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By: Torrie Douglas
Mark Legendre
The Digestive System
Breaks down food; absorbs nutrients;
removes food waste.
The digestive System consists of 12 key
components. The mouth, pharynx,
epiglottis, esophagus, liver, gallbladder,
stomach, pancreas, small intestine,
large intestine, appendix, and anus.
The Digestive Tracks
First, the food is
broken up by your
teeth and saliva.
Next, the broken
down food travels
down the
The food then drops
into your stomach,
where gastric acids
begin to digest it.
Quick Quiz: The
digestive System
handles and breaks
down food.
 After the food is
digested, it travels a
long journey
through the small
and large intestines
and out of the anus.
 Quick Quick: The
digestive process
starts in the mouth.
Muscular System:
The muscular
system works with
the digestive
system when the
muscles in the
esophagus pushes
the broken up food
towards the
Quick Quiz: The
esophagus is the
tube that leads food
from the mouth to
the stomach.
Quick Quiz: Bile is
made in the liver.
The liver from the
digestive system
cleans the harmful
substances from
the blood.
Quick Quiz: The
liver’s role is to
remove the harmful
substances from the
The epiglottis
guards the trachea
to prevent food
from clogging the
These systems
work with the
digestive system,
and vice versa, in
order to keep the
human body up
and running
Ballard, Carol. The stomach and digestive system.
Austin, Tex.: Raintree Steck-Vaughn, 1997. Print.
Brynie, Faith Hickman. 101 questions about food and
digestion that have been eating at you-- until now.
Brookfield, Conn.: Twenty-First Century Books,
2002. Print.
"Digestive System." World Book. D ed. 2007. Print.
"Your Digestive System ." KidsHealth - the Web's
most visited site about children's health. N.p., n.d.
Web. 18 Mar. 2012.