-some believe prolong war and antagonize the South, Confederates outraged
c. Both sides face political problems-divided loyalties, maintaining the army
1) Dealing with dissent-Lincoln dealt forcefully-fed troops to Maryland after Baltimore crowd attacks
a) Suspends writs of habeas corpusb) 13,000 Confederate sympathizers arrested and held without trial, seized telegraphs also
c) Copperhead-Northern Democrats against the war arrested-Clement Vallandighamd) Jeff Davis denounces then suspends habeas corpus in Confederacy
2) Conscription-the draft- Confederates in 1862, Union in 1863
a) Confederate law drafted able-bodied, white men, 18-35 yrs, then 17-50 yrs, could hire substitute
and exempted planters who owned 20 or more slaves-“rich man’s war but a poor man’s fight”
b) Union law drafted white, men, 20-45yrs, could hire substitutes or pay $300 fee to avoid draft
c) 92% of Union army of 2 million were volunteers 180,000 African-American
3) Draft riots-1863-NYC-riots by Irish immigrants who don’t want slaves freed-feared job competition led
to four days of riots July13-16, 100 dead before troops end melee
3. Life during wartime
a. African Americans fight for freedom
1) African American soldiers , 1862 allowed in military but not until after Emancipation Proclamation did
large-scale enlistment occur ( 1% popul/ 10% Army)-discrimination, separate regiments commanded
by white officers,m earned less money and not clothing allowance-equalized in 1864
a) mortality rate for African-American soldiers higher-labor duty led to typhoid, malaria, pneumonia
b) Fort Pillow massacre-captured African American soldiers executed or returned to slavery-200 at Ft
Pillow Tenn in 1864
2) Slave resistance in the Confederacy- sabotage, reun away, Southerners fear uprising and tighten slave
b. War affects regional economies-inflation, income tax, in North South shattered
1) Southern shortages-food, manpower, ammo, bread riots in Richmond in Ap 1863-Northern blockade
works and blockade-runners smuggle in goods
2) Northern economy grows- cotton declines but wool, steel, coal, munitions, reapers. Wages not keep
up with inflation, Northern women replace men in govt jobs, businesses make profits some with
shoddy uniforms or spoiled meat-first income tax to pay for warc. Soldiers suffer on both sides
1) Life on lines-dirty, hardtack, lice, dysentery,
2) Civil War medicine- -US Sanitary commission to improve hygienic conditions and nurses-Dorothea Dix
first superintendent of nurses-Clara Barton the ‘ angel of the battlefield’-South had nurses too
3) Prisons-Confederate prison at Andersonville, GA-33,000 men on 26 acres, no shelter, stream for water
was sewer, 1/3 die and camp’s commander Henry Wirz executed as war criminal
4. The North takes charge-sect 4
a. Armies clash at Gettysburg-turning point of the Civil War
1) Prelude to Gettysburg-1863
a) Chancellorsville
b) Death of Stonewall Jackson
2) Gettysburg, PA July 1-3, 1863
a) A P Hill led Confederates into Gettysburg for footwear running in Union cavalry led by J. Buford
b) North under George Meade arrives and fall back outside of town
3) Second day- Longstreet attacks Cemetery Ridge, Joshua Chamberlain saves day at Little Round Top
4) Third day-Lee attacks center with Pickett at Unions center-failed and Lee retreats
b. Grant - Vicksburg is under siege in May 1863 by Grant and falls on July 4-Union controls Mississippi River
c. Gettysburg Address at a Nov 1863 ceremony to dedicate a cemetery in Gettysburg-Lincoln speaks
d. Confederacy wears down-after twin defeats at Gettysburg and Vicksburg
1) Confederate morale deteriorates-soldiers starving, some desert, discord in government, peace meet
2) Grant appoints Sherman-Lincoln chooses Grant to command all Union forces in Mar 1864, Grant
appoints Sherman to head Mississippi
3) Grant and Lee in Virginia-Grant attacks Lee in Virginia,-Wilderness, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania and
Cold Harbor then Petersburg and finally Richmond
4) Sherman’s March to the Sea-occupied Atlanta on Sept 2, 1864 and march of devastation to Savannah
5) Election of 1864- Dem George McClellan on platform of armistice vs Radical Republican John C.
Fremont vs National Union Party (less radical Republicans) Lincoln-after Sherman takes Atlanta-Wins
6) Surrender at Appomattox-Ap 2, 1865Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Court House
5. The legacy of the war-sect 5
a. The war changes the nation
1) Political changes-national government supreme, increased govt power-income tax, new paper
currency, draft, etc
2) Economic changes