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Classical Conditioning
Classical conditioning
Theory of learning that examines how a
response is associated with a stimulus to
cause conditioning.
Match the key term to the correct definition.
Operant Conditioning
Learning through the consequence of
actions. If people behave in a particular
way and are rewarded for that
behavior, then they will repeat it; if they
are punished for it, they will stop the
The suppression of a conditioned response
In classical conditioning, the spontaneous
reappearance of a conditioned response
after it has been extinguished. A
conditioned response can be extinguished
because the unconditioned stimulus is no
longer paired with the conditioned
stimulus, but it can then sometimes
reappear of its own accord.
Something within the environment that
produces a response (which occurs
because of the stimulus). For example, the
stimulus of blowing on the eyes gives a
response of a blink.
Either a reflex or an automatic behavior, in
response to a stimulus from the
When something desired (a reward) is
given in response to behavior. The
behavior is repeated..
When something undesired is taken
away in response to behavior. The
behavior is repeated.
Social Learning
Theory (SLT)
Social Learning Theory
The theory that people learn through
observing others. This is observational
learning – people can watch what others
do and copy (imitate) their actions, thus
learning new behaviors. People learn
through observation, imitation and
A way of learning by imitating the
behaviors of others.
One of the processes of observational
learning, in social learning theory. Once
behavior has been modelled, it is
imitated, depending on certain
circumstances such as the observed
consequences of the behavior of the
Reinforcement that satisfies a basic
need (food, water, warmth and shelter).
Social learning takes place through
observation – watching and observing
the behavior for others. Also a widely
used research method..
A reinforcement that alone does not
satisfy a basic need, but can be
exchanged for one that does
The part of social learning theory that
emphasises how imitation depends on
the consequences of behavior – whether
the model is reinforced or punished for
their behavior.
Doing something unpleasant to stop
behavior. The behavior is not repeated
Classical Conditioning
Classical conditioning
Match the key term to the correct definition.
Operant Conditioning
Social Learning Theory
Social Learning
Theory (SLT)
Terms associated with learning methods (enter beneath the appropriate learning method)
Negative reinforcement
Positive reinforcement
Primary reinforcement
Secondary reinforcement
Spontaneous recovery
Vicarious reinforcement
Definitions of terms (enter next to the appropriate term)
A reinforcement that alone does not satisfy a basic need, but can be exchanged for one that does
A way of learning by imitating the behaviors of others.
Doing something unpleasant to stop behavior. The behavior is not repeated.
Either a reflex or an automatic behavior, in response to a stimulus from the environment.
In classical conditioning, the spontaneous reappearance of a conditioned response after it has been extinguished. A conditioned response can be
extinguished because the unconditioned stimulus is no longer paired with the conditioned stimulus, but it can then sometimes reappear of its own accord.
Learning through the consequence of actions. If people behave in a particular way and are rewarded for that behavior, then they will repeat it; if they are
punished for it, they will stop the behavior.
Reinforcement that satisfies a basic need (food, water, warmth and shelter).
Social learning takes place through observation – watching and observing the behavior for others. Also a widely used research method.
Something within the environment that produces a response (which occurs because of the stimulus). For example, the stimulus of blowing on the eyes
gives a response of a blink.
The part of social learning theory that emphasises how imitation depends on the consequences of behavior – whether the model is reinforced or punished
for their behavior.
The theory that people learn through observing others. This is observational learning – people can watch what others do and copy (imitate) their actions,
thus learning new behaviors. People learn through observation, imitation and modelling.
Theory of learning that examines how a response is associated with a stimulus to cause conditioning.
When something undesired is taken away in response to behavior. The behavior is repeated.
One of the processes of observational learning, in social learning theory. Once behavior has been modelled, it is imitated, depending on certain
circumstances such as the observed consequences of the behavior of the model.
The suppression of a conditioned response.
When something desired (a reward) is given in response to behavior. The behavior is repeated.