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The Digestive System
Hepatitis from Salsa?!
What is Digestion?
 Mechanical and Chemical breakdown of
foods and absorption of resulting nutrients
 Mechanical Digestion – breaks down larger
pieces of food into smaller ones without
changing chemical composition
 Chemical Digestion – Breaks down food to
simpler chemicals
 Digestive system consists of the
Alimentary canal
Mouth, pharynx, esophogus, stomach,
small intestine, large intestine, rectum,
Aprox. 8 meters long
Accessory organs
Salivary glands, liver, gallbladder,
Alimentary Canal
 Structure
Mucosa – innermost layer, protection,
secretion and absorption
Surface epithelium, underlying
connective tissue, some smooth muscle
In some regions, folded with tiny
projections into the lumen  increases
absorptive area
Alimentary Canal
 Submucosa
Loose connective tissue, glands, blood
vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerves
Nourish surrounding tissues, carry away
absorbed materials
Alimentary Canal
 Muscular layer
Produces movement
2 coats smooth muscle and some nerves
Inner muscular layer encircles tube
When this layer contracts, diameter of
tube decreases
Outer muscular layer run lengthwise
When these contract, tube shortens
Alimentary Canal
 Serosa or serous layer
 Outer covering of tube
 Protect underlying tissues, secrete serous fluid
 Lubricates tube’s outer surface
 Prevents friction from other organs
Movements of Alimentary
 2 basic types
 Mixing movements
 Propelling movements
 Mixing occurs when smooth muscles in small segments of
tube contract rhythmically
 Full stomach  waves of muscular contraction move
along walls from one end to the other, mixing food
with digestive juices
Movements of Alimentary
 Propelling movements – wavelike motion called peristalsis
 Ring of contraction appears in wall of tube, simultaneously,
muscular wall just ahead of ring relaxes
 Which organs make up the digestive system?
 Describe the wall of the alimentary canal.
 Name the 2 types of movements that occur in the alimentary
The Mouth
 Receives food and begins digestion by mechanically breaking
down food
 Mixes food with saliva
Cheeks & Lips
 Cheeks – outer layers of skin, pads of SQ fat, muscles, inner
linings of moist stratified squamous epithelium
 Lips – highly moveable structures that surround mouth opening.
Have skeletal muscles and sensory receptors. Useful for
detecting temperature & texture of foods
 Nearly fills oral cavity when mouth is closed, covered by
mucous membrane
 Frenulum connects midline of tongue to floor of mouth
 Body is mostly skeletal muscle, mix food particles with saliva,
move food toward pharynx, move food underneath teeth for
 Papillae – rough projections that provide friction, also have
taste buds
 Root of tongue anchored to hyoid bone
 Covered with masses of lymphatic tissue – lingual tonsils
 Forms roof of oral cavity
 Anterior part – hard palate
 Posterior part – soft palate
 Soft palate forms muscular arch which connects to uvula
 During swallowing, soft palate is drawn upward,
closing off nasal cavity
 In back of mouth, closely associated with palate are the
palatine tonsils
 Help protect against infection
 Other masses of lymphatic tissue – pharyngeal tonsils
(adenoids) are on the border of soft palate and pharynx
 May swell and block airway/swallowing
 How does the tongue function as part of the digestive system?
 What is the role of the soft palate in swallowing?
 2 different sets of teeth during development
 Primary teeth – deciduous
 Secondary teeth – permanent
 Deciduous teeth usually appear at 6 months of age
through 2 to 4 years
 20 Deciduous teeth, 10 in each jaw
 Pressure from secondary teeth push deciduous teeth out
of their sockets
 May begin to appear at 6 years, but not fully develop
until 3rd molars (wisdom teeth) appear between 17 – 25
 32 teeth in total, 16 in each jaw
 Each tooth consists of 2 main portions
 Crown – projects beyond gum
 Root – anchored to alveolar process of jaw
 Enamel covers crown, consists of calcium salts, hardest
substance in body
 Damaged enamel does not regenerate
 Dentin – bulk of tooth beneath enamel, similar to bone
 Surrounds tooth’s central canal (pulp cavity)
 Pulp cavity contains blood vessels, nerves, connective
 Blood vessels and nerves reach this cavity through
tubular roots canals that extend to root
 Cementum & periodontal ligament enclose root and
firmly attach tooth to jaw
 How do primary teeth differ from secondary teeth?
 Describe the structure of a tooth.
 Explain how a tooth is attached to the bone of the jaw.
Salivary Glands
 Saliva
 Moistens food particles
 Helps to bind
 Begins chemical digestion of carbs
 Solvent: allows food to be tasted
 Cleanses mouth & teeth
Salivary Secretions
 Serous cells – produce watery fluid that contains
 Mucous cells – secrete mucus, help lubricate during
 Parasympathetic nerve impulses trigger salivary glands
to secrete saliva
 Mouth waters when thinking about Chipotle
Major Salivary Glands
 3 main pairs (parotid, submandibular, sublingual)
 Many minor glands in cheeks, tongue, palate
Major Salivary Glands
 Parotid – largest salivary glands
 Anterior and inferior to each ear, between skin of
cheek and masseter muscle
 Secretes clear, watery fluid rich in amylase
Major Salivary Glands
 Submandibular – found on floor of mouth, inside surface of
lower jaw
 Secretions are mainly serous with few mucus cells
 Thicker fluid than parotid
Major Salivary Glands
 Sublingual – smallest
 Floor of mouth inferior to tongue
 Primarily mucus cells
 Secretions are thick and stringy
 What is the function of saliva?
 What are the 3 major salivary glands? Where are they
 What stimulates salivary glands to secrete saliva?
 Pharynx connects nasal and oral cavities with larynx and
 Nasopharynx
 Oropharynx
 Laryngopharynx
Swallowing Mechanism
3 main stages
1st is voluntary; tongue forms bolus of food, forces it into
2nd begins as food stimulates sensory receptors around
pharyngeal opening. This triggers a swallowing reflex with the
following steps…
Swallowing Mechanism
 Soft palate raises, preventing food from
entering nasal cavity
 Hyoid bone and larynx are elevated. Epiglottis
closes off trachea
 Tongue is pressed against soft palate, closing
off oral cavity
Swallowing Mechanism
 Longitudinal muscles in pharyngeal wall
contract, bringing pharynx upward towards
 Muscles in lower pharynx relax, opening
 Peristaltic wave beings in pharyngeal muscles,
forces food into esophagus
Swallowing Mechanism
 3rd stage, peristalsis transports food in the
esophagus to stomach
 Straight, collapsible tube, 25cm long
 Food passageway from pharynx to stomach
 Penetrates diaphragm at the esophageal hiatus
 Mucous glands scattered throughout submucosa
 Just above where esophagus joins stomach is the cardiac
 Prevents regurgitation of stomach contents
 J-shaped, pouchlike organ in upper left quadrant
 Has capacity of about 1liter or more
 Has Rugae – thick folds of mucosal and submucosal
layers that disappear when stomach is distended
 Mixes food with gastric juice, starts protein digestion,
minimal absorption, moves food to small intestine
 Divided into cardiac, fundic, body, and pyloric regions
 Cardiac: Small area near esophageal opening
 Fundic: Balloons superior to cardiac region, temporary storage
 Body: Main part of stomach btwn fundic and pyloric
 Pyloric: Narrows and becomes pyloric canal as it
approaches small intestine
 Pyloric Sphincter: Muscle valve at end of pyloric area
that controls gastric emptying
Gastric Secretions
 Mucous membrane that forms lining of stomach is thick
and contains many gastric pits which lead to gastric
 Gastric glands have 3 types of cells:
 Mucous cells - goblet cells
 Chief cells – digestive enzymes
 Parietal cells – hydrochloric acid
 Together, these form gastric juice
Gastric Secretions
Chief cells
Inactive form of pepsin
Pepsinogen + HCl
Protein splitting enzyme
digests nearly all dietary
Hydrochloric Acid
Parietal cells
Provides acidic
environment needed for
conversion of
pepsinogen  pepsin
and for action of pepsin
Goblet cells and mucous Provides viscous, alkaline
protective layer on
inside of stomach wall
Intrinsic Factor
Parietal cells
Aids in Vit B12 absorption
 What are the secretions of chief and parietal cells?
 Which is the most important digestive enzyme in gastric juice?
 Why doesn’t the stomach digest itself?
Mixing and Emptying
 Following a meal, the mixing movements of the stomach wall
form chyme – a semifluid paste of food particles and gastric
 Peristaltic waves push chyme to pyloric region
 As chyme accumulates near pyloric sphincter, this muscle
starts to relax
 Stomach contractions push chyme into small intestine a little at
a time
Mixing and Emptying
 Rate of emptying depends on consistency and type of food
 Liquids pass faster than solids
 Fatty foods – remain in stomach for 3-6 hrs
 Proteins move through quicker than fats
 Carbohydrates move the fastest
 As chyme enters small intestine, accessory organs begin to
add their secretions
 Closely associated with small intestine
 Near C-shaped curve of duodenum
 Pancreatic acinar cells secrete pancreatic juice and make up
bulk of organ
 Pancreatic duct extends length of pancreas
 Hepatopancreatic sphincter controls movement of juices into
 Pancreatic juice contains many enzymes to digest fats, carbs,
nucleic acids and proteins
 Pancreatic amylase – splits molecules of starch or glycogen
into disaccharides
 Pancreatic lipase – breaks down triglycerides into fatty acids
and glycerol
 Trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase – split bonds in
 Heaviest organ in body – about 3lbs
 Located in upper right quadrant, just below diaphragm
 Partially surrounded by the ribs
 Reddish-brown in color
 Well supplied with blood vessels
Liver Functions
General Function
Specific Function
Carb Metabolism
Polymerizes glucose  glycogen,
breaks down glycogen to glucose,
converts non-carbs to glucose
Lipid Metabolism
Oxidizes fatty acids, synthesizes
lipoproteins, phospholipids and
cholesterol; converts portions of
carbs and proteins into fats
Protein Metabolism
Deaminates amino acids, forms
urea, synthesizes plasma proteins;
converts amino acids
Stores glycogen, iron, Vit A, D, B12
Blood Filtering
Removes damaged RBC and
foreign substances
Removes toxins from blood
Secretes Bile
 Yellowish – green liquid, continuously secreted from hepatic
 Contain: Water, bile salts, bile pigments (bilirubin & biliverdin),
cholesterol, electolytes
 Affect fat globules by breaking them down into smaller
droplets = emulsification
 Pear shaped sac on livers inferior surface
 Connects to cystic duct  common hepatic duct  common
bile duct duodenum
 Stores bile between meals, reabsorbs water to concentrate
bile, contracts to release bile to small intestine
 Hepatopancreatic sphincter guards exit
 Gall stones may block this sphincter
Small Intestine
 Consists of 3 main parts:
 Duodenum – most fixed part, C-shaped
 Jejunum
 Ileum
 Jejunum and ileum lie free in peritoneal cavity
 Small intestine in lined with intestinal villi – increase surface
area, increase absorption
Small Intestine
 Most important absorbing organ of alimentary canal
 Breaks down molecules into most basic form to be absorbed
 Uses peristaltic movements
Small Intestine
 Chyme moves slowly, taking 3-10hrs to pass through
 If small intestine wall becomes irritated a strong peristaltic rush
may force contents through small intestine without absorbing
water, nutrients or electrolytes = diarrhea
Large Intestine
 1.5 meters long
 Begins in lower right quadrant of abdominal cavity where
ileum joins cecum
 From there, ascends on right side, crosses to left, and descends
into pelvic cavity
 Opens to outside of body as the anus
Large Intestine
 Absorbs water and electrolytes from remaining chyme
 Forms and stores feces
 Made up of:
 Cecum
 Colon
 Rectum
 Anal canal
Large Intestine
 Cecum – closed end has the appendix
 Colon – divided into 4 portions
 Ascending colon – begins at cecum and travels upward
 Transverse colon – longest, most moveable part
 Descending colon – transverse colon turns abruptly downward
 Sigmoid colon – S-shaped curve that becomes the rectum
Large Intestine
 Lacks villi
 Longitudinal muscle fibers form 3 distinct bands lengthwise
(teniae coli) that extend the length of colon
 Exert tension lengthwise creating haustra, series of pouches
Large Intestine
 Mucus is the only significant secretion
 Mucus protects wall of large intestine from abrasive action of
material passing through it
Diseases & Disorders
 Acute inflammation of appendix
 May be caused by obstruction of intestinal lumen
 Generalized abdominal pain that localized to right lower
 Nausea, vomiting, anorexia
 Rebound tenderness
 Chronic disease of liver that causes destruction of liver cells
 Late signs: Bleeding gums, anemia, enlarged liver, jaundice,
 Can only be confirmed with liver biopsy
 Causes: malnutrition associated with alcoholism, hepatitis
 Inflammation of the colon
 Signs: tenderness, discomfort
 Can be acute(bacterial) or chronic (allergy, emotional distress,
or other disease)
 Artificial opening of colon, allowing fecal material to be
excreted through abdominal wall
 Named for area of colon involved (ascending, transverse,
descending, sigmoid)
 Big emotional/physical adjustment
Crohn’s Disease
 Inflammation of any portion of GI tract, but most common in
 Involves all layer of intestinal wall  edema, ulceration,
narrowing, formation of abscesses/fistulas
 Symptoms: Diarrhea (4-6x daily), bloody stools, weight loss,
difficulty handling stress
 Inflammation of stomach and intestines (traveler’s diarrhea,
food poisoning)
 Symptoms: fever, nausea, abdominal cramping, diarrhea
 Treatment: Bedrest, increased fluid intake, antibiotics, IV fluids
Gastroesophageal Reflux
Disease (GERD)
 Backflow of gastric contents back through cardiac sphincter
 Symptoms: heartburn, angina-like pain, morning hoarseness,
 Treatment: OTC antacids, H2 blockers (Pepcid AC)
 Inflammation and infection of liver than can result in
destruction of liver cells and possibly death
 A,B, and C are the most common types
Hepatitis A
 Transmits through fecal matter
 Symptoms: abdominal pain, jaundice, loss of appetite, nausea,
 Liver will heal over a few weeks - months
Hepatitis B
 Transmitted through blood and body fluid
 Can cause chronic infection
 Has flu-like symptoms
 May cause liver damage
 Easily prevented with vaccine
Hepatitis C
 May present without symptoms
 Spread through blood and body fluids
 75-80% of people develop long-term infection and will need
liver transplant
 In recent years, a medication called Harvoni has been
developed than may cure the infection in 8-12 weeks
 Protrusion of internal organ through natural opening
 Types:
 Hiatal – stomach protrudes through diaphragm
 Inguinal – hernia of inguinal rings (near groin)
 Inflammation of pancreas can be acute or chronic
 Symptoms: Epigastric pain not relieved by vomiting, a severe
attack may cause severe pain, vomiting, rigid abdomen,
tachycardia, fever
 Treatment: Complicated, decrease pancreatic secretions,
relieve pain, maintain adequate fluids
Peptic Ulcer
 Encircled lesion in mucous membrane lining of stomach, lower
esophagus, duodenum, jejunum
 Duodenal - Heart burn, epigastric pain relieved by food,
attacks occur when stomach is empty
 Gastric – heartburn, indigestion, pain in left epigastric area,
feeling of fullness, cause pain after eating
Ulcerative Colitis
 Inflammatory disease, often chronic, that affects mucosa of
 Produces congestion edema, mucosal lining breaks down,
ulcers form
 Primarily affects young adult females
 Symptoms – frequent bloody stool, often containing mucus
Ulcerative Colitis
 Causes: Family history, bacterial infection, emotional stress,
autoimmune reaction
 Treatment: Controlling inflammation, maintaining nutrition and
blood volume, preventing complications
 Bed rest, IV fluid, clear liquid diet, pain medication