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Edexcel GCSE (9–1) Physics
Scheme of work
This document provides a scheme of work for teaching the Physics content from the Pearson Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Combined Science
specification to lower attaining students, i.e. those targetting grades 1-3. Given the level that this scheme of work is targetted at, it covers
the Foundation content from the specification only.
The scheme of work ensures that the full programme of study (and specification) is covered. It is designed so that the content is delivered
over three years, giving students the maximum amount of time to prepare for their GCSE.
It starts off with a gentle transition into GCSE from Key Stage 3. This is based on the free transition materials that are available on our
website. The teaching activities are based on our main scheme of work, but have extra support built in that is specifically designed for lower
attainers. Practical and hands-on activities have been incorporated wherever possible to support understanding of concepts and to
promote engagement. Suggestions of regular formative assessment have been included throughout to support linear assessment. Each
lesson is designed to be a double (two-hour) lesson.
Please note that the lesson detail is currently only available for the first two terms. An outline of the rest of the course is given for
information. This will be updated over the coming months.
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Year 9
Transition Topic P1 Fields
Lesson TP1a: Magnetic fields
Specification points
Exemplar teaching activities
 P8.1: Describe, with
examples, how objects can
a) at a distance without
contact, linking these to
the gravitational,
electrostatic and magnetic
fields involved
 P11.1: Recall that unlike
magnetic poles attract and
like magnetic poles repel
 P11.4: Describe the shape
and direction of the
magnetic field around bar
magnets and for a uniform
field, and relate the
strength of the field to the
concentration of lines
 P11.6: Explain how the
behaviour of a magnetic
compass is related to
evidence that the core of
the Earth must be
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Show images or objects linked with uses of
magnets, for example a compass, Maglev train,
screwdriver handle, scrapyard, fridge door and
ask what the items have in common.
Students explore bar magnets to discover
repelling and attracting ‘ends’. Provide various
materials and ask students to discover which
materials are magnetic and non-magnetic. Ask
students to compare the action of a magnet and
magnetic material, and ask how we can confirm a
Students use iron filings and a magnet to show
the field lines. Demonstrate using a plotting
compass to plot magnetic fields. Suspend a bar
magnet to show that it aligns roughly North and
South and link these to different poles.
Working in pairs, students plot field lines using
either repelling magnets or attracting magnets.
Students within each pair share their findings.
Students refer back to the examples from the
Starter activity to explain how the magnets are
used. Encourage students to refer to magnetic
Support: Provide a few materials to
test and support with which to include
when comparing a magnet with
magnetic materials.
Stretch: Encourage students to predict
which materials will be magnetic and
to consider any unexpected results.
Support: Students share their ideas
Stretch: Students research the
evidence that the Earth must be
magnetic due to the behaviour of a
magnetic compass.
magnetic fields
(See Exploring)
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Transition Topic P1 Fields
Lesson TP1b: Contact and non-contact forces
Specification points
Exemplar teaching activities
 P1.14: Recall and use the
equation: weight (newton,
Display the words ‘mass’ and ‘weight’ and ask
N) = mass (kilogram, kg)
students to discuss their meanings. Discuss
× gravitational field
everyday use of the words and state that there is
strength (newton per
a difference in meaning.
kilogram, N/kg),
 P8.1: Describe, with
Provide students with a range of known masses.
examples, how objects can Demonstrate how to measure weight and
introduce the units of both mass and weight.
a) at a distance without
Students record mass and weight for each. Ask
contact, linking these to
students to look for a pattern in the results.
the gravitational,
Introduce the formula W=m x g and ask students
electrostatic and magnetic
to suggest a value for g.
fields involved
Ask students to suggest other non-contact forces
b) by contact, including
and use images or demos to show examples.
normal contact force and
Students work in pairs to compare the weight of a
block compared to the force needed to pull it.
Students reflect on the results and evaluate the
Students list as many contact and non-contact
forces as possible (for example as a competition
between groups).
Students devise some true/false questions based
on weight, mass and contact/non-contact forces
and test others.
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Support: Use masses with
simple values, such as 10g,
20g, 30g etc.
Students use the formula to
calculate weight only, without
Stretch: Ask students to
predict weights of other
masses (they could then test
their predictions). Encourage
students to test more than
one block to be sure of their
Support: Provide a specific
focus for questions.
Stretch: Ask students to
suggest how the frictional
force could be decreased.
Maths skills
 Substitute
values into
(W=m x g)
 Change the
subject of an
Determining g
by measuring
weight. (See
and frictional
forces (See
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Transition Topic P2 Kinetic theory
Lesson TP2a: Particle model and gas pressure
Specification points
Exemplar teaching activities
 P4.1: Use a simple kinetic
theory model to explain
Ask groups of students to demonstrate the
the different states of
particle model of solids, liquids and gases with
matter (solids, liquids and
guidance from other students about how to
gases) in terms of the
movement and
arrangement of particles
 P13.3: Describe the term
Ask students how gas-filled objects stay inflated
absolute zero, −273 °C, in
(for example balloons and tyres) and discuss gas
terms of the lack of
pressure. Demo increasing the temperature of a
movement of particles
gas at constant pressure and then ask students to
 P13.4: Convert between
consider the effects of increasing the pressure on
the kelvin and Celsius
particles. Use the demo to increase the pressure
at a constant temperature.
Allow students to explore increasing the pressure
on solids, liquids and gases (using filled syringes).
Students explain their findings.
Introduce absolute zero in terms of lack of
movement of particles. Define the Kelvin scale
and ask students to suggest at what temperature
Celsius particles would have zero movement. Ask
students to create a scale to compare Kelvin and
Students explain what is meant by gas pressure
and suggest the consequences of altering the gas
pressure in the gas-filled objects referred to in
Students practice converting between Kelvin and
Celsius scale and vice versa.
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Support: Provide students
with a scale to annotate.
Stretch: Students create a
scale showing several points,
for example boiling point of
water, temperature of the
Support: Provide students
with scaffolding with
sentence starters, such as ‘as
the gas pressure
Students match up Kelvin
and Celsius values.
Stretch: Students consider
Celsius values if it were
possible to go below absolute
Maths skills
 Substitute
values into
equations using
gas pressure.
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Transition Topic P2 Kinetic
Lesson TP2b: Density
Specification points
 P4.2: Recall and use the
density (kilograms per
cubic metre, kg/m3) =
mass (kilograms, kg) ÷
volume (cubic metres, m3)
ρ = m/V
 P4.4: Explain the
differences in density
between the different
states of matter in terms
of the arrangements of the
atoms or molecules
 P4.5: Describe that when
substances melt, freeze,
evaporate, boil, condense
or sublimate mass is
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Exemplar teaching activities
Demo making a liquid density tower (for example,
with syrup, milk, detergent, water, oil). Ask
students to discuss why the liquids layer as they
Share some solid blocks of various size, material
and mass. Ask groups to suggest which has the
largest mass; offer some cognitive conflict by
including large blocks of small mass. Ask students
to suggest which is the most dense block.
Introduce the formula ρ = m/V.
Students measure the density of a range of solid
Ask students to explain the density of the
different blocks in terms of arrangement of
Students produce a continuum of density of
liquids used in the Starter activity. Ask students
to suggest where other liquids (for example,
motor oil, alcohol) would fit into the continuum
and how they would check.
Students practice using the equation to calculate
density and using the correct units.
Support: Support students in
calculating volume of cubes.
Stretch: Provide students
with the parts of the
algebraic equation for
density and ask them to
form the formula for density.
Support: Provide parts of
sentences for students to
select from, for example, ‘in
the most/least dense
block…’, ‘…the particles
Stretch: Ask students to
discuss how they might
measure the density of
irregular objects.
Maths skills
 Substitute
numerical values
into algebraic
equations using
appropriate units
 Calculate volumes
of cubes
density (See
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Transition Topic P3 Current Electricity
Lesson TP3a: Series circuits
Specification points
Exemplar teaching activities
 P9.2: Draw and use
electric circuit diagrams
representing them with the
conventions of positive
and negative terminals,
and the symbols that
represent cells, including
batteries, switches,
voltmeters, ammeters,
resistors, variable
resistors, lamps, motors,
diodes, thermistors, LDRs
and LEDs
 P9.4: Recall that a
voltmeter is connected in
parallel with a component
to measure the potential
difference (voltage), in
volts, across it
 P9.7: Recall that an
ammeter is connected in
series with a component to
measure the current, in
amps, in the component
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Provide students with circuit components, circuit
diagrams and names of components and ask them
to match them.
Demo some problem circuits (for example, break
in circuit, opposing cells) and ask students to
predict whether the bulb(s) will light each time.
Allow students to explore making simple circuits
and drawing circuit diagrams for each.
Using a circuit with two cells and two bulbs,
students explore the current throughout the
circuit and draw conclusions.
Demo a model of a series circuit (for example a
water or pupil with sweets model) and ask
students to identify what each part of the model
Students investigate the potential difference in
series circuits and draw conclusions.
Provide students with an alternative model of
electric circuits and ask them to identify what
each part of the model represents and to assess
the strengths and limitations of the model.
Students summarise ‘rules’ of series circuits and
produce true/false questions to test others.
Support: Allow students to draw
circuits as they see them initially
(for example, with curvy wires).
Stretch: Students discuss the
limitations of the model of a circuit.
Support: Provide structure by
asking students to comment on
potential difference and current in
series circuits.
Stretch: Arrange students in
similar-ability groups to share
questions and answers.
Investigating series
circuits (See
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Transition Topic P3 Current
Lesson TP3b: Resistance
Specification points
 P9.17: Investigate the
relationship between
potential difference
(voltage), current and
resistance for both linear
and non-linear
components (such as an
investigation that uses a
variable resistor)
 P9.15: Calculate the
currents, potential
differences and resistances
in series circuits
 P9.13: Recall and use the
potential difference (volt,
V) = current (ampere, A)
× resistance (ohm, Ω)
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Exemplar teaching activities
Display the word ‘resistance’ and ask students to
explain what this word means, giving examples
from everyday life. Refer back to the models used
in the previous lesson and ask students to suggest
how resistance was represented.
Students investigate the relationship between
potential difference, current and resistance.
Students measure potential difference, current
and resistance and use this to prove the equation
V = I × R. Ask students to explore rearranging
this equation.
Students plot a graph of potential difference and
current. Students calculate the gradient of the
graph to estimate resistance.
Students practice using the equation V = I × R
with the correct units.
Students summarise what is meant by resistance
in a circuit and how it can be
Support: Provide
guidance on measuring
the gradient of a graph
using a simple example
Stretch: Explain the term
direct proportion.
Students consider any
results not sitting on the
straight line and suggest
reasons why.
Support: Students
calculate just voltage or
are given the rearranged
equation to use.
Stretch: Ask students to
explain the process of
rearranging the
Maths skills
 Plot two
variables from
 Determine the
slope of a linear
 Substitute
values into
 Change the
subject of an
Investigating the
between potential
difference, current
and resistance.
(See Exploring.)
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Transition Topic P4 Springs
Lesson TP4a: Stretching springs
Specification points
Exemplar teaching activities
 P7.3: Recall and use the
Demonstrate some examples of elastic materials and
work done (joule, J) =
show how these change shape when a force is
exerted on them. Allow students to explore what
force (newton, N) ×
happens when this force is removed. Students
distance moved in the
discuss the energy changes as the material changes
direction of the force
(metre, m)
 P7.4: Describe and
calculate the changes in
energy involved when a
system is changed
 P14.3: Recall and use the
equation for linear elastic
distortion including
calculating the spring
force exerted on a spring
(newton, N) = spring
constant (newton per
metre, N/m) × extension
(metres, m)
 P14.5: Describe the
difference between linear
and non-linear
relationships between
force and extension
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Students investigate stretching of a spring, recording
the force applied (provide steady increments) and
calculating extension in mm. Ask students to look for
a trend in the results before then plotting a graph.
Introduce E = F × d and explain how the area under
the graph can be used to estimate the work done.
Students calculate work done using the graph and
the equation, and compare the estimates.
As a class, compare the stretch of three different
elastic bands. Students plot one of these graphs and
then compare as a class. Allow students to explore
the elastic bands to deduce that the least stretchy
band has a steeper graph. Ask students to explain
how the work done compares in stretching each of
these bands and relate this to the area under the
Students comment on the accuracy and precision of
their results and suggest how they would test the
repeatability and reproducibility of their experiment.
Demo stretching of a spring past its elastic point. Ask
students to annotate their graph to show the line
with this larger force and to explain what happens.
Explain that many other materials are also elastic,
for example, steel, glass. Ask students to explain
how elasticity can be of benefit.
Support: Support students in
calculating extension and in
converting units from mm to
Stretch: Students are asked to
calculate the force applied,
given the mass applied.
Students could revisit direct
proportion (for example in
estimating resistance from
p.d./current graph in previous
lesson) and calculate the
gradient of the graph to
estimate the spring constant.
Support: Remind students of
definitions of accuracy,
precision, repeatability and
reproducibility using simple
Stretch: Students draw energy
transfer diagrams for stretching
of the springs and other elastic
Maths skills
 Plot two
 Translate
graphical and
numeric form
stretching of
springs (See
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Transition Topic P5 Motion
Lesson TP5a: Speed
Specification points
 P1.3: Recall that velocity
is speed in a stated
 P1.4: Recall and use the
a) (average) speed (metre
per second, m/s) =
distance (metre, m) ÷
time (s)
 P1.5: Analyse
distance/time graphs
including determination of
speed from the gradient
 P1.10: Recall some typical
speeds encountered in
everyday experience for
wind and sound, and for
walking, running, cycling
and other transportation
Exemplar teaching activities
Display a range of animals, vehicles, activities on
the board (for example, car on motorway,
person running, cheetah, dog) and ask students
to place them in order of speed. Allow groups to
compare ideas before revealing the answers.
Ask students to suggest alternative units of
speed and explore how the units give us a clue
to the equation. Introduce the equation,
(average) speed (metre per second, m/s) =
distance (metre, m) ÷ time (s). Students plan
how to investigate their own average speed
doing various activities. Students use the
equation to calculate their speed. Provide data
for students to plot a graph of distance and time.
Revisit the idea of direct proportion and students
calculate the gradient to estimate speed.
Students use examples of other linear
distance/time graphs to look for patterns in the
steepness and speed.
Students practice using the average speed
Provide students with examples of one-part,
two-part and three-part distance/time graphs
and ask them to identify the ‘journey’ (for
example, as a game of speed graph bingo).
Ask students to suggest why average speed is
often measured on a motorway, rather than
speed at one point.
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Support: Remind
students to use units
of m and s and
support with
Stretch: Students
consider accuracy
and precision of data
Support: Students
use the average
speed equation to
calculate only
average speed.
Stretch: Students
rearrange the
equation and
calculate distance or
Maths skills
 Substitute
numerical values
into algebraic
 Change the
subject of an
 Plot two variables
from data
 Determine the
slope of a linear
Measuring speed (see
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Transition Topic P5 Motion
Lesson TP5a: Acceleration
Specification points
 P1.6: Recall and use the
acceleration (metre per
second squared, m/s2) =
change in velocity (metre
per second, m/s) / time
taken (second, s)
a = (v – u)/t
 P1.8: Analyse
velocity/time graphs to:
a) compare acceleration
from gradients
b) calculate the
acceleration from the
gradient (for uniform
acceleration only)
c) determine the distance
travelled using the area
between the graph line
and the time axis (for
uniform acceleration only)
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Exemplar teaching activities
Show examples of a range of line graphs in
different contexts and allow students to practice
describing and explaining what the graphs show.
Introduce a graph of speed against time and ask
students to explain what the graph shows.
Using either dataloggers or stopwatches,
measure the speed over a truck (for example,
over a distance of a 1m slope). Share the
equation a = (v – u)/t and explain velocity as
compared to speed. Ask students how they could
work out the acceleration using the data
collected and the equation. Students use
experimental data to calculate acceleration.
Show video clips of other examples of linear
acceleration and allow students to practice using
the equation.
Provide students with data for uniform
acceleration to plot velocity/time graphs.
Revise transition work for physics.
Assessment of transition work for physics.
Support: Ask
students to only
acceleration, without
the need for
rearranging the
Stretch: Students use
the area under the
graph to estimate
acceleration and
distance travelled.
Support: Provide
students with a
checklist for selfassessment.
Stretch: Ask students
to create revision
questions using given
command words.
Maths skills
 Determine the slope
of a linear graph.
 Substitute numerical
values into algebraic
 Change the subject
of an equation.
acceleration (see
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
P1 Motion
Lesson CP1a: Vectors and scalars
Specification points
Exemplar teaching activities
 P1.1: Explain the
difference between vector
Ask students to work in groups to list 5 or 10
and scalar quantities
things we measure in physics, e.g. time, length,
 P1.2: Recall vector and
area, weight, speed.
scalar quantities including:
a) displacement / distance
b) velocity / speed
Define scalar and vector quantities using an
c) acceleration
example (e.g. weight). Give students examples or
d) force
images of different quantities and ask them to
e) weight / mass
sort them into ‘scalar’ and ‘vector’ quantities.
f) momentum
Students build a marble run using modelling clay
g) energy
on a ramp to measure the time it takes for a
 P1.3: Recall that velocity is marble to run down different tracks. Ask them to
speed in a stated direction
consider the differences between distance and
displacement, and between speed and velocity.
Place a small 50 ml beaker inside a large beaker
(4 l) and fill the large beaker with water to near
the top. Then challenge a student to drop a coin
into the small beaker. Ask students to work in
pairs to write descriptions of the different ways in
which the coins move, including the words speed,
velocity, distance, displacement.
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Support: Remind students
how to find the mean of
several results.
Stretch: Ask students to
explain which
measurements (distance or
displacement) should be
used if working out the
acceleration of the marble.
Support: Rather than asking
students to write
descriptions, elicit their
ideas about differences
between distance and
displacement, speed and
velocity, by questioning.
Stretch: Ask students to
describe the movement of
the coins in terms of energy
(e.g. losing potential energy
and gaining kinetic energy
as they accelerate).
Maths skills
 Use an
number of
 Find
scalars and
vectors with
tracks and
marbles. (See
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP1b: Distance/time graphs and speed
Specification points
Exemplar teaching activities
 P1.4: Recall and use Starter
the equations:
Show students a video clip
a) (average) speed
(from the Internet) of a
(metre per second,
supersonic car, e.g. Thrust SSC
m/s) = distance
or Bloodhound SSC (aiming for
(metre, m) ÷ time
1000 mph). Ask students to
suggest how fast the speed of
b) distance travelled sound is, and how this
(metre, m) =
compares to the speeds of cars
average speed
on the roads.
(metre per second,
m/s) × time (s)
 P1.10: Recall some
Revisit how students measured
typical speeds
their own speed during different
encountered in
activities in a previous lesson.
everyday experience Ask students to describe how
for wind and sound,
they calculated speed from the
and for walking,
measurements taken. Revisit
running, cycling and the speed equation and support
other transportation students’ recall of it.
Students use the echo method
 P1.9: Describe a
to measure the speed of sound
range of laboratory
in air, and use sensors and
methods for
dataloggers to measure the
determining the
speeds of sound in air and in a
speeds of objects
such as the use of
light gates
Explore with students the
meaning of the words ‘average’
and ‘instantaneous’. Use a ramp
with a small slope and a
dynamics trolley to demonstrate
the difference between
instantaneous speed and
average speed.
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Support: Support students with
calculating speed and give them
the opportunity to practice
measuring and calculating
speed again before using the
echo method if necessary.
Stretch: Students work
independently to use and
change the subject of an
Support: Reinforce the
difference between
instantaneous speed and mean
speed by discussing other
examples, such as bus journeys
or car journeys where speeds
vary because of traffic and
junctions, and how the average
speed for such a journey can be
Stretch: Ask students to explain
why the average speed for a
journey is always less than the
maximum speed during the
Maths skills
 Recognise and use expressions in
decimal form
 Make estimates of the results of
simple calculations
 Use an appropriate number of
significant figures
 Find arithmetic means
 Understand the terms mean, mode
and median
 Substitute numerical values into
algebraic equations using
appropriate units for physical
 Solve simple algebraic equations
Students use the
echo method to
measure the
speed of sound
in air, and use
sensors and
dataloggers to
measure the
speeds of sound
in air and in a
solid. (See
Use a ramp with
a small slope and
a dynamics
trolley to
demonstrate the
speed and
average speed.
(See Explaining).
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP1c: Acceleration
Specification points
 P1.6: Recall and use the
acceleration (metre per second
squared, m/s2) = change in
velocity (metre per second,
m/s) / time taken (second, s)
a = (v – u)/t
 P1.7: Use the equation:
(final velocity)2
((metre/second)2, (m/s)2) –
(initial velocity)2
((metre/second)2, (m/s)2) = 2
× acceleration (metre per
second squared, m/s2) ×
distance (metre, m)
v2 – u2 = 2 × a × x
 P1.11: Recall that the
acceleration, g, in free fall is
10 m/s2 and be able to
estimate the magnitudes of
everyday accelerations
Exemplar teaching activities
Revisit the work on speed and
acceleration so far by asking
students to think about how you
work out different quantities that
describe motion and the units they
are measured in. Groups record their
Use light gates to measure the
acceleration of a card in free fall
(Suggested practical). Remind
students of the acceleration equation
shared previously a = (v – u)/t.
Students explain what the equation
shows and practice using the
equation. Cover the equation up and
test students on recall.
Introduce an additional formula,
v2 – u2 = 2 × a × x
Explore 2 with students, for example
by writing the equation out in full.
Familiarise students with the
difference between the units for
velocity squared (m/s)2 and
acceleration m/s2, and also that v2 –
u2 is not the same as (change in
velocity)2. Students practise using
the equation.
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Support: Helping students to
calculate the acceleration for
each drop will give them
practice using the formula.
Stretch: Find a multi-flash
image of a falling ball on the
Internet and explain that the
images of the object were
taken at equal time intervals.
Support: Work through some
calculations with students
using simple numbers to
ensure they can use the
formulae but focus on the
physics behind it, rather than
the maths.
Stretch: Students work
independently and use correct
Maths skills
 Recognise and use
expressions in
decimal form
 Make estimates of
the results of
simple calculations
 Use an appropriate
number of
significant figures
 Substitute
numerical values
into algebraic
equations using
appropriate units
for physical
 Solve simple
algebraic equations
Suggested practical:
Investigate the
acceleration, g, in
free fall and the
magnitudes of
accelerations. (See
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP1d: Velocity/time graphs
Specification points
Exemplar teaching activities
 P1.8: Analyse
velocity/time graphs
On the board, sketch two distance–time
graphs, one with a horizontal line and one
a) compare
with the line sloping upwards. Label the axes
acceleration from
of each and ask the class what these show
gradients qualitatively
(staying still, moving at a steady speed). Now
b) calculate the
change the label on the vertical axis to read
acceleration from the
‘Velocity’. Ask what the horizontal line now
gradient (for uniform
acceleration only)
c) determine the
distance travelled
Revisit calculating acceleration using graphs
using the area between by students using ticker timers and tape to
the graph line and the
produce velocity–time graphs for a trolley
time axis (for uniform
accelerating down a ramp for two different
acceleration only)
slopes. Use the activity to revise use of units
as well as graph drawing skills. Students
measure the gradient of the graph to
calculate acceleration and the area under the
graph to measure distance. Students could
work in pairs and plot one graph each for this
Explain why the gradient and area under a
velocity–time graph give the acceleration and
distance respectively.
Carry out some formative assessment on
knowledge and understanding of CP1 and
provide interventions as necessary.
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Support: Ask students to
explain the different slopes
of their two graphs
(comparing accelerations
qualitatively). Support
students in choosing axes
for graphs (to allow simple
comparison of two
Stretch: Students calculate
the area under the graph
as a measure of distance
independently. Ask
students to explain why a
ticker tape timer is useful.
Support: Ask students
specific questions to test
understanding and to
identify misconceptions.
Stretch: Ask students to
carry out some selfassessment on CP1 and
identify where support is
Maths skills
 Recognise and use
expressions in decimal form
 Make estimates of the
results of simple
 Use an appropriate number
of significant figures
 Determine the slope and
intercept of a linear graph
 Understand the physical
significance of area between
a curve and the x-axis and
measure it by counting
squares as appropriate
Using ticker
timers to
build up
graphs. (See
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
P2 Forces and motion
Lesson CP2a: Newton’s First Law
Specification points
Exemplar teaching activities
 P1.12: Recall Newton’s
First Law and use it in
the following
a) where the resultant
force on a body is zero,
i.e. the body is moving
at a constant velocity
or is at rest
b) where the resultant
force is not zero, i.e.
the speed and/or
direction of the body
Demonstrate pulling a glossy piece of paper
(e.g. book cover), or a smooth table cloth,
from underneath a book and ask students to
observe any movement of the book. Repeat
with more books stacked on the glossy paper.
Challenge students to demonstrate the
‘magic’. Ask students to discuss their
observations and then discuss why the books
do not move.
Students work in groups to write down five
things they remember about forces.
Introduce Newton’s First Law to explain why
the book didn’t move.
Allow students to explore movement of a ball
on a smooth surface. If possible, show a video
clip of an object moving in a low friction
environment and ask students to apply
Newton’s First Law.
Flick a coin off a bench at the same time as
dropping one, to demonstrate that the time to
reach the ground is not affected by the
horizontal component of its velocity, and so
horizontal and vertical forces on an object can
be discussed independently of each other.
Challenge students to drop a ball onto a
target (or into a bucket) on the ground as
they run past it. Use this to demonstrate that
the ball must be dropped before the target is
reached and link to Newton’s First Law.
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Support: Demonstrate the
activity for students.
Stretch: Ask students to suggest
why flicking a coin harder makes
it go further.
Demonstrating that
horizontal and vertical
forces can be considered
independently of each
other. (See Exploring and
Support: Ask students to film the
dropping ball and play in slow
motion to show the trajectory.
Stretch: Ask students to predict
the effect of running faster before
dropping the ball.
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP2b: Resultant
Specification points
 P1.12: Recall
Newton’s First Law
and use it in the
following situations:
a) where the resultant
force on a body is
zero i.e. the body is
moving at a constant
velocity or is at rest
b) where the resultant
force is not zero i.e.
the speed and/or
direction of the body
Exemplar teaching activities
Find images of objects stationary and
in motion. Show them to students and
ask students to describe the types of
forces acting on the objects and the
directions in which they are acting. Do
not comment on ideas at this point.
Fill a balloon with helium and tether it
to a weight. Ask students to work in
pairs to describe the forces on the
balloon while it is tethered, and to
describe what would happen if the
balloon were released from the
Students work together in groups to
apply multiple combinations of forces
to a block, work out the resultant
force and predict its effect on the
movement of the block.
Use an air track or air table to
reinforce the effects of friction on
moving objects by showing the
movement of gliders/pucks with the
air on and with the air off. Students
return to original ideas about forces
(see Starter) and add to or amend.
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Support: Give students further
examples to try, rather than asking
them to make up their own.
Stretch: Give students three forces
for one side and one for the other.
Students work out possible values for
the set of three forces and try them
Support: Support students in writing
a couple of sentences to summarise
what they have seen and the reasons
for it.
Stretch: Show students a video clip
(from the Internet) of hovercraft
manoeuvring and ask them to explain
why hovercraft appear to skid around
a turn, whereas a road vehicle or
powerboat making the same turn
would not.
Maths skills
 Make estimates of
the results of
simple calculations
 Understand and
use the symbols:
=, <, <<, >>, >,
∝, ~
Calculating resultant
forces (See
Demonstrating the
effects of friction on
moving objects (See
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP2c: Mass and
Specification points
 P1.14: Recall and use
the equation: weight
(newton, N) = mass
(kilogram, kg) ×
gravitational field
strength (newton per
kilogram, N/kg),
Exemplar teaching activities
Challenge students to work in pairs or
small groups to write down two
statements about mass and weight that
are true, and one that is false. Then ask
for volunteers to read out one statement
at a time. The rest of the class have to
decide whether the statement is true or
Students are given a selection of objects.
Ask students whether they recall how they
estimated g previously. Students measure
the mass and weight of the objects and
draw a scatter graph of weight against
mass. Students are asked to draw a line of
best fit and then identify the type of
correlation shown by their graph and
calculate the value of g from the gradient
of the line. (Suggested practical).
Compare the value for g calculated using
the equation and the graph.
Show a video clip of a moon landing and
walking. Provide students with the value of
g on the moon and ask them to calculate
the weight of objects used earlier on the
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Support: Provide masses in 0.1 kg
intervals to make plotting the graph
Stretch: Provide students with some
masses marked in grams and some
in kilograms, reminding them of the
need to use consistent units when
plotting their results.
Support: Help students in predicting
weights by first sequencing the
planets/moon in order of
gravitational field strengths.
Stretch: Ask students to predict the
shape of the graph when plotting
weight and mass on the moon/other
Maths skills
 Make estimates of
the results of
simple calculations
 Substitute
numerical values
into algebraic
equations using
appropriate units
for physical
 Change the subject
of an equation
 Solve simple
algebraic equations
 Plot two variables
from experimental
 Determine the
slope and intercept
of a linear graph.
Investigate the
between mass
and weight. (See
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP2d: Newton’s Second Law
Specification points
Exemplar teaching activities
 P1.13: Recall and use
Newton's Second Law as
Roll a number of objects of the same
force (newton, N) =
mass (e.g. balls of same mass and then
mass (kilogram, kg) ×
jars of same mass) down a ramp of
acceleration (metre per
varying heights. Ask students to
second squared, m/s2)
observe the movement of the objects
and discuss what changed when the
 P1.15: Investigate the
height of the slope changed. Introduce
relationship between
the equation F = m × a
force, mass and
and use it to explain why acceleration
acceleration (such as an
increases as force increases.
investigation that uses
stacked trolleys)
Investigation on the effects of mass on
acceleration with a constant force.
(Core practical)
Use an airtrack, two gliders and some
repelling magnets to reinforce F = m ×
a. Support students in memorising the
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Support: Explain to
students that a shorter
time to move along the
ramp indicates an
increased acceleration.
Support with changing
the subject of the
Stretch: Ask students to
predict the effect of
increasing mass using the
equation. Ask students to
suggest how the
relationship between
force and acceleration
could be investigated.
Support: Give students
pairs of disc magnets so
they can feel the repelling
force as they bring like
poles together.
Stretch: Ask students to
predict what would
happen if the heavier
glider had three times the
mass of the lighter one.
Maths skills
 Recognise and use
expressions in decimal form
 Make estimates of the
results of simple calculations
 Use an appropriate number
of significant figures
 Find arithmetic means
 Understand the terms mean,
mode and median
 Substitute numerical values
into algebraic equations
using appropriate units for
physical quantities
 Solve simple algebraic
 Translate information
between graphical and
numeric form
 Plot two variables from
experimental data
 Determine the slope and
intercept of a linear graph
Core practical:
Investigate the
between force,
mass and
acceleration (See
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP2e: Newton’s Third Law
Exemplar teaching activities
 P1.19: Recall and
apply Newton's
Provide students with marbles, of a range of size
Third Law… to
and mass. Ask students to push one marble into a
stationary marble on a flat surface. Students
observe what happens on collision. Show an internet
clip of people colliding holding fitness balls in front
of them. Ask students to explain both
demonstrations in terms of energy transfer.
Observe birds taking off (either outside or on an
internet clip). Ask students to discuss how this
happens and elicit that a force downwards results in
upwards movement.
Students work in groups to test, or build and test,
balloon cars. These can be built using Lego©.
Students explore how to make the car move further
quickly and explain the observations in terms of
Share Newton’s Third Law and ask students to put it
into their own words.
Demonstrate another example of Newton’s Third
Law, for example, two closed film canisters, lid-tolid inside a container, one containing water and the
other containing an antacid tablet and water. Ask
students to predict what will happen. Students
explain the observations and link to Newton’s Third
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Maths skills
Support: Provide students
with a scaffold, such as the
parts of sentences to select
and construct the correct
descriptions and explanations.
Stretch: Students draw force
diagrams to support
observations and
 Understand and
use the
symbols: =, <,
<<, >>, >, ∝, ~
Experiments to
Newton’s Third Law
(See Exploring and
Support: Provide students
with choices of what may
happen from which to select.
Stretch: Students research
Newton and his work on the
laws of motion.
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP2f: Stopping distances
Specification points
Exemplar teaching activities
 P1.22: Explain methods
of measuring human
Show a video clip of cars demonstrating
reaction times and
stopping distance. Ask students to consider
recall typical results
what affects how far the car travels before it
 P1.23: Recall that the
comes to a stop. Display the factors identified
stopping distance of a
for later.
vehicle is made up of
the sum of the thinking
distance and the
Display the Highway Code’s chart of increasing
braking distance
stopping distances with speed. In groups,
 P1.24: Explain that the
students discuss what the chart shows. Ask
stopping distance of a
students to suggest what braking distance and
vehicle is affected by a
thinking distance might be and to describe
range of factors
how each changes with the speed. Stress with
students that these are distances, not times.
a) the mass of the
Students explore a factor affecting thinking
distance by testing reaction times using a
b) the speed of the
dropped ruler. Students consider what could
affect reaction time, and the link between
c) the driver's reaction
reaction time and stopping distance.
d) the state of the
vehicle's brakes
Provide students with the range of factors
e) the state of the road
affecting stopping distance (including those
f) the amount of friction discussed in Starter) and ask them to sort
between the tyre and
each into whether it affects thinking distance
the road surface
or braking distance).
© Pearson Education Ltd 2015.
Support: Demonstrate the ruler
method to students before they
carry it out, and help them to
set up the experiment if
necessary. Include an indication
of time on the rulers.
Stretch: Ask students to produce
an explanation of why thinking
distance increases with
increasing speed if their reaction
time stays the same.
Support: Provide the factors on
cards (or sticky notes) for
students to physically arrange.
Stretch: Ask students to add
other factors to the list and to
suggest whether any factors
may be more significant than
Maths skills
 Find arithmetic
 Construct and
frequency tables
and diagrams, bar
charts and
Students test
reaction times
using a dropped
ruler. (See
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP2g: Crash hazards
Exemplar teaching activities
 P1.25: Describe
the factors
Show images of crashed cars with
affecting a
various amounts of damage. Ask
driver’s reaction
students to suggest different causes of
time including
crashes. After collecting some ideas,
drugs and
ask them to then think about what
determines the amount of damage that
 P1.26: Explain
is caused. Then ask what safety
the dangers
features are built into cars to mitigate
caused by large
dangers to people.
Investigation testing different designs of
crumple zone on a dynamics trolley.
(Suggested practical). Students draw
Explore with students the reasons that
safety features, such as seatbelts,
airbags and crumple zones, reduce
injury caused by large decelerations.
Show a video clip of a car crashing
without any crumple zones. Students
produce an extended piece of writing
about safety features of a car and how
they reduce injury.
Carry out some formative assessment
on knowledge and understanding of CP2
and provide interventions as necessary.
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Maths skills
Support: Help students to design a simple
crumple zone.
Stretch: Students plan their own investigation
to test a hypothesis.
 Recognise and
use expressions
in decimal form
 Construct and
Investigation into
how crumple
zones can be used
to reduce the
forces in collisions
(See Exploring)
Support: Provide key words and a writing
frame for students, possibly including an
opportunity to draw diagrams of ideas before
writing in full.
Stretch: Ask students to compare the
dangers of a small deceleration with a large
deceleration. Show an internet clip, or demo,
of spinning two eggs, one hard-boiled and a
raw egg to show that after you gently stop
them spinning, the raw egg then spins again.
Relate this to a head injury where the fluid in
the head continues to move after a crash,
causing more damage. Students could
suggest how wearing a helmet protects from
this when on a bike, for example.
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
P3 Conservation of energy
Lesson CP3a: Energy stores and transfers
Specification points
 P1.29: Explain, with examples, that where there are energy transfers
in a system, there is no net change to the total energy of a closed
 P1.30: Analyse the changes involved in the way energy is stored
when a system changes, including:
a) an object projected upwards or up a slope
b) a moving object hitting an obstacle
c) an object being accelerated by a constant force
d) a vehicle slowing down
e) bringing water to a boil in an electric kettle
 P1.31: Use diagrams to represent energy transfers and calculate the
before and after energy values
 P1.32: Explain that, in all system changes, energy is dissipated so
that it is stored in less useful ways
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Maths skills
 Construct and interpret frequency tables
and diagrams, bar charts and histograms
Suggested practical:
Investigate conservation of
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP3b: Energy efficiency
Specification points
 P1.38: Calculate efficiency in energy transfers, and explain how efficiency can be
 P1.39: Recall and use the equation:
efficiency = (useful energy transferred by the device) / (total energy supplied to the
 P1.33: Explain that mechanical processes become wasteful when they cause a rise in
temperature so dissipating energy in heating the surroundings, or when they do electrical
work against resistance of connecting wires
 P1.36: Explain ways of reducing unwanted energy transfer, including through
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Maths skills
 Recognise and use expressions in decimal
 Use ratios, fractions and percentages
 Make estimates of the results of simple
 Use an appropriate number of significant
 Understand and use the symbols: =, <,
<<, >>, >, ∝, ~
 Substitute numerical values into algebraic
equations using appropriate units for
physical quantities
 Solve simple algebraic equations
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP3c: Supplying electricity
Specification points
 P1.33: Explain that mechanical processes become wasteful when they cause a rise in temperature so dissipating energy in
heating the surroundings, or when they do electrical work against resistance of connecting wires
 P1.34: Explain why electrical energy is transmitted at high voltages, as it improves the efficiency by reducing heat loss in
transmission lines
 P1.35: Explain where and why step-up and step-down transformers are used in the transmission of electricity in the National
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Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP3d: Keeping warm
Specification points
 P1.36: Explain ways of reducing unwanted energy transfer, including through… thermal insulation…
 P1.37: Describe the effects of the thickness and thermal conductivity of the walls of a building on its rate of cooling
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Maths skills
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP3e: Renewable resources
Specification points
 P1.40: Describe the main energy sources available for use on Earth (including… bio-fuel, wind,
hydro-electricity, the tides and the Sun), and compare the ways in which both renewable and
non-renewable sources are used
 P1.41: Explain patterns and trends in the use of energy resources
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Maths skills
 Construct and interpret frequency
tables and diagrams, bar charts and
 Use a scatter diagram to identify a
correlation between two variables
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP3f: Non-renewable resources
Specification points
 P1.40: Describe the main energy sources available for use on Earth (including fossil fuels,
nuclear fuel…), and compare the ways in which both renewable and non-renewable sources
are used
 P1.41: Explain patterns and trends in the use of energy resources
Revision and assessment of CP3 and Y9 topics
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Maths skills
 Construct and interpret frequency tables
and diagrams, bar charts and histograms
 Use a scatter diagram to identify a
correlation between two variables
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Year 10
P4 Waves
Lesson CP4a:
Specification points
 P2.1: Recall that waves transfer energy and information without transferring matter
 P2.2: Recall and use the terms frequency, wavelength, amplitude, period and wave velocity as applied to waves
 P2.3: Explain the difference between longitudinal and transverse waves by referring to sound, electromagnetic, seismic
and water waves
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Maths skills
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP4b:
Specification points
 P2.4: Recall and use both the equations below for all
wave velocity (metre/second, m/s) = frequency (hertz, Hz)
× wavelength (metre, m)
wave velocity (metre/second, m/s) = distance (metre, m)
÷ time (second, s)
v = x/t
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Maths skills
 Recognise and use expressions in
decimal form
 Recognise and use expressions in
standard form
 Make estimates of the results of simple
 Use an appropriate number of
significant figures
 Use a scatter diagram to identify a
correlation between two variables
 Understand and use the symbols: =, <,
<<, >>, >, ∝, ~
 Substitute numerical values into
algebraic equations using appropriate
units for physical quantities
 Solve simple algebraic equations
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP4c:
Specification points
 P2.5: Describe how to measure the velocity of
sound in air and ripples on water surfaces
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Maths skills
 Recognise and use expressions in decimal form
 Recognise and use expressions in standard form
 Make estimates of the results of simple calculations
 Use an appropriate number of significant figures
 Use a scatter diagram to identify a correlation
between two variables
 Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<, >>, >,
∝, ~
 Substitute numerical values into algebraic equations
using appropriate units for physical quantities
 Solve simple algebraic equations
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP4d:
Specification points
 P2.15: Investigate the suitability of equipment
to measure the speed / frequency / wavelength
of a wave in a solid (such as an investigation
that uses a pico scope) and a fluid (such as an
investigation that uses a ripple tank for liquids
and a microphone, loudspeaker and signal
generator with a datalogger)
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Maths skills
 Recognise and use expressions in decimal
 Recognise and use expressions in standard
 Make estimates of the results of simple
 Use an appropriate number of significant
 Use a scatter diagram to identify a
correlation between two variables
 Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<,
>>, >, ∝, ~
 Substitute numerical values into algebraic
equations using appropriate units for
physical quantities
 Solve simple algebraic equations
Core practical: Investigate the suitability of
equipment to measure the speed / frequency /
wavelength of a wave in a solid (such as an
investigation that uses a pico scope) and a fluid
(such as an investigation that uses a ripple tank for
liquids and a microphone, loudspeaker and signal
generator with a datalogger).
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP4e
Specification points
 P2.8: Explain how waves will be refracted at a boundary
Revision and assessment of CP4
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Maths skills
Suggested practical: Investigate models to show refraction, such as
toy cars travelling into a region of sand.
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
P5 Light and the electromagnetic spectrum
Lesson CP5a:
Specification points
 P3.7: Recall that all electromagnetic waves are transverse, that they travel at the same speed in a
 P3.8: Explain, with examples, that all electromagnetic waves transfer energy from source to
 P3.11: Recall that our eyes can only detect a limited range of frequencies
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Maths skills
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP5b:
Specification points
 P3.9: Recall the main groupings of the continuous electromagnetic spectrum including (in order) radio waves,
microwaves, infrared, visible (including the colours of the visible spectrum), ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays
 P3.10: Describe the electromagnetic spectrum as continuous from radio waves to gamma rays and that the
radiations within it can be grouped in order of decreasing wavelength and increasing frequency
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Maths skills
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP5c:
Specification points
 P3.21: Describe some uses of electromagnetic radiation
a) radio waves: including broadcasting, communications and satellite transmissions
b) microwaves: including cooking, communications and satellite transmissions
c) infrared: including cooking, thermal imaging, short range communications, optical fibres, television remote
controls and security systems
d) visible light: including vision, photography and illumination
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Maths skills
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP5d:
Specification points
 P3.21: Describe some uses of electromagnetic radiation
e) ultraviolet: including security marking, fluorescent lamps, detecting forged bank notes and disinfecting water
f) X-rays: including observing the internal structure of objects, airport security scanners and medical X-rays
g) gamma rays: including sterilising food and medical equipment, and the detection of cancer and its treatment
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Maths skills
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP5e:
Specification points
 P3.20: Describe the harmful effects on people of excessive exposure to electromagnetic radiation, including:
a) microwaves: internal heating of body cells
b) infrared: skin burns
c) ultraviolet: damage to surface cells and eyes, leading to skin cancer and eye conditions
d) X-rays and gamma rays: mutation or damage to cells in the body
 P3.19: Recall that the potential danger associated with an electromagnetic wave increases with increasing frequency
 P3.23: Recall that changes in atoms and nuclei can
a) generate radiations over a wide frequency range
b) be caused by absorption of a range of radiations
Revision and assessment of CP5
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Maths skills
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
P6 Particle model 1
Lesson CP6a:
Specification points
 P4.1: Use a simple kinetic theory model to explain the
different states of matter (solids, liquids and gases) in
terms of the movement and arrangement of particles
 P4.5: Describe that when substances melt, freeze,
evaporate, boil, condense or sublimate mass is
 P4.2: Recall and use the equation:
density (kilograms per cubic metre, kg/m3) = mass
(kilograms, kg) ÷ volume (cubic metres, m3)
ρ = m/V
 P4.4: Explain the differences in density between the
different states of matter in terms of the arrangements
of the atoms or molecules
 P4.3: Investigate the densities of solid and liquids (such
as an investigation that uses irregularly shaped objects
and a density bottle)
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Maths skills
 Recognise and use expressions in decimal form
 Make estimates of the results of simple
 Use an appropriate number of significant figures
 Understand the terms mean, mode and median
 Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<,
>>, >, ∝, ~
 Substitute numerical values into algebraic
equations using appropriate units for physical
 Solve simple algebraic equations
 Translate information between graphical and
numeric form
 Plot two variables from experimental or other
 Calculate areas of triangles and rectangles,
surface areas and volumes of cubes
Core practical: Investigate the
densities of solid and liquids (such as
an investigation that uses irregularly
shaped objects and a density bottle).
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP6b:
Specification points
 P4.6: Explain how heating a system will change the
energy stored within the system and raise its
temperature or produce changes of state
 P4.7: Define the terms specific heat capacity and
specific latent heat and explain the differences
between them
 P4.10: Investigations:
b) obtain a temperature–time graph to show the
constant temperature during a change of state
(such as an investigation that uses melting ice)
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Maths skills
 Recognise and use expressions in decimal form
 Recognise and use expressions in standard form
 Make estimates of the results of simple calculations
 Use an appropriate number of significant figures
 Find arithmetic means
 Understand the terms mean, mode and median
 Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<, >>, >, ∝,
 Substitute numerical values into algebraic equations
using appropriate units for physical quantities
 Solve simple algebraic equations
 Translate information between graphical and numeric
 Plot two variables from experimental or other data
 Draw and use the slope of a tangent to a curve as a
measure of rate of change
Core practical: Obtain a
temperature–time graph to show
the constant temperature during a
change of state (such as an
investigation that uses melting ice).
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP6c:
Specification points
 P4.8: Use the equation:
change in thermal energy (joules, J) = mass (kilogram,
kg) × specific heat capacity (joules per kilogram
degree celsius, J/kg °C) × change in temperature
(degree celsius, °C)
ΔQ = m × c × Δθ
 P4.9: Use the equation:
thermal energy for a change of state (joules, J) =
mass (kilogram, kg) × specific latent heat (joules per
kilogram, J/kg)
 P4.10: Investigations:
a) determine the specific heat capacity of materials
including water and some solids (such as an
investigation that uses electrical heating of water and
electrical heating of an aluminium block)
Revision and assessment of CP6
© Pearson Education Ltd 2015.
Maths skills
 Recognise and use expressions in decimal form
 Recognise and use expressions in standard form
 Make estimates of the results of simple calculations
 Use an appropriate number of significant figures
 Find arithmetic means
 Understand the terms mean, mode and median
 Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<, >>, >,
∝, ~
 Substitute numerical values into algebraic equations
using appropriate units for physical quantities
 Solve simple algebraic equations
 Translate information between graphical and numeric
 Plot two variables from experimental or other data
 Draw and use the slope of a tangent to a curve as a
measure of rate of change
Core practical: Determine the
specific heat capacity of materials
including water and some solids
(such as an investigation that uses
electrical heating of water and
electrical heating of an aluminium
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
P7 Radioactivity
Lesson CP7a:
Specification points
 P5.1: Describe an atom as a positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively
charged electrons, with the nuclear radius much smaller than that of the atom and
with almost all of the mass in the nucleus
 P5.2: Recall the typical size (order of magnitude) of atoms and small molecules
 P5.3: Describe the structure of nuclei of isotopes using the terms atomic (proton)
number and mass (nucleon) number and using symbols in the format C
 P5.17: Describe how and why the atomic model has changed over time including
reference to the plum pudding model and Rutherford alpha particle scattering leading
to the Bohr model
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Maths skills
 Visualise and represent 2D and 3D forms
including two-dimensional representations of
3D objects
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP7b:
Specification points
 P5.4: Recall that the nucleus of each element has a characteristic positive
charge, but that elements differ in mass by having different numbers of
 P5.5: Recall the relative masses and relative electric charges of protons,
neutrons, electrons and positrons
 P5.6: Recall that in an atom the number of protons equals the number of
electrons and is therefore neutral
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Maths skills
 Use a scatter diagram to identify a correlation
between two variables
 Visualise and represent 2D and 3D forms including
two-dimensional representations of 3D objects
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP7c:
Specification points
 P5.7: Recall that in each atom its electrons orbit the nucleus at different set distances from the nucleus
 P5.8: Explain that electrons change orbit when there is absorption or emission of electromagnetic radiation
 P5.9: Explain how atoms may form positive ions by losing outer electrons
 P5.10: Recall that alpha, β– (beta minus), β+ (positron), gamma rays and neutron radiation are emitted from unstable
nuclei in a random process
 P5.11: Recall that alpha, β– (beta minus), β+ (positron) and gamma rays are ionising radiations
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Maths skills
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP7d:
Specification points
P5.12: Explain what is meant by background radiation
P5.13: Describe the origins of background radiation from Earth and space
P5.14: Describe methods for measuring and detecting radioactivity limited to photographic film and a Geiger–Müller tube
P5.15: Recall that an alpha particle is equivalent to a helium nucleus, a beta particle is an electron emitted from the nucleus
and a gamma ray is electromagnetic radiation
 P5.16: Compare alpha, beta and gamma radiations in terms of their abilities to penetrate and ionise
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Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP7e:
Specification points
 P5.18: Describe the process of β– decay (a neutron becomes a proton plus an electron)
 P5.19: Describe the process of β+ decay (a proton becomes a neutron plus a positron)
 P5.20: Explain the effects on the atomic (proton) number and mass (nucleon) number of radioactive decays (α, β, γ
and neutron emission)
 P5.21: Recall that nuclei that have undergone radioactive decay often undergo nuclear rearrangement with a loss of
energy as gamma radiation
 P5.22: Use given data to balance nuclear equations in terms of mass and charge
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Maths skills
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP7f:
Specification points
 P5.23: Describe how the activity of a radioactive source
decreases over a period of time
 P5.24: Recall that the unit of activity of a radioactive isotope is
the Becquerel, Bq
 P5.25: Recall that the half-life of a radioactive isotope is the
time taken for half the undecayed nuclei to decay or the
activity of a source to decay by half
 P5.26: Use the concept of half-life to carry out simple
calculations on the decay of a radioactive isotope, including
graphical representations
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Maths skills
 Use ratios, fractions and percentages
 Make estimates of the results of simple
 Use an appropriate number of significant
 Use a scatter diagram to identify a
correlation between two variables
 Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<,
>>, >, ∝, ~
 Substitute numerical values into algebraic
equations using appropriate units for
physical quantities
 Solve simple algebraic equations
Suggested practical: Investigate
models which simulate radioactive
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP7g:
Specification points
 P5.28: Describe the dangers of ionising radiation in terms of tissue damage and
possible mutations and relate this to the precautions needed
 P5.30: Explain the precautions taken to ensure the safety of people exposed to
radiation, including limiting the dose for patients and the risks to medical personnel
 P5.31: Describe the differences between contamination and irradiation effects and
compare the hazards associated with these two
Revision and assessment of CP7
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Maths skills
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
P8 Energy – forces doing work
Lesson CP8a:
Specification points
 P7.1: Identify the different ways that the energy of a
system can be changed
a) through work done by forces
b) in electrical equipment
c) in heating
 P7.2: Describe how to measure the work done by a
force and understand that energy transferred (joule,
J) is equal to work done (joule, J)
 P7.3: Recall and use the equation:
work done (joule, J) = force (newton, N) × distance
moved in the direction of the force (metre, m)
 P7.4: Describe and calculate the changes in energy
involved when a system is changed by work done by
 P7.7: Recall that power is the rate of doing work and
is measured in watts, W
 P7.8: Use the equation:
power (watt, W) = work done (joule, J) ÷ time taken
(second, s)
P = E/T
 P7.9: Recall that one watt is equal to one joule per
second, J/s
© Pearson Education Ltd 2015.
Maths skills
 Recognise and use expressions in decimal form
 Recognise and use expressions in standard form
 Make estimates of the results of simple
 Use an appropriate number of significant figures
 Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<, >>,
>, ∝, ~
 Substitute numerical values into algebraic
equations using appropriate units for physical
 Solve simple algebraic equations
 Understand the physical significance of area
between a curve and the x-axis and measure it
by counting squares as appropriate
Suggested practical: Investigate power
by running up the stairs or lifting objects
of different weights.
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP8b:
Specification points
 P7.5: Recall and use the equation to calculate the change in gravitational PE when
an object is raised above the ground:
change in gravitational potential energy (joule, J) = mass (kilogram, kg) ×
gravitational field strength (newton per kilogram, N/kg) × change in vertical height
(metre, m)
ΔGPE = m × g × Δh
 P7.6: Recall and use the equation to calculate the amounts of energy associated
with a moving object:
kinetic energy (joule, J) = ½ × mass (kilogram, kg) × (velocity)2
((metre/second)2, (m/s)2)
KE = ½ × m × v2
Revision and assessment of CP8
© Pearson Education Ltd 2015.
Maths skills
 Recognise and use expressions in decimal form
 Make estimates of the results of simple
 Use an appropriate number of significant figures
 Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<, >>,
>, ∝, ~
 Substitute numerical values into algebraic
equations using appropriate units for physical
 Solve simple algebraic equations
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Year 11
P9 Forces and their effects
Lesson CP9a:
Specification points
 P8.1: Describe, with examples, how objects can interact
a) at a distance without contact, linking these to the gravitational, electrostatic and magnetic fields involved
b) by contact, including normal contact force and friction
c) producing pairs of forces which can be represented as vectors
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Maths skills
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP9b:
Specification points
 P8.1: Describe, with examples, how objects can interact
a) at a distance without contact, linking these to the gravitational, electrostatic and magnetic fields involved
b) by contact, including normal contact force and friction
c) producing pairs of forces which can be represented as vectors
Revision and assessment of CP9
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Maths skills
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
P10 Electricity and circuits
Lesson CP10a:
Specification points
 P9.1: Describe the structure of the atom, limited to the position, mass and charge of protons, neutrons and electrons
 P9.2: Draw and use electric circuit diagrams representing them with the conventions of positive and negative terminals, and
the symbols that represent cells, including batteries, switches, voltmeters, ammeters, resistors, variable resistors, lamps,
motors, diodes, thermistors, LDRs and LEDs
 P9.3: Describe the differences between series and parallel circuits
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Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP10b:
Specification points
 P9.4: Recall that a voltmeter is connected in parallel with a component to measure the potential difference (voltage),
in volts, across it
 P9.7: Recall that an ammeter is connected in series with a component to measure the current, in amps, in the
 P9.10: Describe that when a closed circuit includes a source of potential difference there will be a current in the
 P9.11:Recall that current is conserved at a junction in a circuit
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Maths skills
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP10c:
Specification points
 P9.5: Explain that potential difference (voltage) is the energy transferred per
unit charge passed and hence that the volt is a joule per coulomb
 P9.6: Recall and use the equation:
energy transferred (joule, J) = charge moved (coulomb, C) × potential
difference (volt, V)
 P9.8: Explain that an electric current as the rate of flow of charge and the
current in metals is a flow of electrons
 P9.9: Recall and use the equation:
charge (coulomb, C) = current (ampere, A) × time (second, s)
© Pearson Education Ltd 2015.
Maths skills
 Recognise and use expressions in decimal form
 Recognise and use expressions in standard form
 Make estimates of the results of simple calculations
 Use an appropriate number of significant figures
 Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<, >>, >, ∝,
 Substitute numerical values into algebraic equations
using appropriate units for physical quantities
 Solve simple algebraic equations
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP10d:
Specification points
 P9.12: Explain how changing the resistance in a circuit changes the current
and how this can be achieved using a variable resistor
 P9.13: Recall and use the equation:
potential difference (volt, V) = current (ampere, A) × resistance (ohm, Ω)
 P9.14: Explain why, if two resistors are in series, the net resistance is
increased, whereas with two in parallel the net resistance is decreased
 P9.15: Calculate the currents, potential differences and resistances in series
 P9.16: Explain the design and construction of series circuits for testing and
© Pearson Education Ltd 2015.
Maths skills
 Recognise and use expressions in decimal form
 Make estimates of the results of simple calculations
 Use an appropriate number of significant figures
 Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<, >>, >, ∝,
 Substitute numerical values into algebraic equations
using appropriate units for physical quantities
 Solve simple algebraic equations
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP10e:
Specification points
 P9.18: Explain how current varies with potential
difference for the following devices and how this relates
to resistance
a) filament lamps
b) diodes
c) fixed resistors
 P9.19: Describe how the resistance of a light-dependent
resistor (LDR) varies with light intensity and how this
relates to typical uses of the LDR
 P9.20: Describe how the resistance of a thermistor
varies with change of temperature (negative
temperature coefficient thermistors only) and how this
relates to typical uses of the thermistor
 P9.17: Investigate the relationship between potential
difference (voltage), current and resistance for both
linear and non-linear components (such as an
investigation that uses a variable resistor)
© Pearson Education Ltd 2015.
Maths skills
 Recognise and use expressions in decimal form
 Make estimates of the results of simple calculations
 Use an appropriate number of significant figures
 Find arithmetic means
 Understand the terms mean, mode and median
 Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<, >>, >, ∝, ~
 Substitute numerical values into algebraic equations using
appropriate units for physical quantities
 Solve simple algebraic equations
 Translate information between graphical and numeric form
 Understand that y = mx + c represents a linear
 Plot two variables from experimental or other data
 Determine the slope and intercept of a linear graph
 Draw and use the slope of a tangent to a curve as a
measure of rate of change
 Calculate areas of triangles and rectangles, surface areas
and volumes of cubes
Core practical: Investigate
the relationship between
potential difference
(voltage), current and
resistance for both linear
and non-linear components
(such as an investigation
that uses a variable
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP10f:
Specification points
 P9.21: Recall that, when there is an electric current in a resistor, there is
an energy transfer which heats the resistor
 P9.22: Explain the energy transfer (in 9.21 above) as the result of
collisions between electrons and the ions in the lattice
 P9.23: Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the heating effect
of an electric current
 P9.24: Use the equation:
energy transferred (joule, J) = current (ampere, A) × potential difference
(volt, V) × time (second, s)
© Pearson Education Ltd 2015.
Maths skills
 Recognise and use expressions in decimal form
 Recognise and use expressions in standard form
 Make estimates of the results of simple calculations
 Use an appropriate number of significant figures
 Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<, >>, >, ∝, ~
 Substitute numerical values into algebraic equations using
appropriate units for physical quantities
 Solve simple algebraic equations
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP10g:
Specification points
 P9.25: Describe power as the energy transferred per
second and recall that it is measured in watts
 P9.26: Recall and use the equation:
power (watt, W) = energy transferred (joule, J) ÷ time
taken (second, s)
P = E/t
 P9.27: Explain how the power transfer in any circuit
device is related to the potential difference across it and
the current in it
 P9.28: Recall and use the equations:
electrical power (watt, W) = current (ampere, A) ×
potential difference (volt, V)
electrical power (watt, W) = current squared (ampere2,
A2) × resistance (ohms, Ω)
P = I2 × R
© Pearson Education Ltd 2015.
Maths skills
 Recognise and use expressions in decimal
 Recognise and use expressions in standard
 Make estimates of the results of simple
 Use an appropriate number of significant
 Construct and interpret frequency tables and
diagrams, bar charts and histograms
 Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<,
>>, >, ∝, ~
 Substitute numerical values into algebraic
equations using appropriate units for physical
 Solve simple algebraic equations
Suggested practical: Investigate the
power consumption of low-voltage
electrical items.
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP10h:
Specification points
 P9.27: Explain how the power transfer in any circuit
device is related to the potential difference across it and
the current in it
 P9.28: Recall and use the equations:
electrical power (watt, W) = current (ampere, A) ×
potential difference (volt, V)
electrical power (watt, W) = current squared (ampere2,
A2) × resistance (ohms, Ω)
 P = I2 × R
© Pearson Education Ltd 2015.
Maths skills
 Recognise and use expressions in decimal
 Recognise and use expressions in standard
 Make estimates of the results of simple
 Use an appropriate number of significant
 Construct and interpret frequency tables and
diagrams, bar charts and histograms
 Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<,
>>, >, ∝, ~
 Substitute numerical values into algebraic
equations using appropriate units for physical
 Solve simple algebraic equations
Suggested practical: Investigate the
power consumption of low-voltage
electrical items.
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP10i:
Specification points
 P9.29: Describe how, in different domestic devices, energy is transferred from batteries and the a.c.
mains to the energy of motors and heating devices
 P9.30: Explain the difference between direct and alternating voltage
 P9.31: Describe direct current (d.c.) as movement of charge in one direction only and recall that cells
and batteries supply direct current (d.c.)
 P9.32: Describe that in alternating current (a.c.) the movement of charge changes direction
 P9.33: Recall that in the UK the domestic supply is a.c., at a frequency of 50 Hz and a voltage of
about 230 V
 P9.39: Describe, with examples, the relationship between the power ratings for domestic electrical
appliances and the changes in stored energy when they are in use
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Maths skills
Construct and
interpret frequency
tables and diagrams,
bar charts and
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP10j:
Specification points
 P9.34: Explain the difference in function between the live and the neutral mains input wires
 P9.35: Explain the function of an earth wire and of fuses or circuit breakers in ensuring safety
 P9.36: Explain why switches and fuses should be connected in the live wire of a domestic circuit
 P9.37: Recall the potential differences between the live, neutral and earth mains wires
 P9.38: Explain the dangers of providing any connection between the live wire and earth
Revision and assessment of CP10
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Maths skills
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
P11 Magnetism and the motor effect
Lesson CP11a:
Specification points
 P11.1: Recall that unlike magnetic poles attract and like magnetic poles repel
 P11.3: Explain the difference between permanent and induced magnets
 P11.2: Describe the uses of permanent and temporary magnetic materials
including cobalt, steel, iron, nickel and magnadur
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Maths skills
 Construct and interpret frequency tables and
diagrams, bar charts and histograms
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP11b:
Specification points
 P11.4: Describe the shape and direction of the magnetic field around bar magnets and for a uniform field, and relate the
strength of the field to the concentration of lines
 P11.5: Describe the use of plotting compasses to show the shape and direction of the field of a magnet and the Earth’s
magnetic field
 P11.6: Explain how the behaviour of a magnetic compass is related to evidence that the core of the Earth must be magnetic
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Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP11c:
Specification points
 P11.7: Recall that a current can create a magnetic effect and relate the shape and
direction of the magnetic field around a long straight conductor to the direction of the
P11.8: Recall that the strength of the field depends on the size of the current and the
distance from the long straight conductor
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Maths skills
 n/a
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
P12 Electromagnetic induction
Lesson CP12a:
Specification points
 P12.9: Use the power equation (for transformers with 100% efficiency):
potential difference across primary coil (volt, V) × current in primary coil (ampere,
A) = potential difference across secondary coil (volt, V) × current in secondary coil
(ampere, A)
Vp × Ip = Vs × Is
© Pearson Education Ltd 2015.
Maths skills
 Recognise and use expressions in decimal form
 Make estimates of the results of simple
 Use an appropriate number of significant figures
 Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<, >>,
>, ∝, ~
 Change the subject of an equation
 Substitute numerical values into algebraic
equations using appropriate units for physical
 Solve simple algebraic equations
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
P12 Electromagnetic induction
Lesson CP12b:
Specification points
 P12.9: Use the power equation (for transformers with 100% efficiency):
potential difference across primary coil (volt, V) × current in primary coil (ampere,
A) = potential difference across secondary coil (volt, V) × current in secondary coil
(ampere, A)
Vp × Ip = Vs × Is
Revision and assessment of CP12
© Pearson Education Ltd 2015.
Maths skills
 Recognise and use expressions in decimal form
 Make estimates of the results of simple
 Use an appropriate number of significant figures
 Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<, >>,
>, ∝, ~
 Change the subject of an equation
 Substitute numerical values into algebraic
equations using appropriate units for physical
 Solve simple algebraic equations
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
P13 Particle model 2
Lesson CP13a:
Specification points
 P13.1: Explain the pressure of a gas in terms of the motion of its particles
 P13.2: Explain the effect of changing the temperature of a gas on the velocity of its particles and hence on the pressure
produced by a fixed mass of gas at constant volume (qualitative only)
 P13.3: Describe the term absolute zero, −273 °C, in terms of the lack of movement of particles
 P13.4: Convert between the kelvin and Celsius scales
Revision and assessment of CP13
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Maths skills
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
P14 Forces and matter
Lesson CP14a:
Specification points
 P14.1: Explain, using springs and other elastic objects, that stretching, bending or compressing an object requires more
than one force
 P14.2: Describe the difference between elastic and inelastic distortion
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Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP14b:
Specification points
 P14.3: Recall and use the equation for linear elastic
distortion including calculating the spring constant:
force exerted on a spring (newton, N) = spring constant
(newton per metre, N/m) × extension (metres, m)
 P14.4: Use the equation to calculate the work done in
stretching a spring:
energy transferred in stretching (joules, J) = 0.5 × spring
constant (newton per metre, N/m) × (extension (metres,
E = ½ × k × x2
© Pearson Education Ltd 2015.
Maths skills
 Recognise and use expressions in decimal form
 Make estimates of the results of simple calculations
 Use an appropriate number of significant figures
 Find arithmetic means
 Construct and interpret frequency tables and diagrams, bar
charts and histograms
 Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<, >>, >, ∝, ~
 Change the subject of an equation
 Substitute numerical values into algebraic equations using
appropriate units for physical quantities
 Translate information between graphical and numeric form
 Understand that y = mx + c represents a linear relationship
 Plot two variables from experimental or other data
 Determine the slope and intercept of a linear graph
 Draw and use the slope of a tangent to a curve as a measure
of rate of change
 Understand the physical significance of area between a curve
and the x-axis and measure it by counting squares as
Core practical:
Investigate the
stretching of springs
and rubber bands.
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Combined Science (Physics) scheme of work
Lesson CP14c
Specification points
 P14.5: Describe the difference between linear and nonlinear relationships between force and extension
 P14.6: Investigate the stretching of springs and rubber
Revision and assessment of CP14
Maths skills
 Recognise and use expressions in decimal form
 Make estimates of the results of simple calculations
 Use an appropriate number of significant figures
 Find arithmetic means
 Construct and interpret frequency tables and diagrams, bar
charts and histograms
 Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<, >>, >, ∝, ~
 Change the subject of an equation
 Substitute numerical values into algebraic equations using
appropriate units for physical quantities
 Translate information between graphical and numeric form
 Understand that y = mx + c represents a linear relationship
 Plot two variables from experimental or other data
 Determine the slope and intercept of a linear graph
 Draw and use the slope of a tangent to a curve as a measure
of rate of change
 Understand the physical significance of area between a curve
and the x-axis and measure it by counting squares as
Written by Mark Levesley, Penny Johnson and Tracey Baxter.
Some content is adapted from existing material originally authored by James de Winter and Miles Hudson. Used with permission.
© Pearson Education Ltd 2015.