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Egyptians were
meaning they believed
in more than one god.
What letter comes next in the sequence?
M A M J J A S O __
The Middle and New
The Middle Kingdom
► Main
Idea: The Middle kingdom was a
golden age of peace, prosperity and
advances in arts and architecture.
► Around 2300 B.C., the pharaohs lost control
of Egypt as nobles battled one another for
► This lasted for 200 years.
► Finally a new dynasty of pharaohs came to
power and moved the capital to Thebes.
► In
Thebes they restored order and stability,
ushering a new period the Middle Kingdoms.
► The middle Kingdom lasted about 400
years, during this time the Egyptians
The Drive for more land
► During
this period the Egyptians took
control over new land.
► They captured Nubia to the south and force
the people to send tributes – or forced
► Within Egypt, they built more waterways,
and dams.
► They also increased the amount of land
being farmed and built a canal between the
Nile and Red Sea.
The Arts Blossom
► Painters
covered the walls of tombs and
temples with colorful scenes.
► Sculptures created large wall carvings and
statues of the pharaohs, showing them as
ordinary people rather than godlike figures.
► Poets wrote love songs to the pharaohs.
► Instead of pyramids, pharaohs began to
have tombs built in the cliffs of the Nile
River, this became known as the valley of
A Women Ruler
► Around
150 years into the new kingdom, a
women named Hatshepsut, became ruler of
► She ruled first with her husband, then after
his death for her nephew.
► She finally declared herself Pharaoh.
► She wanted to expand trade not conquer.
► She had traders sail up and down east
Africa, to trade. This brought even greater
The New Kingdom
► Main
Idea: During the New Kingdom, Egypt
acquired new territory and reached the
height of it’s power.
► Ahmose was the 1st ruler of the New
► Egypt became richer and more powerful.
► The pharaohs led their armies east into Asia
to gain more land. Egypt reached the height
of its glory.
Expanding the Empire
► When
Hatshepsut died her nephew took
over – Thutmoses III.
► Under him Egypt began aggressive wars of
► He expanded the borders of Egypt north
into Mesopotamia.
► Under him, Egypt controlled more land that
it ever had.
► Thutmoses
III, empire grew rich from trade
and tribute.
► He claimed gold, copper, ivory and other
valuable goods from the conquered people.
► He also, enslaved many of the people
captured during his conquests.
► They were put to work rebuilding Thebes.
► Slavery
was not common, before the New
► Enslaved people, could own land, marry,
and eventually be granted their freedoms.
King Tut
► When
the previous Pharaoh died his son-inlaw took over – King Tut.
► He was 10 years old when he took the
► He relied on palace officials to help him and
the suggested trying to get back to the Old
► He ruled for only 9 years.
► He
died unexpectedly, he may have fallen
or been murdered.
► He served for a very short time and played
only a small role in Egypt, so why is he so
► The reason was in the riches found in his
► When found their was a gold death mask,
including many other things.
► The
was a thrilling discovery since many of
the tombs had been raided long ago by
The End of the New Kingdom
► Under
Ramses II, Egypt regained territory
and built great temples, but the empire still
Egypt’s Decline and Fall
► After
Ramses II, Egypt's power began to
► They had a hard time defending themselves
from other countries, that wanted their land
► They were no match for them since they did
not have iron ore, a strong metal.
► BY
1150 B.C., the Egyptians only controlled
the Nile Delta.
► They came under control of one group after
► Finally, in 670 B.C., the Egyptians were
finally taken over by the Assyrians.
Three Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt
Pharaohs organized a
strong central state,
were absolute rulers,
and were considered
Egyptians built
pyramids at Giza.
Power struggles, crop
failures, and cost of
pyramids contributed
to the collapse of the
Old Kingdom.
Large drainage project
that created farmland.
Traders had contacts
with Middle East and
Corruption and
rebellions were
Powerful pharaohs
created a large
that reached the
Euphrates River.
encouraged trade.
Ramses II expanded
Egyptian rule to
Egyptian power
Ancient Egypt
Early Mumification
► Early
Mummies were
made when they died
in the desert an were
buried under sand.
They were left out and
all the water in there
body’s evaporated
causing mummification
Roles in Mummification
► There
were 3 major roles in the
mummification. They were the Scribe, the
Cutter and the Embalmer. The Scribe would
oversee the cutting of the body. The Cutter
would make the incisions. The Embalmer
was a class of priest which prepared the
body and removed the organs.
How They were Made
Mummification was a long and expensive process. It
took 70 days to embalm the body. The first step was
to wash the body and ritually purified. The next step
was to remove the barin. This was done with a heated
hook. The hook was put up the nose and the brain
was scrambled so it could run out the nose.
How They are Made Continued
► After
the Brain was removed they took out the
organs and placed them in canopic jars but they
left the heart in. They put salt in the body to dry
the corpses up. They left it to take the water
away. Then they would start to rap the mummy.
In between each layer they would place a jewel.
After the wrapping the opening of the mouth
ceremony was preformed. They would place a
face mask onto the mummy. This would restore all
body parts.
The first ritual was to remove all the
organs. The first organ was the Brain
which was removed from the nose. They
believed the brain was not important.
Then they took out the liver, intestines,
lungs and stomach were placed in conopic
jars. The heart was left in the body. The
heads on the jars were the four sons of
Horus. They had a Human head, a Jackel
head, Falcon head and Baboon head and
each one was the protector of an organ in
the afterlife.
► In
between each layer of wrapping they put
a jewel. Before they put the body in the
tomb they placed a burial mask on the part
of the mummy were the face was.
Rames II
Social Class of Mumification
Mummification was manly reserved for the rich and
powerful although they did mummified lower and middle
class citizens. In Egypt The rich were mummified and
had expensive jewels. You were also buried in a tomb
but if you were lower or middle class citizen you were
mummified. Instead of being placed in a tomb you were
put by the Nile river. Since the Egyptians believed in the
passage through to the After life. People were Buried as
while as they could afford.
The Afterlife
In the After life the Egyptians
believed that you heart was
weighed against an ostrich
feather as shown in the
bottom right picture). If your
heart weighed more then the
feather you could not move
on to the after life.