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Chapter 4
Random Variables
Q: What is Cauchy's least favorite expression?
A: "Got a moment?"
Q: >!9 ^
In this chapter we introduce random variables and their probability distributions. So far we have been concerned
with random experiments, events, and their probabilities. However, no numerical values have been attached to the
particular outcomes. Outcomes that can be associated with numbers lead us to the following denition of random
A random variable is a variable whose numerical value is determined by the outcome of a random
We denote random variables by X; Y; Z; : : :.
Example 1. Suppose a fair coin is tossed three times. We can dene several random variables connected with this
experiment. For example, X - number of heads, Y - dierence between number of heads and number of tails, etc.
Each random variable can be fully described by its probability distribution.
Probability distribution of a random variable X is a table (assignment, rule, formula) which gives
probabilities of particular realizations or sets of realizations.
Example 1 (contd.) For the random variable X possible realizations are 0 (no heads), 1 (exactly one head),
2 (exactly two heads), and 3 (all heads). Describing random variable X amounts to nding probabilities of all
realizations. For instance, the realization fX = 2g corresponds to the event fHHT; HTH;THH g. Thus, the
probability of X taking value 2 is equal to the probability of the event fHHT; HTH; THH g which is equal to
3/8. Finding probabilities for other outcomes we get the distribution of random variable X which is given by the
following table.
X 0
p 1/8 3/8 3/8 1/8
Most random variables of interest to us will be results of a random sampling. There is general classication of
random variables which is based on the structure of realizations they can take. The random variables that take a
nite or countable set possible discrete values are called discrete random variables. Random variable X from
Example 1 is a discrete random variable. The second type of random variable takes values from (nite or innite)
interval. Results of measurements are usually modelled by continuous random variables.
Term random variable is not the most fortunate. The better term would be random function or random
transformation since X maps the sample space S to the set of real numbers.
4.1 Discrete Random Variables
Denition of Descrete Random Variable. Expectation + Variance.
Example: A jar contains two black and two white balls. Suppose that the balls have been thoroughly mixed and
two are randomly selected from the jar.
(a) List all elementary outcomes for the experiment and assign appropriate probabilities to each. Make sure
that the sum of the probabilities is 1.
(b) Let X be the number of white balls in the selection. Write the probability distribution for X .
Apgar Score. At 1 min after birth and again at 5 min, each newborn child is given a numerical rating called
an Apgar score. Possible values of this score are 0, 1, 2, , 9, and 10. A child's score is determined by ve factors:
muscle tone, skin color, respiratory eort, strength of heartbeat, and reex, with a high score indicating a healthy
infant. Let the random variable x denote the Apgar score of a randomly selected newborn infant at a particular
hospital, and suppose that X has the given probability distribution.
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Probability .002 .001 .002 .005 .02 .04 .17 .38 .25 .12 .01
Denition of Expectation and Variance
Trick-or-treat When trick-or-treaters come to Peter Mueller's house, he blindfolds them and lets them draw a
bank-note from a box. There are 10 bank-notes in the box, 5 one-dollar bills, 3 ve-dollar bills ans 2 ten-dollar
bills. Describe random variable X -the gain of trick-or-treater. Find EX and V arX .
Loaded Dice A loaded dice has the following probabilities of obtaining X = k points.
P (X = k) = c k; k = 1; 2; : : : ; 6;
where c is an unknown constant.
(a) Find the constant c, and write down the probability distribution for X .
(b) Find the probability of getting an odd number.
(c) If the die was rolled two times what is the probability of getting sum 12.
(d) Find EX and V arX .
(e) If the die was rolled 3 times, describe a random variable Y - the number of 6s.
Ice Cubes One of the statistics quoted by the Wall Street Journal is that the average number of ice-cubes
placed in a cold drink is 3.2. Suppose that a study of a large number of drinks produced the following probability
distribution for the number X of ice-cubes used per glass.
2 3 4 5
0.05 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.05
Find EX and V arX .
Result: EX = 3:25; V arX = 1:3875:
Expectation of Functions
Example: A sample of 10 temperature readings in Fahrenheit has a mean of F50,32and aC standard deviation of 9.
What are the mean and the standard deviation in Celsius (centigrade)? (Hint:
= 5)
Example: In a certain population the number of phones per household is modeled by a random variable X having
the following distribution:
X = # phones: 1 2 3 4
p(X ):
.36 .48 .15 .01
Find the mean number of phones per household. [EX = 1:81].
Game. The gain in a game can be described by a random variable X given by the distribution:
-1 6
9b b
(a) Find: b; E (X ); and V ar(X ).
(b) Calculate the approximate value of
P (,35 T ,25)
where T is the total gain of 100 people playing the game independently of each other.
Pizza Problem: When Giovanni of Cosa Nostra Pizzas makes pizza, the diameter is a random variable R with
R 10 15 20
p 0.4 0.3 0.3
Find ER and EA, where A is the area of pizza. Show that (ER)2 6= EA: Expalin.
[ER=14.5, EA=714.7123, (ER2 ) = 660:52: ]
Yet another game. A rae ticket costs $2.00. The rs prize is $100, the second prize is $50, the third is $25.
The probabilities of winning each prize are, for a ticket buyer, listed below.
Win Prob.
$100 .002
$50 .015
$25 .020
(a) What is the probability that a ticket buyer loses his $2.00 ticket money?
(b) What is the expected gain for a ticket buyer? (Gain is win minus loss.)
(c) What is the conditional probability of a ticket purchaser winning rst prize given that he wins anything?
4.1.1 Bernoulli and Binomial Random Variables
Bernoulli Def.
Binomial Denition
Fruits. A fruit grower claims that 2/3 of his peach crop has been contaminated by the medy infestation. Find
the probability that among 4 peaches inspected by this grower
(a) all 4 have been contaminated by the medy;
(b) anywhere from 1 to 3 have been contaminated.
Physical aggression. Studies show that 40% of U.S. families use physical aggression to resolve the conict.
Suppose 20 families are selected at random. Find the probability that the number, X , that use physical aggression
(a) Exactly 9;
(b) Between 7 and 10 inclusive;
Use Table I (Appendix A).
(c) Find the expectation () and the variance (2 ), of the random variable X .
VCRs. There are two dierent types of videocassette records (VCR's), VHS and Beta. Past records suggest that
80% of all those purchasing a VCR at a certain store choose a VHS type.
(a) What is the probability that at most 4 out of next 10 purchasers choose VHS.
(b) The store currently has 8 VCR's of each type in stock. What is the probability that each of next 10
customers can obtain his/her desired type from thr current stock?
Result: (a) X B(10; 0:8); P (X 4) = :::
(b) P (2 X 8) = :::2
Quality Control. Large lots of incoming product aat a manufacturing plant are inspected for defectives by
using a sampling scheme. Ten items are to be examined and the lot is to be rejected if two or more defectives are
observed. If a lot contains exactly 5% defectived, what is the probability that the lot will be rejected? accepted?
Result: X - number of defectives found ammong the 10 examined. X B(10; 0:05);
P (accepted)= P (X < 2) = P (X 1) = 0:9139: 2
Polygraph. A study by a federal agency concludes that polygraph (lie detector) tests given to people telling
the truth have probability 0.2 of suggesting that the person is lying (Oce of Technology Assessment, Scientic
Validity of Polygraph Testing, Government Printing Oce, Washington DC, 1983).
(a) A rm asks 12 job applicants about thefts from previous employers, using a polygraph to assess their
truthfulness. Suppose that all 12 answer truthfully. What is the probability that the polygraph says at least three
are deceptive?
(b) Among 12 truthful persons, what is the mean number who will be classied as deceptive?
(c) What is the standard deviation of this number?
Pot smoking. A nationwide survey of seniors by the University of Michigan reveals that almost 70% disapprove
of daily pot smoking according to a report in Parade, September 14, 1980. If 12 seniors are selected at random and
asked their opinion, nd the probability that the number who disapprove of smoking pot daily is
(a) anywhere from 7 to 9;
(b) at most 5;
(c) not less than 8.
Tickets. From a box containing 50 tickets marked \yes" and 50 tickets marked \no," 10 tickets are selected at
random with replacement. Find the following:
(a) P(all 10 tickets are marked \no")
(b) P(at least 1 ticket is marked \no")
(c) P(the rst 5 tickets are marked \no" and the second 5 are marked \yes")
(d) P(exactly 5 tickets are marked \no" ) (Hint: the answer is not 1/2. This problem should be dicult for
4.1.2 Poisson Distribution
Purdue Exponent. The number of misspelled words on any page of the Purdue Exponent has a Poisson
distribution with mean 2. The number of smudged words on any page has a Poisson distribution with mean 1.
Evaluate the probability that there is at least one either misspelled or smudged word on the cover page of an
Accidents. The number of accidents in an oce during a six-week period is a Poisson random variable with
= 2: Interest is in the probability that there are:
(a) exactly two accidents,
(b) at least one accident,
(c) 1 or fewer accidents,
in a six-week period.
Bottles. Two thousand bottles are transported from Durham to Greensboro. The probability that one bottle gets
broken in the transport is 0.001. Assuming independence, nd the probability that exactly two bottles get broken
in the transport.
4.1.3 Hypergeometric Distribution
Committee. A committee of 3 has to be selected from the group of 10 students. Four students in the group are
seniors. Describe random variable X - number of seniors in the committee.
Aces and Spades Describe r.v. X - number of (a) aces (b)  in a ve card poker-hand.
4.2 Continuous Random Variables
Cdf's, Densities, Quantiles, etc.
4.3 Normal Random Variables
The references I have seen on this give the credit (or blame) to Quetelet. In the 19th century, it
seems that everyone was using this distribution; the theoreticians because of the claim of the applied
people that it generally held, and the applied people because of the belief that it had been proved
theoretically. The Central Limit Theorem was in some sense proved early in that century, although
lling in the gaps did not occur until the last decade. That it was easy to work with also helped, and
there was the Gauss-Markov Theorem which showed that the procedures based on normality worked
well even when it was not the case.
Anyhow, Quetelet claimed that this would be the distribution of the measurements of a "normal
person". The French translates literally. There was no non-normal alternative considered, although
some other distributions were known, and there was the Pearson and the Gram- Charlier families.
(Herman Rubin)
Normal R.Vs
Example. A random variable X has normal2 N (; 2 ) distribution.
Find: (a) p = P (1 X 3); if = 1 and = 4:
(b) 2 ; if P (1 X 3) = 0:6828 and = 2:
(c) ; if P (X 0) = 0:8 and 2 = 4:
Normal Practice. Let X N (2; 32 ): Find:
(a) P (0 < X < 5)
(b) P (X 6)
(c) P (X < 0)
(d) P (X < x) = 0:9, nd x.
Solution: (a) P (,0:67 < Z < 1) = (1) , (,0:67) = 0:8413 , 0:2514 = 0:5899:
(b) P (Z 1:33) = 1 , (1:33) = 1 , 0:9082:
(c) P (Z < ,0:67) = (,0:67) = 0:2514:
(d) P (Z > x,3 2 ) = 0:9: x,3 2 = 1:28; x = 3 1:28 + 2 = 5:84:
Grades. The results of a STA110 nal may be modeled with the normal distribution with mean = 80 and = 8:
The policy of the exam is that only the upper 25 % of the scores are graded by an 'A'. Find the cut-point score.
P (X < x) = 0:75; P (Z < x,80 ) < 0:75:
x,80 = 0:675: x = 80 + 8 0:675 = 85:48
Pulse Rate The pulse rate per minute of the adult male population between 18 and 25 years of age in the United
States is known to have a normal distribution with a mean of 72 beats for minute and a standard deviation of 9.7.
(1) If the requirements for military service state that anyone with a pulse rate over 100 is medically unsuitable
for service, what proportion of males between 18 and 25 years of age would be declared unt because their pulse
rates are too high.
(2) 80 % of the adult male population between 18 and 25 years of age in the United States has a pulse rate
lower than Jim? What is Jim's pulse rate?
Cheese. The amount of moisture content (in pounds) in a 25-pound wheel of cheese is distributed as a normal
N (9; (0:9)2 ) random variable. What is the probability that in a randomly chosen wheel the amount of moisture:
Exceeds 10 pounds;
Is between 8.1 and 9.9 pounds?
Diers from the mean by no more than 1.8 pounds?
Find the number x0 , so that the amount of moisture 99% of the wheels exceeds x0 :
In what bounds (about the mean) the amount of moisture falls with the probability 0.95?
If the amount of moisture is N (9; 2 ), nd so that
P (8 X 10) = 0:64:
Note 1 , rule.
Note 2 , rule.
P (X > 10) = 1 , P (X 10)
= 1 , P (Z 1:11) = 1 , (1:11)
= 1 , 0:8665 = 0:1335:
P (8:1 X 9:9) = P ( 8:10:,9 9 Z 9:90:,9 9 )
= P (,1 Z 1) = (1) , (,1) = 0:8413 , 0:1587
= 0:6826:
P (9 , 1:8 X 9 + 1:8) = P (,2 Z 2)
= (2) , (,2) = 0:9772 , 0:0228 = 0:9544:
0:99 = P (X > x0 ) = 1 , P (X x0 ):
P (Z x00:,9 9 ) = 0:01;
( x00:,9 9 ) = 0:01;
x0 , 9 = ,2:33;
x0 = 9 , 2:33 0:9 = 6:903:
P (9 , X 9 + ) = 0:95;
( 0:9 ) = 0:975;
0:9 = 1:96;
= 1:96 0:9 = 1:764:
P ( ,1 Z 1 ) = 0:64;
( 1 ) = 0:82;
= 0:915;
= 1:093:
4.3.1 Some inportant distributions that follow from the normal
t, F, chi
4.4 Simulations
Splus has capabilities to perform dierent probability calculations, random number generations and simulations.
A generic command is sample. For example
[1] 4 9 10
will give a random permutation of 10 numbers.
To get 14 numbers from 1 to 10 with replacement (without replacement it would be impossible) we say:
> sample(10,15,replace=T)
[1] 2 9 9 4 7 7 6
5 10
Your favorite three states in US
> sample(, 3)
[1] "Rhode Island" "Washington"
are in facet randomly chosen from the list of all US states. If we want to get a sample of size 30 from the discrete
X -1 0 2 5 10
p 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.1
the way to do it is:
> sample( c(-1,0,2,5,10), 30, prob=c(0.2, 0.1, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1), replace=T)
2 -1
5 -1
[20] -1
5 10 -1
5 -1
We now explain how to use standard distributions in Splus. The basic command is the concatenation of a key
letter and the name of distribution. Each distribution has arguments if its own.
The key letters are p, d, q, and r. They stand for distribution (area left of the point(s) in the argument),
probability (ordinate of the density or probability mass function for the point(s) in argument, quantiles for the
probability(ies) in the argument, and random numbers. The names of distributions are mnemonic and easy to
memorize: unif for uniform, norm for normal, binom for binomial, t for Student's t, f for Fisher's F , chisq for
2 , pois for Poisson, etc.
Prex p. Arguments for the prex p are the number or vector x, and spacic distribution parameters. The result
is (are) the area(s) under the density curve left of the point(s) x. If the distribution is discrete the result is total
probability mass corresponding to realizations left of the point x. To simulate normal tables, say
> pnorm(1.25)
[1] 0.8943502
Even better, Splus will do standardization procedure for you. Let X N (1; 42 ): Then P (X 6) is
>pnorm(6, mean=1, s=4)
[1] 0.8943502
For Student's t with 10 degrees of freedom and 2 with 15 degrees of freedom the area below the density curve
above the interval [1,3], or simply P (1 X 3) is
> pt(3, df=10) - pt(1, df=10)
[1] 0.1637747
> pchisq(3, df=15)-pchisq(1, df=15)
[1] 0.000401945
Prex d. Arguments for the prex d are the number or vector of numbers x and the specic density parameters.
The result is the ordinate of the density (continuous case) or the probability mass at the point(s) (discrete case).
To nd all binomial B(10; 0:4) probabilities write
> dbinom(0:10, size=10, p=0.4)
[1] 0.0060466176 0.0403107840 0.1209323520 0.2149908480 0.2508226560
[6] 0.2006581248 0.1114767360 0.0424673280 0.0106168320 0.0015728640
[11] 0.0001048576
For example P (X = 2) = 0:1209323520: If we want to plt a density graph of 2 distribution with n = 10 degrees of
freedom, the way to do it is:
x_seq(0,30, length=100)
y_dchisq(x, df=10)
plot(x,y, type="l")
Figure 4.1: Density of 2 distribution with 10 degrees of freedom
Prex q. Arguments for the prex q are the probability or the vector of probabilities and the result(s) is (are)
corresponding quantile(s). You may think that input is the area under the curve \left of a point" and the output
is the point. Table 14.4 (Standard Normal Quantiles) may be reconstructed as
> qnorm(c(0.75,0.8,0.85,0.9,0.95,0.975, 0.98,0.99, 0.995,0.999))
[1] 0.6744898 0.8416212 1.0364334 1.2815516 1.6448536 1.9599640 2.0537489
[8] 2.3263479 2.5758293 3.0902323
Prex r. Arguments for the prex r are the number of random numbers wanted as well as the specic parameters
of the distribution. For example, to generate 5 numbers from the Uniform (0,1) and 7 numbers from Uniform (1,6)
distribution we write:
> runif(5)
[1] 0.9257951 0.4597539 0.4880530 0.5504434 0.0152659
> runif(7,min=1,max=6)
[1] 4.318238 5.609753 2.986946 1.734765 3.787045 1.507318 5.938067
For 18 random normal N (2; 42 ) random variables we write
> rnorm(18, mean=1, s=4)
[1] -7.6895603
[7] -6.8676577
1. Simulate and print 100 spins of a roulette (Numbers 1-40).
2. Simulate and print 100 rolls of a fair die.
3. Solve by using Splus:
X N (,1; 32 ) : P (1 < X < 8);
X 29 : P (6 < X < 10);
X t17 : P (,2 < X < 1):
X t3 : Find x0 such that P (X > x0 ) = 0:071:
X F3;10 : Find x0 such that P (X < x0 ) = 0:982:
4. Plot the graph of F4;12 distribution. (Fisher's F distribution with 4 numerator degrees of freedom and 12
denominator degrees of freedom.)
5. Length of life of many electric and electronic components is modelled by the exponential distribution. In
Splus the exponential distribution is denoted by exp. The parameter of the distribution is .
(a) Plot the graph of the exponenyial distribution for the parameter = 3: (Make x grid to be nonnegative,
say seq(0,6,length=100).
(b) Generate 1000 random numbers and conclude that their average is close to 1/3. (Namely, for the exponential
distribution expectation is 1 :)
4.5 Exercises
Practice. Let Z have a standard normal distribution. Compute each of the following probabilities:
P (Z ,1);
P (,:1 Z :2);
P (,2:2 Z :8);
P (:3 1:5);
P (,5 Z 0); and
P (Z :6):
More Practice. Let X have a normal distribution.
(a) If X has a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 5, nd each of the following robabilities:
P (X 11);
P (X 4);
P (X 16);
P (7 X 17);
P (X 8); and
P (X 0):
(b) If X has a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 100, nd the following:
P (X 150) P (X 0) P (,1000 X 100)
(c) If X has a mean of -3 and a standard deviation of 8, nd the following:
P (X 5) P (X ,7) P (,15 X 1)
Tables. Let Z be standard normal. In each of the following cases nd the number c which satises the equation:
P (Z c) = :95;
P (Z c) = :8;
P (,c Z c) = :9; and
P (,2c Z 2c) = :9:
Example. A stamping machine produces can tops whose diameters are normally distributed with a standard
deviation of 0.01 inch. At what mean diameter should the machine be set so that no more than 4% of the can tops
have diameters exceeding 3 inches?
Herrings. In a certain population of the herring Pomolobus aestivalis, the lengths of the individual sh follow a
normal distribution. The mean length of the sh is 54 mm, and the standard deviation of the lengths is 4.5 mm.
(Hildebrand, 1927).
(a) What percentage of the sh are between 54 and 63 mm long?
(b) What percentage of the sh are more than 58.5 mm long?
(c) Ten percent of the sh are longer than x: Find x:
Solvent. The weight of solvent in a steel drum is normally distributed, with mean = 352 pounds and standard
deviation = 2:1 pounds.
(a) For a random sample of six drums, what is the probability that the sample mean will not exceed 354 pounds?
(b) For a random sample of six drums, what is the range around within which iX will fall 90% of the time?
(Use symmetrical limits around :)
Heights. If the heights of 300 students are normally distributed with mean 68.0 inches and standard deviation 3.0
inches, how many students have heights (a) greater than 72 inches, (b) less than or equal to 64 inches, (c) between
65 and 71 inches inclusive, (d) equal to 64 inches. Assume the measurements are recorded to the nearest inch.
Ans. (a) 20
Scores. The scores in a large class on a STAT 301T examination are approximately normally distributed with a
mean of 75 and a standard deviation of 10. If 90% of the class is to pass, what should be the lowest passing score?
Pulse Rate. The pulse rate of one month old infants has a mean of 115 beats per minute and a standard deviation
of 16 beats per minute.
(a) Explain shy the average pulse rate of a sample of 64 one month old infants is approximately normally
(b) Find the mean and the variance of the normal distribution in part (a).
(c) Find the probability that the average pulse rate of a sample of 64 will exceed 120.
4.6 Simulation
Simulation of dierent rvs in S.
4.7 Central Limit Theorem
Central Limit Theorem
Trial of the Pyx.2 Since the early 13th century, coins struck by the Royal Mint in England have been
evaluated for their metal content on a sample basis, in a ceremony called the Trial of the Pyx. This ceremony does
not have much meaning anymore, but there was real money on the line back in the 1700s, because English coins
were made of gold in those days. In 1799, for instance, the procedure went like this. One hundred gold coins called
guineas were chosen at random from all of the coins made at the Mint that year, put in the Pyx (a ceremonial box),
and weighed. The Master of the Mint, who was responsible for the quality of the coins, was allowed a margin of
error, called the "remedy," which was set according to the manufacturing tolerances of the time.
In 1799 a guinea was supposed to weigh 128 grains (there are 360 grains in an ounce), so the 100 guineas in
the Pyx should have weighed about 12800 grains. The remedy in those days was 1/400 of the expected amount, or
32 grains. If the actual weight of the coins in the Pyx diered from its expected value by more than the remedy on
either the high or low side, the Master of the Mint was exposed to serious penalties. The British government had
a vested interest in the coins not weighing too much, but the Master of the Mint had an incentive to make them
weigh less than the standard, because he was allowed to keep the shortfall himself (as long as he was not caught by
the Trial of the Pyx).
If the Master of the Mint is honest and manufactures guineas that weigh exactly 128 grains on average, with a
SD of 1 grain, what is the chance that he will survive the Trial of the Pyx? To answer this question, rst build a
probability model, being explicit about the population and the sample.
If instead he sets things up so that the guineas weigh only 127.7 grains on average (with the same standard
deviation of 1 grain), what is the chance now that he will survive the Trial? If he does survive, how much gold can
he expect to pocket in an average year in which he produces 100,000 guineas? Give or take how much?
Solution to Coin Questions 1
The population of interest is all coins minted in 1799, with mean 128 gr. and a standard deviation of 1 gr.
From this population a simple random sample of 100 coins was selected for the Trial of the Pyx.
Let S be the sum of the weights of the 100 coins in the sample. The expected value of the sum, E (S ), is 100
times the population mean: 12800 gr. The standard error (SE) is given by the SD times the square-root of the
sample size: 1*10 = 10 gr. Due to the Central Limit Theorem, the long run histogram of S is normal, centered
at 12800 gr with variance equal to 100 (the square of the SE). The Master of the Mint survives the Trial of the Pyx
only if the total weight S of the 100 coins in the sample weighs between (12800-32 and 12800+32) gr. We need to
calculate P (survive) = P (12768 < S < 12832): Normalize by subtracting the mean (12800) from all three quantities
inside the probability and by dividing by the standard error. Using Z = (S , E (S ))=SE makes this probability
equal to P ((12768 , 12800)=10 < Z < (12832 , 12800)=10) = P (,3:2 < Z < 3:2) which is approximately 99:9%:
Therefore, if the Master of the Mint is honest he is virtually certain to survive the Trial.
Solution to Coin Question 2
If the Master of the Mint sets things up so that the guineas weigh only 127.7 gr., then the population of interest
remains the same as in the last question but with a mean of 127.7 gr. and SD still 1 gr.
The expected value of the sum S of the weights of the 100 coins in the sample is now E (S ) = n E (S ) = 12770gr;
with SE (S ) = 10 gr. As before the long run histogram of S is normal, centered at 12770 gr and with variance equal
to 100 (10 squared).
P (survive) = P (12768 < S < 12832)
, 12770 < Z < 12832 , 12770 )
= P ( 12768 10
Robert Gould [email protected]
Figure 4.2: N = 1000 and k = 1; 2; 3; and 6:
= P (,:2 < Z < 6:2)
which is approximately 58 %. Therefore, his chances of surviving are better than 1 in 2.
However, if he manages to survive he will keep aplot of gold. It will take him n E (X ) = 12; 770; 000 gr to
manufacture the 100,000 coins, give or take pnSD = 1000000 = 316 gr. He will receive 100000 128 = 12; 800; 000
gr to manufacture them, so he will end up with 12,800,000 - 12,770,000 = 30,000 gr, give or take about 316 gr.
Computer Example: In the following example we generate N k random numbers. Our choice is non-normal
uniform distribution: runif(N*k). These random numbers we format as a matrix (table) of dimension N k (N
rows, and k columns). Next we apply averaging operation on rows of a matrix. The result is a vector of lenght N .
Each coordinate is a mean of the corresponding row. With N = 1000 and k = 6; the S statements are:
> hist(, nclass=25)
Figure 4.2 shows histograms of averages of 1 , 2, 3, and 6 numbers.
Example: When you roll a fair die once you expect 3.5 points with a standard deviation of 1.708. (Variance
Estimate the probability that in 1000 rollings the total sum will be between 3500 and 3600 points.
Gain in a long run. The gain in a game is described by
X -1 0 5
p 0.2 0.2 0.6
(a) Would you play the game? Explain.
(b) If you play the game 100 times what are the chances of ending with a negative balance?
[Sol. EX = 2:8; V arX = 7:36, X = 2:71; S = X1 + : : : + X100 ; S is approx. normal (CLT), ES = 280; V arS =
,280 ) = P (Z < ,10:33) = 0:]
736; S = 27:1, P (S < 0) = P (Z < 027
Sampling Distributions
Teaching Methods. A recent study in the College Student Journal (Sheehan et al. 1992) investigated dierences
in traditional and non-traditional students, where non-traditional students are generally dened as those 25 years
or older. Suppose that a random sample of n = 145 non-traditional students is selected from 1993 population
of non-traditional students and GPA of each student is determined. Assume that the population mean and the
standard deviation for GPA of all non-traditional students is = 3:5 and = 0:5. Then X , the sample mean, will
be approximately normally distributed because of
(a) Calculate the mean and variance of X:
(b) What is the approximate probability that the non-traditional student sample has a mean GPA between
3.45 and 3.55?
(c) What would the answer for (b) be if n was 290.
Environment. Electric power plants that use water for cooling their condensers sometime discharge heated water
into rivers, lakes, or oceans. It is known that water heated above certain temperatures has a detrimental eect on
the plant and animal life in the water. Suppose it is known that the increased temperature of the heated water
discharged by a certain power plant on any given day has a distribution with a mean of 5 C and a standard deviation
of 0:5 C .
(a) For 100 randomly selected days, what s the approximate probability that the average increase if temperature
of the discharged water is less than 4:95 C ?
(b) Why can you use the normal distribution?
Sheri. The Sherrif of Nottingham is taking some badly needed archery practice. He shoots at the target 100
times, and has a probability of hitting the target of 0.6 with each shot. The shots are independent. What is the
chance that he will hit the target at least 70 times?
SAT. Scholastic aptitude test scores of college-bound high school seniors have a mean of = 475 and a standard
deviation of = 90:
a) What are the mean and standard deviation of the sampling distribution of X for a random sample of size of
n = 225?
b) Find an approximation of the the probability that X exceeds 487.
c) What is the probability that an individual score will exceed 487, if we assume that the individual scores are
normally distributed?
200 tosses. Find the probability that 200 tosses of a fair coin will result in (a) between 80 and 120 heads inclusive,
(b) less than 90 heads, (c) less than 85 heads or more than 115 heads.
Ans: (Without
np = 200 0:5 = 100; 2 = npq = 50:
(a) P ( 7:071 Z 7:071 (2:83) , (,2:83) = 0:9977 , 0023 = 0:9954
With adjustments: 0.9962.
Bolts. A machine produces bolts which are 10% defective. Find the probability that in a random sample of 400
bolts produced by this machine (a) at most 30, (b) between 30 and 50, (c) 55 or more, of the bolts will be defective.
(dist.tables) Find 0.95-quantile of
(a) N (2; 42 );
(b) t5 , (Notation t0:05;5 )
(c) 210 ; (Notation 20:95;10 )
(d) F3;5 ,
To be moved to probability chapter. An electronic component consists of three parts. Each part has probability
0.9 of performing satisfactorily. The component fails if 2 or more of the parts do not perform satisfactorily. Assuming
that the satisfactory performance of one part in no way depends on the performance of the other parts, determine
the probability that the component does not perform satisfactorily.
Result: (0:1)3 + 3 (0:1)2 0:9 = 0:028 2:
4.8 Exercises
Sales by Phone. On the average, 2 out of 10 people will respond favorably to a certain telephone sales pitch. If
20 people are called, letting S = the number who respond favorably, nd:
(a) P (S 3)
(b) P (S < 6)
Multiple Choice and Lazy Student. A professor gives a 100-question multiple-choice nal exam. Each question
has 4 choices. In order to pass, a student has to obtain at least 30 correct answers. A lazy student decides to guess
at random on each question. What is the probability that the student passes the exam?
Some other Stat course. A statistics professor believes that the students in his recent introductory course were
were exceptional. In the past about half the students scored higher than 70 on his nal exam, but in his most
recent class of 50 students, 35 students achieved scores above 70. If the students were actually similar to students
in previouus classes, what would be the probability that at least 35 students would achieve scores above 70?
Morse code. Transmitting by Morse code cosists of sending a sequence of electronic signals of two types: short
(represented by ) and long (-). These signals are received by another station, pieced together, and translated into
a message. Suppose the receiver correctly interprets a signal with probability .95.
(a) What is the probability that the transmission of 900 signals there are fewer than 100 errors?
(b) Suppose the system is modied so that each signal is transmitted three times. Then the receiver interprets
any of the sequences { { { or { { or { { or { { as { . It interprets any of the signals or { or { or { as . Under
the modied system what is the probability of incorrectly interpreting the signal sent? What is the probability that
the number of errors in 900 signals transmitted is fewer than 100?
Sweepstakes. Jason went to his mailbox one afternoon and discovered that he had been chosen as seminalist
in the Publishing Clearing House Sweepstakes. This entitled him to enter the grand prize drawing for $ 1 million
dollars!!! Being a bit sceptical, Jason sat down with his calculator and statistics knowledge to gure out how much
money he could expect to win if he played. The letter provided the following prize breakdown:
Supremo Grand Prize
Spectacular First Prizes
Swell Second Prizes
Thrilling Third Prizes
$ 1 million
$ 1,000
$ 100
$ 10
If 250,000 other people have also been selected as seminalists, how much money could Jason approximately
expect to win if he entered. What is the variance of his possible gain. Ignore the cost of a stamp.
Budbowl. Immediately after watching the Superbowl a viewer poll was taken. It was found that 40 % of the
viewers could not recall the winner of the Budbowl and another half of those could not remember the nal score
of the game. 60% of the viewers had total recall. If 10 people are randomly selected from a large number viewers
of the game, what is the probability that at least 8 of them cannot recall who won the Budbowl? (by the way the
answers are Bud and 55-10).
> 1-pbinom(7, size=10, prob=0.4)
[1] 0.01229455
> dbinom(8,10,0.4)+dbinom(9,10,0.4)+dbinom(10,10,0.4)
[1] 0.01229455
Clearance. The height if trucks on the interstate I-40 is approximately normally distributed with mean 10 ft
and standard deviation 1.5 ft. Design the minimal clearance D, at an overpass under construction so that the
probability that the truck will clear is 0.999.
> qnorm(0.999, mean=10, s=1.5)
[1] 14.63535
Bioassay. In a bioassay experiment, mice are exposed for two hours per day to 2.0 ppm NO2 ; to simulate exposure
to fossil-fuel combustion products. The number X of lesions (sore spots) is counted on each exposed mouse. We
will regard X as a random variable; a magic birdie has informed us that the probability distribution of X is:
P (X = 0) = 0:5 P (X = 1) = 0:2 P (X = 2) = 0:1 P (X = 3) = 0:2:
In a sample of 100 mice, about how many total lesions would you expect to see?
Stat Cola. The mean content of a new canned Stat Cola is = 12 oz. Assume the contents are normally
distributed with known = 0:6 oz. Suppose a random sample of n = 8 of these canned sodas is to be selected.
What is the probability that the mean content, X , of the sodas obtained will be within 0.5 ounces of the true mean
content of = 12 oz.
> pnorm(12.5,mean=12,s=0.6/sqrt(8))-pnorm(11.5,mean=12,s=0.6/sqrt(8))
[1] 0.9815779
Random Choice. Use the random digits below to choose a simple random sample of 4 from the following list of
employees of a small company.
Random Digits: 12163 51409 11869 22903 06288 90309 96170
Loaded Die. Let X be the result of rolling a loaded die with probability distribution given below.
xi 1 2 3
pi 123 122 121
a. What is X .
b. The law of large numbers says that after 1,000 rolls, the proportion of 6's should be very close to
True or False.
= 0:25.
c. Let X1 be the rst roll of the die, let X2 be the second, and let Y be the sum of two rolls Y = X1 + X2 . If the
variance of X1 is 3.9, what is the mean and variance of Y ?
Construct. Construct (give the probability distribution) an example of a discrete random variable that satises
the following requirements:
- it takes only three dierent values with positive probabilities;
- it has a mean equal to 0;
- it has a variance equal to 2.
Archery Practice. The Sheri of Nottingham is taking some badly needed archery practice. He shoots at the
target 3 times and has a probability of hitting the target of 0.6 with each shot. The shots are independent. Describe
the random variable: X =number of hits in 3 trials.
Macrolepiota Procera. The size of mushroom caps varies. While many species of Marasmius and Collybia are
only 12-20 mm (1/2-3/4 in) in diameter, some fungi are nearly 200mm (8 in) across. The cap diameter of parasol
mushroom (Macrolepiota Procera) is a Normal random variable with parameters = 230mm and = 25mm:
(a) What proportion of parasol caps has a diameter between 200 and 250 mm.
(b) 5% of parasol caps are larger than x0 in diameter. Find x0 :
Stat Cola versus Prob Cola. In the Statland there are only two types of Cola: Prob Cola and Stat Cola. Only
20 % of cola drinkers prefer Prob Cola. Let X be the number of Stat Cola drinkers out of 4 randomly selected cola
drinkers. Construct the probability distribution for the random variable X
> dbinom(c(0,1,2,3,4), 4, 0.8)
[1] 0.0016 0.0256 0.1536 0.4096 0.4096
Golfer. If it is assumed that a golfer will hit a drive into a sand trap 18% of the time, what is the probability that
the player will hit the ball into a sand trap
(a) exactly three times out of rst six holes;
(b) between 180 and 185 times (inclusive) out of rst 1000 holes.
[Sol. (a) 0.0643, (b) With corrections: (0:44) , (,0:041):]
Wild Thing. Suppose the impossible happens and the next World Series is matchup between the Cleveland Indians
of the American League East and the Chicago Cubs of the National League West. If the Indians are slightly better
team and have a 55% of prevailing on any given day, what is the probability that the Tribe wins the series in six
games. (Assume the games are independent events)
[Sol. 0.18]
Aggression. [15pt] In the ve fourth-grade classes at a particular elementary school with large number of students,
10% of the students are considered aggressive based on peer and teacher reports of their behavior. Suppose 3 fourthgraders are selected at random.
(i) Describe (write down the probability distribution) the random variable X -number of aggressive children in
the sample.
(ii) What is P (X 2):
(iii) What is EX and V ar(X ):