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Causes and effects WWII according to Keith Hughes
Imperialism, Nationalism, Economics, and WWI
Treaty of Versailles- harsh on Germany
Germany is devastated economically
Germany needs a scapegoat. Hitler blames the Jews.
Rise of Fascism.
Mussolini in Italy
ToJo in Japan
They form the Axis powers. They are expansionist, spreading out.
Germany elected Hitler, the fascist hater, president!
Once Hitler gains power, he stimulates Nationalism by trying to
regain some of the territory that was lost in the Treaty of
Rather than create tension between nations, the west reacts with
Or, give the bully what he wants.
Signed a pact with Russia, promising not to invade Russia.
Hitler marched into Poland in 1939, and into Russia.
Stalin is not happy. He is a vicious, communist dictator,
killing millions of his own people. But he doesn’t like Hitler,
so we accept him.
Allies are England, France, and United States.
Russia is a Frienemy.
The Rise of Dictators- page 386 in text
The “Master Race” loses the Race.
Germany hosted the 1936 summer Olympics.
German Leader Adolf Hitler hoped to prove that the Aryan Race
was superior in every way. Jesse Owens, an African American
captured several gold medals, dispelling Hitler’s delusional
Europe after WWI- Europe had millions dead, cities and farms
devastated, and the economy was in ruins.
America faced economic hardships, social change, and a fear of
communism that manifested in the Red Scare - a fear of radicals
and aliens.
The Treaty of Versailles left many European nations
dissatisfied. France wanted even harsher treatment for Germany.
Italy wanted territory as a reward.
Germans were outraged. They felt humiliated. Their economy was
trashed. A period of severe inflation, or rising prices,
worsened the economic disaster.
They lost control of some of their land. Germany had to pay
reparations, or payment, to other countries harmed by German
aggression during the war.
German political upheaval resulted due to a weak democratic
Weimar Republic.
Totalitarian Leaders gained power in countries who felt bitter
and angry and wanted powerful leaders.
In Italy, Benito Mussolini opposed socialism and communism. He
wanted a strong Italy. He embraced fascism, which glorifies the
Fascist is Latin for “a bundle of rods tied together” He
established a dictatorship which had unchallenged power and
authority. In this totalitarian regime, Mussolini had total
control over daily life in Italy.
Mussolini was a dynamic public speaker, much like Adolf Hitler.
They both used cunning, violence, and repression to gain and
maintain power.
Adolf Hitler was born in Austria. He volunteered for the German
army in WWI.
He joined a political party named the National Socialists, or
They were angered at the German condition after the War.
Hitler developed a theatrical speaking style that excited
political audiences.
He was jailed for a failed coup, and wrote a book called Mein
Kampf, meaning My Struggle.
Hitler stressed nationalism and devotion to the state, like
He believed in Aryan superiority, and blamed Jews for Germany’s
Hitler became Germany’s Chancellor in 1933. He eliminated
political opponents.
He rebuilt the German armed forces.
Fascist general Francisco Franco gained power in Spain after
their civil war in 1936- 39.
Joseph Stalin crushed his political opponents in the Soviet
Union. He dominated all aspects of Soviet life to become one of
the era’s most notorious totalitarian dictators.
Nationalist dreams inspired Japanese politics.
Japanese generals invaded Manchuria.
Italy invaded Ethiopia. Ethiopian leader, Haile Selassie asked
the League of Nations for help.
The League of Nations failed to take a stand against the violent
Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles by rebuilding the
He claimed he needed military might to resist communism.
England’s Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain maintained a
policy of appeasement in regard to Hitler’s aggression.
Winston Churchill warned against Hitler’s forceful bellicosity.
Hitler marched troops into the Rhineland, and was unchallenged.
He tried to force int Austrian government to agree to a union
with Germany in 1938.
The Anschluss was popular among the Austrian people. When the
Austrian government refused, he sent troops. Germany’s neighbors
responded with verbal protests, nothing more.
Hitler continued his power grab and planned to annex the German
speaking portion of Czechoslovakia, called Sudetenland.
To maintain peace, Chamberlain and Daladier agreed to let Hitler
annex the Sudetenland.