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Kirk in the Hills
A Christ-centered Community Called to
Deepen Faith, Serve Others and Foster Fellowship
20, 2013
Prayer in the name of Jesus Christ is a way into the world, not out of it.
– Douglas John Hall
Norman M. Pritchard, Pastor
William L. Adams III, Associate Pastor
Troy Hauser Brydon, Associate Pastor
Carol A. Tate, Associate Pastor
James F. Anderson, Pastor Emeritus
Glenn A. Miller, Director of Music & Organist
Dennis N. Curry, Associate Director of Music & Carillonneur
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"+), at Kirk in the Hills! We are glad to have you with us today
for worship. If this is your first visit to the Kirk—welcome! Please introduce
yourself to a pastor after worship.
" concerned about children becoming restless in the service are invited to
worship in Cedarholm Chapel where there are crib- and baby chair– stands, and
the service is relayed on a TV monitor.
’" S .) — Our prayers spring from our faith in God’s love, our
trust in God’s concern for us and our belief that God has a purpose to
accomplish for and through us. What, then, are we to make of the parable we
read today in worship, where Jesus shows an unscrupulous judge granting a
request only so that he can enjoy some peace and quiet? What can this
unse2ling story mean for our prayer life?
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invites us to prepare our hearts for worship and our lives
for faithful living. Eternal God, you draw near to us in Christ and make yourself our
guest. Amid the cares of our daily lives, make us a*entive to your voice and alert to your
presence, that we may treasure your word above all else. We ask this through our Lord
Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God forever and ever. Amen.
(Reprinted by permission from The Book of Common Worship, Software Edition, © 1993,
1995 Westminster John Knox Press.)
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are presented to the glory of God by Alex
and Evelyn McKeen in loving memory of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John N.
McKeen and Mr. and Mrs. Paul P. Feldkamp.
U"+ " scheduled to serve at the 9:00 a.m. worship service are: David Li2leton,
Captain; Thomas Baker, Co-captain; William Baker, C. Robert Blank, Jr.,
Mitchell Bonne2, James Devlin, Buck Drummond, Todd Emerson, Robert
Geusic, James Healy, Phillip Jia, Rodney Mays, Ford Meiser, George Rock, Peter
Russ. At 11:00 a.m. are: James Keeling, Captain; Douglas Waldo, Co-captain;
Jerome Allen, Josh Bi2erman, Ralph Collins, Dorman Dickerson III, Dwight
Gammons, Christopher Graham, Hsin-Hong Huang, G. Lenard Johnston, John
Li2le, Steven McCollum, Thomas O’Hara, Jr., Gregory Pond, Peter Shaw, Stuart
Shuster, Maynard Timm.
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" are available for personal, confidential prayer in Melrose
Chapel on the left-hand side of the pulpit.
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U ) " are available upon request from an usher.
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9:00 a.m., Sanctuary Service
Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:17-18
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The pre-service music reflects the theme of todayʹs worship and offers a
reflective atmosphere in which to prepare for worship.
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Toccata in E minor
Johann Pachelbel
Alec Rowley
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The ringing of the bell signals the start of worship.
Please stand and join in the opening hymn.
* O,
) / H ( 417 — Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation
Westminster Abbey
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(said together)
We gather to praise you, dear Lord, and to rejoice in your goodness;
for you are a great God
and you are worthy of the best that we can offer you.
Open our hearts to the richness of your love
and inspire us to offer you the full love of our hearts.
In a broken and a needy world, dear Lord,
we know that we are broken and needy too.
At times our love grows cold,
our faith grows weak
and we are too caught up in our own concerns to trust or serve you.
Forgive us, we pray and make us willing to trust
and eager to be your faithful disciples in the world.
For Jesus’ sake.
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You are giving and forgiving, ever blessing, ever blessed,
Well-spring of the joy of living, ocean depth of happiness.
God our Father, Christ our brother, with the Spirit ever blessed;
Hold us in your love for ever; let our hearts in you find rest.
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Ode to Joy
Douglas Wagner
+ ( — Praise, O Praise
The Young Children’s Choir
(Text printed on page 6.)
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(Children up through Grade 3 are invited to come forward to the front of the sanctuary for
this part of the service. They will then be dismissed to classrooms in the Abbey.)
) / — Luke 18:1-8
(Pew Bible, NT, page 81; The New Adventure Bible, page 1151)
Jesus offers teaching on prayer but by giving a provocative parable he leaves us
with questions that encourage us to think about prayer and the God to whom we
pray, and the things we pray for.
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Dr. Pritchard
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Our giving is an offering to God. All offerings, whether made in the worship service
or outside of it, are part of our worship of God and are used to support the Kirk’s
ministry here and in other parts of the world.
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The prayer puts into words the faith we display through the offering we make to God.
+ ( — The Prayers I Make
(Text printed on page 6.)
* D R ' /
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise him all creatures here below,
Praise him above ye heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
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Old Hundredth
Mrs. Linda Juracek-Lipa
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Catching the note of thanksgiving from the Doxology, we now bring prayers of
thanks to God and seek God’s blessing on needs in the world.
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Jane Marshall
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(said together) (‘debts’, ‘debtors’)
* C' ") / H ( 403 — What a Friend We Have in Jesus
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Please take your seats as the pastor gives the congregation a charge to live the life of
faith and then speaks words of Godʹs blessing on all gathered.
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The service ends with notes of praise and affirmation on the organ. We encourage
worshipers to remember that this closing music is the conclusion of worship. Please be
respectful of those who wish to remain in a worshipful frame of mind.
Final, from Symphony No 4
Charles Marie Widor
* Congregation standing
We encourage worshippers to greet one another as they leave and
assist visitors in finding their way to the coffee hour or
to one of the Passport 2 Faith Christian education classes.
Visitors are welcome to look in on any Sunday.
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“Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation” is a translation of Latin hymn is based on 1
Peter 2:5, Revelation 21 and Ephesians 2:20. The tune was wri2en by the great
English Baroque composer Henry Purcell, who amongst his many activities was
organist at Westminster Abbey. “Lord of Light” was wri2en by Howell Lewis, a
Welsh Congregationalist pastor, with to declare that “in doing God’s will, active
co-operation is as much needed as humble resignation.” “What a Friend We Have
in Jesus” was wri2en by Joseph Scriven, an Irish philanthropist who was influenced by the Plymouth Brethren. There are differences of opinion about the circumstances surrounding the writing of this text. One story is that it was wri2en
in reaction to the sudden death of his bride-to-be the night before their wedding;
another is that he wrote it for his mother when she was seriously ill.
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Praise, O Praise
Douglas Wagner
Douglas Wagner is a prolific composer and arranger of practical works for church and school.
A resident of Indianapolis and retired from thirty years in secondary school music education, he
now devotes all of his time to composition and related activities.
All creation now give praise;
Praise, praise, O praise the Lord!
Sky and sea your songs do raise;
Praise, praise the Lord!
Men and women, old and young,
Praise, praise, O praise the Lord!
Let the name of Christ be sung;
Praise, praise the Lord!
All God’s children sing for joy!
Praise, praise, O praise the Lord!
Now to him your songs employ;
Praise, praise the Lord!
Hear My Prayer
Jacob Arcadelt
The composer of this anthem was a Netherlandish composer of the Renaissance. The original
text of this anthem was a hymn in honor of Jesus’ mother Mary; this text is a compilation of
verses from the Psalms.
Hear my prayer, O God, turn not from me:
Hearken unto the voice of my supplication.
I will call on God, he alone will be my salvation.
He endureth for all generations.
O Lord almighty, turn not thyself from me,
I pray thee, Lord God!
O hear my prayer, Lord, hear my prayer.
The Prayers I Make
Jane Marshall
This anthem is a se*ing of a text by Michelangelo Buonarroti, translated by William
Wordsworth. Michelangelo was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect, poet and engineer of the
High Renaissance who exerted an unparalleled influence on the development of Western art.
His versatility in the disciplines he took up was of such a high order that he is often considered a
contender of the title of the archetypal Renaissance man, along with Leonardo da Vinci. Jane
Marshall is a long-time member of the sacred music faculty of Perkins Theological Seminary,
Southern Methodist University.
The prayers I make will then be sweet indeed,
If thou the spirit give by which I pray;
My unassisted heart is barren clay,
Which of its native self can nothing feed;
Of good and pious works thou art the seed
Which quickens where thou sayest it may;
Unless thou show us then thine own true way,
No one can find it! Father, thou must lead.
Do thou, then, breathe those thoughts into my mind
Such virtue may in me be bred
That in thy holy footsteps I may tread;
The fe2ers of my tongue do thou unbind,
That I may have the power to sing of thee
And sound thy praises everlastingly.
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Eleven o’clock, Sanctuary
Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:17-18
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Toccata in E minor
Johann Pachelbel
Alec Rowley
Christopher Tye
Sing to the Lord in joyful strain, let earth his praise resound,
Ye who amidst the ocean dwell, and fill the isles around.
Thou city of the Lord begin, the universal song,
Let all combined, with one accord, the cheerful notes prolong.
* P
' H ( 417 — Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation Westminster Abbey
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(in unison)
Almighty and everlasting God,
you are always more ready to hear than we to pray,
and to give far more than we either desire or deserve.
Pour upon us the abundance of your mercy,
forgiving us those things of which our conscience is afraid,
and giving those good things for which we are not worthy to ask,
except through the mediation of Jesus Christ our Savior,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.
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Lord have mercy upon us. Christ have mercy upon us.
Lord have mercy upon us.
* G' ) P
You are giving and forgiving, ever blessing, ever blessed,
Well-spring of the joy of living, ocean depth of happiness.
God our Father, Christ our brother, with the Spirit ever blessed;
Hold us in your love forever; let our hearts in you find rest.
W '
John Barnard
Ode to Joy
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$ B , )"( — Vivia Loren Adams
— Ecumenical Version (Hymnal, page 14)
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Help us, O Lord, to teach the beauty of your ways,
That yearning souls may find the Christ and live a life of praise.
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2 Timothy 4:1-2 (Pew Bible, NT, page 213)
This is more than a pep talk: this is a solemn challenge to accountability.
Luke 18:1-8 (Pew Bible, NT, page 81)
Jesus offers teaching on prayer but by giving a provocative parable he leaves us with
questions that encourage us to think about prayer and the God to whom we pray,
and the things we pray for.
+ ( — Hear My Prayer (Text printed on page 6.)
Jacob Arcadelt
Dr. Pritchard
* H ( 425 – Lord of Light, Your Name Outshining
Abbot’s Leigh
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The ministry of the Kirk is supported by the contributions of members and friends. All
offerings, whether given during the service or outside of it, are part of the act of
worship of God.
* P
+ ( — The Prayers I Make (Text printed on page 6.)
F ) +) A
* R
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T+ L
Jane Marshall
Old Hundredth
* D R ' /
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise him all creatures here below,
Praise him above ye heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
’" P
Mrs. Linda Juracek-Lipa
*"/).) /
— (in unison; ‘debts’, ‘debtors’)
' H ( 403 — What a Friend We Have in Jesus
C' ") / V '
* Congregation standing
St. Ethelwald
— Final, from Symphony No 4
Charles Marie Widor