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Mary McDonald, MD
Assistant Professor
Division of Geriatric Medicine and Palliative Care,
Department of Family Medicine
Learning Objectives
Every student should be able to...
 Differentiate chronological age from biological age.
 Explain what is meant by the heterogeneity of aging in humans and
describe its clinical implications.
 Discuss the multiple coexisting forces which may work in concert to
affect the aging process.
 Compare life expectancy and lifespan.
 Describe the general characteristics of aging
 Describe what is meant by homeostenosis.
 Evaluate the theories of aging presented and outline supporting and
opposing evidence of each.
 Compare and contrast the two theories of lifespan extension and
describe their clinical implications.
How long have
You lived?
How old is
Your body?
Life Expectancy
the average number of years remaining for
a living being (or the average for a class of
living beings) of a given age to live.
Life Expectancy at Birth, 65 and 85 Years of Age, by Sex &
Race: United States, Selected Years 1900-2002
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Life Expectancy
Improved public hygiene and the discovery
of antibiotics in the early to mid 1900s led
to significantly prolonged lifespan
Further prolongation occurred in 1970’s
and 1980’s with improved treatments for
cardiovascular disease
Lifespan - The duration of life of an individual
Average Lifespan - The normal or average
duration of life of members of a given
species. English Dictionary
Jeanne Calment of Southern France died in
1997 at the age of 122 years and 164 days.
Very active. Took up fencing at age 85 and was
still riding a bicycle at age 100.
Characteristics of Aging (1 of 2)
Mortality increases exponentially
Biochemical composition of tissue changes
Physiologic capacity decreases
Ability to maintain homeostasis diminishes
Susceptibility and vulnerability to disease
Environmental and genetic factors
influence the rate of aging
Characteristics of Aging (2 of 2)
Loss of physiologic reserve and decreased
homeostatic control may result from:
 Allostatic load (persistent activation of normal
neuroendocrine, immune, and autonomic responses to
 Development of homeostenosis (altered response to
physiologic stresses)
Changes are generally irreversible
Developmental-Genetic Progeria
Progeria is a disease of premature aging
Death typically by age 13 and usually due to
atherosclerotic disease, stroke, heart attack.
Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria linked to
mutations in the nuclear structural protein
lamin A.
caused by a tiny, point mutation in a single
gene, known as lamin A (LMNA).
Werner’s Syndrome
Disease of premature aging. Patients appear
normal for first two decades of life but develop
arteriosclerosis, malignant neoplasms, DMII,
osteoporosis, cataracts very young
Werner’s Syndrome
Disorder isolated to a single gene on
chromosome 8 which encodes for a DNA
This gene has been cloned and is an area of
great research
DNA helicases are involved in the repair,
replication and expression of genetic
Aging research has turned away from a single
gene answer to the cause of aging.
Increasing understanding that aging is a
consequence of complex interactions within
differing systems of the body and the surrounding
Theories of Aging
Molecular Theories
Cellular Theories
System Theories
Evolutionary Theories
Molecular Theories of Aging
Gene regulation
Codon restriction
Error catastrophe
Gene Regulation Theory
Aging is caused by changes in gene
expressions, affecting both aging and
Gene Expression (1 of 2)
Compared with younger adults, the elderly can have
decreased, unchanged, or increased rates of gene
Mechanisms that influence gene expression with aging:
 Mutations in DNA sequences in/around certain genes
 Latent viral infections (eg, herpes viruses)
 Accumulation of environmentally induced cell damage
It is unknown whether age-related changes in gene
expression are functionally significant
Gene Expression (2 of 2)
Primary changes in gene expression with age:
 Decreased transcription rates for key genes
 Decreased messenger RNA (mRNA) turnover
 Decreased inducibility of genes, such as immediate early genes,
acute phase reactants, and stress genes
Expression of genes related to stress response is upregulated during senescence
 Consequences unknown
 May be adaptations to accumulated environmental or oxidative
Codon Restriction Theory
Accuracy of mRNA translation is impaired due
to inability to decode codons in mRNA
Error Catastrophe Theory
Decline in fidelity of gene expression over time
resulting in increased portion of abnormal
A gradual accumulation of random molecular
damage over time impairs regulation of gene
Molecular Theories of Aging
Synopsis: Age-acquired chromosomal instabilities
contribute to gene silencing or expression of diseaserelated genes (eg, cancer genes)
In support:
 Damage by reactive oxygen species causes mitochondrial DNA
(mtDNA) mutations in muscle and brain
 Defective mitochondrial respiration and further oxidant injury creates
a cycle of damage
 Mitochondrial mutations and defective respiration have been linked to
In opposition: The practical impact on nondiseased aging
appears to be minimal
Molecular Theories of Aging
mtDNA also undergoes age-related changes
Mutation rate 10,000-fold greater in elderly than in younger
Up to 10% of very old adults have mtDNA deletions
However, mitochondrial and mtDNA are amply
Age-related changes in respiratory chain activities are subtle, if
detectable at all
Most likely effect of age-related mtDNA changes is reduced
functional reserve of energy production
Cellular Theories of Aging
Cellular senescence theory
Oxidative stress theory
Apoptosis theory
Cellular Senescence Theory
Each cell has a maximum number of divisions
before it enters senescence
The length of the telomere end of the DNA chain
shortens with each division and less telomerase
activity is observed
A telomere is a region of highly repetitive DNA
at the end of a chromosome that functions as a
disposable buffer
Aged cells with proliferative potential exhibit
telomere shortening and loss of telomerase
Conversely, telomerase hyperactivity is linked
to cellular transformation and cancer
Telomere length and telomerase activity might
be clinical markers of human aging and
Oxidative Stress Theory
Oxidative metabolism produces reactive oxygen species which
damage protein, lipids and DNA
Oxidative Stress Theory
In support:
 Mutations
in oxidative stress pathway can extend life
 Mutations in other pathways that increase longevity
resist oxidative damage
In opposition: Antioxidants do not delay human
senescence or disease
Apoptosis Theory
Genetically determined, programmed
cell death.
“Genome Crisis”
Systems Theories of Aging
Immune senescence
Neuroendocrine Theory
Changes in the neuroendocrine control of
homeostasis result in aging-related physiologic
Neuroendocrine Theory
Synopsis: Hypothalamic and pituitary
responses are altered (TRH, GNRH, GHRH,
In support: No direct support as causative of
healthy aging, and supplementation does not
alter aging in humans
Immune Senescence Theory
Changes in the immune system with aging lead
to increases in infectious disease and increase
in autoimmune disease in older adults.
Theories of Aging: Immune
 Synopsis:
Time-acquired deficits, primarily in Tcell function, increase susceptibility to infections
and cancer
 Slower
onset of lymphocyte proliferation
 Diminished cloning efficiency of individual T cells
 Fewer population doublings of fibroblasts
 In
support: Some diseases are associated with
 In opposition: Immunologic function is apparently
not directly related to healthy aging
Evolutionary Theories of Aging
Aging results from a decline in the force of
natural selection
Mutation accumulation
Antagonistic Pleiotropy
Mutation Accumulation
Mutations that affect health in older ages are not
selected against and therefore accumulate in a
Supported by diseases like Huntington’s Disease.
An autosomal dominant, terminal,
neurodegenerative disease that typically presents
at age 30-45, after childbearing age.
Mutation Accumulation
Diseases that are lethal in childhood or early
adulthood are not passed to further generations
and do not accumulate in a population
Antagonistic Pleiotropy
Some genes that code for beneficial effects in
early life may then be detrimental in later years
Discussed as the conflict between fecundity
(reproductive ability) and longevity
Antagonistic Pleiotropy and
Testosterone production in young men supports
reproductive potential
This same hormone in older adults contributes to
the development of prostate cancer
Antagonistic Pleiotropy
Studies have revealed that destroying germ line
cells in both Drosophila and C. elegans can
extend lifespan
Antagonistic Pleiotropy
Insert picture of drosophila
Insert picture of elegans
C. elegans
Can all of this knowledge be
used to extend lifespan?
Life Span Extension:
Metabolic And Insulin Signaling
There appears to be endocrine regulation of aging
 In a range of species, mutations in certain genes,
especially those that appear to play roles in metabolic
and insulin signaling (eg, GH, IGF-1), extend life span
 In contrast, life span is shorter in humans with untreated
isolated GH deficiency (but normal age-related GH
decline may have little to do with healthy aging)
 Low-expressing IGF-1 receptor alleles are more highly
represented among long-lived humans
These pathways are potential targets for drugs to delay or
prevent age-related changes
Life Span Extension:
Caloric Restriction (1 of 2)
Caloric restriction increases average and
maximum life spans in a variety of species
Impact of caloric restriction varies considerably
in mice and flies
Two robust markers of caloric restriction in
rodents (reduced body temperature, reduced
plasma insulin) have been observed in older
men and in caloric-restricted rhesus monkeys
Life Span Extension:
Caloric Restriction (2 of 2)
Sir2, an enzyme in the sirtuin family of proteins, mediates
the benefits of caloric restriction in yeast
Sirtuin-activating compounds (STACs) could conceivably
enhance life span in humans
 Resveratrol, a plant polyphenol in red wine, is a STAC
that prolongs life span in fruit flies and worms
 Resveratrol has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant,
anticancer, and vasoactive effects on human cells
It might be possible to develop calorie restriction mimetics
to increase human life span
What does aging mean to the
Great heterogenicity in the older population
Increased attention to biological age versus
chronological age
No “one size fits all” approach to treating
older adults
There are large interindividual variations in the rate of
physiologic aging
Aging appears to have multiple causes, including genetic and
environmental factors
Genetic factors may regulate aging or life span through a
variety of mechanisms (eg, insulin signaling, control of
oxidative damage, DNA maintenance, and altered gene
It might be possible to extend human life span with caloric
restriction mimetics or drugs targeting the GH/IGF-1 pathway
GRS6 Chapter Authors:
Bruce R. Troen, MD
Donald A. Jurivich, DO
© American Geriatrics Society
National Vital Statistics systems
Stedman’s Concise Medical Dictionary. Third Edition. 1997 English Dictionary
Landon Center on Aging Photo Contest
Landon Center on Aging Photo Contest
Landon Center on Aging Photo Contest
Landon Center on Aging Photo Contest
Landon Center on Aging Photo Contest