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目:英 文
I. Vocabulary and Phrases:(20 分)(寫出中文字或字詞之英譯,共 10 小題,每小題 2 分)
1. 搜索票
2. 刑事責任
3. 民事賠償
4. 正當防衛
5. 保釋
6. 刑求逼供
7. 推翻口供
8. 遞解出境
9. 撤回告訴
II. Translation:(25 分)
1. Premier Yu Shyi-kun has ordered the formation of a supra-ministerial mechanism to
crack down on fraud rings, Cabinet spokesman Lin Chia-Lung said yesterday. Yu issued
the directive after listening to a report on the domestic crime situation, particularly the
increasing number of fraud cases, at a weekly Cabinet meeting, Lin said.
2. Web technology is vulnerable to hackers. Researchers uncovered a serious flaw in the
underlying technology for nearly all Internet traffic, a discovery that led to an urgent and
secretive international effort to prevent global disruptions of Web surfing, e-mails and
instant messages.
The British government announced the vulnerability in core Internet technology on
Tuesday. Left un-addressed, experts said, it could allow hackers to knock computers
offline and broadly disrupt vital traffic directing devices, called routers, that coordinate
the flow of data among distant groups of computers.
3. 衛生署從今天開始已啟動全國性的防煞(SARS)機制,來抵擋可能來自海外,尤其
第 1 頁,共 4 頁
III. Reading Comprehension:(30 分,共 15 小題,每小題 2 分)
1. It has been the viewpoints of the philosophers that wisdom and knowledge are two
different things. One may know numerous facts, but is never a lover of wisdom. One
who knows facts may actually dislike those who seek wisdom. The philosophers are not
satisfied with a mere assemblage of facts. However, they seek to interrelate and interpret
the facts, in order to discern the subtle meanings and deeper sense that lies beyond the
obvious. For example, to paraphrase Plato, the philosophers will become spectators of
time and existence, to observe the reality of human and natural existence from a
metaphysical point.
(1) Which of the following is NOT true about this passage?
(a) Philosophers are satisfied with facts.
(b) Fact lovers detest wisdom lovers.
(c) Philosophers will become spectators of time.
(d) One may know many facts, but does not love wisdom.
(2) If a man wants to become a philosopher, he must be:
(a) a man of knowledge.
(b) a fact collector.
(c) a lover of wisdom.
(d) an obvious spectator.
(3) To paraphrase Plato means:
(a) to look into the life of Plato.
(b) to look over the books of Plato.
(c) to restate the works of Plato.
(d) to transmit the points of Plato.
(4) Which is the best title for the passage?
(a) The Philosophy of Plato
(b) The Great Philosophers
(c) Wisdom and Knowledge
(d) Philosophers and Spectators
(5) What is the main point of the passage?
(a) Plato is a famous philosopher.
(b) Wisdom and knowledge are different.
(c) One may know countless facts.
(d) Philosophers like to interpret the facts.
2. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is considered one of the greatest musical child prodigies who
ever lived. He was born in 1756, in Salzburg, Austria, where his father, Leopold Mozart,
was a violinist and composer. Both his father and mother encouraged him and his sister
Maria Anna to study music, and both children played the harpsichord. Mozart also
became a violin virtuoso as well as a composer. In fact, by the time he was five, he had
composed several minuets. Everyone quickly agreed that he was a genius.
第 2 頁,共 4 頁
(6) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is considered:
(a) a smart musician in the seventeenth century.
(b) a remarkable musical genius.
(c) a great violin maker and composer.
(d) a wonderful harpsichord player in Australia.
(7) Mozart is a child prodigy. A prodigy means:
(a) a violinist.
(b) a composer.
(c) a wonderful talent.
(d) a harpsichord musician.
(8) Mozart composed several minuets. A minuet is a piece of:
(a) music for singing.
(b) music for orchestra.
(c) composition for amusement.
(d) music for dancing.
(9) The best title for the passage is:
(a) Mozart: Child Prodigy.
(b) The Life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
(c) Mozart: His Music Family.
(d) The Musical Life of Mozart.
(10) According to the passage, who encouraged Mozart to study music?
(a) His father, Leopold Mozart.
(b) His sister, Maria Anna.
(c) Both his father and his sister.
(d) His parents.
3. Communication today is almost instantaneous—it happens with great speed. It is
interesting to note how the speed of communication changed the world. To many people
the world has become smaller. Of course the world is really still the same size physically,
but it seems smaller.
(11) According to the passage, communication is instantaneous. “Instantaneous” means
something happening:
(a) very fast.
(b) unexpectedly.
(c) incidentally.
(d) spontaneously.
(12) Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
(a) Communication is instantaneous.
(b) Communication changed the way of life of people.
(c) Information spreads immediately.
(d) Communication makes the world seem smaller.
第 3 頁,共 4 頁
(13) According to the passage, why does the world seem smaller?
(a) Because of men’s quick imagination.
(b) Because of the great speed of world transportation.
(c) Because of quick communication.
(d) Because of the changing of the world.
(14) According to the passage, the world is really the same size physically.
Here “physically” means in the sense of :
(a) Material.
(b) Spirit.
(c) Physical Condition.
(d) Physics.
(15) Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
(a) The Function of Communication
(b) A Shrinking World
(c) The World and Its Communication
(d) The Speed of Communication
IV. Essay:(25 分) (請以下列主題,寫一篇英文作文,字數不限)
Write an essay on the following topic: Crimes and Prevention
第 4 頁,共 4 頁