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11/3/81,11/5/81 rvsd 11/7/96, 1 Nov 00, 31 Oct 01, 9 Nov 01, 5 Nov 03, 26 O ct 05, 29 Oct 07, 3Nov08, 20Feb13
Martini’s 5th : 234-242, Martini 6th : 249-257, 7th : 245-255, 8th : 247-264, 9th : 240-248
Pelv ic Girdle forme d from os co xae (hip bo ne) articulate with sacrum (sac roiliac joint)
OS COXA (p 241)
in emb ryo formed from three bones, ilium, isch ium a nd p ubis
acetabulum (vinega r cruet):
where ilium, ischium and pubis meet, articulate w ith femur.
obturator foramen
1arge hole below acetabulum
Ilium: iliac crest
lateral top of “hip”
iliac fossa
(smooth inner concave surface)
anterior superior iliac spine
hard bo ny lateral anterior points
arcuate line
(bow shap ed) lo wer portion of iliac fossa, greater sciatic notch
Ischium (Gk for hip)
posterior inferior portion of os coxa, part of acetabulum
greater ischial spine
below sciatic notch
ischial tuberosity
supports weight when sitting
ischial ramus
arches to meet pubic ramus (branch)
Pubis: superior ramus forms pub ic symphy sis (growing together)
inferior ramus
joins with ischial ramus
Pelvic ca vities: false (greater) and true (lesser, below pelvic brim)
pelvic brim
sacral prom ontory, upp er margin
symphysis-arcuate lines
false p elvis
surrounde d by iliac fossa, ab dom inal wall
true pelvis
surrounded by bone: ilium, ischium, pubis,
sacrum, coccyx.
top is the inlet, bottom is the outlet
p 24 2: M ale P elvis
Fem ale P elvis (p 243)
pubic angle acu te
pubic angle obtuse
narrow ischial tuberosities
wider ischial tuberosities
narrow iliac spines
wide iliac spines
heart shaped inlet
large circular inlet
oval obturator foreman
triangular obturator foreman
acetabulum faces laterally
acetabulum faces more anterior
curved ilium wing
straight ilium wing
FEMUR (thigh): longest bone in body
greater and lesser trochantors
linea aspera (rough line)
medial and lateral condyles
add ucto r tub ercle
PAT ELL A: sesam oid b one, forms w ithin
TIBIA: medial and lateral condyles
intercondylar eminence
tibial tuberosity
anterior crest
medial malleolus
lateral malleolus:
ANKLE: seven tarsal bones:
calcan eus
medial cuneiform
intermediate cuneiform
lateral cuneiform
spherical proximal epip hysis: fovea ca pitis, tied by ligamentum teres to acetabulum
then two pro cesses:
(insertions: greater: gluteus minimus and medius; lesser: iliopsoas).
posterior line widens into popliteal surface distally
at distal end, separated by intercon dylar f o ssa
medially fr distal end
tendon, protects, impro ves leve rage o f quadriceps femoris
at proximal end
or spine
site of attachment of ligamentum patellae
sharp ness of shin
projects down medially, inner lump of ankle.
articulates with lateral cond yle of tibia
outer lump of ankle
articulates via troc hlea with tibia and fibula, between malleoli
heel bone, attachment for several calf muscles
articulates laterally with calcaneus, anteriorly with forth & fifth metatarsals
articulates medially with calcaneus, distally with cuneiform
first metatarsal
second metatarsal
third metatarsal (adjacent to
cuboid) TO ES:
three cuneiforms articulate with first three metatarsals: I, II, III
cuboid with last two metatarsals: IV, V.
PHALAN GES as in hand:
2nd-5th have proximal, middle,
distal phalang es.
1st has no medial.
Arches: supported mainly b y ligaments
longitud inal arch:
from calcaneus to metatarsals and tarsals, m portion greater than lateral (calcaneal).
forms acro ss at base of metatarsals
Sesamoid bones: form in tendons subject to c omp ression , therefore usually around joints.
Patella is largest.
also around metac arpo phalangea l and metatarso phalangea l joints