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Riya Patel
Wolfgang A. Mozart
• Mozart was a prolific and influential composer of the
Classical era. Mozart showed prodigious ability from
his earliest childhood
Mozart’s Childhood
• Mozart’s full name was Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart. He was born on January 27, 1756
Salzburg, Austria. W. A. Mozart was a
multi-instrumentalist who started playing in
public at age 6. W. A. Mozart’s parent’s
names were Anna and Nannerl.
Mozart’s Facts
1. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, baptismal name Johannes
Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart.
2. His childhood motto was After God, Papa.’’
3. Mozart was very good at mathematics.
4. Mozart could write music notes before he could write words.
5. Mozart was a knight !
6. Nobody believed Mozart could write music at such a young
age. So he was locked in a tower. He only had a paper, pen,
and a bed. Someone came to check on him. They could not
believe how many pieces he wrote!
7. His last opera’s name was The Clemency of Titus.
8. In Wasserburg when Wolfgang was 7 he saw a pedal organ
for the first time.
9. He wrote his a piece when he was only eight.
10. Mozart composed his first string quartet in Lodi.
Mozart’s Most Famous Pieces
• 1. Flute Concerto No. 2 In D Major – K.
• 2. Piano Concerto No. 24 in c minor – K.
• 3. Piano Concerto No. 9 in E flat Major –
K. 271
• 4. Piano Concerto No. 17 in G Major – K.
5. Horn Concerto No. 3 In E-Flat Major –
K. 447
Childhood experience
• When her was six he went on a tour all through Europe by
stagecoach. He played for royalty, well-known people and
in bars. At age seven he proposed marriage to Marie
Antoinette. When Mozart was eight he composed
symphonies. At age eleven he wrote his first opera. He
was known as the most kissed boy in Europe.
• Mozart was ill a lot and many people wandered how much
longer he would live. He was very sweet and loving. He
never had to go to school, his father gave him lessons.
• As a child Mozart was very cute with rosy cheeks and
bright eyes. When he was an adult he had yellowish
skin all scarred from smallpox and he big bulgy eyes.'s.htm
Mozart’s Life
• He was born on January 27, 1756.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died on
December 5, 1791 at age 35. His work
influenced many composers that followed—
most notably Beethoven—in its complexity
and depth.