Download Annual Progress Report CLEO 2013

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Annual Progress Report
CLEO 2013
4.2 Integrated assessment of forest management in a changing climate
Project leader
Cecilia Akselsson
Institutionen för Naturgeografi och Ekosystemvetenskap
Lunds Universitet
Sölvegatan 12
223 62 Lund
E-mail: cecilia.akselsson
General Objective:
To analyse synergies and conflicts between the CLEO environmental objectives at
different forest management scenarios under climate change.
Short description of activities 2013:
The mass balance calculations on the CLEObase platform have been continued during 2013, and
related to the work on the environmental objective “Natural Acidification Only”. The work on
mass balance calculations on SWETHRO sites started in 2013. The mass balance activities
continue in 2014.
ForSAFE has been run on three SWETHRO sites so far, and runs on more sites are in progress. One
paper by Zanchi et al: “Modelling the effects of management intensifications on multiple forest
services: A Swedish case study”, is close to acceptance (minor revisions). Thorough discussions
have taken place with SMHI, about formats etc for deposition and climate input data to the
dynamic modelling. The first runs with the updated deposition scenarios from SMHI will be done
in the beginning of 2014.
One paper, “Acidification trends in south Swedish forest soils 1986-2008 – slow recovery and high
sensitivity to sea-salt periods”, was finalized in 2013. Furthermore, work was performed on two
more papers , about effects of storms and bark beetles on N leaching. This work continues in
Weathering data for 2050 and 2100 have been delivered to cluster 3, for ECHAM and HADLEY.
During 2013 two new employees, related to CLEO, have been introduced at Lund University
(Jörgen Olofsson as post doc and Veronika Kronnäs as PhD student).
Deliverables 2013:
D4.2.5 Paper: Acidification trends in south Swedish forest soils 1986-2008 – slow recovery and
high sensitivity to sea-salt periods. Delivery month: 6. Status: Done.
Additional staff involved in project:
Veronika Kronnäs, Jörgen Olofsson, Giuliana Zanchi, Salim Belyazid (Lund University), Per Erik
Karlsson, Sofie Hellsten, Gunilla Pihl Karlsson (IVL)
Co-operation outside CLEO:
We have cooperated with the BECC and Mistra-SWECIA programs. For example, we arranged a
joint seminar at KSLA about “Forest management in a changing climate – how is biodiversity and
the environment affected”. We have also cooperated with the strong research environment
QWARTS (financed by FORMAS), about weathering. CLEO shares a PhD student (Veronika
Kronnäs) with QWARTS.
Reports and publications:
Paper: Akselsson et al., 2013. Acidification trends in south Swedish forest soils 1986-2008 – slow
recovery and high sensitivity to sea-salt periods.
Oral presentations:
Akselsson, C., 2013. Är skogsbruket den stora surgöraren idag? Hur kan vi i så fall bromsa
utvecklingen? (Is the forestry the main contributer to acidification today? If it is, how can we slow
down the acidification?). Havs- och vattenforum, Gothenburg, arranged by HAV (Swedish Agency
for Marine and Water Management). 16-17 April 2013.
Akselsson, C., Olsson, J., Belyazid, S., 2013. Can increased weathering rates due to future warming
compensate for base cation losses at whole-tree harvesting? IUFRO conference 2013: Vegetation
Response to Climate Change and Air Pollution – Unifying Evidence and Research across Northern
and Southern Hemisphere. Ilheus, Brazil. September, 2013.
Akselsson, C., 2013. Kan ökad vittring i ett förändrat klimat motverka försurning vid helträdsuttag?
(Can increased weathering rates in a changing climate counteract acidification from whole-tree
harvesting?) KSLA seminar: Skogsbruk i ett förändrat klimat – hur påverkas mångfald och miljö?
(Forest management in a changing climate – how is biodiversity and the environment affected.)
Arranged by KSLA (The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry) in cooperation with
BECC, Mistra-SWECIA and CLEO. Stockholm, 16 October 2013.
Belyazid, S, 2013. Samverkan mellan klimatförändring och skogsbruk - Effekter på skogsmark och
avrinnande vatten (Interactions between climate change and forestry – Effects on forest soils and
runoff water) KSLA seminar: Skogsbruk i ett förändrat klimat – hur påverkas mångfald och miljö?
(Forest management in a changing climate – how is biodiversity and the environment affected.)
Arranged by KSLA (The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry) in cooperation with
BECC, Mistra-SWECIA and CLEO. Stockholm, 16 October 2013.
Akselsson, C., 2013. Kvävenedfall och miljömålen (Nitrogen deposition and the environmental
objectives). Autumn meeting for municipality representatives responsible for air pollution
sampling in the county of Västra Götaland, arranged by Luft i Väst. Uddevalla, 18 Oct 2013.