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South Williamsport Area School District
Course Plan Template
Teacher: Mike Pearson
School Year:2014-2015
Course: General Science
Intended Grade Level: 6
Course Summary: The sixth grade year of study is a three part fundamental introduction into 3
specific spectrums of science. A. Matter/Chemistry
B. Physical Science
C. Earth and Space
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students will know: The Scientific Method of Learning, The
fundamental concepts of each discipline listed above including chemical equations, chemical
reactions, in depth exploration into the periodic table of elements, atoms and atomic structure,
Newton’s laws of motion, Gravity, Friction, Speed and Acceleration, Earth’s Layers, Earth’s
Composition, Water as a resource, Tectonic Plates and Movement, Solar System, Galaxies, and
the Universe with respect to Earth’s place in each of those models and finally, understand and
be able to differentiate theory versus facts with an attitude of testing and ability to reevaluate
By the end of the course, students will be able to: Show not only theoretical background of
knowledge of matter, atomic structure, reactions, elements but also be able to demonstrate
relevant interactions through experimentation. Apply and master fundamental laws of motion,
gravity, and friction here on Earth while being able to apply laws to relevant experimentation,
and understand the fundamentals of Earth’s structure, resources, and place in our solar system,
galaxy, and universe
Standards Targeted1 PA Common Core Grade level 6 Science and Technology
Units of Study
Units Topic
Primary Learning Outcome
Matter – Chapter 9
To understand, experiment, and apply physical properties,
elements, periodic table of elements ,mixtures, solutions,
and compounds, states of matter and changes in states,
Chemistry – Chapter 10
To understand, experiment, create, and apply concepts of
chemical changes, chemical reactions, periodic table of
elements, Carbon specifically, atoms, atomic energy, and
Physical Science – Chapter 11
To investigate and apply forces and motion, work, energy
Simple machines, laws of motion, gravity, and friction
Indicate primary Standards emphasis:
- PA Core - Math / ELA / Science & Technology / History & Social Studies
- National Content Standards (Name and Type)
- Industry Recognized Standards (Name and Type)
Revised - May 9, 2017
Course plans represent district curriculum. They will be posted to building web pages accessible to the school and community.
South Williamsport Area School District
Course Plan Template
Physical Science – Chapter 12
To investigate, understand, and apply waves, sound, light,
color, heat, electricity, magnetism,
Earth and Space Science – Chapter 5
To master and explain Earth structure, layers, continents
landforms, rock layers, plate tectonics and other theories
Earth and Space Science - Chapter 8
To understand Earth’s place in the solar system, Milky
Way Galaxy, and Universe, Stars, Moons, Planets,
Distance in Space, Gravity, Zero Gravity, Relationships
and Change, Time tables for Earth Time compared to our
Advanced Learner Recommendations
Independent Research and Activities Chosen by Student
Struggling Learner Recommendations
Modification to Activities and Independent Research and Activities, One on One and Small
Group Support during Study Hall
Revised - May 9, 2017
Course plans represent district curriculum. They will be posted to building web pages accessible to the school and community.