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International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Volume X, Special Issue,
ICRTCST -2016, ISSN 2321-3469
Kriti Gupta, Nidhi Shikha, Sonam Supriya, Sadique Nayeem
Department of Computer Science, RVS College of Engineering and Technology
Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, INDIA
In the last two decades, multifold development in educational technologies has been noticed. Innovative
educational technologies have opened a new ways of interacting with students especially students with special
educational needs (SEN). A number of approaches has been proposed, implemented and tested for assessing the
different kind of learning disabilities in the students. Amongst the most efficient approaches are based on
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) methods. Effective application of A.I. methods can be one of the best means of
assessing and improving the quality of life of SEN learners such as persons who are suffering from dyslexia,
dysgraphia, dyscalculia, autism and similar type of disorders. A.I. methods has played vital role in the
development of Diagnosis and Intervention process. This paper presents a short overview of the most
representative studies done between 2001 and 2010, used for the above purposes.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Diagnosis, Intervention, Learning Difficulties, Special Educational
In today’s world, technology has dramatically increased with the help of computing devices. It is used in
every aspect of our daily life. From last fifty years researchers and scientists have craze for developing the
artificial intelligence tools. Artificial intelligence [1] is a technique in which study and design of
intelligence agents can be done. For example Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in this method
Researchers & scientists first study the human brain, its nerve cells and connectivity of neurons and map
it into computer world so that it provides the resemblance of human brain working style & it can be used
in special education to avoid learning disability for SEN(Students with special Education Needs) learners.
International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Volume X, Special Issue,
ICRTCST -2016, ISSN 2321-3469
Intersection of the A.I. and Education seem to support the idea that A.I. tools can be successfully used in
education. A learning hypermedia is developed i.e. Logiocando (playing with logic). Logiocando aims at
helping a special category of user i.e. children aged 9-10 years.
It is a very important tool to teach mathematics. It covers logic topics such as union, intersection &
complement operations. Representation of object can be done according to two or more attributes i.e.
Venn, Carrol & Tree diagram. The system comprises of four units i.e. sets, set operations, logic operators
and diagrams. Each unit focuses on specific concepts and divided into three sections: explanation, logic
games and tests.
Recently there has been increasing emphasis on educating the children, adults, young people, students
suffering from dyslexia, dysgraphia etc. using A.I. technique.
In order to predict learning disabilities in a student is a difficult problem since experts have not
completely reached on accord on the definition, evaluation and diagnosis of learning disabilities, for
example, in United States discrepancy model is used which is based on difference between intellectual
abilities and scholastic results. National Health Interview Survey (2004) stresses that approx 8% of both
children and teenager has some learning difficulties. Some attempts to solve learning disabilities were
proposed, although they were not very good but these studies permit us for possible development of
diagnosis of learning disabilities.
In the year 1986, Hofmeister and Ferrara and in the year 1990, Geiman and Nolte, proposed some expert
system prototype to address the classification of students having learning disabilities.
In the year 1998, Homeister and Lublee developed an expert system whose performance were similar to
humans in learning disability problem.
Taking into account the implicit characteristics of learning difficulties, Diagnosis of the learning
difficulties with A.I. method is the great matter of debate [3]. Some of the numerous issues which arise
during the assessment procedure include variety of symptoms of disability, nature of the SEN, the cooccurrence with other disorders and the differences between boys and girls. So, let us see some of
diagnosis tools which were developed by using different technique of artificial intelligence.
In the year 2003, Georgopoulos [4], presented a fuzzy cognitive map method for diagnosis of specific
language impairment (SLI). Fuzzy cognitive maps are a soft computing methodology that uses a symbolic
representation for the description and modeling of complex systems. The aim of this tool is to provide the
specialists with a differential diagnosis of SLI from dyslexia and autism, since in many cases SLI is
difficult to be differentiating due to its similar symptoms to other disorders. The system has been tested
on four clinical cases with promising results.
In the year 2008, Arthi and Tamilarasi [5] have introduced a model which helps in the diagnosis of autism
in children by applying Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) technique. The model converts the original
autistic data into suitable fuzzy membership values and these are given as input to the neural network
architecture. Moreover, a pseudo algorithm is created for applying back propagation algorithm in
predicting the autistic disorder. This approach is proposed to support apart from medical practitioners,
International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Volume X, Special Issue,
ICRTCST -2016, ISSN 2321-3469
psychologists and special educators. In future the autistic disorder could be predicted using k-nearest
neighbor algorithm for a comparative research.
In the year 2009, Jain [6] proposed a model called Perceptron based Learning Disability Detector
(PLEDDOR). It is an artificial neural network model for identifying difficulties in reading (dyslexia), in
writing (dysgraphia) and in mathematics (dyscalculia) using curriculum based test conducted by special
educators. This computational diagnostic tool consists of a single input layer with eleven units that
correspond to different sections of a conventional test and one output unit. The system was tested on 240
children collected from schools and hospitals in India and was evaluated as simple and easy to replicate in
huge volumes, but provides comparable results based on accepted detection measures.
In the year 2010, Kohli [7] introduced a systematic approach for identification of dyslexia at an early
stage by using artificial neural networks (ANN). This approach is amongst the first attempts which have
been made for addressing the dyslexia identification problems with the use of ANN. Moreover, it can be
distinguished from other platforms of its kind because it is based on test data, covering the evaluation
results of potential dyslexic pupils, between the years 2003 – 2007. These test data consists the input data
of the system while the output results classify the students in two categories (dyslexic and non-dyslexic).
An error back-propagation algorithm is responsible for mapping college performance to the underlying
characteristics. The initial results obtained using test data were fairly accurate and suggest the application
of this platform to real data as well.
A reliable and valid diagnosis is the first step in order to help a child overcome his or her difficulties. The
second step is the intervention process. An important number of studies are currently addressing the use
of Artificial Intelligence systems in the education of students with learning difficulties.
In the year 2001, Melis [8], introduced ActiveMath. It is a web-based intelligent tutoring system for
mathematics. It is an Intelligence Tutoring System (ITS), which allows the students to learn in their own
environment according to their convenience. It uses different Artificial Intelligence techniques in order to
realize adaptive course generation, student modeling, interactive exercises, student and parent feedback
and a knowledge representation which is suitable for the semantic Web. In ActiveMath the user starts
his/her own student model by self-assessment of his/her mastering level of concepts and later chooses
learning goals and scenario, such as, preparation for an specific exam. The competences of the student are
adapted in course generation and in the suggestion mechanism as well. Moreover, in this system, a “poor
man’s eye-tracker” is also designed which is capable to trace individual’s attention and reading time in
great detail. In the last few years, a large number of studies has shown positive effects of this ITS during
the learning process [9], [10].
In the year 2003, Schipor [11], developed a Computer Based Speech Therapy (CBST) system called
LOGOMON (Logopedics Monitor) system by using a fuzzy expert system in order to help learners with
speech disorders. The aim of this system was to suggest best possible therapeutic actions for every pupil
based on the information selected. The evaluation of this system indicates that by using an expert system,
the learner is provided with more therapy time, predictability and the explanation of results [11].
International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Volume X, Special Issue,
ICRTCST -2016, ISSN 2321-3469
In the year 2007, Riedl [12], designed a platform which can aid adolescents with High Functioning
Autistic Spectrum Disorders (HFASD) rehearse and learn social skills with reduced help from parents,
teachers, and therapists. A social scenario game is presented – for example going to a movie theaterwhich challenges learners with HFASD to role-play and complete tasks involving social situations.
Artificial Intelligence is used to assist the above groups with the authoring of tailored social scenarios. An
A.I. system automatically examines the causal form of the narrative plan, searching for points at which a
student’s actions can undo causal relationships. The alternative narrative scenario is a branch developed
for handling the contingency of the learner’s action. This Artificial Intelligence tool embed in this
particular platform decreases the manual authoring burden where application of intervention strategies
can be handled by specialists. This social scenario intervention approach is complete and currently
undergoing evaluation with promising results.
In the year 2010, Gonzalez [13] designed an automatic platform for the detection and analysis of errors in
mathematical problems to support the personalized feedback of pupils. This method is referred to all
students and particularly to students with special educational needs such as those with Down syndrome,
who exhibit difficulties in the arithmetic operations of addition and subtraction. An error detection
algorithm was developed which is able to analyze the data gathered as a result of the interaction between
the students and the platform, while afterwards the output of the error is available to the teachers about
the specific difficulties and to allow them to personalize the instruction. Moreover, they designed a model
which returns the set of errors made by the pupils in the corrected exercises so as the students can learn
from their own mistakes. The system was tested on a group of students with Down syndrome and the
results confirm that the module exhibits the proper behavior.
In the same year Baschera and Gross [14] introduced an adaptive spelling training system which can be
used by all the students who have spelling difficulties. This platform is based on an inference algorithm
designed to manage unclassified input with multiple errors defined by independent mal-rules. The
inference algorithm based on a Poisson regression with a linear link function, estimates the pupil’s
difficulties with each individual mal-rule, based on the observed error behavior. This knowledge
representation was implemented in a student model for spelling training such as optimized word selection
and lessons for individual mal-rules to pupil adjusted repetition of erroneously spelled words. This system
was tested on a two large-scale user studies and showed an important increase in the learner’s
performance, induced by the student adapted training actions.
AI techniques have successfully been used to solve problems in the field of special education. There is a
general consent amongst scientists that AI methods are able to incorporate the autonomy of action of the
user and lead him or her toward personnel learning goals. In this paper, a review has been done for
diagnostic and intervention approaches based on Artificial Intelligence techniques. These tools are
especially for students who have learning difficulties. These tools can also help parents, teachers, special
educators and therapists. The identification of students with learning difficulties, using Artificial
Intelligence techniques can provide us an applicable and precise diagnosis which later can facilitate us opt
the most appropriate intervention method. Research studies regarding the use of AI technology are very
promising and can guarantee a better quality of the life of special educational needs students and all the
people around them.
International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Volume X, Special Issue,
ICRTCST -2016, ISSN 2321-3469
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International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, (2010)