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©1994 The Authors
Caribbean Geology: An Introduction
U.W.I. Publishers' Association, Kingston
Geologic Provinces of the Caribbean Region
Department of Geology, Florida International University, Miami, Florida 33199, U.SA.
Department of Geology, University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica
THE CARIBBEAN is a geologically complex region that
displays a variety of plate boundary interactions including
subduction in the Lesser Antilles and Central America,
transcurrent (strike-slip) motions on the northern and southern
boundaries, and sea floor spreading in the Cayman
Trough. The central Caribbean is a lithospheric plate consisting mainly of an anomalously thick, oceanic plateau
situated between two major continental regions and therein
lies its geological importance. Classic studies of the Alps,
Himalayas and Appalachians have documented the effects
of major continent-continent collisions. The Caribbean provides the opportunity to study the nature of the geological
evolution of island arcs, and the tectonic interaction between
anomalously thick oceanic crust and continental crust.
The purpose of this chapter is to introduce the physiography and geology of the Caribbean region. Although detailed analysis of tectonostratigraphic terranes has been
published previously 11 , in the present account we attempt to
outline the features of the major geologic provinces that
make up the Caribbean and to provide a framework for the
more detailed descriptions which follow in this volume.
The Caribbean region is comprised of several major marine
and terrestrial physiographic and geologic provinces, the
geographic relationships of which are illustrated in Figure
1.1. Geographically and bathymetrically, the Caribbean Sea
is bound to the north by the Gulf of Mexico, the Yucatan
Platform, the Florida-Bahamas Platform and the Puerto
Rico Trench, and to the south by the northern part of the
South American continent. The western boundary comprises Central America and the Isthmus of Panama, and the
eastern limits are defined by the Lesser Antilles archipelago.
Within these boundaries there are several deeper water
regions; the Yucatan Basin, the Cayman Trough, the Colombian Basin, the Venezuelan Basin and the Grenada Basin.
These are separated by several more or less linear ridges and
rises; by the Cayman Ridge, the Nicaraguan Rise, the Beata
Ridge and the Aves Ridge, respectively. The physiographic
units correspond in part to the different crustal provinces
that make up the Caribbean and in part to the active tectonic
elements that make up the present Caribbean Plate.
The location and nature of plate boundaries in the Caribbean, as elsewhere, are determined by the location of earthquake hypocentres; by use of the sense of slip from first
motion studies on seismogenic faults; from detailed
bathymetric, magnetic and seismic profiling studies of marine areas; and from detailed mapping of recent, on-land
structures if the plate boundary happens to be exposed
These studies show that the boundaries of the Caribbean Plate (Fig. 1.1 A), as defined by the distribution of
earthquake epicentres 53 , run approximately from Guatemala along the trend of the Cayman Trough, through Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, south through the Lesser Antilles,
and along the northern South America continental margin
(although this boundary is poorly defined between Trinidad
and the Meridional Andes) and the west coast of Central
America. First motion solutions 7,28 indicate left-lateral
strike slip at the northern boundary and right-lateral strike
Geologic Provinces of the Caribbean Region
slip at the southern boundary, indicating that these are left
lateral and right lateral transform boundaries, respectively.
Thrust fault solutions, typical of the upper part of convergent
plate boundaries, are found in both the western and eastern
margins of the plate. The depth of the hypocentres and their
position relative to island arc volcanoes indicates WadatiBenioff Zones dipping eastward beneath Central America
and westward beneath the Lesser Antilles. Detailed marine
and terrestrial studies have considerably refined this general
picture, although there are considerable differences of opinion about the details of the present direction and rate of
movement of the Caribbean Plate relative to its neighbours.
The Caribbean Plate is moving eastwards with respect to
both North and South America31 at a rate of about 1 to 2
cm yr -1. The northern and southern boundaries of the plate
are thus transform fault systems dominated by left-lateral
and right-lateral strike-slip motions, respectively. Unlike
transform fault systems in oceanic crust, where the movement is accommodated in single, discrete fault zones, the
movements in the Caribbean are distributed on several active fault zones to produce broad, active seismic zones about
200 km wide. As it is difficult to pinpoint the precise plate
boundary, the north and south Caribbean Plate boundaries
are best characterised as plate boundary zones 8,28 .
The Motagua, Polochic and other fault zones form
the eastern extension of the Northern Caribbean Plate
Boundary Zone in Central America. A left lateral stepover in the boundary between the Caribbean and North
America has resulted in a crustal-scale pull-apart basin,
the Cayman Trough, in which a 100 km long spreading
ridge segment has been produced. This ridge is bounded
by two extensive transform faults, the Swan Island
Transform Fault and the Oriente (previously Bartlett)
Transform Fault. East of Cuba, left lateral displacement
may be accomodated on several fault zones in northern
Hispaniola and offshore. Left lateral displacement has also
been documented south of the Cayman Trough in Jamaica
and southern Hispaniola 8,29,30, and forms the southern
boundary of a microplate 44 .
The eastward movement of the Caribbean Plate has
resulted in subduction of the Atlantic Ocean crust under
the eastern margin of the Caribbean, producing the Lesser
Antilles island arc system. Eastward motions of the Pacific
and Cocos Plates with respect to the Caribbean and North
America are equally rapid, which has resulted in
subduction of these plates beneath the western margin of
the Caribbean, that is, under Central America.
Seismic reflectors A”and B”
Persistent seismic reflector horizons A" and B" are
important geophysical features of the Caribbean Sea floor.
The B" horizon marks the boundary between igneous sills
and overlying Upper Turonian to Coniacian sedimentary
strata. This reflector has been traced from the lower Nicaraguan Rise eastwards through the Venezuelan Basin . The
A" horizon is considered to mark the boundary between
Lower to Middle Eocene oozes and chalks, and underlying
Upper Cretaceous chertiferous limestones. This reflector
extends from the lower Nicaraguan Rise in the west to the
Grenada Basin in the east. Borehole data from Deep Sea
Drilling Project Leg 15 indicates that the B" horizon consists
of the uppermost layers of a large oceanic basalt plateau with a
crustal thickness of between 15 and 20 km. This plateau
was produced by a significant oceanic flood basalt event that
occurred during the late Cretaceous14 (Donnelly, Chapter 3,
Colombian Basin
The Colombian Basin is defined by the Hess Escarpment to the north, and the continental margin of Panama and
Colombia to the south. The Colombian Plain, extending to
depths of 4000 to 4400 m, is the largest abyssal plain in the
Caribbean region and is located in the northeast part of the
basin. This plain extends north to Hispaniola, south to the
Magdelana Fan and east to the southern corner of the Beata
Ridge22 . Both the Magdelana and the Panama-Costa Rica
Fans introduce significant quantities of sediment into the
basin along its southern and western edges. The North
Panama and South Caribbean Deformed Belts are under thrust margins to this basin.
Beata Ridge
The Beata Ridge is a structural high that extends southwest from Cape Beata, Hispaniola, for about 400 km. The
ridge has a relief of about 2000 m and is comprised of a
series of north-south trending subsidiary ridges which become less pronounced towards the south, where it converges
on the South Caribbean Deformed Belt11,26. Initial uplift of the
ridge occurred during the late Cretaceous and coincided with
structural disturbances that affected the northern Colombian
Basin and the Hess Escarpment23. Subsequent tectonic
events have led to the tilting of the ridge and to
deformation along its southern margin.
Venezuelan Basin
The Venezuelan Basin is the deepest and largest of the
Caribbean basins. The interior of the basin includes less than
200 m of relief, having been 'smoothed' by the accumulated
sediments. The basin is deepest at its northern (Muertos
Trough) and southern (Venezuelan Plain) boundaries,
where it converges with the North and South Caribbean
Deformed Belts, respectively11. Most of the sediment in the
Figure 1.1. (A) Map of the Caribbean region showing the relative positions of plates, physiographic regions and
major islands (redrawnafter Jackson24). Direction of subduction shown by solid triangles. (B) Geologic provinces of
the Caribbean region, as defined in the present chapter (simplified after Case and Dengo 10 ; Case et al.12).
Key: AP=Anegada Passage; AR=Aves Ridge; BeR=Beata Ridge; BP=Bahamas Platform; BR-Barbados Ridge and
Lesser Antilles Deformed Belt; C=Cuba; C A=Colombian Andes; CB=Chortis Block; ChB=Choco Block; CO=Cuban
Orogenic Belt; CoB=Colombian Basin; CT=Cayman Trough; CtB=Chorotega Block; EPFZ=E1 Pilar Fault Zone;
GA=Greater Antilles; GAOB=Greater Antilles Orogenic Belt; GB=Grenada Basin; GM=Gulf of Mexico;
H=Hispaniola (Haiti+Dominican Republic); J=Jamaica; LA=Lesser Antilles; MPFZ=Motagua-Polochic Fault Zone;
NP=Nazca Plate; NPD=North Panama Deformed Belt; NR=Nicaraguan Rise; OTF=Oriente Transform Fault;
PR=Puerto Rico; SCD=South Caribbean Deformed Belt; SITF=Swan Island Transform Fault; VB=Venezuelan Basin;
VBo=Venezuelan Borderland; YB=Yucatan/Maya Block; YBa=Yucatan Basin.
Geologic Provinces of the Caribbean Region
basin was derived from the eastern margin, marked by the
Aves Apron that extends westwards from the Aves Ridge.
Yucatan/Maya Block
The Yucatan, or Maya, Block is located on the North
American Plate and is separated from the Chortis Block by
the Motagua-Polochic fault system. The (pre-Carboniferous) basement of the Yucatan Block is exposed in its southern
extremity, near the Motagua suture, and occurs in various
wells in the subsurface. It is composed of schists, marbles,
quartzites and granitoids of unknown age. These rocks are
unconformably overlain by Upper Carboniferous to Permian
sedimentary and volcanic rocks 15 .
The Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks are unconformably
overlain by a Jurassic 'red bed' sequence (Todos Santos
Group) and thick, Cretaceous dolomitic limestones. In the
southern part of the block, Upper Cretaceous to Tertiary
olistostromes and immature sandstones of the Sepur Group
overlie the carbonate platform rocks. The Chicxulub Crater in
the middle of the Yucatan carbonate platform is the
probable candidate for the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary
impact crater 21.
Chortis Block
The northern boundary of the Chortis Block on the
Caribbean Plate is defined by the Motagua-Polochic fault
system (at present, an active strike-slip fault zone, but this
was previously a suture zone formed by the late Cretaceous
collision of the Chortis and Yucatan Blocks), which is also
the boundary between the Caribbean and North America
Plates. The southwestern boundary is the Middle America
Trench, which separates the block from the Cocos Plate.
However, the southern and eastern boundaries are less well
The basement of the Chortis Block consists of preMesozoic (probably Palaeozoic) metamorphic rocks and
associated Mesozoic plutons which outcrop in the northern
and central parts of the block. The Mesozoic sequence is
generally similar to that of the southern part of the Yucatan
Block to the north, but less well documented15 . A Jurassic to
Lower Cretaceous 'red bed' sequence (correlated with the
Todos Santos Group of the Yucatan Block) overlies the
basement rocks. These are in turn overlain by massive
Lower Cretaceous limestones. A major Upper Cretaceous
'red bed' sequence (Valle de Angeles Formation) sits on
these limestones. A major unconformity separates the
Mesozoic sequence from extensive Cenozoic volcanic deposits.
Chorotega and Choco Blocks
Geographically, this province comprises Costa Rica,
Panama and northwestern Colombia. The Choco Block,
west of and overridden by the Cordillera Occidental of the
Colombian Andes, comprises a sequence of uplifted Upper
Cretaceous to Paleogene oceanic crust and magmatic arc
rocks. The Choco Block abuts deep forearc basins to the
west containing up to 10,000 m of pelagic, turbiditic and
marginal marine sediments and sedimentary rocks 11 . Eastern Panama (Choco Block) is a raised block with a basement
of late Cretaceous or older oceanic crust, topped by seismic
reflector BM (see above), and overlain by Upper Cretaceous
pelagic sedimentary rocks9 . Panama became attached to
South America and nuclear Central America during the late
Miocene or Pliocene13.
The Chorotega Block is essentially the northern extension of the Choco terrane and comprises a series of belts
parallel to the Pacific coast developed by subduction of the
Cocos Plate and subsequent accretion of terranes on the
western seaboard. Reversal and repetition of the forearc
ridge and basin occur in the east of Panama1 . The overlying
Middle America volcanic province is a northwest-southeast
trending belt in western Panama consisting of Miocene to
Holocene calc-alkaline volcanics and related deposits. This
volcanism is related to subduction at the Middle America
Gulf of Mexico
The northern margin of the GuIf of Mexico is underlain
by a broad zone of stretched and thinned continental crust,
as is the southern part (see Maya/Yucatan Block, above).
The central part of the GuIf of Mexico is underlain by
Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous oceanic crust. This
structure is the result of the rifting of the Maya/Yucatan
Block from North America38,39,46, which resulted from
approximately northwest-southeast continental extension
that took place from the Triassic to the late middle
Jurassic. This was followed by sea floor spreading until the
earliest Cretaceous.
The continental basement on the northern and southern
margins of the Gulf of Mexico is overlain by Triassic and
Jurassic 'red beds' and Jurassic evaporites (Louann and
Campeche provinces, respectively). Uppermost Jurassic
sedimentary rocks comprise shallow-water limestones on
the margins of the Gulf, with deep-water carbonate facies in
the central regions. A similar pattern persisted through the
Cretaceous and produced thick carbonate sequences. These
limestones are overlain in the western and central Gulf of
Mexico by terrigenous clastic sedimentary rocks derived as
a result of late Cretaceous orogenic uplift in western North
America and Mexico.
Florida and Bahamas platforms
The Florida and Bahamas carbonate platforms (here
taken to include the regions underlying the Turks and Caicos
Islands) lie to the north of both the Cuban Orogenic Belt and
the Hispaniola segment of the Greater Antilles Orogenic
Belt The Florida and Bahamas platforms consist of a continuous sequence of Middle Jurassic to Recent carbonate
sedimentary rocks which are over 6,000 to 7,000 m thick in
southern Florida and over 10,000 m thick in the Bahamas 48.
The accumulation of these limestones resulted from the
subsidence accompanying the rifting that formed the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. In Florida, the northward
thinning carbonate accumulations unconformably overlie
Triassic to Lower Jurassic arkoses and volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks, which in turn rest on Palaeozoic basement.
The situation is similar in the western Bahamas, under the
Great Bahama Bank, but east of New Providence island the
basement consists of Jurassic oceanic crust48 .
Cuban Orogenic Belt
Western and central Cuba form a major orogenic belt,
characterized by northwardly-directed thrusting of Cretaceous island arc volcanic rocks, with associated oceanic
crust, over a sequence of continental shelf to slope, Jurassic
to Lower Cretaceous limestones and mature clastic sedimentary rocks. It was previously thought that this orogenic
belt resulted from the collision of an island arc with the
Florida-Bahama continental margin in the late Cretaceous
to early Tertiary20 . The Campanian ages of olistostromes
deposited at the front of advancing thrust sheets, and Campanian metamorphism of continental margin sedimentary
rocks in southern Cuba indicate that the Cuban orogeny
comprised a middle Cretaceous, and an early Cenozoic,
orogenic events 41 (Draper and Barros, chapter 4, herein).
Cuba is the only region in the Greater Antilles where
Precambrian age rocks occur. Grenville age (approximately
1,000 Ma) metamorphic rocks outcrop in Las Villas province in north central Cuba42,50. These rocks may represent an
exposed fragment of the basement underlying the sedimentary rocks of the continetal margin.
Southeastern Cuba contains rocks formed in a Paleocene island arc which has a geological history distinct from
western and central Cuba.
Greater Antilles Orogenic Belt
The Greater Antilles orogenic belt comprises Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and southeastern
Cuba. This province differs from that of the orogenic belt of
western and central Cuba in style of deformation, although
deformation occurred earlier in the west. The islands consist
of a Jurassic oceanic basement (exposed in central Hispaniola and southwest Puerto Rico) overlain by Lower
Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian or possibly older) to Paleogene
island arc deposits (volcanic and epiclastic deposits with
associated immature clastic and carbonate sedimentary
rocks). Although there is some evidence for Cretaceous
deformation events16,17,33,34 , which may have a similar age
to those in Cuba, the major tectonic deformation in these
islands was usually later. Late Cretaceous to early Paleogene
deformation was associated with an oblique collision of the
Greater Antilles arc with the Florida-Bahamas platform, but
which did not appear to produce the extensive thrusting
otherwise seen in Cuba. In contrast, in Jamaica (see Nicaraguan Rise, below), the early Paleogene was a period of
crustal extension and resulted in deposition of rift facies
sediments. From the post-Oligocene to the present, the
islands have experienced another major orogenic phase due
to sinistral transpression caused by the eastward motion of
the Caribbean Plate relative to North America. These
transcurrent movements produced a series of strike-slip
related, clastic -filled basins. In adjacent areas, moderate
subsidence coupled with eustatic sea level changes produced carbonate build-ups.
Nicaraguan Rise
The Nicaraguan Rise extends northeastwards from
Honduras and Nicaragua in Central America to Jamaica and
southern Haiti2 . It is bounded on the northern edge by the
Cayman Trough and along the southern margin by the
northeast-southwest trending Hess Escarpment. The Nicaraguan Rise is a broad, topographically complex feature of
shallow to intermediate depth (0-3000 m) along which there
is an upper (less than 1200 m water depth) and lower (greater
than 1200 m water depth) rise22. The lower Nicaraguan Rise
is separated from the upper part by the Pedro Bank escarpment or Pedro Bank Fracture Zone11 and from the Colombian Basin by the Hess Escarpment. The lower, or
southern11 , Nicaraguan Rise is comprised of a series of
faults, troughs and volcanoes. This is particularly evident
along the northeast and southwest margins, where there are
prominent rifts (the Morant and San Andres Troughs, respectively). Closely associated with these troughs is a series
of seamounts and islands formed from late Cenozoic volcanic rocks 57 .
Lower rise strata vary in thickness between 500 m and
1000 m, whereas the upper rise, which is mainly a carbonate
platform, is underlain by over 5000 m of strata11. Emergent
portions of the upper rise include Jamaica, as well as several
carbonate banks to the south of the island. The known
stratigraphy of the upper rise, determined from various
sources 23,36,37 (Robinson, chapter 6, herein), suggests that
Geologic Provinces of the Caribbean Region
a basement of Upper Jurassic(?) to Lower Cretaceous oceanic oust (with continental oust in the west) is overlain by
predominatly stratified Upper Cretaceous volcanic rocks
and Tertiary limestones. Geophysical data show the maximum thickness of the rise to be about 22 km 1,2.
Cayman Trough
The Cayman Trough is approximately 1600 km in
length, 120 km in width and 5 km deep. It comprises a floor
of thin oceanic crust (less than 7 km) partly overlain by a
veneer of younger sediments37. The trough extends westwards from the Windward Passage to the Gulf of Honduras
and separates the Cayman Ridge from the Nicaraguan Rise.
The Cayman Ridge may be a fragment of the Nicaraguan
Rise which became separated by the opening of the Cayman
The approximately east-west trending Oriente and
Swan Island Transform Faults are connected by the northsouth trending Mid-Cayman Rise. The last is the site of
east-west seafloor spreading and hence the trough is essentially a crustal-scale pull-apart basin 30. Therefore, the Cayman Trough is an important tectonic feature, as the rate of
spreading on the Mid-Cayman Rise must be equal to the
relative rate of movement of the Caribbean, with respect to
the North American Plate.
The timing of the opening of the Cayman Trough
remains unresolved. MacDonald and Holcombe27 contended that the Cayman Trough is no older than Miocene,
whereas Rosencrantz and Sclater 45 recognised magnetic
anomalies that trace the opening back to the mid Eocene.
This also has implications regarding spreading rates. Mac Donald and Holcombe27 considered that spreading rates
were 2 cm yr-1 for 0 to 2.4 Ma and 4 cm yr"1 for 2.4 to 6 Ma,
whereas Rosencrantz and Sclater postulated rates of 1.5
cm yr -1 for 0 to 30 Ma and 3 cm yr-1 before then. Recent
GLORIA and SeaMARC II sidescan mapping18,44 has revealed a more complex spreading history punctuated by
intervals of rise jumping.
Yucatan Basin
The Yucatan Basin is bounded to the south by the
Cayman Ridge, to the west by the Yucatan Peninsula of
Mexico, and to the north by western and central Cuba
Rosencrantz43 divided the basin and its borderlands into
nine domains based on seismic reflection studies and surface
topography. These domains occur on three distinct types or
blocks of crust. In the west, the eastern shelf of the Yucatan
Peninsula is characterized by northnortheast-southsouthwest trending extensional faults and grabens. This Yucatan
borderland is flanked by a rectangular deep that occupies the
western third of the basin. The floor of the eastern two thirds
of the basin is topographically heterogeneous, but is domi-
nated by the Cayman Ridge, a subsided volcanic arc developed on pre-Cenozoic oceanic(?) crust. In the east this
crustal block dips northeast beneath the Cuban margin.
Lesser Antilles
The Lesser Antilles volcanic arc is comprised of a series
of islands stretching from Grenada in the south to the
Anegada Passage in the north, a distance of 850 km. It is
separated from the Barbados Ridge in the south by the
Tobago Trough, a forearc basin, and from the Aves Ridge
by the Grenada Basin.
The area has been described as a double arc -32
system" In the southern half of the chain the two arcs
are superimposed on one another to form the islands of
Grenada, the Grenadines, St. Vincent, St. Lucia and
Martinique. These islands contain volcanic and
sedimentary rocks that range in age from the middle
Eocene to the Holocene 35. North of Martinique the arc
bifurcates into an older outer ridge and a younger inner
ridge (the Limestone Caribees, inactive for the past 28
Myr, and Volcanic Caribees, respectively). The Volcanic
Caribees have a history of late Tertiary and Quaternary
volcanism (Wadge, chapter 9, herein).
Most of the volcanic activity in the Lesser Antilles is
subaerial, as recorded by the eruptions in St Kitts, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Lucia and St. Vincent during historic
times49. Sea-going surveys6 have shown that the only active
submarine volcano in the region is Kick-'em-Jenny, which
is located just north of Grenada in the Grenadines.
Barbados Ridge
The Barbados Ridge is a forearc ridge that emerges
above sea level at Barbados, an island capped with Pleistocene limestones and underlain by deformed Tertiary sedimentary rocks (Speed, Chapter 10, herein). The ridge is
divided into an inner (=arcward) zone and an outer (=oceanward) region51, and forms part of the western margin of the
Lesser Antilles accretionary prism 25, which is over 300 km
The inner zone of the Barbados Ridge consists of rocks
and structures similar to those of the Paleogene basal complex of Barbados, including turbidites, olistostromes and
volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks. The thickness of this low
density rock sequence may be as much as 20 km. Rocks of
similar compos ition occur in the outer (eastern) region of
the Barbados Ridge, but here consist of recently accreted,
fault-bounded packets51.
Accretion may have commenced in the Eocene during
the early growth of the Lesser Antilles island arc. The
differing structures of both the inner and outer zones may
reflect two discrete accretionary events. Speed 51 suggested
that the inner zone developed above a lithospheric slab
descending to the northwest, while the outer zone was
formed above a slab descending to the west. From the
commencement of accretion (about 50 Ma) to the present
the Barbados Ridge has been rising as a result of the growth,
thickening and backthrusting of the accretionary complex25,54.
Aves Ridge
The Aves Ridge is located 200 km west of the Lesser
Antilles arc and extends in a north-south direction for about
500 km. It is a plateau between 50 and 150 km in width that
includes several steep-sided, north-south trending pedestals,
one of which rises above sea level to form Aves Island56 .
The rocks underlying the ridge comprise a basement of
Cretaceous to Paleocene basalts, andesites and granites, that
are overlain by about 1500 m of pelagic and shallow-water
Tertiary sedimentary rocks 11 . The crustal character and
composition of the rocks of the Aves Ridge suggest that the
area represents the site of an extinct magmatic arc5,23,40,52.
Grenada Basin
The Grenada Basin separates the southern portions of
the Aves Ridge from the Lesser Antilles arc. In the south the
basin attains depths of about 3000 m, but to the north the
water depth decreases, and the Aves Ridge and Grenada
Basin merge into a single platform called the Saba Bank.
Major lithospheric changes in the north and south of the
basin occur between latitudes 14°N and 15°N. To the south
the lithosphere is typical of a back-arc basin, composed of
anomalously thick, two-layer oceanic crust similar to that of
the nearby Venezuelan Basin 40 . This crust is overlain by
about 6 km of Tertiary volcaniclastic and pelagic sedimentary rocks 47. North of 15°N the basement is disturbed and
is overlain by about 2 km of sediments and sedimentary
rocks11. The consensus of opinion is that the Grenada Basin
is an intra-arc basin created by the splitting of a mature arc
during the early Paleogene into the Aves Ridge and the
Lesser Antilles arc39. Alternately, the Grenada Basin may
be thinned forearc crust that became isolated during an
eastward migration of the subduction zone to its present
Venezuelan borderland
The Venezuelan borderland forms part of a broad orogenic belt of Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks that mark the
boundary zone of the Caribbean with the South American
Plate. The emergent parts of the belt comprise the Caribbean
Mountain System of northern Venezuela and the southern
Antllean island chain of Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao. The
central part of this island chain is separated from the mainland by the 2000 m deep Bonaire basin. The Curaçao Ridge
is a bathymetric high located north of the Netherlands Antilles and separated from it by the Los Roques Trough. This
area represents a zone of intense deformation and accretion,
and is an eastward extension of the South Caribbean Deformed Belt that contains about 10 km of Paleogene(?) and
Neogene pelagic and turbiditic deposits11,23,26. The La Orchila Basin, a northwest-southeast trending graben, separates the Venezuelan Antillean islands of Los Aves, Los
Roques and La Qrchila from La Blanquilla, Los Hermanos,
Margarita, Los Frailes and Los Testigos to the east.
The South Caribbean Island Chain comprises islands of
the Netherlands and Venezuelan Antilles which extend from
Los Monjes in the west, eastward to Los Testigos. These
islands are located on an east-west structural high and appear to be genetically related to one another 3 (Jackson and
Robinson, Chapter 14, herein). The Netherlands and Venezuelan Antilles consist of weakly metamorphosed Cretaceous volcanic and sedimentary rocks which were intruded
by late Cretaceous granitoid bodies of various sizes, and are
capped by late Cenozoic sedimentary rocks.
The Caribbean Mountain System is an east-west trending belt that extends from Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in
the west to the island of Tobago in the east4. Six thrustbounded nappes outcrop discontinuously along the north
coast of Venezuela These nappes consist of Cretaceous
sequences that have been emplaced southward onto Paleogene sedimentary rocks in a foreland basin setting.
Colombian Andes
The major tectonic blocks included within the Colombian Andes 19 are, approximately from west to east, the
Cordillera Occidental, the Cordillera Central, the Cordillera
Oriental, the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, the Sierra de
Perija and the Cordillera de Mérida, with associated sedimentary basins (Donovan, chapter 13, herein).
The Cordillera Occidental is a fault-bounded block
consisting of a Mesozoic eugeosynclinal sequence developed on oceanic crust and intruded by Tertiary granitoid
plutons. It is separated from the Cordillera Central, which
has a basement of continental crust, by the Romeral Fault
Zone, which is characterised by a melange of oceanic and
continental fragments beneath a Tertiary cover sequence.
The Cordillera Central is a polydeformed metamorphic
complex consisting of rocks from Precambnan to Cretaceous, or uncertain, age55 . A Precambnan to Palaeozoic
crystalline core includes a metamorphosed Lower Palaeozoic island arc sequence, and is overlain by Mesozoic to
Geologic Provinces of the Caribbean Region
Cenozoic marine and continental deposits that have been
intruded by plutons. The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta to
the north, a pyramidal, fault-bounded massif in isostatic
disequilibrium, includes a similar sequence to the
Cordillera Central. The Cordillera Oriental, Sierra de
Perija and Cordillera de Merida (=Venezuelan Andes)
have broadly similar stratigraphies and structures, with
Precambrian to Palaeozoic crystalline basement overlain
by Palaeozoic to Cenozoic, mostly continental
sedimentary and volcanic sequences. The Cordillera
Oriental has been autochthonous on nuclear South America
since the Jurassic.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS—We thank Paul Mann (University of Texas at
Austin) and Kirton Rodrigues (Trintoc, Pointe-a-Pierre) for making
constructive review comments on this typescript
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