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Wednesday, Dec 11, 2013
Vol. 2 Issue 4
Healthcare Genetics Society is planning to hold a Healthcare genetics seminar at August 17th,
2014. Rebecca Garcia is the chair, and Matthew Tedder is vice chair.
Last Healthcare genetics society meeting was held at Dr. Eggert’s house, at Dec. 9th, 2013. In
this meeting, 2014 officers of HCG were approved.
Healthcare Society 2014 Officers
President: Anna Jenks
Vice president: Kim Mayers
Secretary: Katie Andrews
Treasurer: Rebecca Myers
Education & networking: Sourat Darabi, Tracy Lowe, Elizabeth Hassen, Scott Moore
Social: Cody Hill, Kim Mayers
Fundraising: Megan McCoy, Scott Moore, Meredith, Matthew Tedder
Tech support: Bohua Wu
Congratulations! Rebecca Garcia passed her oral defense and she is a Ph.D candidate
Mary Beth’s dissertation defense date is Dec. 17th, 2013.
Elizabeth Hassen and Tracy Lowe presented their poster “ACTG: Assessment of Curricula in
Teaching Genetics” at Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International-42nd Biennial
Convention, Indianapolie, IN
Heide Temple presented on 8th World Congress on the Developmental Origins of
Health and Disease at Singapore. Her presentation topic is The Impact Of Breast Milk On
Obesity: A Possible Epigenetic Mechanism Influencing Obesity.
Heide also had a podium presentation at ISONG this October, 2013. The presentation
topic is “Impact Of Breast Milk On Obesity: A Possible Epigenetic Mechanism Influencing
Metabolic Programming”.
Save the date!
SNRS 28th Annual Conference, Enhancing Value-based Care: Generating New Knowledge
Conference Date: February 12 – 15, 2014
San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter, San Antonio, Texas.
Student Abstract Submissions will open at 8:00 a.m. CST. for Student, late breaker September 3,
Eastern Nursing Research Society
26th Annual Scientific Sessions
April 9 - 11, 2014
Philadelphia, PA
Abstracts Deadline: December 12, 2013
American Association of Critical Care Nursing
2014 National Teaching Institute & Critical Care Exposition
May 17 - 22, 2014
Denver, CO
Association of Community Health Nursing Educators
2014 ACHNE Annual Institute
June 5 - 7, 2014
San Antonio, TX
Midwest Nursing Research Society
2014 Annual Research Conference
March 27 - 30, 2014
St. Louis, MO
Western Institute of Nursing
2014 WIN Conference
April 9 - 12, 2014
Seattle, WA
Oncology Nursing Society’s
Conference Date: May 1–4, 2014
Anaheim, CA
Registration opens December 16.
American Nurses Association
8th Annual Nursing Quality Conference
February 5 - 7, 2014
Phoenix, AZ
International Society Of Nurses in Genetics
Conference Date: November 7-9, 2014
October- Scottsdale, Arizona
American Nurses Credentialing Center
2013 ANCC National Magnet Conference™
October 8-10, 2014
Dallas, Texas
The call for abstracts is now open. ANCC will accept online abstract proposals for both
podium and poster presentations until January 23, 2014.
Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science: 2014 State of the Science
Congress on Nursing Research
September 18-20, 2014
Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington, DC
The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) 2014 Annual Meeting
Conference Date: October 18-22, 2014
San Diego, CA
Abstracts Deadline: June 4, 2013
American Public Health Association
APHA 142st Annual Meeting & Exposition
November 15-169, 2014
Abstracts Deadline: open until the second week of February
Genetics in News (Click to open):
Genome News Network
This website has the genetics and genomics timeline, and news from different topics such
as personalized medicine, genes and genomes and stem cells.
FDA orders 23andMe to halt sales of home DNA test kits
The Google-backed company, which calls its saliva-based testing kits 'the first step in
prevention' for diseases like diabetes, heart disease and breast cancer, may promp consumers
towards unnecessary testing and medical procedures, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
said in a statement.
Read more:
HIV returns in two Boston patients thought to be cleared of virus
In a disappointing setback in the search for a cure, two men who had stopped taking
antiretroviral drugs after bone marrow transplants appeared to clear HIV from their bodies have
both seen the virus return, the lead researcher of the ongoing study announced.
Read more:
Doctors say gene therapy helping blood cells fight cancer
Gene therapy may have the potential to destroy cancer. It may become the first gene
therapy approved in the United States and the first for cancer worldwide.
Read more:
The Push to Personalize Medicine
At the U.S. News Hospital of Tomorrow Forum, industry experts discuss how to increase
the value of care through personalization.
Read more:
Researchers Find Genes Linked to High Risk of Eating Disorders
More than three-quarters of people with either genetic mutation developed an eating
disorder. Resaerches found that people with mutations in two different genes – ESRRA and
HDAC4 – had a 90 percent and 85 percent chance of developing an eating disorder, respectively.
Read more:
Happy marriage may be all in your genes: study
A study of married people and their genotypes over 13 years found that people with a
certain type of gene variant are less likely to tolerate emotional discord in their marriage, while
people with a different type of variant were less bothered by it.
Read more:
Mold could be linked to Parkinson’s disease: study
Researchers found that ‘mushroom alcohol,’ a chemical compound emitted by fungi
found in moldy, water-damaged buildings, caused symptoms of Parkinson’s disease in fruit flies.
This may mean it has the same effect in humans, the study said.
Read more:
Do “YOU” have information to share?
Please contact Dr. Julie Eggert, [email protected],
OR Bohua “Angela” Wu, [email protected] with materials.