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Ornchhee Cheng
Grade 9
‘Why the West?’
The Age Of Exploration
It is also known as ‘The age of discovery’
Began in the 15th century and end in the 17th century
Purpose of exploring the sea is to find new trading partners, new goods
and new trade routes or to just learn more about the world and discover
new things.
In 1453, the European were blocked from access to several trades area by
the Ottoman Empire, such as North Africa and the Red Sea which are two
important trade routes around the Far East, and that’s how the European
decided to go out into sea and search for new trade routes.
Earlier sailors relied on portolan charts, which are maps that are created
for navigators to find lands, and the European who set off during the age
of exploration to find new trade routes used it.
Newly found lands
One of the most well known voyages happened during the Age of
Exploration, which is the voyage of Christopher Columbus.
The main purpose of this voyages were to find trade route in Asia by
sailing west.
In 1492, instead of finding trade routes in Asia, they end up in America.
After then news were spread in Spain and other countries in Europe.
Later on, Pedro Alvares Cabral a Portuguese explorer, explored Brazil,
creating conflicts between Spain and Portugal but then later on in 1494
there were a peace treaty where they divided the world in half.
Some Important voyages during the Age of Exploration
Ferdinand Magellan’s attempted in going around the world to find trade
route in Asia through the Northwest Passage, which is a sea route
through, the Artic Ocean along the coast of North American.
Ornchhee Cheng
Grade 9
‘Why the West?’
Captain James Cook’s voyages that allowed him to discover a few areas
such as Australia.
The End of the Age of Exploration
The Age of Exploration ended in the early 17th century because of new,
improvements of technological and increased knowledge of the world
that allows Europeans to travel more easily across the world by sea.
There’s no more needed to find new trade routes because there’s already
enough of trading going on when people settle in the new found areas.
Some exploration didn’t exactly end in the 17th century, such as Eastern
Australia that was discovered in 1770 and also the areas around Artic and
Antarctic were mainly explored until the late 19th till early 20th centuries.
There are 5 main types of explorer during the Age of Exploration, there’s
the Portuguese, Spanish, British, French and Dutch.
They explored Africa, America, Asia and Oceania to find new trade routes
and lands.
During the age of exploration, it allowed the European to increase more
knowledge from the rest of the world.
Improvement in technologies
Used and improvement of compass > helps sailors to know the direction
of their destination.
Prince Henry improved:
Carvel’s smooth hull
Lateen sail
Two rudders
Ornchhee Cheng
Grade 9
‘Why the West?’
Maps were improved during the Age of exploration as well because of
how many new areas they have discovered that they had plot on to the
maps afterwards.
Gil Eanes was the captain of the first successful voyages (Green sea of
Columbus and Vasco De Gam journey is the journey where they found
America unexpectedly or by accident.
Lots of important and very significant achievements were done and found
during the age of exploration.
Impacts on Modern Society
The European becomes more modern and rich then the others in the
Since religion is spread in different parts of the world during the voyages
to find trade routes, there are religion, language and culture changes or
The impact was that the Europeans in America used Slavery.
- During the age of exploration the Europeans voyages discovered quite a
lot of new areas and lands also new trade routes which help increase
economy in Europe.
New trade routes lead to trading different kinds of needed materials that
will improve and increase the economy.
There’s lots of impact towards the equipment that was used during the
Age of Exploration because as it is used there’ll be improvements to it so
that it can be developed and be easier and better to use. Some of the
impacts towards the equipment and object that was used were Carvels,
Lateen sail, Rudders, Brunel, Wooden ships, Iron ships, Battleships,
Modern shipping and military boats, Total water control and Britain’s sea
Ornchhee Cheng
Grade 9
‘Why the West?’
Works Cited
"Age of Discovery." N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2013.
"Age of Exploration - A History of the Age of Exploration." Geography Home Page
- Geography at N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2013.
"Northwest Passage." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 03 Sept. 2013. Web. 12
Mar. 2013.
"Age of Discovery." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 03 May 2013. Web. 10
Mar. 20
"The Age of Exploration." The Age of Exploration. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2013.
"Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History." Europe and the Age of Exploration. N.p., n.d.
Web. 12 Mar. 2013.