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The Baker Institute Introduction to Public Policy
POST 201
Tuesday and Thursday 2:30pm-3:50pm
Room 100 Herring Hall
TA: Ben Wright
Office Hours: Thurs. 4:00-5:30
Room 211 Baker Hall
Jan. 8 William Martin: After the War on Drugs: Blueprint for Regulation
“After the War on Drugs: Blueprint for Regulation,” Transform Drug Policy Foundation,
November 2009, pp. 3-94
Jan. 10 Edward P. Djerejian: The Arab Awakening and U.S. Middle East Policy
Fromkin, David. A Peace to End All Peace, 20th Anniversary Edition: The Fall of the Ottoman
Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East,.cCh. 61 and Afterward.
Jan. 15 Steve Lewis: Surfing the Next Wave of Globalization -China’s Global Cities as
New Economic Powers (Part I)
Jan. 17 Steve Lewis: Surfing the Next Wave of Globalization (Part II)
Benjamin Barber, “Jihad vs. McWorld” Atlantic Monthly, March 1992.
Saskia Sassen “Locating Cities on Global Circuits,” Environment & Urbanization, 14, No. 1
Steven Lewis, “The Potential for International and Transnational Public Service in Public
Spaces in American and Chinese Global Cities: Conclusions from a 2010 Survey of
Advertisements in Subways in Beijing, New York, Shanghai, and Washington D.C.,”
Public Relations Review, 38, December 2012.
Jan. 22 Joe Barnes: What Is Globalization?
Jan. 24 Joe Barnes: Globalization and Its Discontents
Joe Barnes. “Globalization, the State and Geopolitics.” Baker Institute Monograph,
October2003.Thomas Friedman. The Lexus and the Olive Tree. 2000 edition, pp. ix-xii and
Francis Fukuyama. “The End of History.” The National Interest, Summer 1989.
Francis Fukuyama. “The Future of History.” Foreign Affairs, January/February 2012.
Jan. 29 Nathan Jones: The Dark Side of Globalization
Jan. 31 Nathan Jones; Legalizing Marijuana
Peter Andreas, “Illicit Globalization: Myths, Misconceptions, and Historical Lessons.”
Political Science Quarterly 126, no. 3 (2011),pp. 403–425.
Calvert Jones and Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni. “Assessing the Dangers of Illicit Networks:
Why al-Qaida May Be Less Threatening Than Many Think.” International Security 33,
no. 2 (2008), pp. 7–44.
Michael Kenney, “The Architecture of Drug Trafficking: Network Forms of Organisation in
the Colombian Cocaine Trade.” Global Crime 8, no. 3 (2007), pp. 233–259.
Moises Naim, “Illicit Networks Operate at the Frontiers of Globalization.” Brown J. World
Affairs. 16, (2009), pp. 179.
Clare Ribando Seelke, “Mexico: Issues for Congress,” Congressional Research Service,
September 24, 2012
“Drug Control: Initial Review of the National Strategy and Drug Abuse Prevention and
Treatment Programs” Government Accountability Office Report, July 2012
Feb. 5 Kenneth Medlock: Shale Gas – What Is it and What Does It Mean?
Feb. 7 Kenneth Medlock: Prospects for Energy Independence –Misguided Notions
Kenneth B. Medlock III, Amy Myers, Jaffe, and Peter R. Hartley, “Shale Gas and U.S. National
Security,” Baker Institute for Public Policy, July 2011
Kenneth B. Medlock III, “Modeling the implications of expanded U.S. shale gas production,”
Energy Strategy Reviews, December 2011
Kenneth B. Medlock III, “U.S. LNG Imports: Truth and Consequence,” Baker Institute for
Public Policy, August 2012
Feb. 12 Neal Lane: Giving Science Advice to the President- Why It’s Getting Harder
Neal Lane, “Science Policy Tools: Time for an Update,” Issues in Science and Technology, Fall
Neal Lane and Kirstin Matthews, “The President’s Scientist,” Cell, November 2008
Neal Lane, “American Physics, Policy, and Politics: An Uneasy Relationship”, Physical Review
Letters, December 2008
Feb. 14 Ronald Sass: Climate Change -Recent Evidence
“Why I must speak out about climate change,” TED talk by James Hansen, NASA scientist
and climate activist, February 2012
John Carey “Storm Warnings: Extreme Weather is a Product of Climate Change” Scientific
American, June 2011.
John Carey “Our Extreme Future: Predicting and coping with the Effects of a Changing
Climate” Scientific American, June 2011.
John Carey “Global Warming and the Science of Extreme Weather.” Scientific American, June
James Hansen, Makiko Sato, and Reto Ruedy “Public Perception of Climate Change and the
New Climate Dice”, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and Columbia
University Earth Institute
Feb. 19 Andrew Bowen: Syria in Civil War: Causes, Consequences, and the Future
Salmon Sheikh, “Loosing Syria (And How to Avoid It)”, Brookings Doha, October 18, 2012
Raymond Hinnebusch, "Syria: from ‘authoritarian upgrading’ to revolution?" International
Affairs, January 2012
Nir Rosen, “Among the Alawites”, London Review of Books, September 2012
Fredric Hof, “Syria’s Time is Running Out”, Foreign Policy, December 19, 2012
Feb. 21 Russell Green: A Cynical View of Public Policy: How Economists View Special
Interests and Corruption
T. Frye and A. Shleifer “The Invisible Hand and the Grabbing Hand.” American Economic
Review Papers and Proceedings, May 1997.
George J. Stigler, “The Theory of Economic Regulation”, The Bell Journal of Economics and
Management Science, Vol. 2, No. 1 (Spring, 1971), pp. 3-21
Stephen Coate and Stephen Morris, “On the Form of Transfers to Special Interests”
[Sections 1, 5, and 6 only!], Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 103, No. 6, (Dec. 1996),
pp. 1210-1235
Larry Bartels and Christopher Achen (2004) “Musical Chairs: Pocketbook Voting and the
Limits of Democratic Accountability”, unpublished working paper
Feb. 26 BREAK
Feb. 28 BREAK
Mar. 5 John Diamond: Fundamental Tax reform – Then and Now
Alan J. Auerbach and William G. Gale, “The Federal Budget Outlook: No News is Bad News”,
August 27th, 2012
“Economic Effects of Policies Contributing to Fiscal Tightening in 2013” Congressional
Budget Office, November 2012
Mar. 7 John Diamond: Welfare and Macroeconomic Effects of Tax Cuts
John W. Diamond and George Zodrow, “Fundamental Tax Reform: Then and Now”, Baker
Institute for Public Policy, January 2011
John W Diamond and Alan D. Viard, “Welfare and Macroeconomic Effects of Deficit
Financed Tax Cuts: Lessons from CGE Models” Baker Institute for Public Policy,
August 2008
Mar.12 George Abbey: The Need for a Comprehensive Space Policy
Mar.14 George Abbey: The Need for a Comprehensive Space Policy
John Logsdon, John F. Kennedy and the Race to the Moon, entire (available at bookstore)
Mar. 19 Mark Jones: The Latin American Democracies
“How Democracy Works: Political Institutions, Actors, and Arenas in Latin American
Policymaking,” Inter-American Development Bank, Chapter 1 only (pp. 1-19)
“Freedom in the World” 2012 Survey, Freedom House, Methodology section only
“Freedom in the World” 2013 Survey, Freedom House, Methodology section only (Link
will be active in 2013)
Mar. 21 Robert Stein: A Punctuated Model of Public Policy
Frank R. Baumgartner and Bryan D. Jones, Agendas and Instability in American Politics,
(available at bookstore) Chapters 1-6
Mar. 26 Robert Stein: Case Studies of Punctuated Equilibrium
Frank R. Baumgartner and Bryan D. Jones, Agendas and Instability in American Politics,
(available at bookstore), Chapters 7-11
Mar. 28 BREAK
April 2 Chris Bronk: A World Awakening - Cyberspace, Influence, and Globalization
Chris Bronk “From Tunis to Tunis: Considering the Planks of U.S. International Cyber
Policy, 2005-2011,” Baker Institute for Public Policy, May 2012
Roger Hurwitz, “Taking Care: Four Takes on the Cyber Steward,” Cyber Dialogue 2012,
March 2012
Courtney Radsch, “Unveiling the Revolutionaries: Cyberactivisim and the Role of Women in
the Arab Uprisings,” Baker Institute for Public Policy, May 2012
April 4 Peter Hotez: Vaccine Diplomacy- Geopolitics of Neglected Tropical Diseases
Peter Hotez, “Combating diseases of poverty requires joint US-Middle East Effort” Global
Peter Hotez “Tropical Diseases: The New Plague of Poverty,” The New York Times, August
18th 2012
Peter Hotez “Engaging a Rising China Through Neglected Tropical Diseases”, PLOS
Neglected Tropical Diseases, November 2012
Peter Hotez, “Unleashing ‘‘Civilian Power’’: A New American Diplomacy through Neglected
Tropical Disease Control, Elimination, Research, and Development,” PLOS Neglected
Tropical Diseases, June 2011
Peter Hotez, “Inspiring a Generation of Women to Fight Neglected Tropical Diseases,” The
Huffington Post, March 2012
Peter Hotez, “Saving 7 Million Pregnancies in Africa,” The Huffington Post, March 2012
Peter Hotez, “The 8 Cent Solution to Improving Women’s Health in Africa,” The Huffington
Post, April 2012
Peter Hotez, “For Expectant Mothers, Chagas Disease is a Concern” The Huffington Post,
May 2012
April 9 Kirstin Matthews: Embryonic Stem Cell Research – Policy, Religion, Science
Herbert Gottweis and Barbara Prainsack “Emotion in political discourse: contrasting
approaches to stem cell governance in the USA, UK, Israel and Germany,” Future
Medicine, 2006
Kirstin Matthews and Maude Rowland (2011) “Stem Cell and Biomedical Research in
Texas,” Baker Institute for Public Policy.
Kirstin Matthews et. al. (2012) Baker Institute Policy Report "Stem Cell Research in the
Courts: Sherley v. Sebelius."
April 11 John Mendelsohn: The Future of Genomics in Medicine
Alan E. Guttmacher, Mary E. Porteous, and Joseph D. McInerney, “Educating health-care
professionals about genetics and genomics,” Science and Society, February 2007
Kathy L. Hudson “Genomics, Health Care, and Society” Genomic Medicine, 2011
L.G. Dressler, et al., “IRB perspectives on the return of individual results from
genomic research,” Genomic Medicine, February 2012
Michael R. Stratton, “Exploring the Genomes of Cancer Cells: Progress and Promise,”
Science, 2011
Laura E. MacConaill and Levi A. Garraway, “Clinical Implications of the Cancer Genome,”
April 16 Vivian Ho: Medicare and Medicaid
April 18 Vivian Ho: The Affordable Care Act (AKA: Obamacare)
Jonathan Gruber. Health Care Reform: What It Is, Why It's Necessary, How It Works,
(available at bookstore)
Reading: Most the assignments are accessible on OWL-Space. The exceptions are three
books (noted in the syllabus) available at the Rice campus Store.
1. Each student will submit at the beginning of the last class period of each week a
two-three page paper, reflecting on the week’s reading.
2. Each student will submit a research paper of approximately 20 pages, due at the end
of the exam period. Suggested topics will be distributed.
Grading: The weekly assignments and the research paper will each count 50% of the
course grade.
Students with disabilities should see the course TA to arrange special accommodations.
List of lecturers and their titles in the order of their class presentations. For
additional biographical information, please consult the Baker Institute website at
William Martin, Harry and Hazel Chavanne Senior Fellow in Religion and Public Policy,
Baker Institute; Chavanne Emeritus Professor of Sociology, Rice University. Baker
Ambassador Edward P. Djerejian, former ambassador to Syria and Israel and assistant
secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs. Founding Director of the Baker Institute.
Steven Lewis, C. V. Starr Fellow in Transnational Studies, Baker Institute; professor in the
practice and associate director, the Chao Center for Asian Studies., Rice University.
Joe Barnes, Bonner Means Baker Fellow specializing in foreign policy, formerly a career
diploma serving in numerous posts, including the State Department’s Policy and Planning
Nathan Jones, Alfred C. Glassell III Postdoctoral Fellow in Drug Policy at the Baker
Institute; Ph.D. in political science, University of California, Irvine.
Kenneth Medlock, James A. Baker, III and Susan G. Baker Fellow in Energy and Resource
Economics and senior director of the Center for Energy Studies, Baker Institute; adjunct
professor in the Economics Department, Rice University.
Neal Lane, senior fellow in science and technology policy, Baker Institute; Malcolm Gillis
Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Rice University; assistant to the president for science
and technology policy, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy,
and director of the National Science Foundation during the presidency of Bill Clinton;
formerly provost, Rice University.
Ronald Sass, fellow in climate change, Baker Institute, and Harry C. and Olga Weiss
Professor of Natural Science emeritus, Rice University.
John Diamond, Edward A. and Hermena Hancock Kelly Fellow in Public Finance, Baker
Institute; adjunct professor in Economics Department, Rice University; formerly staff
member of the Joint Committee on Taxation, U.S. Congress.
Andrew Bowen, Baker Institute Scholar, for the Middle East; Ph.D. candidate in
international relations specializing in Syria, London School of Economics.
Russell Green, Will Clayton Fellow in International Economics, Baker Institute; formerly
U.S. Department of the Treasury’s first financial attache in Republic of India and deputy
director, Office of international Economics.
George Abbey, Baker Botts Senior Fellow in Space Policy, Baker Institute; formerly
director of NASA Johnson Space Center.
Mark Jones, fellow in political science, Baker Institute; Joseph D. Jamail Chair in Latin
American Studies and chair, Political Science Department, Rice University.
Robert Stein, fellow of urban policy, Baker Institute; Lena Grohlman Fox Professor of
Political Science, Rice University; formerly dean of social sciences.
Christopher Bronk, fellow in information technology, Baker Institute; formerly a foreign
service officer, serving in posts abroad and in the Office of eDiplomacy.
Peter Hotez, fellow in disease and poverty, Baker Institute; dean of the National School of
Tropical Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine; Endowed Chair of Tropical Pediatrics, Texas
Children’s Hospital; president, Sabin Vaccine Institute.
Kirstin Matthews, fellow in science and technology policy, Baker Institute; lecturer, Wiess
School of Social Sciences and adjunct lecturer in Department of Sociology, Rice University.
John Mendelsohn, the L. E. and Virginia Simmons Fellow in Health and Technology Policy,
Baker institute; formerly president, The University of Texas MD. Anderson Cancer Center.
Vivian Ho, James A. Baker III Institute Chair in Health Economics; professor in Department
of Economics, Rice University; professor in Department of Medicine, Baylor College of