Download Python BASH setup - basic guide for macs

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Guide for Python Configuration Python
This guide is intended for to configure Python 3.2.X as your default instead of the
built in 2.7.X version that comes installed as standard of OS X.
1. Make sure that you have install Python 3.2.X onto your machine before
continuing on with this guide. An easy check is by opening the Terminal
application and typing in Python3 followed by enter. You should now be an a
interactive shell of Python 3.2.X.
2. Now in a new terminal window, first we want to modify you bash profile. In
layman’s terms, the bash profile file contains information on what your shell
will look like and contains alias and certain path files. You can check if you
have one installed by going to terminal and typing in ls –la.
3. If you don’t have a bash file, then you should create one using the touch
command. The file you are generating is .bash_profile as shown below.
4. Now that you have created the bash profile, you want to use a built in text
editor to modify the contents inside. Nano is a great text editor to use
because it’s very simple and straight forward to use. Feel free to use
whatever text editor you are most comfortable using.
Once you are inside you can copy both of these lines and place them into the bash
profile file.
alias python="python3"
export PATH
5. Now save and exit out of nano. Your bash profile should now be executed the
next time you reload your terminal app.
6. You can verify that your bash profile is working by typing in python into
terminal and verify the version.
Note: If Python does not return Python3, please sure that you have created
everything successfully and repeats steps 4-6 again.