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Simone M. Smith
Professor Peterson
November 12, 2009
Cultural Analysis
Ancient Egypt; the Foundation of Modern Societies
According to David in The Egyptian Kingdoms, Africa is noted for its countless
contributions of valuable ideas and innovations in the modern world. Many of these can be
traced back to the ancient Egyptian civilization, which begs the question, is ancient Egypt the
paradigm for today’s societies? Ancient Egypt is the foundation on which many modern day
societies are built. This is evident in the architecture, religion, politics, and the structure of social
classes. These core principals of the ancient Egyptian culture have evolved and have transported
over the years around the world through travel and trade1.
One such example of ancient Egypt influences is the Louvre Museum in Paris, France,
which features the ancient Egyptian architecture of the pyramid. The idea of the construction of
these pyramids came from the President of France, Mitterrand. Mitterrand was so fascinated with
the ancient Egyptian culture he adapted its architectural aspects to the French culture. Many
people believed that Mitterrand had a “Pharaonic complex” and he is known as the sphinx2.
Donald P. Ryan. The Complete Idiots guide to Ancient Egypt (Indianapolis, IN: 2002) 24
Donald P. Ryan. The Complete Idiots guide to Ancient Egypt (Indianapolis, IN: 2002)20.
The construction of the original pyramids built by the ancient Egyptians started in The
Old Kingdom, which was during the time period of 2150 to 1750 B.C.E.3. It was during this
period that the Egyptians evolved and perfected the pyramid; the architectural form of these
pyramids has been the distinguishing mark of the ancient Egyptian civilization4. There are about
eighty pyramids known today5. The most famous of the pyramids are The Great Pyramids of
Giza. These Pyramids were built at the beginning of the Old Kingdom6. The most well known
pyramid of The Great Pyramids of Giza was built for the Pharaoh Khufu. This pyramid stands at
460 feet and has sides 755 feet long7. These pyramids served as tombs for the pharaohs and their
queens. It was believed that the dead pharaohs would symbolically climb the slopes the slopes of
the pyramid to reach the heavens and live forever.
The construction of these pyramids was the result of the forced labor of slaves. However
the Egyptian slaves were quite different from those in Rome, Greece, or the southern United
Jiu-Hwa L. Upshur, et al. World History, compact fourth ed. (Belmont, CA: Thomas Wadsworth), 28.
“Pyramids”, British Museum. September 20, 1999.
Jiu-Hwa L. Upshur, et al. World History, compact fourth ed. (Belmont, CA: Thomas Wadsworth), 29.
States of America8. They considered it an honor to serve the god-king or the Pharaoh. A slave in
ancient Egypt, known as a hem, was merely a person with a few rights committed to a particular
duty, which included service to the god-kings or the royal administrators. Slaves in the ancient
Egyptian society were treated extremely better than slaves in other societies, especially if a slave
in ancient Egypt was serving a rich family9. In fact being a slave in a rich family was better than
a free peasant.
“Slaves were allowed to own property, enter into business, and
marry free women; manumission (formal release by the owner)
was permitted through either self-purchase or adoption.
Nevertheless, even by this humanitarian code, the slave was still
considered merchandise”10.
The next groups of people on the social structure were farmers and artisans or craftsmen.
The farmers were responsible for the agriculture, which involved producing food and caring for
animals. The artisans were skilled in diverse practices, which included making furniture, jewelry,
leather, cloth, and the building of tombs and palaces. These practices eventually developed into
“Ancient Egypt: Slavery, its causes and practices”, An Introduction to the History and culture of the Pharaonic Egypt. October
stores where people shopped for their needs. Artisans specialized and sold different objects
which included teachers, doctors, and scribes, also influenced the modern society. Like the
skilled artisans, these professions ultimately progressed to the different professions that are
available today11.
The upper class in ancient Egypt consisted of priests who executed religious ceremonies,
court nobles who helped the pharaoh and queen make government decisions and land nobles who
managed estates12. The civilization, formed by different social classes is the basis for many
societies for many societies today and throughout the ages13. Today, the government sits at the
top of the social ladder as it did in ancient Egyptian times, then the upper class includes the
wealthy people of society, the middle class or the working class, then the lower class which
includes those people with little or no income.
Another influential aspect from ancient Egypt is religion and the role it plays in the
government of ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptian government was more like a theocracy rather
than a monarchy because the Pharaoh was considered a god; however the principles of both a
Henry James Breasted. History of Egypt (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons 1995), 65
Henry James Breasted. History of Egypt (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons 1995), 66
A Rosalie David. The Egyptian Kingdoms. (New York: Peter Bedrick Books, 1975), 18
theocracy and monarchy in the case are similar. In comparison to the ancient Egyptian style of
today’s government Canada is a constitutional monarchy as well as England. Ancient Egyptian
government influenced the rule of one supreme head of the society14.
Many aspects of the ancient Egyptian civilization influenced modern civilizations. “Who
knew the civilization that began on the banks of the Nile could leave such a lasting
impression”15. Their division of the social class was a phenomenal aspect in modern civilization.
It not only classified people but progressed throughout the ages. With its strong government,
religion and its remarkable architecture, ancient Egypt was incomparable. Throughout the
ancient Egyptian civilization, the Egyptians developed many unique and fascinating ideas that
not only made a m`12ark in history, but influence modern societies.
A Rosalie david. The Egyptian Kingdoms. (New York: Peter Bedrick Books, 1975), 19
Donald P. Ryan. The Complete Idiots guide to Ancient Egypt (Indianapolis, IN: 2002) 13
“Ancient Egypt: Slavery, its causes, and practice”, An Introduction to the History and
Culture of Pharaonic Egypt, October 2009,
(accessed October2009).
Breatsed, Henry James. History of Egypt. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1905.
David, A. Rosalie. The Egyptian Kingdoms. New York: Peter Bedrick Books, 1975.
“Pyramids” British Museum. September 20, 1999. (accessed October 2009).
Ryan, Donald P. The Complete Idiots guide to Ancient Egypt. Indianapolis, IN: 2002
Upshur, Jiu-Hwa L. Janice J. Terry, James P. Holoka, Richard D. Goff, George H. Cassar.
World History. Compact fourth edition. Belmont, CA: Thomas Wadsworth.