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Ms Hume – Unit 1: Greek Mythology
Honors Extensions/Extra Credit Options
For this unit on Greek Mythology, you may choose an extension assignment from any of the following
options or present an idea for an extension to me for approval that is focused on Greek mythology.
Turn the “Comparison/Contrast” Project between a Greek mythological character and a nonGreek character into a typed-paper using proper format for a comparison/contrast essay. (see
original assignment handout) Submit to in order for paper to be considered for
Read AT LEAST three of Ovid’s renditions of Greek mythology in his book entitled
“Metamorphoses.” Note the following in your responses to these stories:
A) explain the “metamorphosis” or “change” that occurs in the story
B) interpret any “moral” or “lesson” you feel this myth reveals about human
An excellent source on-line for Ovid’s epic anthology of myths set to poetic blank verse
is the following site at MIT:
Look for Greek mythological icons or imagery in any modern product image; product, company
names, popular modern film, t.v., or contemporary story or character. The goal is to explore how
timeless and universal Greek mythology has become in our “modern” culture.
Example: **“Mercury” as the symbol for the FTD Florist.
**“Atlas” as the name of a brand of tire for automobiles.
Using power point or any creative project format, complete the following steps:
A) Identify AT LEAST SIX images from modern culture with a picture or
illustration of the modern image. Example: A sample of an “Atlas tire” image
B) Explain in a short paragraph the symbolic significance of the particular Greek name for this
image. Answer: Why an “Atlas” tire???
DUE DATE: Extension projects are due by Thursday, 9/26. You will be presenting these extension
projects to the rest of the class. Have fun exploring!!!