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Marco polo
Henry the
Vasco da Gama
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Saturday 15 oktober 2016 | Marco Polo, Henry the Navigator, Vasco da Gama, Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan | By Jason Setiowaty
Earth, flat or round???
The people were questioning
if the world was flat or
round, so they went away to
Marco Polo
Marco polo was born in 1254 in
Venice. He became a merchant and
explorer. He traveled from Europe to
Asia from 1271 until 1295. He died
when he was 70 years old (1324)
Journey to China
In 1271, Niccolo and Maffeo Polo set
out for Asia again, but this time they
brought young Marco with them.
Unable to recruit the 100 priests that
Khan had requested, they left with
only two, who, after getting a taste of
the hard journey ahead of them, soon
turned back for home. As they made
their way through the Middle East,
Marco absorbed its sights and
smells.In what is now Afghanistan,
marco was forced to retreat to the
mountains in order to recoup from an
illness he'd contracted.
Crossing the Gobi desert, meanwhile,
proved long and, at times, difficult to
survive. "The desert is reported to be
so long that it would take a year to
cross it." Marco later wrote. "at the
narrowest point it takes a month to
cross it." Finally after 4 years of
travel the Polos reached China. The
Polos originally planned to be away
for only a few years. However they
were away from Venice for 23 years.
Because of that long trip their faces
looked unfamiliar to their family and
they struggled to speak their native
language again
Henry the Navigator
Henry the Navigator was born in
1394 in Porto. He was a Prince. He
didn't explore himself, but he
sponsored a great deal of exploration
along the west coast of Africa. He
died when he was 66 years old
In 1415 Henry the Navigator, his
father and his older brothers led an
attack on Ceuta, a town in morocco
along the straight of Gibraltar. The
attack succeeded and Ceuta fell under
Portugese control.
Tell me when they find out that the Earth isn't flat.
Vasco da
Henry became fascinated with Africa,
a continent about which the
Portugese knew a little. He developed
a desire to learn more about the
Muslims who lived there, primary in
hopes of conquering them and
dubious destincion of being the
founder of the atlantic slave trade. He
sponsored 2 men who both captured
several Africans. 1 of them was a
chief and promised them more slaves
in exchange for himself. Soon
Portugal was deeply involved in the
slave trade.
By Jason Setiowaty
By Jason Setiowaty
Christopher columbus was born in
1451. He became an explorer. He
wanted to find a new trade route to
India by sailing West, instead of
finding a new trade route, he found
a whole new country!!! He died
when he was 55 years old (1506).
Vasco da Gama was born in 1460 in
Sines. He became an explorer. He
was the first explorer to sail directly
from Europe to India. He died when
he was 64 years old (1524).
Historians know little about why
inexperienced explorer, was chosen
to lead the expedition to India in
1497. On July 8 of that year, he
captained a team of four vessels,
including his flagship, the 200-ton St.
Gabriel, to find a sailing route to
India and the East. Following several
months of sailing, he rounded the
Cape of Good Hope and began
making his way up the eastern coast
of Africa, toward the uncharted
waters of the Indian Ocean. By
January, as the fleet neared what is
now Mozambique, many of da
Gama's crewmembers were sick with
scurvy, forcing the expedition to
anchor for rest and repairs for nearly
one month. the local Hindu ruler
welcomed da Gama and his men, at
first, and the crew ended up staying
in Calicut for three months. Not
everyone embraced their presence,
especially Muslim traders who
clearly had no intention of giving up
their trading grounds to Christian
By early 1499, several crewmembers had died of
scurvy and in an effort to economize his fleet, da
Gama ordered one of his ships to be burned. The first
ship in the fleet didn't reach Portugal until July 10,
nearly a full year after they'd left India.
At the end, da Gama's first journey covered nearly
24,000 miles (38,624 KM) in close to two years, and
only 54 of the crew's original 170 members survived.
Columbus and his men continued their journey,
visiting the islands of Cuba and Hispaniola (now Haiti
and the Dominican Republic) and meeting with the
leaders of the native population. During this time, the
Santa Maria was wrecked on a reef off the coast of
Hispaniola. With the help of some islanders,
Columbus' men salvaged what they could and built
the settlement Villa de la Navidad ("Christmas Town")
with lumber from the ship. Thirty-nine men stayed
behind to occupy the settlement. Convinced his
exploration had reached Asia, he set sail for home
with the two remaining ships.
Ferdinand Magellan
By Jason Setiowaty
Ferdinand Magellan was born in
1480 in Sabrosa or Porto. He became
an explorer. He died when he was 41
years old (1521).
As a boy, he studied mapmaking and
navigation. By his mid-20s, he was
sailing in large fleets and was
engaged in combat. In 1519,
Magellan set out to find a better
route to the Spice Islands. He
assembled a fleet of ships which,
Magellan?s death, circumnavigated
the world in a single voyage.
In August of 1492, Columbus left
Spain in the Santa Maria, with the
Pinta and the Niña along side. After
36 days of sailing, Columbus and
several crewmen set foot on an
island in the present day Bahamas,
claiming it for Spain. There he
encountered a timid but friendly
group of natives who were open to
trade with the sailors exchanging
glass beads, cotton balls, parrots
and spears. The Europeans also
noticed bits of gold the natives
wore for adornment.