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1.13-Atoms – The Inside Story
Read pg. 38-39 in your textbook and fill in the blanks.
Types of Subatomic Particles
We know that the atom is made of __________different types of _____________ called ___________
Protons are _____________ charged particles located in the _______________ or core of the atom.
Each proton has a mass of ________________.
Neutrons are _______________ particles also located in the ________________. Each neutron has a
mass of ______________________.
Electrons are ___________________ charged particles. They have almost _______________ at all 1/2000 of the mass of a proton or neutron. They ________________________ in space around the
All atoms have the same ____________________, but not all atoms are alike.
Important Numbers and Atoms.
The number of protons in the nucleus is called the ________________________________. This number
determines the ____________ of the atom.
If you know the atomic number, what do you know about the atom?
1. ___________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________
Each atom must have an equal number of _____________ and _________________.
For example, if the element oxygen has an atomic number of ________, this tells us that an oxygen
atom has ________ protons in the nucleus and _________ electrons moving around the nucleus.
The number of _______________________ charges (from the protons) equals the number os
__________________ charges (from the electrons), so the overall charge of the atom is ____________.
Draw a diagram of an oxygen atom (use Figure 1, p. 38 to help you). Add some colour.
The ___________________ number represents the sum of the _______________ and the
____________________ in an atom.
If the atomic number = the number of __________________
And, the mass number = the number of ____________________ + __________________.
The how do you calculate the number of neutrons?_________________________
Name the internationally recognized system that shows the number of subatomic particles for an atom.
This allows anyone to ________________________________ about the atom.
Draw the standard atomic notation for chlorine (Cl) below. Label your diagram.
Complete the following chart for boron. Boron’s atomic number is 5 and its mass number is 11.
Mass Number
atomic notation
Number of
Number of
Number of
The Bohr Model of the Atom
One of the scientists that helped to develop the ______________ of the atom that we use today was a
______________ physicist named ________________________.
He suggested that there were ______________ to the position and motion of _______________. Bohr
believed the following…..
Electrons move in definite _____________ around the ____________________. (..the same as planets
orbiting the _______________).
These orbits are located at certain ________________ from the __________________. Electrons
cannot be ______________________ these orbits but may move from one orbit to
____________(…when excited by heat or another energy source).
The maximum number of electrons in the first 3 orbits are, respectively _____________________.
Electrons are more _______________________ when they are _____________________ to the nucleus.
Answer questions 1-3 pg. 39