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America Enters WWI
Main Idea
The United States entered World War 1 in 1917 on the side of the Allies
America Enters the War
When World War 1 started in 1914, most Americans wanted to stay out of it.
President Woodrow Wilson said,
“The United States must be neutral… in thought as well as action.”
America Enters the War
During the first year of the war, German submarines sank British ships carrying
trade goods.
Then, in 1915, a German submarine sank the Lusitania.
Sinking of the Lusitania
The Lusitania was a British passenger ship with many Americans on board.
People were shocked and angry.
History Video
America Enters the War
After the sinking of the Lusitania, Germany agreed not to attack any more
passenger ships.
In 1917, however, Germany broke this promise and began attacking U.S. ships.
Soon afterwards, in April 1917, the United States declared war on the Central
History Video
America Enters the War
The first American troops landed in France in June.
“Lafayette, we are here,” these now-famous words reminded people of the
help France gave to the United States during the Revolutionary War.
New Weapons
The Allies and the Central Powers fought with new weapons in World War 1.
Soldiers used machine guns that could shoot hundreds of bullets per minute.
They threw small bombs called hand grenades and fired cannon shells miles
through the air.
New Weapons
Other technologies changed the fighting, too.
Submarines sank ships in the Atlantic Ocean.
The British invented the tank to attack across the land between trenches.
Both sides used poison gas to harm and kill one another.
New Weapons
Later in the war, airplanes were used to drop bombs.
World War 1 was the most destructive war in history at that time.
Heroes of the War
The war produced many military heroes.
An American pilot named Eddie Rickenbacker was a hero in the United States.
A German pilot named Manfred Von Richthofen was also famous.
He flew a bright red airplane and was called The Red Baron.
Heroes of the War
Many heroes of the war were never famous.
Thousands of American soldiers fought bravely.
Doctors and nurses worked hard to save soldiers’ lives.
As the fighting continued, ordinary people helped the millions of European
civilians who needed food and shelter.
Let’s Review!
What caused the United States to enter the war?
Lesson Summary
European countries competed with one another to gain land and power.
Alliances forced many countries to take part in the war.
The two main alliances were the Allied and the Central Powers.
The United States entered the war on the side of the Allies in 1917.
Mrs. I, Why Does This Matter?????????????
At the time, World War 1 was the largest and most destructive war that had
ever been fought.
The war directly affected millions of soldiers and civilians.