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Laurea Magistrale: WCE-LM
Nome del corso: Evolutionary Biology and Symbiosis.
Responsabile del
Claudia Vannini
Altri docenti
Sergey Fokin (3 CFU, modulo “Evolutionary Biology”)
Numero CFU e
6 CFU di lezione
Obiettivo formativo
generale del corso
Obiettivo formativo del corso in “Biologia Evoluzionistica e Simbiosi” è
quello di fornire una adeguata conoscenza sui fenomeni evolutivi e sul
ruolo delle associazioni simbiotiche nell’evoluzione.
Elenco degli
argomenti trattati
Introduction to the course. General overview of the module on
Symbiosis. The symbiosis concept. The role of microorganisms.
Symbiosis in the evolutionary theories. Recent re-evaluation of
symbiosis. Definitions of symbiosis.
The role of symbiosis in macroevolution: arbuscular mycorrhyzas in
the origin of land plants and cytoplasmic incompatibility of Wolbachia
Evolution in phylogenetic trees: vertical and horizontal evolution.
Lateral gene transfer.
The role of Chlamidiae in the evolution of plastids. The gene for Nacetylneuraminatelyase in Trichomonas vaginalis.
Other examples of horizontal genetic transfer: prokaryotes-eukaryotes,
eukaryotes-eukaryotes. LGT via feeding, endosymbiosis,
The action of selective pressure on symbiosis. The plasticity of
mutualism, commensalism and parasitism.
The symbiosis between bacteria of the genus Holospora and protist
ciliates of the genus Paramecium: introduction and life-cycle of
The symbiosis between bacteria of the genus Holospora and protist
ciliates of the genus Paramecium: parasitism, mutualism,
commensalism. The phenotypical effects of Wolbachia pipientis in
different arthropod hosts.
Evolution of symbiosis and mode of transmission. The example of
Cassiopea xamachana and Symbiodinium microadriaticum.
Plasticity in the way of transmission of Holospora undulata in
Paramecium caudatum.
The establishment of binary symbiosis with horizontal transimission:
the case of Euprymna scolopes and Vibrio fisheri.
The symbiosis between aphids and Buchnera aphidicola: a "classical"
trophic symbiosis.
Multiple symbiosis: the example of Buchnera aphidicola and the
secondary symbionts in aphids. The keystone species. Microbial
symbionts as keystone species. Examples.
Hydrothermal vents. The symbiotic system of Riftia pachyptila and its
bacterial symbionts.
Alvinella pompejana and its ectosymbionts.
The symbiosis between Zoothamnium niveum and "Candidatus
Thiobos zoothamnicoli". The anaerobic environments: ciliates with
hydrogenosomes and their bacterial symbionts.
The Polynucleobacter-Euplotes symbiosis: a case-study on origin and
evolution of a symbiotic system.
Overview of the module on Evolutionary Biology.
History of the evolution ideas.
Lamark, Darwin and Wallace. Comparative analysis.
Neodarwinism and modern theory of biological evolution.
The main crisises in parerozoic biota and the Earth dynamic.
Biodiversity and evolution of bacterial symbiosis in Ciliophora, Protista.
Possible coevolution and adaptation within the symbiotic system
Prebiotic and early evolution.
Symbiogenesis. Mitochonria and Chloroplasts. History of the field.
Origin of eukaryotic nucleus.
Symbiosis and its relationship to Parasitism. Protists and Metazoans
involved in the relations.
Macroevolution via hopeful monsters and secondary symbiosis:
saltational evolution?! Examples from plants and animals. NeoGolschmidtian hopeful monsters in different groups of protist.
Ascendancy of man. Is evolution working with it now? Mendelian
genetic illnesses; humans origin and the way of distribution; new
direction of selection in human evolution; phenotypical differences
between humans and primates and their genetical basement; cultural
evolution of humans.
Origin of multicellularity. Theories and the current status.
Testi consigliati
Non ci sono testi consigliati.
Illustrazione di
eventuali attività di
laboratorio e/o
Il corso non prevede esercitazioni o attività di laboratorio.
Modalità di
svolgimento delle
prove d’esame
La modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento avviene tramite lo
svolgimento di una prova orale.
Conoscenze richieste Sono considerati requisiti fondamentali conoscenze di ecologia
generale, genetica, citologia, biologia molecolare, biodiversità animale
e vegetale.
La frequenza del corso è fortemente consigliata.