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Weather Reminder
Charlie, Kevin, and Wade
Definition: The state of the atmosphere in a certain place and
time that regards to heat, sunshine, rain, wind, etc.
Weather is also more specific and exact.
Not to be confused with climate weather takes place over
shorter periods of time and is more localized.
To make it clear
Weather would cover a tornado in a city or a hurricane over
the ocean or even a cold front moving towards your town.
While climate would cover a whole biome like a tundra or a
desert over a long period of time.
Helpful vocabulary
Heat: Transfer of energy
Air Pressure: The weight of the atmosphere pushing down on the earth's surface,
force is 1 Bar.
Dew Point: moisture in the air cooled to this temp will form water droplets.
Wind: energy traveling through the air by waves caused by uneven heating of the
earth's crust by the sun.
Weather systems
A weather system is a large area of the atmosphere that has
special temperature and moisture conditions.
Uneven distribution of solar energy produces global
circulation patterns. This causes weather fronts.
Cold fronts
Cool dry air moving from west to east, goes under warm
Warm fronts
Low pressure system usually accompanied by light rain and
high humidity.
Weather maps
Definition: They are maps that show the state of weather
across a large area.
Information: Weather maps have been used since the mid19th century, and they are important because they help with
research and forecasting the weather.
Weather station models
Higher pressures
Tend to be followed
By nice weather and
Lower pressures tend
To be followed by
Nastier weather.
Definition: A complex series of climatic changes that occurs
every few years, and affects the equatorial Pacific region.
Causes: El Nino usually causes the eastern equatorial region
to have severe droughts, but on the western equatorial region
it causes flooding.
Definition: A climate pattern that describes the cooling of surface ocean waters
along the tropical west coast of South America and it is often considered to be the
counterpart to El Nino.
Hurricanes are measured by the SS-scale
When the wind speed of a tropical weather storm reach 74
mph it's a… Hurricane
The season starts june 1st and end on november 30th… but
hurricanes can occur outside of the season.
Starts out over water.
Generally occurs in more tropical regions.
Spinning columns of air formed by a cold front and a warm front meeting Creating
a low pressure system that creates strong wind that can rip appart houses and lift
The EF scale is what America uses to measure them.
EF3 is when the cool stuff begin and it only goes up to EF5.
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