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Fill in the Blanks
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Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are three m______________________ faiths practiced
primarily in the w____________ world. The religions are called monotheistic because of their belief in
one G____. The term w____________ is used because believers are concentrated in the so-called
western world of E__r__p__ and the A__e__i__as, but you will also find many Jews, Christians, and
Muslims throughout Africa, *A__s__r__l__a, and Western A__i__. In fact, Asia is the only continent
where the three faiths are not predominant.
Eastern religions are practiced primarily in A______, but like their w____________
counterparts, you will find practitioners throughout the globe. The e____________ religions differ
from western faiths because they are not f______________ on the b__________ in o____ God.
H______________ and B______________ are practiced primarily in I________ ,
S________________ Asia, and J________. S__________ is the traditional r______________ of
J________, but religious practice has declined since the *J______________ emperor declared that he
was not a god at the end of W________ W____ II. China has d____________________ religion, but
many Chinese people observe the teachings of C________________. Confucius was a w______ man
who was c________________ with how people t_____________ one another. T__________ is
another p_________________ centered in C________.
Indigenous religions are practiced throughout the w________, particularly in subS____________ Africa. I__________________ faiths are often a________________. Animism is the
b__________ that natural o___________, natural p________________, and the u_____________ itself
have s________ or c_______________________. Many N__________ Americans are *an_mi_t_c.
Throughout history, people have been m__________________ for their
r________________ beliefs. As many as s____ million J______ were m______________ in the
H________________. Religious conflicts persist in many parts of the world. By
u________________________ one another, we can hope to develop t_______________ and
r____________ for all people.
*A higher order learning question. I will accept any reasonable answer.
Answer in complete sentences.
Use your study sheet to find the correct answers.
1. Why are Judaism,Christianity,and Islam called western religions?
2. What do the three primary religious faiths of the western world have in common?
3. Where are eastern religions practiced?
4. How do many eastern religions differ from Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?
5. What is a synonym for indigenous? (A synonym is a word that has the same or nearly the
name meaning as another. You do not have to write out your answer in a complete sentence,
but you will need a college level dictionary or thesaurus because the word is not defined in the
study guide. If you can think of more than one synonym for indigenous, write it down.)
6. What is animism?
*7. Do you believe that we should learn about people and practices that differ from our own
culture? Defend your answer.
*A higher order learning question. I will accept any reasonable answer.
Fill in the Blanks.
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The beliefs of Christianity and *I________ are rooted in J____________, the o_________ religion of
the western world. The J______ are the descendants of the H____________. The Hebrews trace their
a______________ to A____________, who left his home in U__, the modern nation of *I______ about
________ years ago. The Hebrews believed in one God, so they were m______________________. The
H____________ believed they had a special r______________________ with their god, and that they were his
c__________ people.
The H____________ left their home in I__________ to escape a f__________. M________ led them
back home. Moses is often called the “law-giver” because both J______ and *C__________________ believe
God revealed Ten C______________________ to M________ about ________ years ago. The T____
Commandments are the m________ for both J_________ and Christian m________ thought.
The H____________ were eventually conquered by others, and most Hebrews were forced to leave
I__________. Since then, Jews have lived as *m_________________ in many countries, but they remained
united through the T__r__h, the written law of the Jewish faithful.
Jews have been persecuted many times in their history. F________________ and Isabella forced the
Jews to leave S________ at the end of the fifteenth *c____________. Jews also faced organized massacres, or
p____________, particularly in E____________ Europe. In the last century, the N______ party of
G____________ attempted g_______________ by killing as many as six million J______ in the
Jews worship in s________________ led by a r________, or “m__________.” Their h______ period
lasts from s__________ Friday to sunset S______________. The Jewish holidays include their New Year,
R______ H______________; Yom Kippur, the D____ of A________________; a celebration of a military
victory in C______________; and P_______________, an observance of the time the J______ lived in
The United S___________ is home to about ____ percent of the world’s J______. Another thirty
percent live in *I__________. Europe was once home to m______________ of Jews, but most of the
s________________ of the Holocaust i__________________ to other nations.
*A higher order learning question. I will accept any reasonable answer.
Answer in complete sentences
Use your study sheet to find the correct answers.
1. What is the oldest religion of the western world? About how old is the faith?
2. Who were the Hebrews? How was the religious faith of the Hebrews different than most other people in
ancient history?
3. What is the difference between the Talmud and the Torah?
4. What is the Talmud?
5. What was the Diaspora?
6. What was the Holocaust?
*7. Explain the significance of two Jewish holidays.
8. What does rabbi mean?
*A higher order learning question. I will accept any reasonable answer.
Fill in the Blanks
Use your study sheet to find the correct answers.
Christianity is based on the t________________ of J________, who lived in the modern nation of
I__________ about two t______________ years ago. Jesus taught his followers to “D__ unto o__________ as
y____ would have t______ do unto y____.” The f_______________ of J________ called him C__________, a
G________ word that means ‘c__________ one.’
The f________________ of J________ taught that people’s s______ would be f______________ if they
became C________________. They compiled stories of the l______ and w__________ of J________ in f______
books known as the G____________. The Gospels are part of the N____ Testament of the Christian Bible. The
*T__r__h , the s__________ writing of the J__________ people, comprise the O____ Testament of the Christian
B________. The B________ has been t________________ into more than 1,500 l________________ and has been
r______ by more people than any other b______.
There are almost two b___________ Christians around the *w________, comprising the m______________
of people in the *W____________ Hemisphere, Europe, and A________________. Almost *h______ of the people
of Africa are Christians. Asia is the only c________________ without a strong Christian presence.
There are many Christian s________. About half of the world’s C__________________ follow the
teachings of the pope. Those Christians call themselves C________________. Catholic means “universal.” Most
Christians in Eastern E__________ belong to Eastern O______________ Churches, while *W____________
European leaders like Martin L__________, John C__________ formed P__________________ groups. The
Protestants p________________ the t________________ of the P______.
Most American Christians belong to P__________________ churches. They include thirty-four million
B______________, thirteen million M__________________, eight million L________________, four million
P________________________, two and a half million E__________________, and 2.4 million
Christians worship in c______________ led by a p____________ or m________________. Most Christians
practice acts of religious significance called s__________________. Sacraments include b____________, the
Eucharist, and m________________. Christians *c________________ the b________ of J_______ on Christmas.
They also celebrate E__________, when Christians believe Jesus rose from the dead and a______________ to
h__________. Many Christians also observe L______, a h______ period of p________________ and selfd__________.
Answer in complete sentences.
Use your study sheet to find the correct answers.
*A higher order learning question. I will accept any reasonable answer.
*1. What do you think Jesus meant when he said, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”?
2. Why are the followers of Jesus called Christians?
3. What are the Gospels?
4. How does the New Testament of the Christian Bible differ from the Old Testament?
5. Why is Christianity’s most important icon a cross?
*6. How do Roman Catholics differ from other Christians?
*7. What does “Catholic” mean? What is the approximate population worldwide population of Roman
8. What does “Protestant” mean? Give three examples of Protestant sects in America.
9. Describe two Christian holy days.
Fill in the Blanks.
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*A higher order learning question. I will accept any reasonable answer.
Islam means “s________________ to god,” and b________________ in Islam are called M____________.
Muslims believe that an a________ visited an *A______ prophet named M______________ about AD610. A
p____________ is a messenger from God. Muslims believe that Mohammad was the last of many
m__________________ from God, among whom the M____________ include Jesus. While Christians view Jesus
as the son of God, M____________ believe J________ was a p____________.
Mohammad’s followers collected the angel’s m______________ and gathered them into a book they called
the Q________. Today, the Q________ is the h______ book of I________. The Quran has been
t__________________ into many languages, but many M____________ believe the only t______ version of the
Q________ is w____________ in A__________. This is why A__________ is s__________ throughout the
M__________ nations of the M_________ East and North A__________.
Muslims practice the "Five P____________ of I________”. The Shahada is the declaration of faith that
“there is only o____ God and M______________ is his m________________. The Salat is the Second P________
of I________; it is the requirement that believers pray f______ times every day to *A________. Zakat is the
T________ Pillar of I________. It requires M____________ to give d________________ to the poor. Many
Muslims contribute at least 2.5% of the income to *c____________. The Fourth Pillar of I________, Sawm,
requires that M____________ fast, or refrain from e__________ during the holy month of R____________.
Ramadan is when Muslims believe the Q________ was revealed to M______________. The Fifth Pillar of
I________ is the Hajj, or pilgrimage. Every M__________ with the financial r________________ should attempt
to visit the h______ city of M________ at least once in their l______________.
Mecca is the site of the K________, a small s__________ that M____________ believe is the most
s__________ spot on e________. Muslims face the K__________ during their daily p____________. Muslims
w______ around the Kaaba s________ times when they make the H______ to M________.
The five m___________ Muslims in the U__________ S__________ account for only about *____ percent
of the I________ population. The nation with the largest Muslim population is I________________, where there are
____ times as many M____________ as in the United States. Pakistan was once the most populated Muslim nation,
but East Pakistan split from Pakistan to form the independent nation of Bangladesh. If the two nations were still
together, they would have ______ million more Muslims than Indonesia. Other nations with large Muslim
populations include I________, the nation that separates Pakistan from Bangladesh; Iran, E________, Turkey,
N____________, Algeria, M____________, Ethiopia, S________, Afghanistan, Iraq, and the birthplace of Islam,
S________ A__________.
Answer in complete sentences
Use your study sheet to find the correct answers.
*A higher order learning question. I will accept any reasonable answer.
1. What does “Islam” mean? Why are believers in Islam called Muslims?
*2. Do Muslims consider Mohammad to be God?
3. What is the holy book of Islam?
*4. Explain how faith in Islam made Arabic a world language.
*5. Write a paragraph that describes the Five Pillars of Islam.
6. What is the Kaaba? Why do Muslims orient themselves toward the Kaaba when they pray?
*7. Muslims have been incorrectly described by outsiders as “Mohammadians.” Why is that term an
inappropriate description of Islam or Muslims?
*A higher order learning question. I will accept any reasonable answer.