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KUD Organizer
Course: World History
Unit: 1500s-1600s:The Modern Age Begins
Approximate Days: 25
8.4.W.A. Evaluate the role groups and individuals played in the social, political, cultural, and economic development throughout world history.
8.4.W.B. Evaluate the importance of historical documents, artifacts, and sites which are critical to world history.
8.4.W.C.b Evaluate how continuity and change have impacted world history:Commerce and industry
8.4.W.C.c Evaluate how continuity and change have impacted world history:Technology
8.4.W.C.e Evaluate how continuity and change have impacted world history:Physical and human geography
The Columbian Exchange led to new ways of humans interacting with their environments and others.
Rulers used public displays of art and architecture to legitimize state power.
In the beginning of the modern
age there was intensification of existing
trade networks that brought both
prosperity and economic disruption.
European developments in
cartography and navigation built on
previous knowledge developed in the
classical, Islamic, and Asian worlds.
Europeans produced new
innovations in ship designs, and an
improved understanding of wind and
ocean currents - all of which made
transoceanic travel and trade possible.
New connections between the
Eastern and Western hemispheres
resulted in the Columbian Exchange and
trans-Atlantic slave trade.
An increase in interactions
between newly connected
peoples expanded the spread and reform
of religion.
As merchants' profits increased
and governments collected more taxes,
funding for the visual and performing arts
As new social and political elites
changed, they also restructured new
ethnic, racial, and gender hierarchies.
Empires expanded and conquered
new peoples around the world, but they
often had difficulties incorporating
culturally, ethnically, and religiously
diverse subjects.
Germs carried to the Americas
ravaged the indigenous peoples, while the
global exchange of crops and animals
Analyze the reasons for European expansion and the social, political, and economic impacts on all
Analyze the reasons for the success of European Expansion.
altered agriculture, diets, and populations
around the planet.
Columbian Exchange, Circumnavigate