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Name:____________________________________ Period:______________________Date:_________________
Flipped Learning Practice – Napoleon’s France and Haitian Revolution
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Main Idea: Napoleon Bonaparte rose through military ranks to become emperor over France and much of Europe. After defeating
Napoleon, France’s European allies sent him into exile and held a meeting in Vienna to restore order and stability to Europe.
Revolutionary ideas took hold in Latin America as colonies fought for independence from Europe.
Essential Question:
How did Napoleon rise to power?
What were Napoleon’s most important policies?
Golden Hawk Historians will…
Analyze political, economic, military, and cultural
methods Napoleon used to gain power.
Napoleon’s Rise to Power
The problems associated with the French Revolution gave ___________________________________________
the perfect opportunity to rise to power.
Napoleon was a brilliant military leader that won many battles and won him fame.
Napoleon overthrew the weak Directory in a _________________________________________, or
forced transfer of power, and installed a three man consulate to replace the Directory.
The consulate voted Napoleon as the head of the Consul effectively making him a ________________________.
He pledged to uphold the revolutionary reforms.
France willingly gave up its freedom because Napoleon promised to bring _______________________________
_________________________________________ to France.
They voted him Emperor Napoleon I through a ______________________________________________,
or a ballot in which the voters say yes or no.
Napoleonic Wars
Napoleon desired to build an empire for France by ruling Europe and extending power into the America’s.
In America France already controlled Louisiana, Florida, and Haiti.
Following the Haitian Revolution Napoleon gave up his dream of expanding into the America’s and sold
Louisiana and Florida to the United States.
He started a series of wars that became known as the _______________________________________________.
The wars lasted until 1815, nearly a decade.
_________________________________________________ remained France’s biggest enemy.
Britain gathered _____________________, or nations that agreed to fight together, against France.
Britain’s greatest advantage was their armada, but France was not a naval power.
He waged economic warfare called the __________________________________________________________
by which he closed European ports to British goods
Britain responded with its own __________________________________ or shutting off ports to keep
people or supplies from moving in or out of European ports
Both sides seized neutral ships suspected of trading with the other
Napoleon’s Continental System failed to bring Britain to its knees
Trade restriction created a __________________________ of goods in Europe sending prices soaring
and intensified resentment against French power.
While Napoleon had proved himself as a military leader, his ___________________________________________
led to his ultimate downfall.
Napoleon’s Policies
Napoleon strengthened the _____________________________________________________ in France by
executing his plan to establish order and efficiency throughout France.
He encouraged ________________________________________________________________________
He made an agreement with the Pope called the _________________________________ that made peace
between France and the Catholic Church.
He recognized _________________________ and kept the church under the control of the government.
He established the _____________________________ to provide economic stability and regulate the economy.
Napoleonic Code:_____________________________________________________________________________
It included ___________________________________________________________________________.
It provided ___________________________________________________________________________.
He also established ____________________________________________________________________.
The Fall of Napoleon
Following Napoleon’s defeat in Russia the European powers allied themselves against France.
The European powers marched all the way into Paris causing the French to surrender.
One of the terms of the surrender was that _________________________________________________
Napoleon was just waiting for his opportunity to return to power in France.
The allies restored the French monarchy recognizing Louis XVI as the rightful king of France and redrew the
borders to what France had been in 1792.
Napoleon returned to France and was met with cheers and applause.
This began Napoleon’s ___________________________________ in which he ruled over France.
The European allies began gathering their troops to defeat Napoleon yet again.
Many citizens, however, feared a return to the _________________________ before the Revolution.
Napoleon met the European allies at the ___________________________________________________
and were able to defeat the French.
Napoleon was sent to Saint Helena in the South Atlantic, much farther than Elba had been.
He died six years later on the island.
The Congress of Vienna
The European allies called the ___________________________________ to create a plan to restore order and
stability to France.
Their goal was to ______________________________________________________________________.
There were a few key players: Lord Castlereagh of Great Britain, Czar Alexander I of Russia, King
Frederick William III of Prussia, and Prince Klemens von Metternich of Austria. Charles Maurice de
Talleyrand attended on behalf of the French.
Metternich wanted to restore the balance of power, make Europe peaceful again, restore the old monarchies,
and compensate the Allies for their losses.
The Congress of Vienna changed many of the borders to ensure that ___________________________________
They surrounded France with _____________________________________________.
They created the German Confederation that combined the German States and Prussia.
They also required France to pay a large sum of money to the European allies to compensate them for
The Revolution’s Legacy
Following the Revolution much of Europe was once again ruled by _________________________________.
However, they would not retain the same power that they had had previous to the revolution –
common people retained their right to equal treatment under the law.
Common people felt _________________________________ against their rulers and would use their influence
to their advantage.
Enlightenment ideals and revolutionary thinking would lead to widespread revolutions from Latin America to
Haitian Revolution
By the early 1800s growing tensions among the different ethnic and social groups of Latin American society, as
well as reforms imposed by colonial authorities in Europe, were leading to demands for change.
The Enlightenment as well as the American and French Revolutions were inspiring some in Latin America
to seek independence.
___________________________________, otherwise known as Haiti, was the first to break its ties with France.
Saint Domingue was known for its _______________________ plantations and was one of France’s
richest possessions.
The _______________________________________________________________________________________
Citizen gave rights to all free men to vote even mulattoes, or people of mixed African and European descent.
_____________________________________________ led a group of mulattoes and slaves against the French
The French army and the Toussaint struggled for months before agreeing to an armistice.
The French threw Toussaint in jail but the revolutionaries declared their __________________________
from France.