* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Una barriera ecologica si trasforma in una barriera riproduttiva Le specie ad anello LA STASI EVOLUTIVA Cause della stabilità (intervallo di variazione stabile per lunghi periodi): - Selezione stabilizzante - Plasticità ecologica e dello sviluppo - Costrizioni dello sviluppo - Habitat tracking Sopravvivenza dell’antenato (verificabile) 1835 2006 Calmodulin: regolazione genica della morfogenesi dei becchi Nature, agosto 2006 IL MITO DELL’ILLUMINAZIONE… Cinque settimane Avvistamento 15 sept. 1835 Un puzzle morfologico Seeing this gradation and diversity of structure in one small, intimately related group of birds, one might really fancy that from an original paucity of birds in this archipelago, one species had been taken and modified for different ends. (1845, Viaggio di un naturalista attorno al mondo) Un esperimento privilegiato di evoluzione - recente formazione (4 Mil. – oggi) - ecosistema unico (sistema delle correnti) - arcipelago vulcanico isolato - disabitate fino al 1535 Radiazione adattativa LO SPAZIO (selezione naturale, adattamento, speciazione) 14 specie strettamente imparentate Nessuna estinta finora Antenato comune sicuro: 2-3 M di anni fa Cambiamenti adattativi rapidi (anche 1 anno) Rosemary e Peter Grant Studi sistematici continuativi (1973 – 2007): la selezione naturale vista all’opera! Modi di speciazione (Coyne, Orr, 2004) - Sp. allopatrica normale (max frequenza) - Sp. parapatrica e simpatrica (flusso genico interrotto e non; ibridazioni intermedie) - Sp. con selezione di rinforzo (simpatrica; dopo ibridazione disadattativa) - Sp. simpatrica per selezione sessuale (isolamento comportamentale, West-Eberhard 1983) - Sp. per ibridazione (cromosomica o genica) (*solo nelle piante) Nei fringuelli (Grant): Interazioni competitive fra specie simpatriche Effetto del fondatore Speciazione come effetto collaterale dell’adattamento Ibridazioni Differenti barriere di isolamento riproduttivo (Coyne, Orr, 2004) Basi genetiche dell’isolamento riproduttivo + ecologia Prima della fertilizzazione: Dopo la fertilizzazione: - Ecologiche (habitat isolation; differential adaptations; allochronic isolation; pollinator isolation) - Intrinseche (hybrid inviability; hybrid physiological or behavioral sterility) - Comportamentali (ethological or sexual isolation) - Estrinseche (ecological inviability of hybrids) - Meccaniche (incompatibility of reproductive structures) Nei fringuelli (Grant): alimentazione (becchi) e canto (Processi continui che producono entità discrete!) IL TEMPO (discendenza comune, diversificazione) Filogenesi dei fringuelli di Darwin (mtDNA, PNAS 1999) Albero di discendenza <> (almeno quattro generi) Morfologia e adattamenti alimentari Split or lump… Sei generi! Ground Finches Small Ground Finch Geospiza fuliginosa Medium Ground Finch " fortis Large Ground Finch " magnirostris Sharp-beaked ground Finch " difficilis Cactus Ground Finch " scandens Large Cactus Ground Finch " conirostris Tree Finches Small Tree Finch Camarhynchus parvulus Medium Tree Finch " pauper Large Tree Finch " psittacula Woodpecker Finch Cactospiza Mangrove Finch Vegetarian Finch Warbler Finch Cocos Island Finch pallidus " heliobates Platyspiza crassirostris Certhidea olivacea Pinaroloxias inornata UN LABORATORIO DI SPECIALIZZAZIONI ADATTATIVE Specie terricole, 3 si cibano di semi, una vive sui fichi d’India, due integrano con cactus Geospiza difficilis septentrionalis (isola di Wolf), fringuello vampiro (evoluzione culturale: dai parassiti delle sule al loro sangue) Camarhynchus heliobates e pallidus (arboricoli), uso di spine o bastoncini per estrarre insetti Specie arboricole, 4 insettivore, una germogli e frutti Fringuello cantore (insettivoro) Fringuello vegetariano (Platyspiza crassirostris) Fringuello dell’isola di Cocos (Pinaroloxias inornata) (piante e insetti) FOUNDER EFFECT BOTTLENECK EFFECT (courtesy, Kenneth Kidd, Yale University) (courtesy, Kenneth Kidd, Yale University) (courtesy, Kenneth Kidd, Yale University) (courtesy, Kenneth Kidd, Yale University) HOMO SAPIENS GLOBALIZATION Tutti parenti, tutti differenti DINOSAURI CON LE PENNE 1996-2006: AMNH di NY Transizione dinosauri-uccelli (corsa-volo) Exaptation di penne e piume Velociraptor mongoliensis con Mononykus olecranus MASS EXTINCTIONS - Frequenza - Intensità - Rapidità - Selettività Michael Benton Dimensione cosmologica dell’evoluzione ESTINZIONI ANTROPICHE RADIAZIONI ADATTATIVE PESCI CICLIDI DEL LAGO VITTORIA - Effetti specie-area - Turnover pulses - Adaptive radiations IRRIDUCIBILITA’ DELLA MACROEVOLUZIONE Un nocciolo esplicativo comune: IL QUADRIMOTORE DELL’EVOLUZIONE MUTAZIONE (sorgenti di variazione) DERIVA GENETICA (processi neutralistici) SELEZIONE NATURALE (processi selettivi) MACROEVOLUZIONE (migrazione, radiazione adattativa, estinzione di massa) Niles Eldredge (2008) , “Hierarchies and the Sloshing Bucket: Toward the Unification of Evolutionary Biology”, I n Evo Edu Outreach 1 pp. 10–15. Niles Eldredge (2008) , “Hierarchies and the Sloshing Bucket: Toward the Unification of Evolutionary Biology”, in Evo Edu Outreach 1 pp. 10–15. Niles Eldredge (2008) , “Hierarchies and the Sloshing Bucket: Toward the Unification of Evolutionary Biology”, in Evo Edu Outreach 1 pp. 10–15. Niles Eldredge (2008) , “Hierarchies and the Sloshing Bucket: Toward the Unification of Evolutionary Biology”, in Evo Edu Outreach 1 pp. 10–15. NO PARADIGM SHIFT: 1 – “Paradigm” is too strong a concept (normal science; language; world-view) 2 – There are no growing, irrecoverable anomalies 3 - Exceptions are no confutations (but, the need for pluralistic patterns of explanation) 4 – Anomalies find explanation with integrative hypotheses, consistent with the core of the “research programme” 5 – A no longer debated core is surrounded by a “protective belt” of auxiliary assumptions in progress What is happening is a progressive transition of RP (I. Lakatos) What is under falsification is not a single theory, but a RESEARCH PROGRAMME Protective belt in progress Auxiliary assumptions Observative theories RP Core Open problems Domains of relevance Initial conditions - No longer debated explanations and concepts (corroborated; method. infalsific.) - Positive and negative heuristics Assumptions of marginality Controversial issues The core evolves through integrations A confutation in the belt is not a refutation of the core ERP1 - MODERN SYNTHESIS (not a monolith, but an open yard) Auxiliar assumptions Philetic Gradualism Extrapolationism DW Core Common Descent – Genetic Theory of Nat. Selection Strong or methodological Adaptationism (Macroevolution from microevolution) Universal Darwinian “algorythm” Ronald A. Fisher Great explanatory capacity Coherent theoretical framework A “regressive” RP (less empirical contents, between crisis and transition) Accumulation of anomalies Auxiliar assumptions Philetic Gradualism Phenotypic plasticity Extrapolationism (Macroevolution from microevolution) Punctuated equilibria Epigenetics DW Core Ecology Common Descent – Genetic Theory of Nat. Selection Evo-Devo Genetic Drift Neutralism Accumulation of ad hoc hypotheses Strong or methodological Adaptationism Exaptation Niche construction Incompleteness Progressive inclusions, integrations and revisions ERP2: A DARWINIAN EXTENDED CORE MUTATION (sources of variation) GENETIC DRIFT (neutralistic processes) NATURAL SELECTION (selective processes) MACROEVOLUTION (migrations, adaptive radiations, mass extinctions…) ERP2: A more PLURALISTIC “PROTECTIVE BELT” Auxiliar assumptions New views on inheritance (epigenetic inherit., niche inherit.) Understanding the phenotype (phenotypic plasticity, macroevolution, origins of form) Extended DW Core Evo-Devo (innovation, modularity, evolvability) Selection and adaptation reformed (neutralism, multilevel selection, niche construction, exaptation, symbiosis) The evolving structure of Darwinian Research Program EXTENDED DARWINIAN SYNTHESIS (more empirical contents and predictions of “new facts”) Understanding the phenotype (phenotypic plasticity, macroevolution, origins of form) New views on inheritance (epigenetic inherit., niche inherit.) Advances of Darwinism (population genetics, drift, speciations) Evo-Devo (innovation, modularity, evolvability) Selection and adaptation reformed (neutralism, multilevel selection, niche construction, exaptation, symbiosis) The evolving structure of Darwinian Research Program TRANSITION ERP1 – ERP2: 1 – CONTINUITY (LAK: scientific is not only the theory itself, but the dynamic of succession of theories, the process of growth of knowledge) 2 – A RATIONAL DYNAMIC OF REVISION AND EXTENSION of the RP (compatibility with previous RP) 3 – Neither A PARADIGM SHIFT nor, at the opposite, A SUPERFICIAL RESTYLING (updating internal problems): an evolution of the structure of evolutionary theory WHAT A CHALLENGING “ALTERNATIVE THEORY OF EVOLUTION” (or ERP) SHOULD DO: 1 – DESCRIBE AND EXPLAIN ALL THE EMPIRICAL CORROBORATED BASIS OF THE PREVIOUS RP (incorporation; not single controversial cases) 2 – DESCRIBE AND EXPLAIN SOMETHING MORE (new facts, predictions: additional empirical contents) 3 – PERFORM POINT 1 AND 2 USING PRINCIPLES AND CONCEPTS NOT REDUCIBLE TO THOSE OF THE PREVIOUS RP There is nothing like that in the field