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Chapter One – What Europeans Found
Introduction: The history of the United States begins in Europe. It
begins with a series of social, economic and political changes in Europe.
Reasons for Discovery and Exploration
A) Search for new routes to the East
1. Europeans began to have contact with the East through the
Crusades in the 12th and 13th centuries.
2. The trade was overland and therefore dangerous and timeconsuming.
3. The trade routes were also dominated by the Italian citystates.
4. Nation-states on the coast were eager to find a ocean route
to the East.
B) National Rivalries
1. Nations and rulers wanted to compete for wealth and glory
that discovery would bring them.
C) The 3 G’s - Gold, Glory Gospel
1. Many explorers sought to get rich and to attain fame through
their efforts.
2. Also, many devout Christians wanted to convert natives of
foreign lands to Christianity.
D) New Knowledge
1. The growth of scientific and geographic knowledge enabled
navigators and explorers to travel around the southern tip of
Africa and to America.
2. Inventions such as the astrolabe and the magnetic compass
were very helpful.
Christopher Columbus – who he was and why he came
A) Early Life
1. He was born 1451 in Genoa, Italy, a busy port city.
2. He was the son of a wealthy wool weaver.
3. As a young man, he took to the sea, transporting wool, wine
and dried fish to countries in the North Atlantic.
4. He eventually settled in Lisbon, Portugal which was on the
forefront of trade to Africa as well as the North Atlantic.
5. He began to dream of some day of sailing westward to Asia.
B) Columbus Sought the Treasures of Asia
1. Europeans paid good money for peppers, spices and teas as
well as silks and gems.
a. The overland route was dangerous and long – taking up
to a year.
2. Experts tried to convince Columbus that Asia was too far,
that he could not possibly make it.
3. European monarchs would not support him.
C) Spain’s Queen Isabella Agrees to Support Columbus
1. After making him wait for 6 years, she provides him with a
crew and three ships – the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria.
D) The Great Voyage – 3 AUG – 12 OCT 1492
1. Columbus’ knowledge of the winds and sea were key to his
a. He knew to sail south to the Canary Islands off of Africa,
then west in order to catch the winds that would carry
him to the New World. (see page 5 in the text.)
2. Columbus faces a mutiny
a. Because the journey lasted longer than expected, the
crew threatened to rebel.
b. Columbus agreed to turn around and go home if they did
not find land in three days.
c. On the third day, 12 OCT 1492, the crew spotted land –
what today is known as the Bahamas.
3. Columbus did not find what he expected
a. Instead of great cities and civilized people, he found
wary, struggling, naked indigenous people.
b. But he did find some gold, so he thought he was in an
outpost of China.
4. He returned to Spain a hero in March 1493.
E) Columbus’ later voyages end in misfortune and disaster
1. He returned to the Caribbean three more times, but never
found what he was looking for.
2. Instead, he and his crews ended up in bloody conflicts with
suspicious natives.
3. Eventually, Columbus’ European supporters grew weary of
him and his enemies in moved to have him imprisoned.
4. He died a broken and humiliated man.